Insanity of Possession ( Yand...

By uneey2008

90.5K 2.2K 371

Y/N was four when her father remarried to a rich women, this would be a dream to most children but there was... More

Teaser Of The Future
Insanity To Come
Cutting The Ties
Safe Heaven Under Threat
Growing Ever Closer
Forcing Her Hand
Reluctant Return
Awaking To Waiting Hand's
The Games They Play
Peace Doesn't Come Easily
Winning A losing Battle
While The Cat's Away
Peace And Pleasantries

Attention's That Burn

5.8K 143 11
By uneey2008


Y/N blinked up at the small almost hidden light on the ceiling above her, the only indication she could find to tell her where the camera watching her was; it was one of many and since waking Y/N had glared at all of them. There was no clock in the room or way for her to tell how long her drained body had made her sleep for, leaving a sense of dread lingering deep in Y/N's stomach as she tried to subtly test her bonds again; Nickolas and or Harry could be coming back anytime and this time she knew pain would come with them. So far since waking up and finding the cameras around her one by one Y/N had decided to try and get out again, this time being more aware on waking her eyes had been critical scanning the room; but still there was no tools or even items she could use to unbind herself. And with only one foot left loose she couldn't physically manipulate the padded cuffs either, but one idea had come to mind which slowly she was trying to use; and it started with watching the blinking light above her. Y/N had noted not all the camera's were on at the same time by the red lights on each camera, they switched giving whoever was watching a different view of her position; which also worked to her advantage. Seeing the small light once more go dark Y/N lifted her foot pressing her aching digits into the padding on her ankle, it had taken some time but with each slow push the padding was shifting lower; leaving room for the foot inside to slide free. Y/N had to force the small smile of triumph to stay off her face at the accomplishment, if either of her captors were watching her they would come quickly if she let on what she had done; it might have only been a foot but it gave Y/N hope she could get out. "Tsk tsk tsk Y/N" Harry's voice suddenly filled the room a few moments after the red light above Y/N lit up again, the arrogant tone sounding a mixture of annoyed and impressed as it rang out of the speaks; and without meaning to Y/N locked eyes with the camera above her in shock. "As impressive as it is you got a cuff off Nickolas is already on his way, he WAS only checking on you but it seems your more than ready; so I will be joining you VERY soon Kitten~" The dark purr sent shivers over Y/N's skin just as the sound of the doors lock giving way sounded, despite knowing it wasn't very smart Y/N found her legs curling up as she sat up the best she could; her body forming a smaller more protective stance at the sight of Nickolas in the doorway. For a moment he hadn't looked up but when he did those deep eyes hardened instantly, setting aside the small box in his hands as he moved closer to the bed like a serpent waiting to strike; leaving Y/N to swallow down her fear as she attempted to sit neutrally.

