BTS One Shots [Requests Close...

By JungshookiEsha

23.1K 398 54

Random updates :p And requests are closed for now. Will be working on requests that I have already received More

Drunk Night (Jimin x Reader)
Babysitter (Kids!BTS x Babysitter!Reader)
Party Meeting (Jungkook x Reader)
Home At Last (Yoongi x Reader)
Lil' Meow Meow? (Hybrid!Yoongi x Reader)
Britain's Got Talent (BTS x Reader)
Siblings《Babysitter Pt. 2》(Kids!BTS x Babysitter!Reader)
Unexpected Talents + Love (Seokjin x Reader)
My Fallen Angel (FallenAngel!Taehyung x Reader)
Better Off (Namjoon x Reader)
Scars Run Deep (Arrogant!Jimin x Abused!Reader)
My Forever《Unexpected Talents + Love Pt. 2》(Seokjin x Reader)
Our Pinocchio (BTS x Angel!Reader)
I'm Here (Yoongi x Reader)
Zookeeper (Hybrid!Taehyung x Reader)
Sister Shock (Yoongi x Reader)
Not-So-Real Bodyguard (Innocent!Jungkook x Delinquent!Reader)
Filter (Jimin x Reader)
My Time (Jungkook x Reader)
Inner Child (Taehyung x Reader)
Moon (Seokjin x Reader)
Goodbyes《Babysitter Finale》(Kids!BTS x Babysitter!Reader)
Coming Together 《Sister Shock Pt. 2》(Yoongi x Reader)
Unexpected Binding Ties (Yoongi x Reader)
it's been a while...

I'll Always Protect You (Jimin x Pregnant!Reader)

1.1K 25 4
By JungshookiEsha

Requested by SharkAttack100


"Jimin, I have amazing news!" You shouted, running into the living room to see your husband. You had a huge smile on your face and you couldn't wait to tell him the news you had in store.

Jimin turned to you, seeing you hopping up and down in excitement. He smiled and approached you, putting his hands on your shoulders to calm you down. He chucked when he realized how childish you looked. 'Cute,' he thought.

You slowly stopped jumping and looked up at him with pure happiness. "What are you so excited to tell me about?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

As soon as he asked that, the smile on your face grew even bigger and you pulled him into a tight hug. Jimin didn't think too much of it and just hugged you back, knowing that you couldn't think of a better way to express your joy. But he really wanted to know what you were so happy about. He pulled away from the hug, "Now can you please tell me what's going on?" He asked, a small smile on his face.

With a huge smile, you pulled out a positive pregnancy test from your pocket. You showed it to Jimin proudly and watched as his eyes widened in pure shock and happiness. He instantly picked you up in a bear hug and began spinning you around. You laughed as he continuously spun you around, something you kind of expected from him.

After about a minute, he put you down and kissed you. You kissed back for those few seconds then smiled brightly at him. You both wanted to have kids and now you were pregnant, a little human growing inside of you that will be a combination of you and Jimin.

And now two months have gone by so quickly. Your baby bump was becoming more and more visible as time went by. You were standing in front of a mirror, admiring the bump through Jimin's shirt that fit loosely over your body. You were so focused on your little bump that you didn't notice Jimin getting out of bed. He wrapped his arms around your waist in a back-hug, resting his head on your shoulder. You laughed as he snuggled his head in your neck, kissing it lightly.

"Jimin, stop~ You have to get ready for practice today." You breathed out, pulling Jimin's arms off of your body.

He tried to pull you back into the hug but you dodged his reach, leaving your bedroom and going down into the kitchen. "(Y/N)~ One more hug~" He whined but you laughed, "Not until you get ready."

You heard Jimin groan tiredly before hearing the bed squeak. You knew that he threw himself back onto the bed. That was his way of making you go back up and drag him out again, him asking for something from you before actually getting up. But you knew this trick. He's done it so many times since you started living together. So instead of going back to your bedroom, you shouted, "If you don't get out of bed and get ready in the next ten minutes, you won't get any kisses for the week!"

