The Crown

By chofachofachofa

203K 5.8K 1.1K

It was the first thing he saw when his eyes opened for the first time. The glistening, golden glow shining in... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five
Chapter Forty Six
Chapter Forty Seven
Chapter Forty Eight
Chapter Forty Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty One
Chapter Fifty Two
Chapter Fifty Three
Chapter Fifty Four
Chapter Fifty Five
Chapter Fifty Six
Chapter Fifty Seven
Chapter Fifty Eight
Chapter Fifty Nine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty One
Chapter Sixty Two
Chapter Sixty Three
Chapter Sixty Four
Chapter Sixty Five
Chapter Sixty Six
Chapter Sixty Seven
Chapter Sixty Eight
Chapter Sixty Nine
Chapter Seventy
lil vote
Epilogue - 1
Epilogue - 2
Epilogue - 3
Epilogue - 4
Epilogue - 5
CONTEST (part 2)

Chapter Twenty Six

2.3K 76 1
By chofachofachofa

Tobias guided Beatrice's hand around his arm, patting her fingers as he laid them to rest. She held his arm tight as she looked up, smiling.

"This surprise falls so nicely with tonight's soiree," Tobias realized as they walked back toward the entrance. "My best friend is joining us."

"Zeke," Beatrice remembered. "Yes, I do remember how fondly you spoke of him. Perhaps he will be able to tell me about your younger days," she teased, causing him to chuckle.

Beatrice detached herself momentarily from Tobias to curtsey his parents. Evelyn found herself somewhat proud that the servant had managed to figure out the first steps of etiquette. Marcus payed little attention as the guests started pooling in, diverting his attention to them instead.

Lord Pedrad laughed as he bowed to the King, excited to reconnect with his long time friend. "I have not seen you in so long, King Marcus!"

"Lord Pedrad," He laughed, nodding to his bow. "You flatter me too much, my dear friend."

As Evelyn went over to greet the Lady, Tobias stiffened beside Beatrice at the sight of his friends coming through the doors. He reached her hand, holding it tight. She took a deep breath, becoming nervous herself.

Zeke and Uriah stood before their closest friend. The three friends stared uncomfortably at one another, waiting for one of them to spark the conversation. Beatrice stood by and maintained her smile, although it had started to burn her mouth quite a bit. She glanced behind the two brothers and noticed they had brought dates as well.

"Your Highness," Zeke finally said and bowed, breaking the tense silence between them. "I am glad to see you look so well."

Uriah bowed with his brother, mimicking his greeting.

Tobias nodded. "I want to present to you the woman I have written to you about," he announced, taking Beatrice's hand and guiding her to step forward. "This is Miss Prior."

Zeke smiled at her, nodding in her presence. "What a pleasure to finally meet you, Miss Prior."

"The pleasure is all mine," Beatrice finally spoke, careful not to trip over her words. "I have heard many great things about your friendship."

Uriah stepped forward and smiled, blocking his brother's view. "I am sure the prince has told you many things about me - all false, you should know."

She forced a laugh, clutching slightly to Tobias' arm.

Zeke cleared his throat and extended his hand to the side. A young woman slipped her hand in his, standing by his side. They stepped forward as she curtseyed to the prince, greeting him.

"This is my fiancee, Lady Shauna," Zeke said proudly. 

"Zeke writes so fondly of you in his letters," Tobias smiled.

Beatrice waited patiently as more guests were introduced. These conversations are so ... boring! she complained silently, keeping up her outward gleeful appearance. I feel as if I am about to fall alseep! There isn't anything interesting said between anyone here, only simple small-talk!

As the prince and his friends conversed about nothing, Beatrice glanced over at the silent Lady's escorting the brothers. I wonder if anything is passing through their minds - what a terrible rule to not speak unless spoken to, she condemned, glancing at the Queen who had no ease in speaking freely with the guests. 

How quaint that only the woman with the highest title in the kingdom is permitted to speak whenever she likes

Snapped out of her thoughts, Beatrice watched the guests disperse toward the dining hall. Tobias waited until they were alone once more before turning toward her, rubbing his temple. 

"These conversations are so..." she started, unsure of the right word.

"Unorganic? Scripted?" Tobias chuckled. "The greetings are the worst part of any soiree. Everyone is trying to impress someone."

"I wonder who you might be trying to impress tonight," she teased as they made their way to the dining hall.

Tobias laughed, reaching quickly to cup her face and kiss her. "You are my target tonight."

She giggled at his words, leaning in and kissing him back.

"A shame I will not be able to do this tonight," he sighed, pushing the hair behind her ears.

She reached for his hand against her cheek, leaning into his palm. "There's always afterwards, my dear prince."