Nickolas stopped at the bed side his eyes moving to the now empty restraint at its end, before slowly returning up to meet Y/N'S eye sending shivers over her skin; it was a look she had seen directed at others many times before. "I assume Harry has already spoken to you and is on his way" It was more a statement than a question and Y/N stayed silent knowing nothing she said would end well for her, Nickolas sighed in what seemed like exasperation of her silence before turning to leave the bed; heading for the walk in wardrobe which had been so highly enforced. She tried desperately to see the code but with how Nickolas turned his body it wasn't possible, walking inside as soon as the door was opened leaving Y/N to feel panic bud in her chest; the lock on the door opening to allow Harry's entry giving her nothing to stop its building burn. Harry watched with a smirk pulling at his lips moving as he leaned on the door frame of the wardrobe, his eyes staying on her as he began talking to Nickolas; the tone of his voice making it almost impossible for Y/N to keep her breathing under control. "So... we are using what came yesterday right? Everything else we picked out should be on the second shelf in the large zip case" The thoughts rushing through her mind did little to help Y/N to try and remain calm on the outside, while inside she had long since given in to the burning of fear and uncertainty; knowing exactly what both Nickolas and Harry were capable of when they set their mind to a task. When Nickolas emerged a large case in hand along with a small highly sealed box in the other, Harry himself seemed to stop looking inside the box as he passed his eyes flickering to Y/N's form; there was a flash of what almost seemed like pity mingled with desire for a moment before it disappeared. The sight had her pulling at the bonds on her arms trying to see if she could pry them free as she had her foot, but of course it did nothing as the struggle only made her wrists ache and stiffen in protest; and then came the cool tone of warning at her attempts to find release. "I suggest you behave Y/N or your punishments will last far longer than necessary" Despite the fear running through her at that moment Y/N hardened her expression, glaring daggers at the two men before her as she did her best to set them aflame with her eyes alone; all it seemed to do was gain both of their full attentions. Harry raised a brow at her behaviour seemingly surprised while Nickolas stopped completely, a frown settling on his face as if confused but the sudden change; but then that was not shocking when neither had dealt with any real rebellion from Y/N before. Of course in the beginning she had tried to rebel or throw what they called tantrums, but none of them had any serious fight behind the actions at the time; and both had quickly stopped her each time put fear into the young girls mind. But Y/N wasn't a child anymore and she wasn't going to let them break her, her eyes hardened as she pushed herself up sitting on her knee's determined to show no fear; she had lost too much to let them win now. "I have done NOTHING wrong to be punished for, for the love of god look at what you're doing!" The outburst was followed by silence for a few moments, until the pair moved their steps almost echoing as they rang out in the room; like thunder crashing into the suddenly very aware woman's ears. In a split second the two moved in sync lashing out on Y/N's body, Harry's arms taking her ankles and pulling them down forcing her body to lay flat and immobile as went to straddle her waist; while Nickolas lashed forward a hand on her throat as the other gripped the hair on the nape of Y/N's hair painfully. Any courage she had gathered drained from Y/N in that moment staring between their hard eyes, there was a possessive darkness tinged by madness in each man's eyes before her which was focused solely on her; and in that moment- in that split moment - she realised they didn't want to punish her... they wanted to break her.

The fury within both men had never been higher at the utter change in Y/N, she had never denied them or tried to go against either of the two like this before; and it was a change that was utterly unacceptable. Harry moved with viper like speed putting both of Y/N's struggling legs back into their confinements, as Nickolas ensured the struggling form in his hold remained down with the hand on her throat constricting in warning; as the hand fisted tightly in her hair kept their eyes locked sharing his burning disapproval. Both had such great plans for when the shivering woman under them returned but they quickly shattered at this new behaviour, while Harry was silently enjoying the new challenge and fire in his Kitten Nickolas was far from pleased; his good little sister had been replaced with a disobedient run away. Harry allowed his hands to linger along the skin of Y/N's legs as he stood moving away from the bed, heading to the box and bag that had been cast aside watching as Nickolas let go of Y/N's delicate throat; almost groaning as she licked her lips nervously planning on putting the suddenly fiery tongue to better use. Nickolas did not bother looking when Harry moved away knowing what he would be doing, they had long since grown to understand each other in the bedroom and when dealing with women; having shared many times even when indulging their more... dark desires away from where any eyes could follow. Of course they had never intended to inflict such desires on Y/N once she was finally in their bed, but punishment was another matter and the smile that spread over Nickolas's mouth thinking of what they had planned; it would have sent even the devil himself into a nervous state. All Y/N was able to do was shudder as she watched the look spread across Nickolas's face, unable to move because of the restraints and hand still fisted tightly in her H/L hair; each pull on the H/C strands in Nickolas's hands sent new waves of pain through her skull and neck forcing her to remain still. The sound of Harry's almost leisurely steps as he returned to the opposite side of the bed rang out darkly between them, his face a picture of possessive passion as Y/N's E/C eyes clashed with his own; and very slowly he raised his hand holding up an item that was easily recognised. It was a ball gag. Instantly Y/N tried to move away from Harry but Nickolas curled his fingers cruelly, pulling to the point of nearly tearing the hair from her scalp so with no way of backing away without losing half of her scalp in the process Y/N tried to appear more stronger than she felt; clenching her jaw tightly she hoped it would be enough to keep the retched device out of her mouth. Of course Harry simply smirked at her small act of defiance enjoying this new side, it gave him the opportunity to be rough which he from Nickolas's knowing glance he was also enjoying; mentally shaking himself he remembered this was a punishment and not a treat for himself. With one hand still holding the gag he used the other to cup Y/N's tensed jaw feeling just how determined she was to keep it closed, it only made him desire her more feeling her inner strength now; but she would need to be broken in to learn to do as she was told and be their good little girl again. Which both men were already taking sick pleasure in. With a digit on each side of her Jaw Harry applied pressure forcing her jaw to open, the pressure on the muscles and bone giving Y/N no possible resistance as frustrated tear began to gather; her eye glued on the gag as it moved closer to her face.

