Dust Devils - A Girls Und Pan...

By _---AAHW---_

28.9K 705 913

From the sands of the Mojave, Valarie Woodlin of Mojave Rose High School has been a passionate fan of the spo... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Mojave Rose v. Bascom
Chapter 6
Mojave Rose v. Oceanside
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Mojave Rose V. Valentine
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Mojave Rose v. Old Dominion
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Mojave Rose v Mustang Middle College
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Mojave Rose v. Molly Pitcher
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Mojave Rose v. Palatine Academy
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Mojave Rose v. Port Chalmers
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
The Trinity Match
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
A Message From The Author
Mojave Rose v. Dunant Preparatory
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92

Chapter 22

280 9 18
By _---AAHW---_

On a lonely road, the T-44 drove. The road looked abandoned, not maintained is god knows how many years. They were cracks in the asphalt and here and there, were pits in the road. The road was flanked by a thick, pine forest. So thick that the crew could only see a few feet into the forest before their vision was totally obscured. The machine traveled to a point in the road where there was an overlook. It revealed that the road led to a commercial dock, long derelict much like the road. From their position, they saw the tall cranes that would've hauled containers onto huge ships. Its yellow paint long faded and chipping away. In another area were the containers themselves. Stacked on top of each other in high piles. They were rusting away. Occasionally, they were the sounds of galls flying about over the dock. The squawks of these birds were hideous ones, not at all charming or harmonious as the birds that sang back home. Then there were the harbors that would've been the spaces were the containers ships would be when they would load their cargo. Now they were empty, with only the cold ocean water splashing against it, waves spraying. The T-44 halted at this overlook and its hatches opened. Out came Valarie, fiddling with her radio.

"Anything?" Emma asked.

"Nothing. No one is responding. Just...static. We're on our own."

There was a strong feeling of anxiety among the T-44 crew but they remained undeterred. There was a match to win. The vehicle was ordered to press on and soon reached the docks below. They drove by buildings of various types such as restrooms and offices. All of them in various stages of decay. The ocean got rougher and water began to splash down onto the docks. Nearly getting on them. The sky above them was complete overcast and, periodically, there was a strong gust of wind. As they drove slowly around the docks, there was another feeling shared among them. The feeling of being watched. The turret rotated as it scanned the environment for potential targets. Though it seemed, save for them, the docks were devoid of any life. This feeling, nonetheless, existed.

"Stop here." Valarie ordered.

The tank stopped in the middle of the docks, structures surround them. One of these buildings had two massive doors facing them, and they were wide open. It was some kind of depot, Valarie thought. The interior of the structure was absolutely shrouded in darkness. But was darkness the only thing inside? For whatever reason, this building captivated her. She peered into the darkness and realized, far too late, that the darkness was looking right back at her. Her vision was suddenly blinded by a bright flash as something exploded. Something heading her way.

Valarie was jolted awake from the dream she just had. It was the most vivid one she had to date. She has dreams one per year at best and already she has two this early in the year? Wild. Her breathing was quick and she could feel her heart beating at a mile a minute. Valarie was on her stomach on her bed. Stuck to her face was her notes. She peeled them off and noticed that they were stained with her drool.


She had fallen asleep while studying, that she figured out quickly. The dream she just had ratcheted up her anxiety so she dug into her backpack and got out the candles and incense Buchanan had given her. She went to the kitchen to grab a lighter, moving past her napping mother on the couch. She dimmed her room as the calming materials were lit and their soothing aromas filled the air. Over time, she was put at ease. Her heartbeat normalized and breathing calmed. Legs crossed, her eyes were closed as she meditated. Her mind cleared as she entered into a state of tranquility. An indeterminable amount of time passed when she then felt a soft tap on her forehead.

"Reached enlightenment yet?" her mother teased.

"Getting there."

Her mother looked at all the ignited candles and incense.

"Where'd you get all this?"

"My instructor gave them to me to help relax."

