Master to Heroes, But an Aven...

By Weebtactics

104K 2.2K 2.3K

Izuku Midoriya, all his life having a vast fascination to heroics. Be it work the heroes of today's modern s... More

Prologue: The Begining of Dispair [1/2]
Prologue: The Beginning of Dispair [2/2]
What is a Magus? A Master or a Hero?
Lords Arriving and Servants Uniting
The Lord, The Prodigy and The Upstart Avenger
Lessons and Arms of War
The Mighty Conquest of Exams is Upon Us!
Onward to Celebrate Today! Tomorrow Comes Orientation!
First Day in School is always a Trial
Murder, Crafts and Field Trip, Oh My![Part 1]
Murder, Crafts and Field Trip, Oh My! [Part 2]
Perceptions of Death and War
Yorokobe Shounen! For Preparations of the Holy Grail!
A Declaration to the Return of the Holy Grail War!
A Phantasmal Holy Grail War Finally Begins!
The Reunited Fight Under Shinjuku's Skys
Of Pride, Honor and Beserking Rage
My One True Friend

Enter My Domain as an Avenger, Dear Heroes!

5.6K 121 160
By Weebtactics

His eyes tiresome as he wished nothing but to rest in complete darkness and warmth he felt underneath his sheets. Feeling the soft pillows underneath his head as he stirred and turned around in his bed as he truly felt leisure.

To which ended as the alarm by his bed rang aloud. A groan escaped his mouth as he tried to make the attempt to reach for the button to silence it. But lacked the need and procrastinated on it.

"Husband~ Come ang get up now dear." Izuku then peeked his eye open to see Kiyohime materializing into form as she walked over the alarm clock and punched it. If it weren't the fact that Izuku had warned his servants to hold back their strength he probably would have to replace everything on his desk.

"What's the time now Kiyohime..." Izuku said groggly as he rose from his bed. Rubbing his eyes as he then got out of bed and was soon then dressed in his school's uniform shirt. Kiyohime then tying his tie for him as he adjusted his shirt and pulled up his pants.

"It's just turning about six thirty dear. Enough time to make breakfast and eat before you're off to school. Care to join me in making it with me darling?" Kiyohime said as Izuku then started to fold his sheets and make his bed.

"Sure, I'll be there in a moment. Did my mom leave for work early again?" "Yes, it would seem your mother was scheduled to take a morning shift as well as a meeting taking place for the staff members at the hospital reguarding finances and accountancing." Kiyohime said as she waited for him to walk with her out of his room and onto the kitchen.

Soon there the two grabbed an apron, one being pink for Kiyohime and one being brown for Izuku, and prompted to get to cooking. "Now then, what do you feel like having for breakfast Izuku?" She cooed out as she opened the fridge as Izuku started looking through the spices.

"Hmm...maybe an egg sandwich. With sausage and bacon. Along with some komatsuna since I saw mom buy some at the store." Izuku said as he stared getting the spices he needed and saw Kiyohime getting the bread, eggs and bacon and ground beef for their meal together.

"Say master, do you suppose, if we could materialize physically when we arrive at your school? Not that I mind being in your home and inner dwellings but a lady should get out more often." She said as Izuku hummed at the thought of it.

"I honestly wouldn't mind if you all would do so. But just make sure to be in spirit form if theirs rarely a few people. Crowds would be best to physically manifest." Izuku said as Kiyohime smiled warmly as the two then finished making the meal and layed it out on the dinner table.

"Ohh! Nice! And it smells good too!" Lancer said as he then manifested into form and headed to the table. To reach out and try the first bite. But soon realed back his hand as a butterknife was imbedded into the table. Looking back to see Kiyohime smiling darkly as she had more utensils in hand.

"Bad move Lancer. Just make yourself one." Robin Hood said as he manifested behind them all as he moved to the fridge to get the ingredients again. As Shuten then formed into place as she sat on the edge of the table.

"My my, isn't it quite lively now so early morning dear~" Shuten said as she smirked at Izuku. Causing a growl to escape Kiyohime's lips as she saw the oni tracing around the plate she prepared for Izuku.

"Indeed it is. But school is going to start soon and I wanted to have the chance to commute to school normally." Izuku said as he went over the table to get his plate, but his sandwich was then taken by Shuten as she brought it to her lips.