The leather straps on each side clashing with the metal and what seemed like either plastic or silicon of the gag itself, she examined it in moments finding with slightly widened eyes that the ball at its centre could be removed from the metal ring; which left so many terrifying possibilities in her mind that she tried to fight all the more. The struggles did little to deter either man as the metal ring and ball was pressed into her mouth, the metal and plastic like brace forcing her mouth into a wide open stance; the ball blocking her ability to speak or spit at the two before her. Nickolas brought up a spare hand to hold the gag in her mouth as Harry secured the straps closed with a heavy buckled, his fingers gently moving away her hair from being caught or pulled by the metal and leather; the contradiction in his actions only making the frustrated tears fall all the faster. "There now Kitten, that wasn't so bad was it?" Y/N turned away at Harry's almost mocking purred tone, Nickolas let go of her hair finally leaving a burning ache and allowing the movement as he left the bed; instantly putting Y/N on alert as she followed him with her eyes. Harry however pulled her thoughts away when she felt cold metal against her skin, her eyes snapped down finding the straps of her bra being cut away than her underwear; squealing against the gag she could only squirm as Harry smirked down at her his hands already moving. The unusable fabric was pulled away leaving her form completely bare to their eyes, anger and shame flared on her cheeks as Nickolas came closer a bottle in hand of a clear liquid and small paintbrush; panic and curiosity peaked at the chuckle Harry let loose. Cool eyes however watched her as Nickolas continued on with his task, opening the bottle and dipping into the clear liquid forcing his face to remain natural; he had procured this specifically for punishments and he was rather excited to see it work. The content was from what he had been told a combination of natural toxins which caused over stimulation and mild burning sensations, the effects were mild and only lasted at most four hours but due to where its use was intended the effects would be harsher; and a second bottle was needed which contained a milky shaded liquid to act as an antidote of sorts and neutralise the effects. The woman who had sold it to Nickolas refused to do so until he explained its intended use and had warned him heavily before purchase, the liquid could be used to torture or pleasure but it all depended on where it was applied; and in her words where he planned to place it was pure torture if left until the effects wore off on their own. Coming closer Nickolas nodded his head to Harry who held Y/N's shoulders down making panic spread through her mind, panic however went to utter frenzy at the first stroke of the brush over her nipple; the sensation bloomed like dragons breath and the strongest vibrations over her and it was almost blinding. She fought to move and reach her breast to touch it or give it some form of relief from the sensation, but when she couldn't and the brush returned to the second nipple a desperate cry was all she could muster through the gag; looking up she almost pleaded with her eyes for this to end and it only made both men's smiles turn predatory.

( Y/N POV )