"Looks like they're working."

She then grabbed some of the leftover, unlit, incense.

"I've always been meaning to try this out." her mother said, leaving the room.

Valarie resumed her attention to her studying. Her notes were strewn across her bed, some were all crumpled up as she had accidentally slept on them. She organized them all and browsed through them. To her great delight, Valarie by now was beginning to understand some of the material. An improvement over previously not understanding any of it. Sat on her bed, she took out the flashcards Emma had given her and looked through them. The chapter exam was this Friday. Passing it would mean she could go back on the team and return to her role as team captain. Failure...well...she didn't want to think about that. She was away from the team too long already. Valarie won't let anyone down.

Tuesday, March 26th 2013.

"What you two are proposing is..." Redwood mused.

"Is fantastic! I'm stunned no one else had thought of it before."

"Cool. So, do we get sledgehammers to bust that shelter open?" Ashley said

"Hold on now, there's a lot more included than just sledgehammers. It's not just school officials who'll have to be persuaded but the city as well. This process won't be done overnight, it'll take time."

The girls looked disappointed.

"Though, I imagine turning a bomb shelter would generate excitement which would expedite some things. And when the day comes to bust that place open, I'll make sure you two are there."

"As long as it happens before we graduate." Heather said.

The two girls left content. Redwood turned his attention to his computer. There were some important emails to compose.

Colorado Springs, Colorado

A popular joke about early American settlers during the 19th century is that as they traveled westward toward places like California or Oregon, they saw the Rocky Mountains and decided to forget about the west coast and settle where they stood. Can this be applied to Colorado Springs? Possibly not but the fact that the city is near the base of a mountain may make people think otherwise. That fact alone makes the city much different than Barstow but what cements the difference was the fact that it snowed. Being a mile above sea level would do that. The two cities do, however, have something in common; a relationship with the U.S military. Fort Irwin is not too far from Barstow, in fact, Mojave Rose's first match with Bascom was at a place that bordered the base. That installation is also the home of the U.S Army's National Training Center. Any tactic that the army wants to test is done there. For Colorado Springs, well, they serve as the headquarters for NORAD, North American Aerospace Defense Command. Being such an important apparatus of the U.S military, it is not surprising at all to learn that a good chunk of the city is working for the U.S Air Force in some capacity. That chunk includes MacKenzie Hayes. Having been with the Air Force for nearly all of her adult life, she had attained the rank of lieutenant colonel. Her office is located underneath the Cheyanne mountain, where the day to day activities of NORAD is conducted. Though, other than the excitement of the occasional drill, there was very much a routine that she had become accustomed too. At the end of the workday, she drove home to the nearby suburbs. When she went up and unlocked her door, she saw her daughter sitting on the couch, envelope in hand, with an excited face.

"You got something in the mail, mom" she said.

Hayes sat down with her daughter where she was given the envelope.

"If this is jury duty again, I swear to—"

She read the labeling on the envelope.

"Oh. The...association?"

"What did they send you?"

Hayes began to open the letter.

"Let's find out, shall we?'

The contents of the envelope were extracted. It was a card, made of quality material. She unfolded it and read aloud what it said.

"You, MacKenzie Hayes, have been invited to attend the 2013 Tankery Convention in Houston, Texas. Hmm"

Her daughter jumped from her seat.

"The convention! Wow! Why you though?"

"Well, I know the ATA for conventions gives away invitations to former tankers. Guess I'm real lucky."

"So, are you gonna go?"

Hayes looked at the invitation again for a few long moments.

"All expenses are taken care of by the Association so that'll save us some money."

She looked toward her daughter.

"Money that can be used to pay for your admission and plane ticket."

"I...get to go with you?!"

"Sure, why not? It'll be fun for both of us.

Hayes stood up and tucked the invitation in her pocket.

"One week in Houston. I wanted a vacation anyway."