Tobias smiled and held her, kissing her in the darkness of the hall. When they parted, Beatrice placed her hand back around his arm as they headed into the hall. 

Conversations buzzed loudly around the room. Servants carried platters of drinks and appetizers, walking around the room in endless loops. It looks like a dance, she commented.

"Are you hungry?" Tobias asked as they positioned themselves in a part of the room. 

"No, no," She answered, the anxiety from earlier filling her once more. 

Evelyn walked over to the couple, smiling proudly. "Hello, Miss Prior. You do look lovely this evening."

Beatrice curtseyed, letting go of Tobias. "Thank you for your invitation, my Queen."

"Yes," Tobias answered, smiling at his mother. "Thank you, Mother."

Evelyn laughed. "Might I steal my son for a moment?"

Beatrice's eyes widened as she nodded fervently. How could she ask me such a question?! As if I had any hold on the prince's actions! Beatrice thought anxiously, taking a step back.

Tobias glanced and laughed at her reaction. Ah, a joke, Beatrice told herself, calming her nerves. He squeezed her fingers before walking away with his mother toward a group of guests.

Beatrice resisted her urge to walk around, as she usually did when she found herself alone. No. She had to stay still - this is a test, remember, she repeated constantly.

"Miss Prior, right?" a woman beside her asked. She turned and saw Lady Shauna with another woman behind her. "We have not had a proper conversation yet!"

"My Lady," Beatrice greeted, regaining her senses. "How delightful to meet you."

Shauna looked around before rolling her eyes and reaching for Beatrice's arm. "No one is around us - tell me, how does a common woman come to be a Royal guest? And escorted by the prince no less!"

Beatrice looked at her and chuckled nervously, unsure of how genuine the woman seemed to be. 

Shauna gasped, covering her mouth. "Oh, I am so sorry. That must have came out so weird - I really am just interested," she nudged her in the shoulder. "You are like one of those bedtime stories."

The woman behind Shauna stepped forward. "Do not feel you need to answer Shauna's persistent questions," she smiled. "I am Lady Marlene, Uriah's date," she sighed and glanced behind her. "Well, if only he would introduce me as such."

"Oh, you know how timid Uriah is," Shauna comforted. 

Timid? I don't know if I would describe him as such, Beatrice told herself. "It is lovely to meet both of you."

"To be truthful, we are glad to see the prince have a date," Shauna sighed. "Based on the things Zeke has told me about our prince, I had a much different picture of him in mind before tonight."

"Oh, yes," Marlene agreed, shaking her head. "I expected a far gloomier prince. Yet, he did not break a single smile with you by his side."

"How exciting!" Shauna whispered. 

Finally feeling comfortable in their presence, the conversation between the three women became entirely organic. They laughed together, stifling in their voices as guests walked by. 

Shauna entertained them by mocking guests, while also feeding Beatrice with information about such guests. Marlene acted as a voice of reason, but even she could not help the occasional laugh that escaped her mouth at Shauna's impressions.

Marlene looked behind her and quickly straightened beside her new friend. Shauna glanced up and straightened herself, lowering her head. Beatrice stiffened at their sudden reactions, turning her head to see Tobias walking their way, Zeke and Uriah close behind.

Zeke extended his hand toward Shauna, inviting her walk around. Shauna glanced behind and waved at Beatrice before accepting Zeke's offer and walking away. Uriah nodded for Marlene to follow him toward his parents. Disgruntled, Marlene nodded and hooked her arm around him.

"I hope they were not too much," Tobias said as he returned by her side.

Beatrice shook her head. "I quite enjoyed their company, actually. It was so natural."

He sighed, imagining such a conversation. "How lovely. I am glad you are enjoying yourself," he took her hand and smile, kissing it. 

A servant passed by with a tray of drinks. Tobias took two and gave one to her, clinking his drink against hers. Beatrice smiled, remembering the first meal they had shared in his bedroom. She relished in the feel of the glass cup, drinking the alcohol eagerly. 

When they finished the drinks and set them down on an empty tray, Tobias extended his hand to Beatrice. She reluctantly slipped her hand in his, unsure of what his motives were.

"Can I have this dance, Miss Prior?" he asked softly, bending toward her.

She nodded quickly, gripping his hand. He smiled and guided her to the center of the ballroom where other couples danced together. 

He placed his hand on her waist and rose their joined hands before guiding her into a dance.

Beatrice smiled at the feel of dancing; she could not remember a time she ever danced with a partner. The dress she wore only added to the flair as Tobias danced with her, using the space around them. She laughed at the feel of her dress lifting into the air, a cold breeze hitting her ankles. 

Tobias smiled down at the woman he held. How could I have ever deserved such a beautiful woman, he wondered, admiring her. I do not believe I could ever grow tired of her smile, he promised, squeezing her hand slightly. 

