Harry styles images #2

By taehyunqk

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Second book to harry styles images #1 More

Mornings in the Styles household
Y/N frets over Harry's bruised knuckles from boxing.
anxiety attack
giggly sex
someone you loved
Golden hour
Letters to Harry
Ping Pong
Cold feet
Under the Moonlight
Fries and Burgers
Interview with the boys
His Birthday
Butt Touches
The Night After
How you sleep together
Valentines Day
Werewolf Heat
My Fault
At The Brits
Your daughter brings home a guy
He doesn't know your bi
Ashton Irwin is hitting on you.
He does your makeup
You get your wisdom teeth out
Masquerade ball
You are 7 years younger than Harry
Double date with Gemma
He meets your family for the first time
Louis catches the two of you
Brit awards
Blanket hog
American foods
Watermelon Sugar
Sticky situation
Safe Word
Foreign language
Harry in italy
Harry's on tour
Bad Day
Bossy Lawyer
Tell me you own me
Bed sharing
Next week
Happy Anniversary
A Phone Call Away
Awkward pt.2

philosophy professor

14.2K 136 50
By taehyunqk

Y/N is excited.

She's in her last year of college, getting closer and closer towards graduation and achieving her degree that she's worked very hard for. This fall semester is a light load, only a few classes and she couldn't feel more carefree. One of her classes happens to be philosophy - a class she's put off having because she knows it'll just be some bullshit about life and why Greek philosophers want you to live your best life - and she signed up for it as one of her last classes of the day. She walks in, not expecting it to be full because who would want to take philosophy over world religion? (Philosophy was her last resort, and she's not very happy about it. Hopefully she'll be able to slide by with an A without trying). She takes a seat towards the middle, not exactly in the back to where she can't see the board in the giant auditorium, but not in the front so the instructor can call on her. She wonders what the professor looks like; all she knows is his name - Styles, Harry, and that he has a PhD.

Whatever. He can philosophize about philosophy. How intriguing. He's probably so boring, and the most boring looking-

Y/N nearly spits out her lemon and cucumber water when she sees the professor strut into the classroom. Tall, tan, gorgeous fluffy brown curly hair and a toned, muscled body. She literally feels herself salivate, having to wipe the corners of her mouth and the girl next to her chuckles, fanning her face to show she thinks he's attractive too. Y/N watches him step down the steps (more so his behind that is perfectly round in his slacks) and the way his back muscles flex beneath his silky dress shirt. She leans forward in her seat, her chin in her hand and her eyes hooded as her breathing speeds up and slows down at the same time, confusing her but she can't focus on anything right now except the insanely hot teacher she's been blessed with.

"Hello, everyone. I'm... Doctor... Styles." He spaces out his words as he writes his name on the white board. "Although I'm not one of those pricks that'll correct you if you say "professor" instead of "doctor"." Y/N dreamily giggles, along with about every other girl in class (and a few boys). "I know in every other class, you went over the syllabus, and that is incredibly boring - the most boring thing in the world I think - so I won't put you all through that torture. Just read it yourselves and come visit me during office hours if you have any questions or concerns." Y/N likes Doctor Styles.

And Y/N is definitely visiting him during office hours.

The class dives into a discussion about the presocratics, Doctor Styles tossing out facts about sophists and their ideologies. "The sophists were generally more concerned with "getting your coin" as the lingo is today, more so then actually philosophizing. They taught for a fee, but what they taught was very interesting - or I think so." Y/N breathlessly laughs, biting her lip, and trying to focus on his words while imagining how his head would look between her thighs. "They believed everything was an opinion and that everything was up for debate." Y/N raises her hand. "Yes, you there."

"So, did they believe that there was one fact and that it was that everything was an opinion? Or did they just sit around saying everything was an opinion and didn't try to force it on anyone?"