"Don't you dare tant master's love breakfast he made with me you foul sented Oni." Kiyohime said as she grabbed the Oni servant's hand as both struggled in their strengths. Izuku watched as the two fought over his food before he felt a tap on his shoulder.

"Yeah, Archer?" He asked as he was then handed his sandwich back in his hand wrapped up in napkins as Archer pointed to his two servants fighting with Lancer trying to make his own food and seeing the fight. He thanked his servant and soon left his home. Eating his breakfast along the way to school.

"Midoriya!" He soon heard a call to him as he saw further ahead at an intersection Iida running and slowing down. "Off to UA so early? And not in your flying ship today? Also I wish to thank you for the WcDonalds." Iida said as Izuku smirked at him as they both walked.

"Well I thought every once in a while I'd commute normally. The only reason why I used that was because I thought it would make a lasting impression. So Iida, what do you suppose we'll be doing today at school." Izuku asked as he wanted to hear from the perspective and thoughts of Iida.

"Hmm...I'd be lying if I said I wasn't interested in wanting today be some sort of hero excersise. But given that its still the first week of schooling I'd say we would most likely be looking to do normal school criteria." Iida said as they soon crossed the street seeing ahead the crowd of reporters in front of UA's gates.

"I suppose, but still I hope that homeless man will make class somewhat entertaining." "You mean Mr. Aizawa?" "Until he looks as if he's actually a teacher he will be addressed as homeless man to me." Izuku said as he then stopped at the side of the wall and started to climb over. Extending his hand as Iida took it and both made it inside without the annoyance of the media.

Soon making their way to class, opening it as they saw others from their class. Most of them which looked at Izuku as some started to come up to him. And a few familiar faces from yesterday.

"Hey Midoriya!" "Morning man!" Kirishima and Sero greeted as Iida and Izuku smiled and made their way to their desk. "Sero, Kirishima, morning you two." Izuku greeted them back as they then thanked Izuku for the trip to WcDonalds in Kyoto as they shared what else they did when they all parted ways later that evening.

As they were talking, a certain pony tailed girl stood from her desk and made way to the group of boys conversing with one another. And a silent bi-colored student stared at the group and saw said girl walking towards to them.

"Excuse me. Sorry for interrupting. I wanted to make a better impression from last time. I am-" "Naive girl!" Izuku inturupted as Momo Yaoyarozu let ot a surprise 'eep' sound as his finger pointed to her. "I am-" "Momo Yaoyarozu, of the Yaoyarozu Industry group. I must say your family's business is impressive but rather annoying to my father's work. Especially to me and my dad. Yet still, you will be known as Naive girl until you can prove me otherwise."

"H-Huh?!" Momo said as she was flabbergasted at someone knowing a lot about her family and some extension to her. She had wished that she would have a normal school life and did whatever her parents could to maintain her appearance as a normal girl, not some wealthy rich girl.

"L-Look if you're upset with my parent's business then I apologize for that. But I think we got off on the wrong foot yesterday." Momo said as Izuku sighed and looked at her dully. Leaving one eye open staring at her. As he was seathing in annoyance and a bit of irritation.

"A year ago your idiot father contacted my dad's work for a certain historical item he so desperately desired. And we flat out refused to sell that said item to him. Then he prattled on and on of how an item like that would be the best gift for his little girl since its perfect inspiration for her path on going to become a hero."

Momo soaked into his words as she tried to remember what was it her father was so upset last year. 'Last year...father was looking into archeologicalcompanies that could help him build a museum. It was...they year he took off an entire month for my birthday! But then if its about a hero of the past for inspiration then what could-'

"I see your little naïve brain had figured it out. Yes, we flat out rejected your idiot father. In no way would we sell the greatest epic in history to some idiot not knowing anything significant about it." Izuku said as Momo then looked furious at him.

"Look my father may have come off as harsh and demanding but I love history and all kinds of books. I would know the significance of that epic and I would take best care of it!" "Where? Behind a glass box in a private room? In a vault? Hire your own private security for twenty four hour surveillance? Epics such as that one, should never be sealed and displayed for idiots to gaze at it. It should be read to inspire others and know the true history of the world."

"Calm now Midoriya. What is this Epic you two are talking about?" "Yeah man, the way you're talking about it is like its the most important thing in the world! Is it that special and valuable!" Kirishima said as Izuku looked back at them and smirked. As he opened his bag and undid the cover for the book he brought, revealing it to be old, yet restored to modern condition.