As soon as you said that, you heard quick footsteps and the bathroom sink running. You laughed to yourself as you began making breakfast. You decided to make something small for Jimin, something that he can snack on while he's going to and during practice. So you grabbed a few fruits and began cutting them up.

While you were placing the fruits in a container, you heard Jimin running around the house. "What are you looking for?" You asked, not even looking at him.

"I'm looking for my phone. I thought I picked it up last night from the couch. Did you see it anywhere?"

"Try calling it, my phone's on the coffee table." You told him, finishing up and putting it in his bag.

You leaned against the doorframe, watching as he called his phone. You could hear the vibration coming from somewhere inside the kitchen. You followed it, listening carefully. You eventually ended up in front of the fridge, opening it and seeing his phone in one of the drawers. You took it out and showed it to him, "How did you manage to leave your phone in the fridge?"

He quickly grabbed it from your hand, pecking your cheek. "I guess I was really tired from practice. I hope it isn't too damaged." He sighed, examining the phone.

"Didn't you tell me you needed a new one anyways?" You asked, taking your phone from his hand.

Jimin shrugged then checked the time. His eyes widened when he saw what time it was. "I'm gonna be late." He said quickly, giving you a quick kiss before grabbing his bag and rushing to put his shoes on.

"You're always late. You 'Jimin' everyday," you joked. "That's why the others made you being late an action."

Jimin rolled his eyes but smiled, "Fine. But I can always say that I was taking care of my beautiful pregnant wife."

You sighed and crossed your arms, "Don't tell me that you've been using that as an excuse for the last two months?"

Jimin stayed quiet for a second before opening the door. "I have to go, babe. I'll see you later."

Before you could say anything, Jimin winked at you and shut the door behind him. You shook your head, a small smile on your face. You went back into the kitchen, looking around for something to eat. But as you looked, you realized that you had to do groceries. You sighed, going up to your room and grabbing some clothes. You went into the bathroom and took a quick shower, brushing your teeth then getting dressed.

You grabbed your purse and car keys. You were about to go down the stairs but remembered that you left your phone in your room. But right when you turned around to go back into your room, you lost your balance and everything felt like it happened in slow motion.

You began falling back, your arms trying to find something to grab onto. But you couldn't get a proper grip on anything around you. The railing felt like it was moving away from you as you fell back. Soon enough, you felt a heavy impact hit your back and you began tumbling down the stairs. There was nothing you could do, nothing that could help you.

Eventually everything stopped. You suddenly stopped moving and it was completely quiet. Your hands instinctively went up to your head, everything around you spinning. You couldn't feel your legs. You slowly opened your eyes and looked around. You could see your leg and it was in a weird position. You tried moving it but you couldn't.

You managed to prop yourself up and sit up. You saw how your left leg bent outwards, no way of you being able to move it properly. With your hands, you lifted your leg and moved it in a better position. But as you did, you wanted to scream out in pain. You somehow managed to bring back the feeling in your leg while you were moving it. You felt tears prick the corner of your eyes as you set down your leg.

You reached for the railing, pulling yourself up. You stood up, all of your weight going onto your right leg. You put your hand on your stomach, hoping that your baby was okay but you wouldn't know unless you went to the hospital. You had to call an ambulance.

Slowly, you hopped up the stairs. You had to get your phone and call an ambulance for yourself. You weren't going to call Jimin right after. You were planning on calling him after you were done at the hospital, hopefully that was before he finished practice. You didn't want to call him and make him leave practice. You knew you were important to him but you also knew that his career was just as important and he would never give it up.

After about fifteen minutes, you managed to make it to the top of the stairs. You dragged your leg along the floor as you entered your bedroom, grabbing your phone and calling an ambulance. You explained what happened and they sent paramedics right away. During the phone call, you kept your free hand around your stomach, hoping more than anything that your baby was safe.