The class gasps, some oohs going around. Doctor Styles freezes, puffs out his lips as if he's thinking, and pinches his eyebrows together. "That... well, that... you see..." He fumbles over his words, making Y/N giggle because he's so cute and his cheeks flush pink, despite being a college professor. "You might be a philosopher as well, with a question like that." The class discusses amongst themselves, leaving Y/N and Harry to stare at each other as he tries to answer her question. "I think it's safe to say that the sophists were thinkers, albeit a simple definition, but that's about it. They thought you could discuss everything and not be wrong or right. Does that answer your question?" Y/N nods, although not really hearing what he said because she was too busy thinking about his cock looks like. I bet it's big. Class ends quickly, everyone scurrying out leaving Y/N one of the last ones to leave, along with Doctor Styles. "I think I'm going to enjoy having you in my class." He smiles at her before exiting, leaving her dazzled and embarrassingly trying to control her breathing before running to her dorm.


"You have Professor Styles? HE'S SO HOT!" Y/N's roommate Sabrina gushes, falling onto her back on her bed and kicking her feet in the air.

"Doctor Styles", she corrects, "and HE SO IS, AND I TALKED TO HIM." She tackles her on the bed, straddling her lap because the two have had a few intimate nights together over the years while studying over a glass of chardonnay - not a good mix - and are very open about their sexuality, feeling very comfortable with each other. "I asked a question in class, and he didn't really know the answer to it! Felt like a proper philosopher."

"You are pretty smart." Sabrina taps her nose, making Y/N blush and she climbs off her before they start something they can't finish. Y/N knows Sabrina sort of has a girlfriend, and she doesn't want to get in the way of that. "And you have his class every day?"

"Yep! I get to see his sexy ass four days a week, I'm gonna dehydrate from drooling so much." She giggles into her hand while walking to her mini fridge and pulling out a coffee she saved for today. "You took him last year, right? Do you know how old he is? He looks young."

"He's thirty-two. I asked him once when I went to his office hours. He's very open at those times, I had some deep conversations with him." She looks up as if reminiscing on them, smiling while doing so. "I wish I could take his class again before I graduate. I want to try to fuck him."

"Sabrina!" Y/N throws a pillow at her, although she can't deny she isn't thinking the same thing.

"Oh, come on! You can't say you don't want him between your legs." She spreads her thighs after saying, lifting her bottom half off the mattress and Y/N forces herself to look away before she gets too tempted to pull off her roommate's shorts. Being a hormonal twenty-one year old should've came with a pamphlet.


The first month of the fall semester flies by. Y/N has yet to visit Doctor Styles during office hours, but she's spoken in class every day, which is something she hardly does in her other classes. She just wants to hear Doctor Styles' voice directed to her so she can have something to get her off at night (she isn't even the tiniest bit ashamed, except for when she sees him the next class and feels her body heat up as she remembers rubbing her clit while thinking about his cock ramming into her). In class, they had an in depth socratic seminar about Heraclitus and his beliefs, and she plans on speaking about that for maybe two minutes during Doctor Styles' office hours before changing gears and asking about his life - more so his dating life. She really hopes he's single (even if dating a student is frowned upon, and that's if he even likes her that way/is attracted to her).

She finds his office, ESED 2304 and checks the plate "Styles. PhD" before knocking on the open door. The office is quite big to just be used for tutoring, and Y/N has to look around a filing cabinet to see him sitting at his desk.

"Doctor Styles? May I come in?" She steps in anyway, walking towards him and he gestures with a wave.

"Of course you may. Y/N, correct?" She nods. "What can I help you with?"

"The quiz next week over the Pluralists, will that cover everyone we talked about, or just mainly Heraclitus?" She sits down in a seat in front of his desk, crossing her legs and praising herself for wearing a skirt. She hopes he sees her thighs.

"Everyone we talked about. Especially Empedocles."

"Oh, yeah. He believed that love brought everything together, yes?"

"In today's modern language, no. He just used "love" to describe magnetism." He leans back in his seat, placing his right foot on his left thigh and Y/N feels her mouth water as the material of his pants stretch over his crotch, making him appear as if his dick is about to burst out. Y/N immediately feels her cheeks heat, shaking her head and letting her hair fall in front of her face. "Your hair is down."