Momo's eyes widened in awe and envy as she looked at the book he pulled out of the protective case as he showed them all what he had. "The Epic of Gilgamesh. The world's very first hero. As well as the world's very first king, ruler, and the first story ever to be recorded into human history. Without this Epic, why I doubt we would have any heroes in this world."

"How do you-why do you have it!? It should belong into a museum or protected!" Momo said aloud as Izuku looked at her with a facial expression asking her 'are you an idiot?'.

"Why do I have it? My dad discovered it and decided to give it to me when he came back home from his work trip to Iraq. And its the greatest story I have in my books and epics I collected over the years."

"Woah! That's so cool Midoriya, mind if we take a look at it?" Sero said as Izuku laughed a bit haughtly. "Sorry, but I am a selfish person when it comes to things I find and treasure with my dad. I can read you it if you'd like. But in no way will it leave my side or home." Izuku said as the boys agreed to his decision and talked amongst themselves of when would be a good time to read it together.

'Why! Why would he keep such a precious artifact of heroic history around his home in such condition! It should be protected and seen for all wishing to become a hero!' Momo thought in anger as she tightened her fist and headed back to her desk. Thinking of ways she could possibly convince Midoriya to surrender the Epic to their family.

As time went on, soon more classmates entered and eventually the bell soon rang. Continuing their day in an oddly normal fashion. Starting with English, to much of Izuku's surprise and joy he saw that Present Mic was his teacher. Then moved onto history, to which Midoriya immediately questioned Cementoss, the teacher, with the course and will they be learning about past heroes in history.

So on and so fourth until it was finally time, Heroic Basic Training. "I am here! Coming through the door like a hero!" All Might said loudly as he slammed the classroom door open and poked his entire body outwards. The class erupted into cheeres and silent joy as the number one hero was really teaching at UA as some rumors were said about him.

"Alright everyone, for today's course exercise will be..BATTLE TRAINING!" All Might said as the class erupted in joy and Bakugou, most excitedly cheered on about fight training and crushing them all. However, All Might noticed one student not particually happy with him in class as he saw behind Bakugou, Midoriya was looking at him with a dull face and irritation twitching on his eyes.

"Now students, gather your costumes and get ready quickly. Meet me all at the practice City Z quickly now so the lesson can begin!" All Might said as he pressed on a remote and from the class's wall popped out several storage shelves with the students roll numbers. As they all grabbed their cases which held their hero outfits they soon made way to the lockers and headed to replica City Z.

"They say clothes make the heroes ladies and gentlemen and by this meaning you all look ready to become heroes!" All Might said as the students arrived one by one with their outfits. Ranging from a variety of colors to more tactical and sleek designing.

Izuku casually walked along the entrance way in no rush at all unlike most of his classmates. Looking over at his design of one of his outfits for heroic works. Being a simple button up grey sleeve shirt with the sleeves rolled up. A pair of black pants, a bit baggy with black boots at the bottom with strappings. A set of suspenders to add a bit of look underneath.

The most notable look to his outfit was his pseudo cape-coat that looked to be shredded and designed to look 'whispy' and reveal his underclothing. As well as a black hat. Looking dark black-green with a small band around it as it highlighted the pure white part of his hair.

"Midoriya! Oh wow that's your outfit! It looks pretty cool and mysterious!" Uraraka said as she called him over. She then scratched the back of her head in embaressment as she pointed to her outfit for a heroic costume. Being a jumpsuit of pink, white and black with gigantic boots and a space theme helmet.

"I should have probably been specific with my design request. I wanted it to be a bit more poofy and no so skin tight." She said as Iida and Sero came by to their little circle. "Personally I think it kinds suits you Uraraka. I mean your quirk is Gravity so the whole space suit thing fits it. But man Iida are you trying to go for some white knight thing with yours?" Sero said as they looked at his.

"I can see the resemblance of the knight asthetic. But I see mostly the second coming of Ingenium. It's plainly obvious. Immitation is a form of flattery isn't it Iida." Izuku said as Iida scratched the top of his helmet in a show of embaressment.

"Saw right through my design choice. Though I question Midoriya, did you mean to have the design company make your outfit so..whispy?" "No. This is just one of the designs I self made. It's more best to just make your own heroic costume design seeing you yourself can really bring out the idea you have."

