Mesmerizing: A Sokeefe Fanfic...

By A_S_Pyren

82.3K 1.2K 2.5K

*CONTAINS SPOILERS FROM LEGACY* Sophie rushes Keefe to Elwin after the fight in Loanmore. She loyally stays b... More

At the Healing Center
Healing Center 2
Back to Foxfire
Moving On
The Talk
Alden's Talk
Shores of Solace
Healing Center Keefe's POV
Fitz's Visit Keefe POV
First Class Keefe's POV
Calla's Tree Keefe's POV
First Date Keefe's POV
First Date Sophie POV
Lord Cassius POV
Desperate Fitz's POV
The Cache
Empath-Mesmer Keefe's POV
The Cache Part 2
Evelyn/Confessions Pt 2
Keefe's Birthday
A Surprise Visit
Interrogation Keefe POV
Reflection Evelyn POV
Phase 3
Phase 3 Pt 2
Fostered It Keefe POV

Interrogation Sophie POV

1.6K 26 22
By A_S_Pyren

Sophie had started to regain consciousness. As the black faded away, she blinked hard and looked up to a girl standing in front of her. The girl studied her with slight curiosity in her eyes before giving her a smirk. 

The girl wore all black and was lean and lithe as a panther. She had sky blue eyes framed by dark eyelashes, dramatic features, and long dark hair. The ends were different shades of red, orange, and yellow, accurately mimicking fire. It was terrifying yet mesmerizing. 

Her eyes were particularly intriguing. They seemed to glow and radiate warmth. Almost like . . . fire. That's when Sophie remembered the girl was a Pyrokinetic. 

She burned Mr. Forkle's tree. Her insides burned with rage as she glared at the girl.

"I see you're beginning to remember what happened," she said, a little bored. 

Sophie snarled, "You're a monster."

She shrugged. "If I'm a monster, what does that make you?"

Sophie wasn't sure how to respond. 

"Sophie, I am you. But better." Her eyes met Sophie's brown ones. "So what does that make you?"

Sophie couldn't stop herself from whispering, "Something much worse."

The girl laughed.

"Why am I here?" Sophie glanced around the room but it was a bland room. Everything apart from the girl was quite bland, to be honest. 

"You know why. I know you're trying to memorize your surroundings, trying to find really anything that could help you escape and be beneficial for your friends. It's not going to work. Everything is meant to be forgettable. I saw to it."

"What do you mean, forgettable?"

"Forgettable in the same way the face of someone wearing an addler is forgettable. Nothing you see will help you, your friends, or the boy," she hissed. 

Sophie paled. "What have you done with him?!"

"Nothing yet. But don't worry. I have plenty in store for both of you," she whispered in Sophie's ear. 

She studied those sky blue eyes. They were warm and flickering as expected of a Pyrokinetic but unbearably cold. 

"I know you."

"Yes. You do," the girl rewarded her with another smirk.

"You're Evelyn, aren't you? Mr. Forkle told us about you," Sophie's eyes widened a little bit at the slip but she urged herself to keep going. "You're Project Moonlark aren't you?"

"Nice try but I caught that slip. I know there's two Forkles. You just confirmed it. Thanks," she beamed, knowing it would anger Sophie. "And what did he tell you? That I was kidnapped?"

"Something like that." Sophie tried to act as cool and collected as Evelyn and possibly get something out of her. 

"Lies. Pathetic lies. I was born in the elvin world and a born a part of the Black Swan. I defected. I chose the Neverseen. And . . . I'm your older sister."

Sophie stared at her. "You really are?"

Evelyn nodded. 

"Who's my, um, our father?"

"Take a guess. After all, I resemble him greatly."

The words tasted bitter in her mouth as she whispered, "Fintan."

Evelyn grinned. "I know you know that Oralie's our mother. Think of this as my gift to you. I'll give you something you want to know in exchange for all the valuable things I'm going to be getting out of you."

Sophie stared at her. This cruel, manipulative elf was her sister. How?

She glared at her. "You think you're so clever, but you'll never win. I will escape. We've beaten you before."

"Have you? Have you really? Think carefully." Evelyn paused then continued, "You count any fight that you can walk away from with suffering at most moderate damages a win. That is not a win. At best, you have captured Gisela and killed some insignificant members."

"You consider Brant and Umber insignificant?" Sophie searched but found no mercy in Evelyn's eyes. 

"I consider anyone who does not and/or cannot get the job done, a hindrance. Brant and Umber . . . were casualties. The loss of Umber is . . . regrettable but not irreplaceable."

"Evelyn, they were two of your own people."

"They were no people of mine," she replied, harshly.

"How do you not care about them?"

"I have my ways. Guilt does not affect me the way it does to you."

Sophie looked at Evelyn. Elves could wipe each other out if they were evil enough. Guilt was really the only thing holding them back. If Evelyn didn't feel the effects . . . it definitely wasn't good. 

"And while I appreciated your boldness, Sophie," Evelyn began, filling in the silence. "It isn't enough for you to win this war. You think you can escape. You think you can outwit me. This is a game of chess, Sophie. You are playing against a master. You can't win this. I am not Brant. I am not Ruy. I am not Umber. I am not Gisela. I am not even Fintan."

She paused to take out a gleaming crystal choker. Her registry pendant. It fell to the ground and Evelyn stomped it with her boot. She lifted her foot to reveal glittering crystal dust. 

"I am Evelyn Pyren. Every move I make, every word I say, every action I do is for a reason. I'll see you later, little sister," she finished in a normal voice. Evelyn left.

Sophie fingered the cold metal binding her hands behind her back. All the weapons from her secret pockets had been taken. Her pendant was destroyed.

When Evelyn first came, she had felt vulnerable. Instead, she had been wounded with words. Sophie realized what she had meant. Evelyn was a brilliant tactical strategist with far superior intellect than most elves. They might never escape from here. And if they did, it'd be Evelyn's choice. 

This was not going to be an easy battle to win. Sophie doubted if they even could win. 

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