Y/N looks up, tilting her head to the side. "Huh?"

Harry feels put on the spot, placing his foot back on the ground and pulling himself closer to his desk to hide his erection that is definitely forming due to how tight her shirt is, noting two pebbled nipples poking through the thin fabric. He mentally shames himself for getting hard over a student, but he's a young man and some of the students are near his age, and he's unmarried. What's he to do? "Oh, it's just... you usually have your hair up, in a ponytail or bun or sometimes braids." Y/N smiles while blushing, looking down at his wooden desk to distract herself from his piercing green eyes. "That was very unprofessional of me to say. I'm sorry, I don't mean to notice such things, but-"

"It's okay!" She wafts the air in a dismissive manner. "You're just a very observant professor." She bends down to retrieve something from her backpack, knowingly putting her cleavage on display and Harry leans forward a bit in his chair, although the creaking gives him away and he leans back quickly to pretend like he wasn't just trying to get a good look at his student's tits. She comes back up with a smirk, pulling her v-neck up which causes her breasts to bounce. "So, back to Empedocles. He doesn't believe everything is brought together by love?" Harry shakes his head, trying not to focus on his head down there. "What about you?"

"What do I think about love bringing things together? I think it's huplah." Y/N pouts, raising her eyebrows and Harry thinks she's the cutest student he's ever had since he's begun his career. "Not that love isn't good! It's great! But it isn't the center of all things."

"I think so." She looks down at her feet, fiddling her thumbs. "Love inspires people, no? So why can't it be the center of all things?"

Harry smiles at her. "I suppose you're right. Maybe it's just my past experiences that make me doubtful."

"Oh? Have you had bad relationships?"

"The worst. My last girlfriend cheated on me with my cousin, and... oh gosh, I shouldn't be telling my student this." He slaps his forehead, laughing to himself.

"No, it's fine! I don't mind." She has to squeeze her thighs together before the words my student filthy her mind. "I've had an ex cheat on me too, s'the worst."

"It is..." They sit in silence for a few moments before he breaks it, feeling a bit awkward. "Well, umm, I have some papers to grade, so-"

"I ruined it, didn't I?" She bats her eyelashes at him, knowing full well what she's doing but she wants him to think she's an innocent angel with big, pouty lips. "I'm sorry for bringing up love. S'my fault, really."

"You didn't do anything wrong, darling. You're fine." Y/N almost chokes from the pet name, wondering if he said it purposely or if he calls everyone that and it just slipped out. Either way, she loves it. "We can pick this up during my office hours tomorrow though, okay?"

Y/N waves goodbye, walking out and swaying her hips to make her skirt flow side to side, knowing he's looking at her ass and she smirks before disappearing out of the door.


The next day, Y/N's usual seat is taken by a perky blonde and she rolls her eyes at her PINK backpack and PINK water bottle and PINK headband. She chooses a seat closer to the front, sitting next to a cute boy with dark skin and lovely, dark brown eyes, smiling at him and he does the same. Harry looks to Y/N's old seat, his face pinching when he sees she's no longer there but preps up when he notices her closer in one of the front aisles. Y/N waves and Harry gives a little inconspicuous head nod while passing around the sign-in sheet. Their new discussion is fairly interesting, captivating Y/N's attention, and even the boy's next to her. He speaks quietly to her, conversing about Zeno's Achilles and the Tortoise analogy and Harry feels a weird rumble in his abdomen while watching Y/N's face light up talking to some college douche. He prefers her talking to him about ideas she has, not a classmate. His mind goes before he can stop himself.

"You two in the corner, please speak up for everyone to hear or wait to discuss this on your own time."

Y/N slumps in her seat, her cheeks reddening and the brown-eyed boy smiles awkwardly at him. Harry feels awful for putting her on the spot, but he can't let that distract him. He has a class to teach.


Harry waits in his office for Y/N to stop by to discuss more about the upcoming quiz. She doesn't show, and Harry feels like a proper dick.