"For real!?" They said in surprise before All Might announced the task of todays course work. Being a simulation of heroes versus villains in teams of two. As they will be chosen by random lots and split up in different buildings after each group has done their part of the exercise.

The teams were as chosen:

Villain Teams:

Team A- Izuku Midoriya & Kyouka Jirou

Team C- Kaminari Denki & Sato Rikidou

Team E- Tooru Hagakure & Mashirao Ojiro

Team G- Fumikage Tokoyami & Kouji Koda

Team I- Mezou Shouji & Tsuyu Asui

Hero Teams:

Team B- Aoyama Yuga & Mina Ashido

Team D- Iida Tenya & Kirishima Ejirou

Team F- Ochako Uraraka & Hanta Sero

Team H-Momo Yaoyarozu & Minoru Mineta

Team I- Bakugou Katsuki & Shoto Todoroki

"Alright! Now lets see who will we be facing off! From the Heoric Team it's...Team B versus Team A from the villains!" All Might said as he pulled the lottery from two separate boxes as both teams looked at one another.

"Now the rest of the class follow me to the observation room as you two separate in that building and prepare yourselves! In thirty minutes your first exercise will begin!" All Might said as the rest of the students soon turned and headed to the exit out of the replica city.

As All Might was now passing by the two teams. Izuku's eyes were then shadowed under his hat as he smirked. Looking straight ahead and not seeing All Might. And uttered a word only he, him, and unknowist to Izuku, Jirou had overheard him say to All Might.


That word almost cause All Might to stop and question what he just said. But noticed Midoriya was walking to their instructed building with his team mate and so he made note to pay attention closely during their trial.

As Izuku and Jirou made it inside on the third floor, where the bomb was places for them to protect. They made notice of the surroundings and observed the upper levels of the floor. "A seven floor building. Majority aside the third floor contains mostly windows with some minimal coverage from the outside." Izuku said as he looked at the bomb then back to his partner.

"I can hear them from the walls due to my quirk. I can relay you what floor they'll be on if you want to go in the frontlines and act as a distraction while I can move the bomb somewhere else." Jirou said as Izuku hummed at her statement.

"I see. In that which I'll have to divert their attention on the first floor. That's the area most prompt and lacking many light to get in. It's to our advantage and I believe a area where we could win easily." Izuku said as Jirou unplugged her ear jack from the wall and looked at him.

"How do you plan to win on the first floor?" She asked as Izuku smiled a bit fondly.

"Yuga Aoyama, I can immediately tell he is from France. And their is a story that to still this day has imbedded into the hearts and worst fear of every Frenchmen." Izuku said as he pulled out his sevant cards and shuffled them in hand. Acting as they were playing cards.

"They fear of soap?" Jirou joked as which caused Izuku to laugh, and his laughter being quite contagious, affected her as well. "Joking aside Jirou...there is a single man that in human history has been called the avenger of France and its people. The acts and atrocities he commited for the better of his country, haunt each and every man, woman and child to their very core."

Soon the buzzer went off as their preparation time was called to an end as he hopped away from the wall. Placing all his cards back in his pocket as he held it in his hands. "And he is the very man I idealized into creating this outfit based upon him." He said as he left the third floor room, closing the door behind him. But soon Jirou heard a shattering sound once he left.

Outside the building, we see our two heroes entering the building. Seeing it being almost completely dark with the acception of some sunlight peering in from the narrow windows. "Alright, lets trick them into coming to us. But! I'll set up a slippery trap for them an you can use your bellybutton light to blind them while we tie them up!" Mina said as she used her Acid quirk to skate around Aoyama.

"Oui! That is a brilliant strategy! And if they think to blind us in this floor I can just light up the area so we can see them." Aoyama said as the turned around the corner and saw the stairway to the next floor.

"Guess we won't be needing to blind them here. We're already close to the next floor. This is gonna be a breeze!" Mina said as they soon heard the stairs creaking. The metal sounding heavy as though loud steps seemed to crush the stairs. Echoing around the room as the light sound of metal hitting by a foot was heard.

"A breeze you say? So confident and filled of joy, dispite being in an enemy base?" The voice rang out as they looked around where. Thinking it was from the stairs but it sounded like it was everywhere.

