Complicated Love~ Jikook (COM...

By amy55021

26.9K 1K 111

Jimin transfers schools since in his last school he got bullied everyday, he hopes in his new school things w... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24 (the final)

Chapter 16

811 30 10
By amy55021

~Jungkooks Pov~

A few hours later Jimin was still sleeping, and I thought that I better start to cleaning his wounds. I can't believe that that bastard of a brother I have did this to Jimin, I HATE HIM SO MUCH. While I was cleaning Jimins wounds he woke up.

"Ouch Jungkook slowly, it hurts"

"Sorry Jimin.... what happened exactly?"

"After Jinsoo knocked you out, he grabbed me and dragged me to his car, then took me to that place. How did you guys find where I was?

"Namjoon tracked your location since you had your phone on you"

"Oh okay, I'm wondering if something else happens and my phone is not with me, what will happen?"

"I don't know, lemme text Namjoon maybe he invents something"

Jungkook: Jimin woke up, can you please tell the others?

Namjoon: That's good to hear

Jungkook: May I ask a favor from you please?

Namjoon: Yeah sure

Jungkook: The only way you find Jimin is because he had his phone with him right?

Namjoon: Yeah that's right, if he didn't have his phone it would had been impossible to track his location.

Jungkook: Can you like maybe invent a bracelet or something? Like it would track where someone is

Namjoon: I was already think of that to tell you the truth, I'm planning on making one for everyone in the group

Jungkook: Okay good and thank you.

Namjoon: Welcome

"Okay so I texted Namjoon and he told me that he will invent a bracelet or something that would track where we are, he is gonna make one for everyone he said"

"That's good, with Jinsoo around it isn't safe"

"Yeah I know"

"What time is it?"

"It's 2 in the afternoon"

I got up and cooked some food for Jimin and I.

"There you go, eat up" I told Jimin while he was already stuffing his mouth with food.

I sat down next to him and started to eat with him. After we ate I went to the cupboard to get some pills for Jimin.

"Take these and you will feel better, tonight before you go to bed take them again"

"Okay thank you Jungkook"

Jimin grabbed the pills and took them

"Lets watch a movie" Jimin told me after he took the pills


When the movie finished it was already 4 p.m.

"You want to meet up with the others?" Jimin told me

"Yeah sure, let me text them"

Jungkook: Guys Jimin wants to meet up, can you meet us at the park in 1 hour?

Taehyung: You have to be kidding me I already changed in my pyjamas.

Yoongi: Just come with that

Taehyung: Will do

Namjoon: Don't tell me you are seriously coming with that

Taehyung: Yes I am

Namjoon: Ugh

Jin: I can meet up btw

Namjoon: Same here

Hoseok: Count me in

Taehyung: Me and my pyjamas  are definitely coming

Yoongi: I can come


Taehyung: Are we gonna eat from home or are we going to some restaurant or something.

Namjoon: I wouldn't mind eating from a restaurant

Jungkook: Same here

Hoseok: Wanna eat from that new restaurant that just opened near the park?

Yoongi: Yeah sure

Jungkook: Taehyung are you still coming with you pyjamas?

Taehyung: Nahhhhhhh I already changed now

Yoongi: That was fast

Taehyung: I know right

Jimin: Guysssssssssss send a pic of what you are going to wear, this is my outfit







Namjoon: Please tell me you aren't serious right now Tae.


Jungkook: Peeps, I'll talk to you later because I'll be late if I keep on chatting

Hoseok: Okay byeeeeeee

Jin: See you guys later

I went up to my room and dressed up.

"Jimin, are you ready?" I shouted from my room

"Soon, I just need to arrange my hair" He shouted back

I went downstairs to wait for him to finish. After about 5 minutes he came down.

"Woah you look amazing" I said as I kissed him

"So do you" he said as he kissed me back

"Lets get going" I told him as I grabbed his hand

~Taehyung Pov~

As I was driving to the park I saw Yoongi walking.

"You need a lift?" I told him

"Preferably yes" He told me

"Hop in"

He got into the passenger seat next to me.

"Why are you walking? Don't you have a car?" I asked him

"Yes I do have a car, but I had to take it for repairs"

"Oh okay, if you ever need a lift call me"

"Okay thank you" he said with a smile



"I have to tell you something?"

"Tell me"

"I like you, I liked you for a while now"

"I like you too Tae"

"Wait, you do?"

"Yes I do"

"Why did you get angry last time when Jungkook and Jimin announced that they got together?"

"I was annoyed at the fact that Jungkook acted like nothing happened at all, it's not that I still like Jimin"

"Oh so that's why"


"Do you want to get together Yoongi?"

"I would love to" he told me with a smile

"You want to tell the others?"

"I think it's better if we just keep it between us for now"

~Hoseoks Pov~

I arrived at the place that we were supposed to meet but no one was there yet. I sat down so I'll wait for the others and while waiting I received a message from my friend.

Soobin: Yo dude, did you hear?

Hoseok: Hear what?

Soobin: That jerk Jinsoo has a girlfriend

Hoseok: Wait really?

Soobin: Yupppp

Hoseok: Who is the poor girl that ended up with him?

Soobin: Caitlin

Hoseok: What the hell, how?

Soobin: I don't know, but there are rumors saying that he is using her

Hoseok: Using her for what?

Soobin: I don't know

Hoseok: Listen I'll text you later because I'm out right now

Soobin: Okay have fun

Hoseok: Thank you 

"Yooooooooooo" Tae shouted

"Hiiiii" I shouted back

"Where are the others?" Yoongi asked

"They didn't come yet" I told him

We sat down and chatted for a few minutes and finally Jin, Namjoon, Jimin and Jungkook arrived.

"We go eat?" Jungkook asked

"Yup let's go" Namjoon said

We walked to the restaurant and found a table. 

"What do you want to eat?" The waitress asked us

"We will take japchae, samgyeopsal, bulgogi, soondae, bimbimbap, ddukbokki, kimchi and tteokbokki" Namjoon ordered

"Anything to drink?"

"2 large bottle of water" 

"AND SPRITE" I shouted

"I'll be back with your drinks soon"

"Okay thank you"

-A few minutes later-

"Did you guys hear the news?" I asked them

"What news?" Jungkook asked

"Apparently your brother has a girlfriend Jungkook"

"Really?" Jimin asked

 "Who is she?" Yoongi asked


"How did they even end up together?" Namjoon asked

"I don't know but Soobin told me about this and he said that there is a rumor that he is using here"

"What do you think he is using her for?" Jin asked all of us

"Oh no" Jungkook said

"What's wrong?" Jimin asked Jungkook

"I think I know what he is using her for" Jungkook said

"For what?" I quickly asked him

"Caitlins dad is a hitman.... I think that's why he is using her so he will get any help he wants from her dad"

"Oh shit, I think Jungkook has a point" Jin said

"Guys don't worry, here I made these bracelets. Wear them wherever you go, if anything happens we can track each other" Namjoon he said as he handed us the bracelets.

After a while of chatting the food came. As soon as the food was set on the table we started stuffing our mouths. In a few minutes all of the food was gone and we went to pay and got out of the restaurant.

~Jungkooks Pov~

"Guys from now on we have to protect each other even more, we aren't safe"  Namjoon told us

"Yes we have to" Jin said

"Well me and Jimin are gonna go home now"

"Okay guys be safe" Tae said

We went back to his house and when we arrived we went to change clothes. After we changed we headed to bed, before I got in bed I grabbed the pills and a cup of water and went to give them to Jimin.

"Here take this" I said as I gave them to him

"Thank you" he said as I kissed him

"Good night" I told him

"Good night" he replied back

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