Next week rolls around, and Harry's upset to see Y/N sitting in the far back. He hoped she would sit near the front again so he could be near her, but she's in the very last row, and he feels shitty. He thinks about writing her an email, but that would be unprofessional on his part. What would he even say? Sorry I called you out in class, please don't be mad at me and continue to visit me during my office hours? He can't do that, so he decides on a different approach. He hands out the quiz row-by-row, joking with the class how he needs the exercise of walking up the stairs. When he gets to Y/N, she doesn't look at him, upsetting Harry further. He places the quizzes on her desk, tilting his head to see if she'll maybe look up, but she still doesn't. He exhales deeply, making her fidget in her seat and give him a sparing glance where he smiles at her, but she looks back at the quizzes, mumbling a thank you and writes her name at the top. He gives up, walking back down the stairs after giving out the rest of the quizzes and waits for his class to be done.


Y/N feels a bit weird not speaking to Doctor Styles for a few days, but she's been very upset with him for calling her out in class like that. She thought they had a decent friendship (or professor/student relationship) enough for him to not embarrass her, but she thought wrong. However, she needs guidance on the essay due soon and is faced with no other option than to visit him during his office hours. She's shocked to see his door is closed, about to walk away but he opens it for her, standing against the door frame.

"Would you like to come in?" He steps aside, letting Y/N make her way in shyly and toddle to the chair in front of his desk. "I'll be sitting on my couch, if that's all right."

"Sure", Y/N's voice is low, flattening out her dress before sitting and she has to suck in a breath as Harry sits with his thighs spread, cuffing the sleeves of his button up shirt and he just looks so hot. She discretely clenches her thighs together as she crosses them, dulling the throb in her clit that has been caused by him for the past month.

"So-" they say in unison.

"You go ahead." Y/N speaks.

"I'm sorry for calling you out in class the other day. I don't usually do that sort of thing." He nervously wipes his sweaty palms against his slacks.

"It's okay... I'm sure if I were a professor I would get annoyed by students whispering during my lecture as well." She gives him a weak smile, smoothing over any creases in her dress.

"No, really, I am sorry. It made me feel awful to see you like that. I care about-"

Before he can finish, another professor bursts through the door, looking rugged and a bit sloppy, his work bag slung over his shoulder. "Harry, mate, did you get my email?"

He was about to tell me something, you jerk! And you want to know if he got your email?

Harry looks at the man with narrowed eyes, the wrinkles in his forehead showing. "Derrick, this time is scheduled for my students to visit me about assignments, and low and behold, I have one with me right now, so please come back at a later time, preferably tomorrow." Y/N feels a shiver course through her body listening to Harry's authoritative tone, making its way to between her thighs and she knows she has to take care of it before she makes a puddle in her panties.

"It's all right!" She stands up, grabbing her backpack and slinging it over her shoulder. "I can come back another time. It looks like you're needed." She waves bye to Harry, earning her a small wave back but with a hint of confusion. She dashes to her dorm with one thought in her head: Harry. She plans on getting in her bed, slipping her hand in her panties and rubbing her swollen clit until she cums all over her fingers to the thought of Harry aggressively fucking her against the wall. His bossy tone really set her off, and she hopes she gets to experience her fantasy in real life. If only she knew how quickly it would happen.


Y/N's sexual arousal has been insane. She's gotten herself off every day since that day she had to run to her dorm, and it's been a week. Her clit instantly throbs when she sees Harry in class, dressed in his tight-fitted slacks that hug his bottom and make it seem like his crotch is being held prisoner, ready to bust out of the material; the way the first few buttons of his shirt are undone and how he usually ends up rolling up his sleeves throughout lecture... Y/N feels like she's bound to explode any day now.