"Do you know where you are? What this place truly is? You would know this place, Yuga Aoyama. Being a resident of France, their is one accursed place no one would dare enter. Until one day a little boy entered this specific place, and was struck by lightning and screamed so loudly the costal town nearby was shaken at his haunting scream." The voice called out in a deep raspy voice.

Yuga's eyes widened as he recognized what the voice was referring to. he had heard news of that even as he lived in his home country before moving to Japan. The nightmares his old classmates had of hearing what happened. How the teachers and parents worried to death if it was their kids that had gone. And the old men and women telling of how the curse was still alive.

"This is a place void of love. A place void of any hope and joy. A cavern of despair and rage!" His voice soon felt like it was shaking the building as rumbling could be heard from the stairs again. As the steps soon stopped. They saw a figure sat down, leaning forward a bit into the light as they saw his face and part of his upper body.

Staring at them with a sole eye, glinting in yellow amber as the only visible part of his hair in the darkness was one of pure white. His coat seeming to defy gravity as it whisped around in tatters and darkness. And his eyes sparking with electricity as he gave a sinckening grin, sending shivers down their spines.

"Bienvenu, a la Chateau d'if!" He said in Yuga's native tongue as he laughed wickedly and more wicked as the halls echoed in his laughter. The sunlight soon fading into darkness as all they saw left before the shadows consumed them was his eyes and white hair blowing wildly in the darkness.

"AHHH! No! No No No! Not him. Please no! Please no more! Get away! Get away!" Aoyama said as he panicked and fired off his naval laser around brightening the area briefly before it was consumed in nothingness.

"Aoyama w-wait a sec! Calm down!" Mina said in a panic as Aoyama was in tears at this point as he fired repeatedly as the laughter grew more and more.

[Naughty children should be in bed at night~ Unless you wish to see Edmond tonight~ Edmond Dantes a sinner of grieve~ For naughty children will surely...l-e-a-v-e~] Izuku sang in French which caused Aoyama to cry more and whale in tears as he continued.

[For every sinner done wrong and pain...will surley know the meaning of hate. Because he comes for wicked and the bad. He'll come for your soul, Edmond Dantes~] Izuku said as he stopped his singing as he saw with his own eyes the two heroes shivering and holding each other in fear.

As he then squatted down to them and held out his hand. Soon engulfing it in a blackish white whisp of electricity as it crackled before them. Emitting a faint light in front of their eyes as they looked up to him. As he smiled viciously at the tears and looks upon their faces.

"I found you...dear sinners~" He said as he grabbed Aoyama by his face and soon multitudes of blackish white light engulfed the room with vicious screams and his laughter. Mina shut her eyes tightly as she ran and ran away from him. Bumping against the walls and making her way to the stairs and running quickly as to escape this nightmare.

"H-Holly...crap man..." Kirishima said as they all watched from the observation room at the exercise. Many trembling or felt like their hearts stopped from fear of watching this go on. As if the scarest movie showed on television and was a directors cut. Uncensored and at max length full of the horror and extreme scares as possible.

"W-well..I must say I have to hand it to Young Midoriya, he does take his roll quite serious..." All Might said as he was also in fear and surprised of how well adept Izuku fitted for a villain role. Yet that thought worried him if he were to ever go to that side of justice. And his preformance just now has him believing he would be a terrifying villain.

"Look! Mina's made it to the third floor! She's at the bomb site!" Uraraka said as they all saw on another monitor at Mina opening the third floor's enterance door and panted. On her knees as she gasped for air and was looking relieved that there was sunlight.

"Oh-oh thank god..." "You made it out of the first two floors now huh?" Mina then lifted her head up as she saw Jirou leaning against the wall. Twirling her earphone jack as she then parted away and looked at her.

"I think you might consider yourself lucky you don't have to face Midoriya. I heard all that and even he scared the hell out of me. But, you're fighting me now, so I guess you're out of luck." Jirou said as she then dodged a ball of acid by her feet as she saw Mina's arm stretched out.

"Hah! I won't be running away again Jirou. All I gotta do is keep you away to make my victory one step closer." Mina said as she slid around using her acid on her feet as Jirou plugged in her earphones into her boots and used the amp on her boots to fire sound waves.

