Warping Writers

By MonsterGuht

2.1K 98 317

This is a non-NSFW story. MonsterGuht, f2075jym, GenerousGamer, and Infinitetheedge. I gotten permission from... More

Commitment *Lemon*
Trailer for Next Chapter: Ur-Future
Past (Continued)
Pain *Lemon*
Death (Pt 2)
Untï̶̡̨̫̩͙̟̞̪̞͖̆̊̒̓̓̈̑́͜ͅtled pa̸͍̦̫̙̣̼͖͕̬̦͇̺͛̅̈̅̃rt
Real Terms


313 4 34
By MonsterGuht

*4 (18 year old)'s sitting at a resturant*

?: Guht! Wake Up!

Guht: *snaps awake* Why what ya'll need?

The three others shake their heads.

Generous: You're drooling.

Guht: Can't help it. I was having an hungry dream. An infinite buffet. *Mnhm* Pepperoni Pizza and Strawberry Latte.

Generous: Well they're about to bring our food.

Infinite: Man, how do we put up with you?

F2: He keeps stealing stuff!

Guht: I don't. It just winds up in the house.

F2: Seems anything'll turn up at the house if you drink half a bottle of wine every other day!

Guht: *tired* F2, I was sober enough to know......that I wasn't the one stealing stuff.

F2: Then who could it be?!

*The waiter brings the four their food*

Guht: Thank you ma'am.

F2: Appreciate that.

Infinite: Thanks.

Generous: Thank you very much.

F2: Excuse me, miss. But you wouldn't know where the bathroom is, do you? 

Waitress: Right around the corner, honey.

F2: Thank you.

F2 gets up and heads to the men's room.

Guht: So are you two dating?

Infinite: It's hard to explain.

 Guht: Just try to dumb it down for me.

Generous: We're dating but not really.

Guht: Like an affair?

Generous: Kinda. But neither of us are cheating on someone else.

Guht: Okay.

Guht pulls out his phone and see's it start to glitch out. The phone burned something onto his hand and he tossed it with nothing but his reflexes. Generous and Infinite also felt burns on their hands as well. F2 came out and showed them a similar mark.

Generous: What the hell is this?

Infinite: I don't know. Lets head home.

Guht: Wait a minute. I recognize these runes! F2, you have, Hope. And Infinite, you have, Light! Generous, you have, Love. and I have........,

Guht: *sighs* Darkness.

Generous: What do they mean?

F2: I think they're our traits.

Guht: This is from one of the games that generally frustrated me. Usually after you get a rune, you fight a broken boss with a tiny ass hit box.

Just as he said that, they we're teleported to a Colosseum. They were in a weapons room. There were axes, maces, and even swords. All their clothes changed too into light armor. They even have a But something caught Infinite's eyes. 

A short small, glowing dagger. He picked it up and swung it around about.

Infinite: A bit light, but it'll do.

Everyone else grabbed their weapons and loaded onto a small wooden rise. Both F2 and Guht both wielded swords and a shield. Generous grabbed a shield and a sword too.

Generous: What do you think the boss will be?

Guht: I don't know. I forgot. 

F2: Guys, we moving.

They ascend up to the middle of the Colosseum. They look around and see there's hundreds upon thousands of people in the stands, screaming and cheering as a horn sounded. 

F2: Whoa! This is epic!

Guht: Something feel off to you guys?

Infinite: Maybe the whole "We're in a Colosseum fighting for our fucking lives."

Guht: You don't have to be rude.

Generous: Guys, trolls and goblins!

Infinite: This is real! Treat this like it's life or death!

Guht: I guess I'll die.

Generous and F2 run off and start killing things instantly. They were swift, clean, and precise. Both Guht and Infinite stood shock at them.

Guht: We should probably help them out and not get distracted.

Infinite: Yeah-Yeah. Just after she kills 3 more. God. The way she stabs those monsters-

Guht: Mate. Lets go. No time to be a horny boyfriend. Remember? "Fighting for our fucking lives" bit.

Infinite: Fine.