The paramedics got to your house in less that ten minutes and you heard them knocking. You were still on the phone with the operator and told her that the door was unlocked. She sent the message to the paramedics and they opened the door. The operator told you that her work was done and hung up. You didn't think too much of it since there are other emergencies that need to be tended to.

You heard a lot of footsteps coming up the stairs and saw three paramedics. You smiled at them and they did the same but as one of them approached you to look at your leg, he noticed your baby bump. His eyes widened as he realized that you were pregnant and you fell down the stairs. As you were explaining what happened to the operator, it seemed like you forgot to mention the fact that you were pregnant.

You saw how he was staring at your stomach and you smiled nervously, "She didn't ask." You quietly said, earning a laugh from all of them.

They proceeded to help you stand up, helping you go down the stairs and into the ambulance. During the ride there, they talked to you to help you forget about any discomfort or pain in your body. You knew they were trying to be nice but you continued to grow worried for your baby.

As soon as you reached the hospital, they made you sit on a wheelchair. They rolled you into an operating room, calling on doctors and nurses to treat your leg and check on the baby. You waited for only a few minutes before two doctors and a nurse came in. They helped you sit on the hospital bed and proceeded to do a full check-up, which took about an hour.

When they finished, they left you alone to get the proper results and a cast for your leg. You decided to use this time to check your phone. And checking your phone was something you should've done earlier.

Even though it's only been about two hours since Jimin left for practice, there were a lot of missed calls and messages from Jimin. For the past two months, he would use every opportunity to call and text you to make sure you were okay. And seeing that you didn't answer that quickly, he became concerned and kept calling you.

You decided to send him a quick text, letting him know that you're okay. He replied right away, asking about you being in the hospital. You were confused because you didn't say anything about being at the hospital or even alluded to the fact that you were. But then you realized that it was probably the doctors, who had to look through your information to find your medical records and happened to stumble upon Jimin being your emergency contact.

You began typing your reply to Jimin but he sent another message before you finished yours. He told you that he was going to come to the hospital to which you responded, reassuring him that you're fine and can handle yourself. But he didn't listen, only telling you again that he was leaving practice to take care of you. You couldn't help but to smile and shake your head, knowing how protective he can become towards you.

The doctor that checked on you came back into the room soon after with a nurse. As the nurse began tending to your leg, the doctor explained what damage was done. "Mrs. Park, you were very lucky today. Your baby managed to survive the tumble you had and is completely healthy." Hearing this made you sigh out in relief and the doctor continued, "Unfortunately, your left leg broke during the fall. We highly recommend that you put minimal pressure on it and try not to walk around too much. I know it may be hard since you're pregnant but you'll have to try. Your leg will take about three months to properly heal. During the third month, you'll be allowed to walk around a bit more and you'll only be able to put pressure on it for a short amount of time. Are there any questions?"

You processed all of the information the doctor had said then shook your head, not having any lingering questions. The doctor smiled, "Great. After those three months, come back here and we'll take your cast off. Your husband should be here soon to pick you up."

"Thank you, doctor." You mumbled, sending a small smile to him before he left. The nurse continued to put on the cast, sitting next to you as you waited for it to harden. As you waited, the nurse began making conversation with you. Asking about family, friends, career, other things just to have time go by quicker.

And it did. Soon enough, Jimin was running into your hospital room with a wheelchair. The nurse greeted him with a smile before leaving the room, waving to you. You smiled and thanked her, turning to Jimin right after. He came up to you and hugged you. You laughed at how he was being and patted his back. "Jimin, I'm fine."

He pulled away and looked at your leg. He sighed, "And this is why I'd rather be late to practice."

You laughed again and he smiled at you. He pushed the wheelchair closer to the bed, helping you sit in it. He made sure you were comfortable before he began pushing you out of the room, a different nurse stopping him and holding crutches. She followed the two of you all the way to the exit, telling Jimin to bring his car closer to make it easier for you. And he did.