On this particular day, she knows it can't be healthy - not even to sexologists - to masturbate three times a day (maybe it is) and to refrain from thinking about Harry's pretty green eyes looking up at her from between her thighs, she takes it upon herself to go to the Target down the road. She doesn't really need anything, she just needs to be out of her dorm and she thinks shopping mindlessly will help her. She doesn't even take her car, she walks the mile to really get out of her own head and orders a strawberry refresher from the Starbucks inside once she gets there. It's very humid outside - due to the rain coming soon - and Y/N wishes she drove as she hears the rain coming down on the roof as she walks to self checkout with an eyeliner in hand. And wouldn't she know it, after she pays, she sees Harry walking in her direction towards the door, holding two grocery bags.

"Y/N!" He greets her with a smile, making her feel all mushy inside and a bit lower south. "How've you been? Haven't talked to you in a while. You stopped coming to my office hours."

She feels a little self conscious by how she looks right now: workout shorts, a v-neck, and her hair in a messy bun with pieces every which way. She's usually very put together when she sees Harry, but right now she looks as if she just woke up. "Oh, yeah, I've just been feeling a little sick." She fakes a cough in her hand, knowing it sounds stage but Harry plays along.

"That's too bad. Maybe you should take off some time from class."

"No! No, I'm not that sick, I'm just-"

"But you're sick enough to stop visiting me?" Try sounding a little more desperate. "To ask about the course work?" That's better, you idiot.

"Yeah, well no, well..." She exhales sharply, rubbing her arm with her free hand. "I've just been busy."

"I'm just messing with you, darling." There's that pet name again, and Y/N's tummy is doing flips like he called her something more intimate like baby or summat. "I like giving my students a hard time." He walks with her to the exit, pulling up his hood on his jacket when he sees the rain. "It's really coming down, huh?"

"Shit", she curses under her breath. "I need to get a Lyft." She pulls out her phone, about to tap on the app but Harry's voice interrupts her actions.

"You don't have a ride?"

"No, I, uh... I walked here."

"You walked here? From campus?" She nods. "That's a whole mile, darling. Have we got ourselves an Olympic athlete?" Y/N chuckles, shaking her head and tucking a piece of hair behind her ear that fell out of her bun. "Well, I can save you the money and give you a ride? How's that sound?"

Y/N looks up in amazement and bewilderment. Should she accept a ride from her professor who she so deeply wants her to fuck her? Fuck it, it's raining. "If that's okay with you."

"Course it's okay! I'm on my way back to campus anyway. Gonna eat dinner in my office and grade some tests."

They walk to Harry's car, putting their bags in the backseat before getting in, and Y/N clears her throat. "I think I failed that test." She pouts while buckling her seat belt, catching Harry staring at her and she blushes slightly.

"You most certainly did not. I graded yours earlier today, and you got an 87: B plus."

"Really?" she squeals, "Holy shit! I really thought I failed."

"You did really good." He chuckles at her words, driving back to campus and parking in the administration lot. "What're you doing right now?"

"Me?" She knows she sounds dumb right after she asks.

"Yes, you." He smiles, wanting to reach out and pinch her squishy cheek. "I have some extra noodles that I won't eat by myself. Want to share? And maybe... philosophize about stuff?"

Y/N must he dreaming. Harry, her professor, wants her to eat noodles with him in his office while talking about life?

"That sounds good!" She feels giddy - absolutely giddy - and walks with him to his office. He unlocks the door, letting her step in first and he lets the door close, which she pays no mind to at all. "Can I sit on the couch?"

"Be my guest." She plops down, her thighs widening from the pressure of the couch beneath her and she feels self conscious again, deciding on sitting criss-cross with her hands in her lap. She wants to ask if she can take her shoes off too, but she doesn't want to push it. She's about to have dinner with her professor, for goodness sake! He walks over to her with a container of noodles, some vegetables thrown in and her tummy grumbles. "Hungry?"

"She never shuts up." She pats her stomach, as if telling it to be quiet and takes the container from a giggling Harry. "Thank you."

"When's the last time you ate?" He sits down with her, fairly close and Y/N's heart rate quickens.

"I had a drink from Starbucks at Target", she says while scarfing down a few bites.

"That's not food." He chuckles before taking a bite. "You need to remember to eat. I know college is time consuming, but you have to remember to take care of yourself, too."