It was too much! Whatever it was that Nickolas had put on my nipples felt so intense it hurt, the sensation was so many different ones combined it ended leaving my mind in a muddle; and all I wanted was to touch them to try and relieve the sensation. "Now you have been a very naughty girl Y/N, but if you accept your punishments they won't hurt so much; all you have to do is listen to us. Is that clear?" Nickolas's cool tone broke through the haze in my mind and I pushed myself to look him in the eyes, nodding almost frantically my breasts continued to push my mind to the edge of its limit; I barely noticed Harry moving until I felt his weight settle on me straddling my lower stomach. Instantly I glared at him as even in my muddled state I knew he was planning something. He did nothing but smile heatedly down at me as his hands came down on my breasts, his rough palms slowly circling my nipples offering friction to the skin; the affect was a mild relief from the over stimulation I was feeling. It didn't take a genius to figure out the touch was what caused the relief, and in my desperation I sought more pushing my chest up into his hands; moaning out when he brought his fingers up to rub my nipples more firmly reducing the liquids effects even more. "Oh Kitten I am loving side of you, letting me touch you like a good little girl~" The chuckles and pure lusted tone Harry used set my skin into goose bumps, not because I was enjoying as he seemed to assume but because of how my mind rebelled the idea; I wasn't his good little anything or letting him do anything... I just needed the sensation to stop. "She will be very good in just a moment, make sure to keep her hips down Harry; its harder to apply her here" My ears barely caught Nickolas's heated words and panic spread when I did, shooting my head up I tried to see him but Harry's immense form was blocking any chance of that; but I could feel him with great accuracy. I felt fingers on the outer lips of my most private place, spreading them and leaving my core open to his eyes making try in vain to close my legs; something solid blocked them only leaving the possibility that Nickolas was in between my legs. Pushing up I tried to buck my hips but Harry sat more heavily on his knees, the extras weight stopped me from moving and kept me in place against the mattress; and that when I felt it. The sensation on my breasts was nothing as I felt the brush swirl around my entrance and the inside the hood hiding my nub, where as my folds had been moist before from the stimulation despite my wishes they suddenly flushed with wetness; the sensations forced my body to react and wet itself in an act of self preparation. Even though I knew it was a natural reaction and not a sign of desire on my part it didn't stop the shame I felt, the sensation of the brush disappeared leaving my mind in turmoil once more the relief from my breast not enough now; my core needed attention and with my legs bound this way and Nickolas still in between my legs I had no way to do it on my own.

Deep rumbling laughter came before the lightest of touches over my no doubt swollen nub, the small touch sent a jolt through my system; if it was relief from the over stimulation or just from being touches I wasn't sure. "Oh don't you look beautiful like this" I almost didn't recognise his voice as Nickolas all but purred at my reactions, his fingers returning to offer the same feather light brush as before; the relief it almost was as frustrating as it was helpful. "Now we can either continue to make that burning go away, or we will leave you to it for a couple of hours; which would you prefer Y/N?" I wanted to shout and scream at them both for this, they knew I couldn't answer and even if I could they KNEW I wanted this to go away; so I didn't the only think I could whimpering pitifully at them as Harry pinched my nipples. "If you want this to go away we need to begin by apologising to both myself and Harry, and you can do that by helping us with our own suffering which you have left us with; can you see Harry's?" Shuddering I refused to look at Harry instead looking at the ceiling, but a hand quickly stopped that escape as Harry snatched my hair forcing my head up; thrusting his... problem against my lower stomach making it impossible to miss. The fear I felt seeing the material of his trousers tent in my direct was immediate, I knew what was beneath and was thankful for the fabric blocking it from direct sight; paling as suddenly I realised what they wanted me to do to apologise to them both. Crying out refusals through the gag I tried to shake my head but Harry's hand refused to allow me to, his eyes burning down on promising pain if I refused either of them on this; delivering a particularly hard pinch to one nipple to enforce it. "Before you choose I will warn you this could last up to four hours, unless we apply the second dose to relieve the first" Those words sunk in like a blade through my heart, the fact repeating in my head until it finally sunk in fully; four hours like this was unthinkable but looking at Harry I wasn't sure if the alternative was better. Letting them do this would make them stop insufferable sensation they had caused, but I would be giving them something they wanted and making them believe I was giving in; even if I ignored what they did in the last few days I just couldn't bring myself to do it. Mentally preparing myself for the hours of pain and back lash I pulled what strength I could muster, shaking my head almost violently forcing Harry to let go as I gave a defiant negative reply; my eyes clashing with his mildly shocked ones to try and burn them since Nickolas was out of sight. I watched as Harry looked over his shoulder raising a brow, the thin line his mouth had formed at my refusal slowly pulled at the corners; forming a sinister smirk as he looked back to me the bed moving under my legs telling me Nickolas had moved. With him moved I tried to move my legs and relieve the burning sensation still between my legs, but before I could something cool clamped around each of my upper thighs forcing them apart; my eyes widened slightly in panic as Nickolas finally came into sight a sinister glint to his eyes.