The sun has now set and it was well into the evening. At her apartment, Buchanan rested upon her bed. In the solitude of her home, her mind was in a great contrast as it was constantly thinking. There was a lot going on. There was the issue of the SU-100's old carbon lining, the race at the convention, the convention itself, Valarie's current situation, and to top it all off, her role being a tankery instructor being in jeopardy. Buchanan saw it as obvious retaliation, yet, the argument against the proposed rule couldn't mention that or she'd look insane. Not unless she had the 'smoking gun' if there was such a thing. They feared her. A fear that was dormant for the past two decades and only now in the past few weeks has it been revitalized. Buchanan could feel that they were some cover-up in relation to the carbon lining. She had an inkling about what it was but it was only a theory and theories demanded proof. Would being at the tankery convention. A possibility. Getting to the truth, if possible, won't be as easy as asking. If anything, Buchanan fully expects to get a cold treatment. Expects it and prepares for it. What can they do that she hasn't already done to herself?


"They're here. The manuals." Penelope announced.

In her hand was a box. She laid it on the table before her. All giddy, Caroline tore open the box and got out one of the manuals from the top of the pile. It was a thick manual, more like a novel. On the cover was a superbly detailed picture of the tank it was for.

"It's...beautiful." she remarked.

"High quality. Every bit of the tank has been described in extreme detail. It's an all-together excellent manual, perhaps the best Patton Engineering has ever put out." Penelope explained.

She took the manual out of Caroline's hand and put it back in the box.

"Where's the crew you've chosen?" asked Penelope.

"At the meeting room, waiting for us."

"Alright, let's go."

The pair went to where the Molly Pitcher tankery team regularly met, with their garage being used almost as much. Their team was large, and as such, demanded a large room. This room was not some spare room that their school happened to not use. It was specifically designed for their tankery team. It resembled a small auditorium. With seats all over and at the front, a stage. A room usually filled near to the brim, for today, only housed six people when Penelope and Caroline arrived. They watched as the captain and co-captain walked to the front of the room. They didn't know why they were here, but understood that the reason they were here was important...and exciting.

"What's up? Why are we here?" asked one of the girls.

"You're here because you're veterans. You all have the most experience in tankery out of everyone else in the team. You have been on tankery teams since elementary school. Because of that, you've been selected for a special assignment."

Caroline's words had their full attention.

"The team is in its final stages of making another acquisition. When it arrives, you will be crewing it."

The six girls looked at each other with eager anticipation.

"What is our vehicle?" questioned another.

"This." Penelope said, holding the manual high in the air.

Gasps of surprise and awe came from all six of them. This was indeed, something special.

"Absolutely unreal. That thing is allowed in matches?"

"It is. Now, there is no firm date yet, but it is approximated that it'll be ready in two months give or take a few weeks. You will spend every waking moment from now till then reading your manuals. It is not enough to just be familiar with the material, but to become fanatical about it."

Each of the six was given their manuals. They all flipped through them with immense satisfaction, eyes eager and ready.

"When the tank arrives, it'll be the pride of the team and the envy of others. And you all have the esteem privileged of crewing it. Get studying."

The six members near bolted out of the room to race to their dorms to begin reading their manuals.

"Exciting times, huh?" Caroline said.

"Indeed." remarked Penelope.

Penelope walked toward one of the windows and gazed thoughtfully toward the outdoors. In the distance was their massive garage that house the entirety of their vehicles. Around its entrance were team members, mingling about. There was a certain serenity to the scene.

"Has all the preparations been made for the convention?" Penelope then asked.

"Yes, though they weren't many to begin with. The school isn't participating in any events. We're just going to be there."

"But we still have a purpose there. To scoop out the competition. Any school there we will face off against in the tournament. We need to learn about them and adjust strategy against our opponents as needed."

"And there is that race." Caroline reminded.

"Yes, of course, that race. Whoever wins will have a Panther II in their roster, perhaps the most modern tank any tankery team can have."

"In other words, they'll be a threat to us."

