Only Time Can Tell

By ShaunaRoberts304

133 0 4

Sally-Ann Neil had been working in Paris as a top paying model for 5yrs and was now making her way back to h... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three.
Chapter four
Chapter Five...
Chapter Six.
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight.
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten.
Chapter Eleven. ...
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen. ..
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen...
Chapter Sixteen. ..
Chapter Seventeen. .
Chapter Nineteen. .
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-one...
Chapter Twenty-two
Chapter Twenty-three
Chapter Twenty-Four.
Chapter Twenty-five.
Chapter Twenty-six
Chapter twenty-seven
Chapter twenty-eight
Chapter twenty-nine.
Chapter Thirty.

Chapter 18

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By ShaunaRoberts304

In the morning  Luke was up running around like a chook without a head, trying to put his little surprise  trip away for the next 2 weeks together without the girls catching onto what he was doing. He already had his bag packed and in  the car. 
He had only just got off the phone as the girls walked into the kitchen   and poured themselves  a coffe.

Within an hour, both the girls had shoved their personals  into their own over night  bag and went out to meet Luke at the car.
Placing the bags in the back of the car, they then climbed into the car and were  soon on there way.

"Where are we going Uncle Luke?" Skyanne asked.

"It's  a surprise  sweetheart," Luke answered.

Driving for an hour, Luke turned off the highway and headed down an old dirt road towards Lake Mc Ardle.

Twenty minutes  later they pulled up in a parking bay, got out  grabbed all their gear, locked the car up and followed Luke down the pathway leading to the lake.  Coming  to a complete,Luke stretched  out his arms wide and said," Surprise! "

"It's  a houseboat,"  both the girls said looking straight at it puzzled.

Following Luke aboard, they checked out the kitchen  area, the huge T.V set in the lounge area  and sleeping  area.
Both Karen and Sally-Ann  went and unpacked there belongings,  while Skyanne went with her Uncle Luke  up to the wheel house.

Turning on the engine, Luke steered  the houseboat   up and around a bend and decided to pitched camp there for the night, as he dropped the anchor.

Enjoying  the rest of the afternoon  together, they sat back gas-bagging away,  laughing and joking and enjoying each others company.
When dead on sunset, Luke excused  himself to go  make a start on dinner.

He had put  togethera lobster ith butter sause, a few morton bay bugs, prawns and a variety  of different salads.
Next he made the table up, placing down a clean white table cloth  the finest china , knifes, forks and 3 champagne  glasses and a cup for Skyanne. In the center of the table he had placed lite candles and a ice bucket   with a bottle of bubbly.  Then he czlled out for the girls to join him.

Walking into the room , both girls came to a complete stop.  Gob smacked, they took a look around at what Luke had set up.

"Oh my, this is absolutely  breath taking Luke," Sally-Ann  said as she took a seat at the end of the table.

Dinner went extremely  well, both Karen and Sally-Ann   throughly enjoyed it. Once everything was done, they all moved out onto the deck for a few drinks. Just watching the moonlight dance across the  stilled water, they spoke about there plans for the next two weeks.
Some of the ideas they came up with sounded interesting and they put them  into plan.

At the crack of dawn, Luke woke uptothe rays of sunlight shinnining through the blinds. He crawled out of his bed  threw back the blinds, quickly got dressed and went to the kitchen to start on preparing things for their little outting. He  made up sandwiches , packed some drinks  and placed them inside a backpack.

Not long after breakfast, Luke, Karen, Sally-Ann  and Skyanne got themselves ready for there day out out exploring the Lake.
It wasa pleasant day... Not a cloud, in the sky. The sun was shining  brightly outside and it was peaceful.

Helping the girls into the tinnie, they soon venture  over to the other side of Lake Mc Ardle.

Pulling up to the shoreline, Luke dropped the anchor, climbed out of the tinnie and went tied itto a log. As Sally-Ann,  Karen and Skyanne  also climbed out of the tinnie, they took a quick  glance around and nodded their heads in approval.

Following a tack they soon came  upon an entrance of a cave.  Stopping  just out the very front of it Luke  said,"  What do you say we check this out? Who knows what we might find?" Luke said.

"Bats, thats what we'll find... dirty flithy  digusting bats.  Or maybe worse.... A big angry bear!  No, on second thoughts - I'll stay here,"  Karen ranted.

"Oh come on now, dont be daft.This isn't Jellystone park and you sure wont find Yogi bear in there having a picnic ,"Luke told her.

Grabbing her hand, Sally-Ann  lead her into the cave, asuring her everything would be fine.
Taking a look  around the cave, young Skyanne  found an old lantern and a gold minding pan.

Walking further into the cave, they explored somemore and soon  came across some aboriginal  paintings on the wall of the caves. Karen pulled out here camera and clicked away. She got some amazing shots and made a note to look up what story the paintings were telling.

On the other side of the cave, they stumbled across a small stream.  Skyanne was curious  as to what the pan in her bag was used for, so Luke demonstrated  how the pan was used back in the olden days. She watched and listened to all Luke was telling her, then she had a go at it and smiled as she looked up at her Aunt who took her picture.

After  having a bite to eat and a quick dip in the stream, they pondered on further till they came across an old cabin.Taking a quick glance  inside they were amazed by what they found. All  these really olden day stuff just sitting there rottening away to nothing. Both the girls were  shocked and couldn't believe non of the items were taken to a historical  village.

Back on  the houseboat,  Luke, Karen, Sally-Ann  and Skyanne  all had a quick  dunk under the shower to freshen up  a bit before dinner.
Luke went to the kitchento start on something simple for dinner,  while the girls watched a bit of telly with Skyanne.

Once dinner  was completed , everyone went out onto the deck to relax a bit  before calling  it a night.

As the next few days progressed,  Luke did some serious fishing,  while the girls did some sun -baking.
Luke had hired two jetskies for the day and went out riding on them around  Lake Mc Ardle. He took Skyanne  with him and Sally-Ann  went along with Karen.

But as their two  weeks hoilday  came to an end, everyone was feeling a little disappointed about leaving.
They packed up their belongings, placed them into the car and were soon heading back home.
Within half an hour Skyanne  was sound asleep with Hope curled up on her lap.

            I hope you like this chapter. 

Please feel free to leave a like or a comment .
As your comments mean alot to me and will help me to try and improve my writing.
                             Regards Shauna

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