Nickolas took his time coming around to the top of the bed again watching Y/N's eyes widen, he had hoped she would not force him further seeing how intensely she reacted so far; but it seemed she needed more pressure to realise what was best for her. "Oh Y/N Y/N Y/N, you always have been stubborn" Slowly he let his fingers glide over the side of Y/N's cheek trailing down one of the thick wet lines, taking in her flushed and heated appearance and using all his will power not to gaze lower; the sight of her breasts rising and falling under her heavy breathing would be a distraction he wouldn't be able to resist. "But I will give you one more chance to make your choice, and before you do so you should know we will be reapplying to ensure you find no relief; so until you begin apologising like a good girl you WILL burn for us" Moving closer gently cupping her chin Nickolas allowed a warm smile to adorn his face, as much as he enjoyed this punishment he also missed being gentle with Y/N as he had before; she had been the only one he gave his affection freely and her smile had always warmed his heart. "So what will it be Y/N? Will we be leaving you to burn or will you play nicely with us?" Y/N's lips quivered around the gag in her mouth as she seemed to fight herself, Nickolas shared a glance with Harry who seemed to share his discomfort at Y/N's mental distress and in a small effort to comfort her Harry's hands moved to massage her breasts; the effect giving her some relief from the discomfort. Nickolas hated to cause her unnecessary pain but this was one time he would cause it, even if pain came from his or Harry's touch for their enjoyment or simply punishment she would always find some pleasure or reward; but this time he would have to watch her hurt to ensure she remembered she belonged with them. It was strange even to him how his reactions changed just for her, any other woman would either have given him what he wanted under his unforgiving hand by now; or disappeared from sight in any manner of... accidents that came about. But never their Y/N, even if he desired to see that flash of pain or make her burn for longer than what he should; there would always be relief and love for her at the end never pain or abandonment. Watching her now as she continued to fight Nickolas knew she was on the tip of refusal, but he also knew she just needed another reason to give over that small shred of control she had left to them; and seeing how her lips quivered he knew just what to offer her. "I know you want to be a good girl for me Y/N, all you have to do is give me the yes I need and I will remove the gag; I want my good girl comfortable while she helps us" Watching closely he saw the moment she gave up fighting, another tear trailing over her already wet cheeks as it gently shook up and down in a positive motion; the sight pulling a pleased predatory grin onto his face.

Without a word being said Harry moved his own excitement peaking at the triumph, no matter how small it might seem it was a big hill in their fight for dominance; and keeping Y/N where she belonged with them. His keen eyes watched as Y/N began to whimper and squirm under the effects of the liquid still coating her skin, the light sheen of perspiration coating her skin combined with her movements made it seem as if she glowed in the light; and it fascinated him to no end as he watched her for a moment before coming back to his senses. Now that she was doing as she was asked it displeased him that his Kitten was on the edge of suffering, turning Harry exchanged a glance with Nickolas receiving an agreeing nod from him; the only signal he was offered before Nickolas moved. Harry knew where his friend was headed and turned to get the second bottle he needed, as much as he enjoyed touching Y/N's soft plump breasts hearing her moan for him; Harry knew she was closer to pain than pleasure the moment she was left unattended. And the thought of her hurting when he could stop it while she was behaving was simply unacceptable, picking up the bottle he slowly headed back to the bed watching as Nickolas got her ready; heading to sit by her side uncapping the bottle and dipping his finger inside. There was a brush inside but he had no intention of wasting a chance to touch Y/N's skin, after her punishment was done with she would be getting her privileges back which meant clothing; and he had no doubt it would take a lot of work to get this kind of contact willingly. Slowly drawing a finger over the taunt nipple closest to him Harry couldn't help but watch Y/N's face, her eyes closed in something akin to ecstasy as moans of relief left her around the gag; Nickolas was doing the same his eyes locked in place as Harry watched him as well. Harry knew what some may think if they saw them at this moment, but he and Nickolas were like brothers without blood; loyal and connect in a way that was almost frightening from years of bonding. But there was no feeling like the one that drew both to Y/N to the other, he wanted to share with Nickolas and would defend him with his life; but there was no attraction as many had whispered and gossiped of. Both he and Nickolas had experimented in attempts to stave the physical needs while waiting for Y/N to be ready for them, but not with each other even if it seemed they shared that connection with how in sync they had become; both men and women had been their prey over the years but now they had her there would only ever be Y/N. And as he slowly applied the cool liquid to the second nipple Harry found himself excited to use what they had learned on her, she would they would only do what was best for her in time and be happy at their sides again; before that happen though they still needed to ensure she realised what she had done wrong. An almost sinister smile fell in place as Nickolas began to move again, Y/N was about to begin her first apology and he knew they would both be enjoying it very much; and teach Y/N some very important skills at the same time.