"No...not a threat." Penelope said softly.

"A threat implies that there's a chance, no matter how scant, of them beating us. We have no threats. Just targets."

"How's your studying coming along?" Emma asked.

"Good. I can honestly say that. The material is beginning to take root. I just hope that I can do enough to get ready for the test. I want to get back to the team as soon as possible."

"The T-44 feels pretty empty without you." Emma said.

Valarie felt a rush of blood to her cheeks.

"As if I need any more motivation." she said playfully.

She looked down toward the ground momentarily. A thought then entered her mind.

"Has the team looked at the map of the battlefield for the next match?" Valarie questioned

"No. Not yet."

"Strange. We usually do that by now. Are you guys waiting for me to come back?"

"I don't know. Maybe?"

"If so, I appreciate it, but the sooner the team knows the map the better. Ray is more than capable to take lead, especially with what he has done at the last practice."

"He did some things and has some ideas that are unique."

"Yeah...jack of all trades." Valarie said under her breath.

"Not a bad idea."


"Well, if she says so then alright." Buchanan said.

She got out copies of the map and set it down on the desk of the garage office.

"Get Ray in here please."

Emma left the office and a few moments later entered Ray.

"So what's up with maps?" he wondered

"Right here." Buchanan said, pointing to the pile at the desk.

"Get familiar with them and pass them out to the commanders."

Ray grabbed one of the maps and took a glance at it. His brows raised overseeing an interesting feature. One that hasn't been encountered before.

"That's new and not too far from our starting position. Hmm. I already got some ideas on what to do with that."

"That's good to hear. You know, it's time for an impromptu commander's meeting. Head on over to Room 34. Everyone else will join you shortly."

"You got it."

Ray gathered the materials and head straight to the room. There, he placed one of the maps onto the whiteboard. He then pulled down the projector screen to hide it as to surprise the commanders. As he was doing this, he thought of some other things to mention when the rest arrives. In a few short minutes, the door opened and in came in the commanders.

"Alright, lets see the battlefield." Natalie near demanded.

"Of course." Ray responded, yanking on the cord of the projector screen making it scroll up, revealing the map. When the commanders saw it, some of them made an 'ooo' sound. The interesting feature drew out the same fascinations he had.

"As you can see, there is something new for us to experience. Just ten miles from our starting position is an abandoned mining town. This is an excellent opportunity for this team it cut its teeth on urban warfare.

"Really...a town? Um, I don't really like the idea of close-quarters combat. Sounders super stressful." Sage commented.

"We could just avoid the town, but, I believe that we just can't avoid new things. What if for a match, the battlefield is a whole city."

"A city? Get real Ray." Jacqueline said.

"I am real. I've reviewed not only American tankery matches but foreign ones as well. The places matches are conducted are varied. Tundras, jungles, deserts, grasslands, and of course, a few cities."

"What city would allow tanks to drive around, shooting each other?" Robin asked.

"Ones that are abandoned. From what I have seen, a fair bit of them occurs in Russia."

"Why Russia?"

"Who knows? Just another reason why that place is intriguing. Anyway, the point is, the sooner we get used to urban combat the better this team will be."

Ray passed around the maps to all the people in the room. It was then that he noticed Emma was there.

"Um...hello there." he said

"Hi." Emma let out.

"You're here...because...?"

"For Valarie. I'm her liaison. Miss Buchanan said I could be here."


Ray returned to the front of the room.

"Our next match in on April 27th. After the convention. This brings me to my next topic. The race. If we win, this team will have a Panther II and only a few weeks to find a crew and train them. It requires a crew of five so if any of you knows people interested in the sport, let them know what is going on. I would love a crew ready the moment the tank arrives, should we win."

Everyone nodded.

"We're in the quarter-finals. Maybe some of you thought we'd never make it this far. Well, here we are. Now, I'm not going to say that we will without a doubt win the tournament. Who the hell can say that? No one. Anyone who does is just talking out of their ass. What I will say, and I'm positive Valarie would say the same, is that the only thing expected from all of you is your best. And hey, if it looks like we're gonna lose, then make it a blaze of glory."