"I know, I know, it's just... I have so much homework every day and so many things to read, and I have this fear of failing every class this semester and not graduating in the spring and it's just very... tiring." She plays with her noodles with her fork, stirring them around.

"You seem stressed."

"Very." She sighs. "And all the articles you have us read don't help!" She teases him, swatting him on the shoulder is a very playful manner as if they've known each other for a long time.

"I'm trying to broaden your mind!" He speaks through a mouthful of food, making her laugh into her hand. "How about this: you come and talk to me during my office hours when you can, and I'll help you interpret Plato's dialogues."

"It's a date." She says without thinking, and lets her words marinate in the space between them before realizing what she's actually said to her professor. "I mean, not a date! I just mean, that, well... you know... it'll be our time together, and... oh gosh that doesn't sound better either, does it?" She places her palm on her cheek, feeling how hot it is and she frowns when Harry smiles at her while chewing a bite of broccoli.

"When's the last time you went on a date?" He places his noodles on the floor a little ways from his feet, grabbing hers as well and doing the same. Y/N looks down at her lap, playing with her laces on her shoes and mumbles something under her breath. "What was that?" He ducks his head, looking at her face more clearly and she meets his eyes.

"I haven't been on an actual date since my boyfriend cheated on me. I don't really know why... I guess I'm just scared. So lately I've just been having meaningless sex, and... I really shouldn't have told you that." She places her head in her hands, feeling absolutely embarrassed.

"S'all right. Don't be embarrassed." He rubs her knee, making her breath hitch and he pulls his hand away, trying to play it off as if he didn't just massage her bare skin. "Anyway... you haven't been on a date in a while, then?" She nods her head. "This may be personal, but it's for a sexual study I'm apart of at this campus, so if you don't mind answering, that would help a lot. Is the meaningless sex more or less satisfying than with someone you have an emotional connection with? I ran a survey last year and 60% of students said no, that it was less satisfying. How do you feel?"

Y/N nibbles on her bottom lip while thinking, making Harry go mad and have to look away before he starts plumping up in his tight trousers. "I'd say the same. Usually - and most of the time if it's with a guy - it's quick and I don't get off, but of course they do. And I've learned that most guys like cuddling if it's a one-night stand, I'm not sure why though because after it's done - for them I mean -", she rolls her eyes, "I want to get out as fast as possible, but they want to cuddle and kiss."

Harry pushes the images of Y/N receiving neck and chest kisses from a mystery man out of his mind, trying to formulate his question for a follow up. "So you never... finish with men?"

"Hookups with men, no, but with my last boyfriend he made me cum every time. I guess, for me, it's just about emotional connection and the other person taking their time with me. But, when I get myself off, time isn't really a factor because I can do it in five minutes sometimes." She reaches into her backpack and pulls out a water bottle to drink from. "Does my answer help your study?"

Harry's mouth is dry, very dry - a drastic contrast from how his boxers feel, sticky with precum from how much his cock has swelled up since beginning this conversation. He crosses his legs, hoping she won't notice but she smirks as she takes another sip of her water. "That... that definitely helped my... uh... my study. Thank you." He swallows thickly, wishing he had something to drink and Y/N must be a mind reader (or she can just see how flustered he is) because she hands him her water while chuckling. He drinks about half, not even hesitant to drink from the same bottle as her because he's thought about kissing her for a while now, and a particular part of her down south, especially when he's alone in his condo at night with only his hand to satisfy him. "Five minutes? Really?" She blushes and nods. "There's no way."

"Yes, too, there is! I swear!" She gets up on the couch on her knees, making her shorts ride up her thighs and Harry stares at them shamelessly. "I did it today! And the second time it only took me two minutes! Then again, it was right after the first but still!"

"The second time?" He smirks at her, lifting a thigh onto the couch so his body is turned to hers. She turns crimson, looking away and nodding. "Who's gotten you so riled up to where you have to do it twice?"

