Go To Sleep!//Grumbo//

By Sorbit_in_Orbit

1.8K 97 220

Ok, so I got bored, made story. It's about Grian and him not sleeping cuz he has nightmares about his dad and... More

Why the fuck did I make this
Chapter 2
Chaper tree
chapiticker fievea
6th chap
chapjryeiakahisn svem
ruzifzogzoztirIrOztif,if,f,ih d8&*5*84¶√%¶√%×√%ו58*59* 8
/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\______________________ 9
(insert randomness here) 10
I made a thing also a chapter 11
not a chapter
I made a gacha skit
ight back to the story 12
something random 13
it's 14:00
the last 15

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131 8 8
By Sorbit_in_Orbit

*I come back down from upstairs* Hello again my little friend. I have some bread and milk for you. I'm gonna let your mouth and hands go so you can eat it as long as you don't run away. Because if you do, I'll have to feed you myself, and you wouldn't like that, would you?
*You shake your head no*
That's what I thought.
*I untie your hands and ungag you. You start eating*
Now, it's probably a bad time to add season 7, isn't it? I'm probably just gonna make a different story for that. Ok, here's the actual story.

So, it 7:30 and I have to meet Mumbo at 8. I looked at my clothes. They were the same from... yesterday, maybe? It s Tuesday, soo... Shit I've been wearing the same clothes for 2 days! (Can't relate, I'll wear clothes for like, a month or 2 before changing. Lol.) I change into a hoodie and some different sweatpants, grab a bag and put all the jewelry (except the necklace) and put it in, actually take my elytra with me, and fly of to the shopping district. I was always one of the best flyers on Hermitcraft. Evo was fun, but got really boring. I wish the guys there could experience this though... Oh, I'm here. There's Mumbo. I got myself ready to be a prick. I hid the one necklace I was wearing. I went over to him.
"Hey, Grian, right on time! How are you?"
"I-im good. Y-you?"
"Same. Did you like what I did for you?"
Y-yeah, it was actually pretty cool. Oh, um, here's the jewelry."
"Оh, thanks. So what one are you wearing?" He put the accessories away.
"T-the one with the ruby star."
"Ruby star?"
I showed him the necklace.
"Oh, that one! I thought you'd like that one. But, you know you could have kept more, right?"
"Well, I only liked this one. You should have just asked me what I would want so you wouldn't waste all your diamonds, stupid."
"I have asked. But every time I did, you'd get pissed and slap me. Eventually, I stopped because you slap really fuckin hard."
"Not my fault I was forced to do martial arts for most of my childhood."
"So what?"
"So what am I supposed to be doing here?"
"I dunno."
"What do you mean you don't know?!"
"I mean, I don't have the knowledge required."
"Ok, that one I heard."
He gave me a mock upset look. I looked at him of irritation in return. That got us some stares from passerby. Oh well. More of Mumbo's face for me! Wait I mean- well, I guess by now you would already get that I like him. We stayed there for a while. I was getting really bored, but I wouldn't be the one to back down from this simple of a challenge. Eventually, he caved.
"Oh this is silly! We'll be here forever if this keeps up!"
"Not my fault."
"It kind of was."
"You started it."
"You called me an asshole!"
"You're not supposed to take it seriously..."
"Grian, didn't your mother teach you not to mumble? No one can understand you when you do." Bad choice of words Mumbo, my mom's dead.
"S-she's the reason I mumble."
"Speak up Grian!"
"N-no, I didn't do anything wrong..." Damnit, not this again. Flashbacks. Abusive dad. I think you get the jist of it.
"Grian, I can't hear what your saying. Do you have something to hide from me?"
"N-no, just leave me be." He looked kinda worried. Does he know something he shouldn't? Did he find....? No, he wouldn't. I told him never to touch that chest. Yeah, I'm mean to him, but I'm not a snoop that reads people's diarys. To quote Sonic the Hedgehog, that's no good.
"Grian, are you ok? You never want to be alone."
"I didn't do it!" Oh, here's where I won't make any sense. Where I start thinking Mumbo is my dad. Not like that, but he'll look like my dad to me. He beat me. But he did it so there would be marks on the inside. (That is possible btw)
"Get away from me, I didn't do it! It wasn't me!" By now I was slowly backing away from him. I also had tears in my eyes. Don't know why that information is nessesary, but there you go. (THIS FILLER WAS BROUGHT TO YOU BY THE LAZYEST AUTHOR IN THE WORLD WHO WANTS TO HAVE AT LEAST 1000 WORDS PER CHAPTER)
"Are you ok Grian?"
"It was my brother, not me, I swear!"
I stopped. And tripped. Now I'm on my knees. Great. I looked up at him.
He got down on his knees to be level with me.
"Grian, calm down. I'm not going to hurt you. Come on, we need to get you home."
He stood and picked me up. Again.
"Y-you're not gonna drop me again, are you Mumbo?"
"No, no I'm not."
He started walking to the edge of the shopping district. This time he had a boat.
"Can you stay here for a sec?"
He got the boat out of his inventory. While he did that, I remembered the box with candle wax that smelled nice. I got it out of my pocket and just smelled it. That helped a lot. Somehow Mumbo knew my favorite smell. It's lavender if you're wondering.
"Ok, the boat is ready."
I got in the boat. Then Mumbo did. He saw the box as he started rowing towards my base.
"Ya know, that box was supposed to stay in your dresser with your clothes to make them smell nice."
"O-oh, I didn't know. S-sorry." I put it in my pocket, the smell of the sea was too strong.
"It's ok, I should've told you that. You use it however you want to."
"Can I ask you a question?"
"Y-you just did, but you can ask another one."
"Why do you always seem to stutter? You don't seem like the type of person to."
"I-it's cuz I like you so much..."
"What? You're gonna have to speak up, I can't hear you."
"Um, I don't know."
"You sure?"
"Y-yeah. J-just deal with it!"
"Ok, ok, fine, you win, jeez."
"Are you actually Grian? The Grian I know rarely apologizes, so what's going on?"
"I-it's me. I've decided to be nicer."
"Not much nicer."
"There you are."
I didn't reply. He didn't say anything else. I started to space out. I was sitting with my head on my hand, like you would in class when your bored. I was looking out to sea. After a while, I'm not sure how long, we're at my base.
"Grian? We're here."
I was spook.
"Huh? Oh, thanks."
"No problem."
He started to leave. But I wanted him to stay. So I said,
He turned around.
"C-can you stay?"
"Stay? For how long?"
"J-just the night."
"Yeah, just let me get my stuff and I'll be back in like, ten minutes."
With that he was off. Damnit, why did I do that?! Stupid, stupid, stupid! Well, let's see how this turns out. I know I'm gonna have to sleep on the floor, so I might as well get some blankets, I gotta go. I'll see you later. Bye.

Alright, are you done eating? Good, good. I'm gonna tie your hands down again, but I'll leave you ungaged for good behavior.
*I tie you back up and take the plate and cup.*
I'm gonna go put these away. I'll see you later.

Final word count: 1313

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