Prior to heading to the school bus, Valarie made a modification to the jewelry her parents had given her. The decoration, a diamond-shaped to look like a drive sprocket was beautiful but fragile. She feared it getting irreparably damaged one day, so she carefully detached it from the necklace and stowed it safely in a little box on a soft piece of cushioning. It was then placed on her shelf. Her necklace, resembling tank tracks and made of sterling silver, was modified as well. It was made to fit much more snugly around her neck, akin to a choker. After a bit more fiddling around with it in front of a mirror, she was satisfied. Very satisfied. Valarie loved her look and was certain that others would concur. She left home and had a stroll to the bus stop. It wasn't long before the bus arrived and when Emma then boarded the vehicle herself a little later. She sat down and immediately touched Valarie's necklace.

"You've made a change, I see."

"Like it?"

"Love it."

Emma then made another observation. One a little less positive.

"You look tired.

"I'm exhausted." Valarie admitted.


"I've was studying so much yesterday the moment I came home from school. I didn't stop until I passed out from exhaustion."

"You're pushing yourself too hard, I think. You just need a 'C' to get back on the team."

"I know, but I want the odds to be as much in my favor as possible."

"I get that, but please, get a good sleep tonight. The absolute worse thing that could happen is you sleeping through your test."

Emma waited for Valarie's response but it didn't come. She had fallen asleep mid-conversation. Emma decided to let her sleep for the few precious minutes before the bus arrived at school. She gently placed her hands over Valarie's and held it firmly. Doing so caused her to immediately blush, stomach filled with butterflies. To say that she was happy would be an understatement. She wanted this moment to last forever. Much to her displeasure, the bus stopped at the front of the school and students were making their way off the vehicle. Valarie was gently shaken awake and the two girls went off their classes. Emma will absolutely replay that moment in her head again and again. She will savor it as it tasted oh so sweet.


At the end of the school day, with the sun already well on its way to the horizon, the meeting was underway. At the garage, the team assembled and performed their regular duties. The tankery convention was two weeks away, during their spring break. As it drew nearer, as did the excitement and the nervousness. The race was on everyone's mind. The prospect of winning a Panther II was tantalizing. Then there was the aspect of getting there. It won't be by bus, rather, via a plane. Most of the team never been on an airplane before so, naturally, people somewhat anxious about it. Then there was also the match all the way in Montana. No one has traveled that far and it'll necessitate another flight. The month of April seems to be full of new experiences.

Buchanan was walking around the garage, looking at the team as they worked. As she passed by the SU-14, she noticed the crew doing something with their shells. One of the crew had a paintbrush in her hands and writing on the shells. Curious, she walked over to them.

"Having arts and crafts are we?" Buchanan teased.

"Oh, are we not supposed to do this?" Jacqueline asked.

"Ah, it's fine. I just want to see what you girls did."

Buchanan looked at the painted shells. One of them had the word 'Catch' written on them, causing her to grin. What they wrote of their shells was funny to her.

From The Mojave, With Love

Special Delivery

From: God, To: You

Then there was one that caused her to let out a short laugh. Buchanan tapped on it to get their attention.

"I like this one the most but I'm not sure Mister Redwood would agree with it."

"How come?"

"Well, telling other teams to go fuck themselves is something I would imagine he wouldn't like. But hey, I can keep a secret though...as long as it wiped away."