He glanced up and noticed his parents staring back at him. Marcus crossed his arms and sneered, visibly upset at the sight. Evelyn had a small smile to her face, content with the situation. 

Beatrice turned her head and watched Shauna and Marlene dance with their own dates. She noticed their parents not too far behind, admiring their children. The sight pained her. 

Even observing Tobias' parents watch them gave her more sorrow then anxiety. 

Beatrice longed for her own parents. 

For her family. 

For her home.

Beatrice held her father's suitcase in her hands, stroking the engravement of their last name. 

The letters she sent home became fewer and fewer as her days in the castle grew busier. Between spending time with Tobias and Christina, while also trying to keep up with her duties as a servant, she found little time to sit and compose more letters home. 

She stood and walked over to her desk, pulling out the last letter she received from her parents. She read the words over and over again, clutching to the paper as if it were the only thing that remained of them. 

She had not even realized how sad the distance between them caused her until a knock interrupted her thoughts and a tear fell from her eye. She quickly wiped her cheek and put the letter on the suitcase, hurrying to answer the door.

Tobias smiled on the other side, flowers in his hand. He leaned in and kissed her as he handed her the flower, walking inside the bedroom. Beatrice blushed at his gesture, smelling the petals of the flowers as she closed the door behind him.

"Did you sleep well?" He beamed. "Because I did," he sighed contentedly, sitting down at the bed. "I do not think that night could have gone any better."

"It really was magical," she smiled, holding the flowers closer. "I enjoyed Shauna and Marlene a lot."

"Ah, yes, Zeke and Uriah's dates," he smiled, nodding. He glanced to the side and noticed her suitcase on the bed, along with a letter. "Are you going home?"

She sighed and shook her head. "I'm not sure if I want to go home, actually," she groaned and sat beside the suitcase. "I'm conflicted."


"They don't know about our relationship," she expressed. "I don't want to see them until I'm ready to tell them about us."

"Then tell them," he offered, holding her hand. 

"It's not that simple," she snapped. "How can I tell my father that I am in love with a Royal? How can I look at my mother while she slaves away to care for our family and help my father in work, while I am dancing in ballrooms?"

Tobias faltered at her words. "From all the wonderful stories you shared with me about your family, they might not react so negatively. You could be pleasantly surprised at their reaction," he offered. "Give them the chance."

"I fear their rejection," she shook her head. "I can't go."

He stood quiet, plotting over his next actions. 

Deciding to leave her be for the day, Tobias kissed her goodbye and left her alone. He closed the door behind him and clasped his hands together, heading to his first stop to get his plan in mind moving.

The next day, Beatrice received a gift from the prince. She opened it to marvel at a simple dress - a style she much enjoyed. Along with the gift was a letter from Tobias, instructing her to meet him at the bottom of the entrance steps soon.

Beatrice quickly got changed and headed out, not knowing what to anticipate. Tobias had never before offered a surprise for her. 

Tobias waited by a carriage at the entrance, waving her over excitedly. She has helped me endlessly with my parents, it's time I offer her the same support, he told himself. She is visibly down about not being with her family - she deserves all the happiness I can offer her.

She greeted him and slipped her hand in his, allowing him to guide her into the carriage. She marveled at how comfortable the seating was, running her hand over the fabric.

As the carriage started to move, Tobias handed Beatrice another wrapped box. She smiled and removed the lid, retrieving a matching sunhat to go with her dress. 

"Oh, Tobias, this is all quite beautiful," she gushed, placing the hat on top of her head. She struck a dramatic pose, lifting her chin with the back of her fingers. "How do I look?"

Tobias laughed. "You look stunning."

She rolled her eyes and mocked him playfully. "It's only a dress and a hat, my dear prince. You compliment me too much."

As the carriage ride prolonged, Beatrice looked out the window and noticed how small the castle became. Confused, she glanced at Tobias. 

And then, it struck her. 

"I can not believe you!" she instantly accused. "I told you I wasn't ready!"

"Beatrice, you will just dwelve further into a period of despair if you do not tackle your problems! This situation with your parents is visibly bothering you; let's deal with it! Together."

She crossed her arms and looked away. 

"Please, Beatrice," he urged. "Our relationship can continue prospering once we take this step. We can move forward."

She glanced down.

"I want to be your husband one day," he whispered, taking her hand. "I want to be your support through these challenges you face. Allow me to."

She glanced at the man she loved, seeing how determined he was in making her believe his intentions were good. And, a part of her believed they were. Nevertheless, she could not easily forget her request in not confronting her parents so soon. 

Beatrice slipped her hand out of his hold and placed it back on her lap, turning away from him. 

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