Soon, they're all immersed in the slaying. As F2 slayed the last goblin, and blood drips from his word something startled them. A large rumble shook the mighty heroes. 

Guht: I think the boss is here.

There were guards screaming and flying around inside a gate. Soon something is banging on the gate and rattling the ground. Then suddenly, the gates burst open to reveal a giant covered in armor with a massive blade.

F2: Kill it! It's horrible!

Guht threw up and Generous turned away. Infinite stood his ground and the giant noticed him. it spoke with German accent.

?: You don't shiver in fear like comrades? You think you are strong? 

Infinite: Stronger than whatever the hell you are!

?: Puny humans! Garok kill you all now!

Guht: You are an abomination to all abominations.

Garok swung his heavy sword at Infinite and Infinite parried it with and stabbed the giant in his leg. It's veins and muscles seemed to glow as He stabbed all around him. She seemed to get strangely turned on by that. 

Generous: So mesmerizing.........that's so hot!!!!!!

F2: Lets go help him.

Guht: Yeah. He won't last long. 

The starts to boys run over before they notice Generous biting her lip and squeezing her mace tightly to the point where it looked like she'd snap the thing in half.

Generous: Oh! I feel hot~......almost liike I gonna-

Guht: Less horny, more helpy.

F2: Guht, stop being rude!

Guht: Mate. She's over there-

Infinite: I could use some help over here!

Guht sighed angrily as he turned away to go help Infinite and F2. Generous snapped herself out of her trance and joined in the battle.

*4 minutes of getting thrown around and slashing*

Guht: Why won't he go down?

Infinite: Guys, I don't think I can hold on much longer.

F2: Think. There has to be a weak point on him.

Generous noticed something strange as they all fought; Garok kept blocking the amulet he was wearing if they attacked near it.

Generous: Who's the quickest one out if all of us?

F2: That's you! Why?

Generous ran up and waited for an opening. When they all attacked and Garok turned back, she struck the necklace with a clean swing. The Amulet seemed to glow as Garok fell down. A couple of lights floated all over to the and their rune updated. It had a purple streak as one of the lines in their symbol.

Infinite: Hey did anyone get a purple streak in their symbol?

They all agreed.

Infinite: So I guess we just have to defeat the bosses and we'll return home right?

Guht: That doesn't seem right.

F2: Why fo you say that?

Guht: Cause where's Generous at?

They looked around to see her standing facing a pretty flashy guy. He had a red cape and gold plated armor.

?: A flower for a pretty lady?

 He pulled out a flower and Infinite walked over and pulled her away.

Infinite: Back off pretty boy. This merchandise is for me only.

?: Excuse me sir. But I was trying to seduce thy lady for a night in the town.

Generous turned around shot him a glare.

Generous: You think I'm stupid?

?: Of course. Women do not need to think for pleasure.

Generous growled as Guht stopped her.

Guht: If you want to take her, you have to go through all of us.

?: Is that a duel? You look as a jester with no hat or suit. How could peasants like you dream to defeat me?

She had enough.

Generous spun-kicked the knight in the face and he stumbled back.

?: You little-

Guht slashed at his cheek and he jumped back.

Guht: You shouldn't try to belittle this one. She could kick ass.

F2 was behind him and quickly swung his sword over his head. The knight quickly unsheathed his sword and swung it down to make F2 block instead. Guht went for him and he swung around and jabbed him in the stomach.

Everyone hearts dropped as he yanked the word out and Guht fell.

Knight: That's what you get, pathetic trash!

F2 snapped at the knight and shoved him hard; sending him flying into a wall. F2 seemed stunned that he threw the knight to the wall from such a distance.

the Knight got up angry. His sword started glowing a powerful blue-white  flame as he swung it down. The ground started to spike up towards F2 as he dodged over. The knight suddenly appeared behind him and prepare to strike again before Infinite sent him flying away again with a blow to the shoulder.

The group got into a triangle formation and lined their backs to each other. They all blocked the seemingly invisible man as he continued to hack and slashed at all of them. He broke through Infinite's guard and way about to strike again before someone grabbed his sword. 