Buchanan resumed walking around the garage. Something that she noticed only recently was how less and less was the team approaching her with questions. When the team first got formed, it was a relentless onslaught of questions which was more than happy to question. Soon, though, it was Valarie who took on the mantle of answering questions and after a bit more learning and first-hand experience, now, anyone who had questions first went to their commanders. Who more often than not, had the answer they were seeking, Buchanan still had a purpose, albeit currently tenuous. The current situation was she expected, looked forward to even. It meant that the team was no longer a collection of amateurs. Yet they were not yet masters. There was still much to learn and experience. As she walked, it wasn't long before she stumbled upon another curiosity. This one making her raise an eyebrow. A small group of students was all huddled around one of the air vents. One of them was on their stomach looking into it as another was trying to pry off the vent. When the metal began to bend, she intervened.

"What are you doing with the vent?" she asked

"There is something inside. We heard it move." a girl asked.

Buchanan knelt down by the vent and looked within between the slits. All she saw was the darkness, but careful hearing did indeed confirm that something was inside. Something small. She then stood up and turned to one of the students.

"Get a screwdriver so we can get this thing open."

The student went to the nearest toolbox and returned with the appropriate screwdriver. The screws were twisted and Buchanan pulled off the vent cover. She put it aside and immediately crawled into the vent, which alarmed the students.

"Um, what if something bad is inside? Like a raccoon and scratches you?" one said worryingly.

"I'll be fine." she reassured.

Her hands were out in front of her to feel where she was going. She felt mostly the cold metal of the vents when she then felt something soft. And warm. This thing reacted to being touched by moving closer to her, not in a threatening manner, but as if it too was curious. Buchanan felt the thing walking, its little footsteps making little echos in the vent. She grabbed on to it with both her hands and backed out of the vent. In the light, it was revealed to all what was in the vent.

"A cat!" exclaimed one of them.

The mood in the group instantly transformed into excitement as everyone moved in closer to pet the cat. Buchanan held the animal closer to her chest.

"Woah, hold on now, you'll freak out the cat. Everyone calm down."

"Man, it sure does look like it's freaking out." another said sarcastically.

The cat in Buchanan's arms was barely reacting to the situation it was in. It simply rested its head against her body and purred.

"Okay, well, it's not feral we know that now." Buchanan said.

"It's a stray then." one declared.

"We don't know that exactly...but it doesn't have a collar and its fur looks unkempt. If this was someone's cat, they lost it a while ago."

"So what do we do?"

Buchanan glanced down toward the cat. Its white fur tarnished by the filth of being in the vent and god knows where else. It continued to purr, eyes closed. It was very comfortable, that was clear to everyone. As the group discussed what to do with it, another student who was watching everything go down came over.

"Hey! I've seen that cat before."

"Really? Whose its owner?" Buchanan asked.

The girl shrugged.

"Dunno. All I know its that the owners abandoned her when they moved."

"Her huh? What's her name?"

"No idea. I just know this information second hand."

Buchanan began to pet the cat.

"Abandoned...well that means she's up for grabs. I think...I'll take her in."

"What are you gonna name her?"

Buchanan pondered for a moment, looking at the cat.

"Soap. I'll name her Soap."

Buchanan walked off, Soap in hand. She was already playing with her as she went to the office to show her off to Redwood. One of the students had a perplexed expression.

"What the hell kind of name is Soap?"


Valarie had awoken early. Instead of browsing her phone while in bed, she immediately dressed for school. She slept early last night, even though she would've prepared to study late into the night. However, at Emma's request, she got a good night's sleep. Compared to yesterday, she had more energy and was more alert. She took a look at her notes. She had looked at them so much and for so long that the information have been seared into her mind. A good thing, she thought. All of her material were stored in her backpack, ate a quick breakfast, and sped off to the bus stop. Waiting, she got out the flashcards and continued reviewing them. Her eyes were glued to them, even when she was boarding the bus and sitting at the rear. So consumed with her studying that she failed to notice Emma taking her seat next to her. She felt a prod on her shoulder.

"Ready?" asked Emma.

"As I'll ever be." Valarie replied.

"Guess by lunch we'll know."

Valarie returned to her flashcards and Emma let her be as to not distract her. When they arrived at school and got off the bus, they faced each other.

"Good luck Val. I know you'll pass."