( Y/N POV )

The shame and guilt clawed at my insides when I felt myself nodding towards Nickolas, I knew I shouldn't be giving in to them or doing what they wanted me to do next; but the sensations from my breasts alone was nearly unbearable and my core burned now like throbbing molten fire. It was a sensation beyond simple pain sending my mind into confusion, it was something I wasn't strong enough to fight against; so for now I would back down but not all the way. I was going to give them this battle but not the war. When I felt a finger return to one breast coated in a cool substance I couldn't stop the moan of relief as the sensations melting away, it was like a wave of pain passed over me leaving behind a sheet of pure bliss in its wake; the effect was enough to make me close my eyes letting myself relish in it for a few moments as Harry continued on to my other breast. "Now that Harry made your breasts all better, I think it's time you were nice enough to help him with his problem too: so I am going to take this gag off for now. Unless of course you decide not to behave then it goes back on" Blinking my eyes open I looked at Nickolas as his fingers began working the closed gag until it loosened, my jaw instantly working with him to push the offending item from my mouth; feeling my jaw flex to try and find some feeling from where it had began to go numb. I couldn't help the shudder hearing the sound of a belt being unbuckled to my side, but I refused to look towards where I knew Harry was as fabric sounded; if I saw him undressing as I knew he was I would do something that they would make me regret. Nickolas didn't seem to mind how I continued to lock my gaze on him, and although I wasn't sure what he was thinking right now my mind was trying not to panic; I had given in which meant I had to go through with what came next even if I knew there was no going back after. This step was a big one and they would know it was possible to get me to comply to them, the bed dip I closed my eyes whimpering feeling the heat of skin on my own as Harry straddled my upper chest this time; the feel of his legs moving leaving my mind to explode with a thousand thoughts I wanted to burn instantly but couldn't shake. "Ohhhh look~ Our feisty Kitten is nervous, but don't worry Y/N we will be gentle with you; as long as you listen to us" A pinch to my nipples made me gasp turning to look at Harry on instinct, my eyes gluing to his face and the overly pleased smirk sitting on it; refusing to move despite how I felt him move his hips pushing against my skin sending heat burning over my skin. "There we are, that wasn't so hard now was it Kitten? Now I want you to look down, my problem isn't so little anymore and its egger for your attention" My head shook slightly without me even consciously moving it, despite knowing this was going to happen I didn't want to look down; once I did then I would lose the last boarder that kept my innocence intact. When fingers gently took my chin I slowly looked away from Harry's eyes and locked on to Nickolas's instead, it was like moving from a hot summer's sun to a cool winter's night between the two; but the look in his eyes this time was not fully cold. They were cool not cold like when we were little before he turned colder towards everyone else, and I felt myself soften towards that look even as his thumb gently smoothed over the skin of my cheek; the action so tender it made me pause. "Its alright Y/N, I know this is frightening but we will guide you through your first time; and only me and Harry will ever see you this way" The gentle tone he used was tender and loving I almost didn't recognise the possessive nature of them, or the push in them telling me there was no getting away from what was literally in front of me; not that the heat of Harry's skin would let me forget. Taking a breath I made the slightest nod earning me a smile from Nickolas as he released my chin, and despite feeling like my head was heavy as stone turned with dread filling my stomach; letting my eyes look lower this time following Harry's arm to what was filling me with so much dread. 

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