"Don't make fun of me!" She swats his bicep, grasping it for a second and feeling his toned, strong muscles beneath the thin material. She squeezes it without giving it a thought, really, and moves closer to him. "You're really buff."

"Yeah?" He smiles smugly, flexing his muscles and Y/N feels the puddle beginning to form in her panties.

"Yeah", she answers breathlessly, "Like really buff. Feels like a rock." He looks at her with narrowed, dark eyes, admiring how her hair is messy and her face is clear of any makeup that she usually wears, and he thinks she's the prettiest girl he has ever seen.

"You're gorgeous."

Y/N's eyes meet his, not sure if she heard him right and moves even closer so their knees are touching. "W-What?"

"You're gorgeous", he repeats. "Absolutely gorgeous." He caresses his thumb across her cheek, Y/N's eyes fluttering closed and her breathing slowing, enjoying the gentle touch. "I bet I could make you cum faster than five minutes." He throws all caution to the wind - not caring about any rules regarding to professor/student relationships because he's a philosophy professor for Socrates' sake, and he's going to live his best life.

"I'd like to see you try", she tempts him, laying her flirting on thick because she really wants to see his cock and know whether it's cut or uncut (she wouldn't care either way, just wants it in her mouth).

"Oh, really?" He flips her to her back, flattening his body atop of hers and looking directly into her pretty eyes. "I could get you off with my fingers alone, in less than five minutes." Y/N's blush travels down her chest, Harry looking down at her cleavage on full display and he lowers his head to the swell of her breast, kissing it. Her breathing staggers, her thighs shaking and Harry lifts her head to gauge her reaction. "Are you comfortable with this?"

"Yes." She tangles her fingers in his hair, finally feeling how soft his glorious curls are and she wants to take a nap in them. "Are you gonna kiss me, Mr. Styles?"

He grinds his hips against hers as he kisses her for the first time, swiping his tongue across her bottom lip and she parts her lips. "Good girl", he mumbles against her tongue, sucking on it and Y/N emits a whine from deep in her throat. The kiss is heated, full of sexual tension that Harry is finally releasing from looking at her tits in class every day, or watching her walk up the stairs in class in her skin-tight jeans, her ass looking amazing and perfectly round for him to bite into. He really wants to do that, but he'll save that for a different time because right now he has something else in mind. He breaks the kiss, a smacking noise filling the almost nonexistent gap between them. "Will you touch yourself for me?"

Y/N puffs out her lips, upset they're not making out anymore, and Harry has to peck her plushy lips a few times before pulling away completely. "I want you to touch me." She pleas, bringing his head back down to hers and kissing the corner of his mouth, then his cheek, then his jaw.

"I do, too, baby, but it'd make me so hard if you did it in front of me, for me to watch. Then, after you cum I can make you cum. Okay?" Y/N nods, watching Harry crawl down her body and rest himself between her thighs. "Can I take off your shorts for you?" She hums her agreement, being rid of them and her panties in a matter of seconds and the cold air of the office makes her buck her hips up, dangerously close to his mouth. "This is so fucking hot. I'm gonna guide you, okay?" He feels himself leak in his boxers, raising himself up to his knees to unbutton his pants and push them to his knees, his cock springing out and Y/N's thighs spread wider, wanting it inside her. He's big and thick, just how she imagined him all those nights when she was working her fingers in and out of herself, and a thick vein runs up the course of his shaft, ready for Y/N's tongue and she reaches out to touch it, causing Harry to shiver and gawk at how her small hand moves over his swollen cock. "I'm gonna get myself off while telling you what to do, okay?"

"Okay", she moans when he brings her hand to her center, extending two fingers to her clit and she squirms when he puts force on her hand, making her begin rubbing.

"Now slide your fingers down and fuck yourself with them."

He wraps his fist around his cock, moving it up and down as she slips two fingers into her wet hole, gasping at the fullness. Harry's mesmerized, pumping himself quicker to the erotic sight, making him twitch in his hand. She watches him as well, trying to go slow so it'll last, but seeing her sexy professor work his cock over in his hand is really setting her off. She pumps her fingers faster in and out of her tight hole, wishing it was filled with Harry's beautiful cock, and just as she feels she's near the edge, Harry gives her another instruction.