"Thanks. I'm going to need every bit of luck for the test."

They shared a hug, one that lasted longer than usual. But neither complained. They then went to their respective classes. In the classes leading up to her chemistry class, Valarie studied wherever she could, squeezing out minutes of free time here and there. As the clock ticked, an anxiousness within her grew steadily. A knot in her stomach began to form. There were a lot of things at stake with this test. At the end of her third period, the one before her chemistry class, Valarie went directly toward the bathroom and into a stall, being the quietest place she could find. She then meditated the best she could. Her breathing was focused and her mind decluttered. The meditation was brief but helped immensely. Afterward, she went to her next class. Once there, she took her seat and mentally prepared herself for what was to come. She took one more glance at her notes until the class was told to put everything away save for a pencil and calculator. The test was then passed out. Once it was in everyone's hands, the teacher told everyone to begin. The simultaneous sounds of pencils hitting paper filled the room. Valarie's mind was fully concentrated on the task at hand. A question was answered, then another. Then five more. She wasn't guessing as she did in previous tests or quizzes. Valarie actually had an idea of how to answer them. The feeling of being incompetent was no more.

For this test there was an accompanying bubble sheet. The answers would be found on the test and then transcribed onto the sheet where it would then be scanned for instant results. Students will leave class knowing how they did. The entire class period was dedicated to the test. As the minutes go by, one by one, students finish and turn in their test. Their bubble sheets were scanned and shown to then. When Ashley stood up to turn in her test, Valarie paused her work to watch. She handed over her sheet and was shown her grade. When she turned around, Valarie noticed that she was smiling. When Ashley walked by her, she gave Valarie a quick wink. Shaking her head, Valarie turned back to the test. Twenty minutes have passed and the last question was answered. Her test was absolutely covered with her work such as formulas, equations, and other kinds of math. It was a first for her to finish her test before class ends. She hoped this was a good sign. Valarie got up from her seat and approached the front of the room. She handed over her bubble sheet where it was then scanned. The monitor was then turned toward her here.

"Okay, here's how you did."


Emma was patiently underneath the usual palm tree. She was playing with her phone though she would periodically tilt her head up to look to see if Valarie was on her way. She was taking longer than usual to return from her class, which caused some concern. She remained, however, optimistic. Soon, she caught sight of her, walking toward her in a normal manner. As she got closer, she noted a slight grin on her face. When she arrived, she simply sat down quietly next to her.

"How'd you do?" Emma wondered.

Valarie's grin transformed into a huge smile.

"I. Aced. It."

Emma jumped from where she sat.

"No way!"

"Hell yeah I did!" Valarie exclaimed, jumping up as well.

"You're back on the team!"

"You're god damn right I am!"

The girls entered into a warm, tight embrace.

"Thank you, Emma. You made this possible." Valarie said.

"Always happy to help."

They both laid on the ground, their eyes to the sky. It was a beautiful pale blue graced by puffy clouds that resembled whatever the human mind wanted to see. The sense of accomplishment coursing through Valarie's veins made her feel amazing. She also felt proud. Proud that in a class that she suffered in managed to pull off such a smashing success. Valarie was looking forward to the meeting that day, more than she had ever felt before. For there is no better feeling than being back in the saddle.

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"I don't care. I don't care if you wear a scarf over your head. Or if you prefer to wear long sleeves and pray five times a day", he inches closer. "...
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Do you ever want to go into a video game, not knowing what's on the other side? Meeting iconic video game characters that you don't know of? Alex a 1...
2K 31 13
When Dmitri Kolobanov accepts to be a tanker again after an incident a year ago, with the help of his friends rebuilds a lost pride of Krasnaya Zvezd...
29.9K 1.4K 47
𝐖𝐞 𝐰𝐞𝐚𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐤 𝐨𝐟 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐟𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐜𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐬𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐬 𝐀 𝐍𝐞𝐰 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭, 𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐭'𝐬 𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐑𝐨𝐬𝐞...