Jimin took the crutches from the nurse and put them in the backseat of his car, thanking her before helping you inside. You drove home in silence, Jimin holding your hand the entire drive. You knew that he was being protective over you, he always was, but you could tell that it was heightened by a lot.

When you got home, he quickly ran to your side of the car and opened the door for you. He grabbed the crutches from the backseat before he went to your door again. He gave you the crutches to hold then picked you up bridal style, almost making you drop them. You could tell that Jimin was struggling a bit as he walked up the few stairs you had that led to your front door.

You reached into your pocket and unlocked the door quickly so Jimin didn't struggle too much. "You can let me down now. I can use the crutches." You told him, knowing that he was already pretty tired from practice.

But he shook his head and carried you all the way to your living room. He let you sit as he took off your shoes, putting them near the door. Jimin then took the crutches and put them in a corner, wanting to sit next to you. You tried standing up, feeling a bit of discomfort but Jimin ran to you right away. "Hey, you're not supposed to stand. Whatever you want to get, I'll get it for you." Jimin said reassuringly, gently pushing you back down to sit.

"I-It's not that I don't want something," you began, stuttering at how awkward you felt. He noticed your discomfort and asked, "What's wrong?"

"I have to go use the washroom." You spoke quietly, looking down a bit embarrassed.

Jimin looked at you and began laughing at how cute you sounded. Your cheeks began heating up a lot. Jimin stopped laughing and helped you up, "(Y/N), you're so cute. You don't have to be so embarrassed. Let me help you."

He put one of your arms around his shoulder and his arm around yours. "I'm sorry, Jimin." You suddenly apologized.

Jimin looked at you confusedly, "Why? It's not your fault you fell down the stairs."

You shook your head, "Not that." You stopped and bit your lip, thinking about how you had to say this. "You're going to have to help me do this for three months."

Jimin chuckled and continued helping you to the bathroom. He pulled down your pants and underwear for you. He let you do your business before helping you clean yourself. You managed to pull up your pants yourself and wash your hands. Jimin helped you walk back into the living room, having you sit down on the couch and giving you the remote for the TV.

As you were scrolling through Netflix, you could hear Jimin running around in the kitchen looking for stuff. And then you remembered what you were supposed to do earlier. "Jimin," you called to get his attention. "I was supposed to do some grocery shopping but then this happened."

Jimin quickly ran to the front door, hastily putting on his shoes. "Then I'll go. I know what we need so I won't be long. Don't move, I'll be back in like fifteen minutes."

Before you could protest, the door slammed shut. You sighed and leaned back, picking some random movie. When you were about halfway through the movie, the door opened and you could hear the rustle of bags. "I'm back!" Jimin exclaimed, struggling to bring in all of the bags.

You slowly stood up, grabbing your crutches and you made your way to the front door. Jimin didn't notice you for a few minutes as he tried to fit all of the bags through the door. He somehow managed to but a lot of things fell out of the bag in the process.

You laughed and that's when Jimin noticed you. He dropped all of the bags, pushing you towards the couch. He took your crutches and put them farther from you. You laughed at how overprotective he was being. He kept running around the house, bringing in the groceries and packing them up.

After what felt like forever, he came into the living room with some snacks and drinks. You turned to him with a small smile, "You didn't have to do all of that for me. I could've ordered them online."

"But I know you prefer going there and getting everything. I had to do the same thing you do. I don't want you to be upset about something they missed or got wrong. I want you to be happy," Jimin said softly.

You cringed at the last thing he said, wanting to tease him a bit. He knew what you were doing and laughed, looking at you with pure admiration and love in his eyes. Wanting to show this love, he kissed you without warning. You were caught off guard but kissed him back. He pulled away and leaned his forehead against yours, "Let me tell you that you can count on me for anything. I'll always be here for you to make sure you're happy with everything, even if something gets in the way. And I'll always be here to protect you."

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