"Now go back to your pretty clit." He sounds breathless, fucking his hand a bit faster but not by much, just enough to make him go crazy and he tosses his head back momentarily. "Get it all wet for me."

His demanding tone sets her off more than anything, wishing he was saying these things into her ear. She whimpers pathetically - not really caring though - and feels inexplicably close as a drop of precum falls from his cock down to her thigh, making her roll her head to the side in her euphoric state and gasp into the cushions as she scoops up his precum and rubs it over her clit. Harry hiccups a breath, his hand a blur and he's coming before he can get a warning out. He splashes it across her stomach and a bit on her clit, working it all out of himself by focusing on the tip and a schlicking noise fills the air, making it that much more filthy. Y/N throws her head back, her thighs widening rather than trying to shut as she cums and her fingers rub her clit insistently, never stopping until she can't take it anymore and her whimpering stops.

"Fuck." Harry rests both hands on her knees, staring at her between her legs and how lovely his cum looks painted on her skin. "You with me, baby?"

"Uh-huh", she murmurs, biting her lip as his gaze meets her face and she gives him a loopy smile. "You gonna make me cum now?"

Harry stuffs his face between her thighs as his answer.


The following few days in class are wonderful.

Y/N sits in the very front, something that Harry is grateful for but also thinks is a curse. Grateful because he can see her beautiful face up close for an hour and a half while teaching, but a curse because he gets distracted during lecture and looks like an idiot in front of the class, making Y/N giggle but Harry just fucks her in his office afterwards.

"You like making me distracted, don't you? That's why you sit in the front?" He pounds into her, holding her thighs wrapped around her body as he fucks her against the door.

Y/N can't even reply, simply because Harry's cock is too good for its own good and has her mind a muddled mess every time it's in her pussy. She moans into his neck, biting the skin and begging him to go faster, to make her cum around his big cock because it's the only one she ever wants inside her again and he has to pull out and set her down on her knees so she can swallow him down her throat.

"Same time tomorrow?"

At the end of today's class, however, Harry's nervous. He's had a question rattling his brain since Y/N let him watch her touch herself in his office, and he doesn't know if she will feel the same way. His palms get sweaty as she approaches him towards the podium as everyone clears out.

"Hey, cutie." She looks around to make sure the class is empty before reaching up and kissing his cheek. "You lectured really well today. I learned a lot about Plato's second Republic."

"Do you want to go out?" He's abrupt with it, focusing all his attention on hers and praying she says yes. Harry thinks Y/N is amazing and smart and wants her completely, in every way, not just sex.

Y/N smiles hugely, jumping up and wrapping her arms around his neck as she smears her lips against his. "Yes, I want to go out!" She squeals, swaying both of them back and forth as she looks at him dreamily.

"You do? Really?" Her smile is contagious, spreading to Harry's face so much so his dimple peaks through.

"Yes, really! Couldn't you tell?" He picks her up and sits her on his desk, standing between her thighs and sprinkling kisses all over her face. "I guess, now, I have to change my schedule for next semester."

"What do you mean?"

"I chose you as my ethics professor." She pecks his nose as she plays with his hair, running her fingers through it to widen the curls. "But I suppose it's not very ethical to have my boyfriend as my professor."

"Doesn't seem so bad to me." He slips his hand beneath her skirt, petting her over her panties and her thighs part further. "We can do this after every class."

She grabs his hand, despite how much she really doesn't want him to stop, and pushes it away. "Not here", she giggles. "This turns in to a trigonometry class in", she checks her phone, "five minutes."

"I guess I'll just fuck you in my office, then." He sighs dramatically with a hand to his forehead. "What a burden."

"After we eat!" She licks her lips. "I'm hungry and want a sandwich. We can get it at that little bistro down the street, mixed in with all those little shops! Ooh, and then we can window shop!"

Harry's the happiest he's ever been.

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