The figure had a cloak on and grabbed the sword. He shattered the sword with nothing but their fingertips. 

?: Leave now or I will slain you.

 The knight fell back, frightened for his life. The figure grew angry and grabbed him by the neck and snapped it. He fell limp as he was tossed to the side. The figure then walked up to the group and Generous and F2 got in front of Infinite and Guht.

?: I can heal your friend. 

They lowered their weapons and he walked through to Infinite. HE held his hand out and healed Infinite's arm before moving over to Guht.

?: Master. I've returned. A bit silly to see you fall so easily.

Guht: That voice........you're-

?: *shushes* They won't understand.

Guht: You killed......... yourself. You hung yourself....... in the room. You made everyone angry....... and........ heartbroken. Leaving them....... by themselves. You're a selfish asshole.

?: So you do remember what you made me do. But those were your wishes. You controlled everything from the very beginning.

The figure held hand out and Guht stopped him.

Guht: Don't. I know you get a kick out of this. Playing with others emotions.

The figure healed Guht before disappearing in a portal that instantly collapsed behind him.

Generous: Guht? You alright?

Guht: Yeah. But why would he be able to come here? I didn't put that in the story.

Infinite: Wait so he's one of your-?

Guht: Yes. OC. But that doesn't make much sense. He shouldn't know I exist.

F2: What does that mean?

Generous: If I'm right, and don't quote me, but we might inside one of our stories!! 

Infinite: Do you know how this'll end?

Guht: No. But something is off. We're in a game. I know that. But he shouldn't be here. We have to finish the game to see the end.

Then they all teleported to a ship. Everyone in the room looked over to them.

?: Who are you?

Guht immediately recognized the characters presented in front of them.

Guht: Oh fuck.

Infinite: What?

?: Welcome Guht. I'm sure we met before.

Guht. Zo.

Generous: You know him?

Guht: He was the OC at the Colosseum. What the hell do you want?

Zo: You already know. To stop making me kill myself in the other one.

Guht: Fat chance.

Zo just chuckled.

?: Zo. You know him?

Zo: He's the one who made us all. But our creator is a bit blinded by his beliefs.

?: Zo. Calm down. We don't know anything about this.

Generous noticed the lady by him.

Generous: Guht. Is that, me?

Guht: No. I had no clue you existed. But she's our saving grace. Her and three others could stop his rampage. 

Then another person stepped up to greet the group.

?: Guht? You in that story?

Guht: What story?

?: Nevermind. But you know who I am, right?

Guht: Third OC. AN is second.

AN: How do you know who we are?

F2: Wait. I know what story we're in. A Hat In Time FANFIC Lemon.

Mar: Shameless plugin? Really?

Generous turned to Guht with an smirk. Infinite gave Guht a glare of disgust.

Generous: So you made two lemons? 

Guht: Can't be any worst then fifteen.

Infinite: I'm have to deal with your problem on top of my post schedule? I'll kill you if this gets in the way!

generous: So how do you feel writing lemons? And do you pleasure yourself when you do it?

Guht: Very funny. No and no.

?: X, I want to know why you know all of this.

Guht: 'Member that rift Zo killed himself in at the beginning? Yeah, that set a chain reaction. Long story short, We're gonna see them a lot more often if we continue our quest home.

Generous: Let's go to my story next!

Infinite: Hey Guht.

Guht turned around to see everyone started to disappear into the next game.

Zo: I guess I'l see you later.

Guht: Don't plan on it.

He completely disappeared and arrived to see the others with frozen with fear. They were in the FNAF 1 office.

Guht: Shit.


There it is! The start of a horribly confusing story. I want to know if you've read any chapter from that story. I want to see if you got all the references. For @GenerousGamer, @Infinitetheedge, and @f2075jym, I thank you for agreeing for me to make this. I hope this will please all three of you. Send me a message if you don't like a certain part in the story. 

I also read most of GenerousGamer's stories and a couple of Infinitetheedge's stories. f2075jym, I sorry but I don't really know great Spanish. So if you want me to put some in them send me a message and what you want me to put in Spanish.

But that's all. Expect me to make this a daily updatedstory

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