"Can't keep up with me!" Mina taunted as she skated around Jirou. Entrapping her with acid surrounding her in a ring as she still fired sound waves to Mina. "Alright, now where's that bomb?" Mina said believing she had trapped her and was a good distance away to avoid Jirou's attacks. But to her surprise it was just her and Jirou alone in the room.

"Hah, sorry but the bomb isn't in this room." Jirou said as she secretly unplugged her earjack and connected it to her headset for communicating with Izuku. Having one then plugged into her boot again.

"Rats! But since you don't seem like you'll be going anywhere for a while unless you want your feet to melt then I'll just be on my way." Mina said as Jirou smirked as she clentched down to a curled position with her knees to her face as she covered her ears.

"No you won't. Now Midoriya!" Jirou yelled as she shut her eyes tight as she felt the vibrations from her head piece humming as soon transferring into the amps on her boots. The whole room started to shake and the glass windows shattered as Mina cried and clentched her ears shit and closed her eyes.

Wicked laughter roaring so loud that the acid around Jirou were being blown away to other parts of the room as the laugh soon died down. As Jirou soon ran to Mina with the tape in her hand, pinning her back against the ground and tying her arms and legs together.

"And its over! The winners are the Villain Team!" All Might said over the announcer as Jirou then got off as Mina slowly got up from the floor and sat in annoyance. "Nice. Not bad, but you should take these things more seriously." Jirou said as she helped Mina up as at that point Midoriya came into the room looking at the two.

"All Might wants us back in the observation room for review of our performance. Honestly this was fun." Izuku said with a smirk as he looked over at Jirou. "Wanna partner up the next time we do something like this in class." "Buy me some juice and I'll concider it." "Umm..." Mina spoke out as the two of them looked at her as she looked at Midoriya in worry.

"Where's Aoyama?" Mina said as Izuku turned for a moment and held said teen up by his collar. His hair dishivled and a mess. His eyes still wet with tears as all they could see was the whitness in his eyes and the snot dribbling down his nose. His mouth hung open as he was covered in scuff and burn marks.

"Honestly I didn't even hurt him much. But he passed out before I could do a lot to actually hurt him. Let's get back and they'll probably take him to the nurse or something." Izuku said as they all soon returned to their classmates in the observation room. As All Might then had two medic bots take Aoyama to the nurse's office until he wakes up.

"Now! Who can tell me who was the MVP of this exercise!" All Might said as he presented the three of them to the class.

"Sir I believe-"

"I think it would be best that Midoriya is the MVP." Iida said, interrupting Momo for a moment as he continued. "Apologies Yaoyarozu, but given by what we saw, Midoriya did well in his part as a villain. Subjecting fear and weakening Mina while she faced off Jirou on the third floor. Not to mention using the envornment to his advantage."

"Hmm..well put but I have to disagree. I believe Jirou is best suited to have the MVP spot. She clearly decided to move the bomb to a different location thus giving a step in advantage. Along with using her quirk combined with Midoriyas actions as the villain to cause her to be free from Ashido's trap and securing the clear victory."

"Hmmm...naïve but still you showed a sliver of slight intellect improvement...congratulations naïve girl!" Izuku said as he applauded to Momo as everyone else was confused at that statement.

"I'll explain it only once to you all and not again. It's true Jirou had preformed very well in her part of capturing the Acid Party Mongrel and tricking her with baiting her around the room to not notice the bomb was never there. However! I also took advantaged and planned for that precise set in action. So in therefore we both had the opertunistic chances to show our planning and actions based on our co-operation together against them."

Izuku then pointed haughtly at All Might as though and in actuality, looking down upon him. "So you could argue of who was the most valuable player in this exercise however that contradicts the exercise itself! For this is a TEAM exercise. Meaning no need for ridiculous title such as that! It seems you didn't plan this entire thing quite as expected did you now All Might." Izuku said as some applaued for his given speech and explanation as All Might sweated a bit and laughed a bit awkwardly.

"W-Well it's just something I'll have to plan ahead for next lesson. Thank you for your, detailed view of the exercise Midoriya. Now next is Team I with Young Bakugou and Young Todoroki against Team E with Young Ojirou and Young Hagakure!" He said as both teams left to their respective places on the field as Izuku sat against the wall and looked at the monitors.

"What a waist of a team." Izuku said as Jirou sat next to him and looked at the monitors. "What do you mean? There could have been a better team?" She asked him as he smiled and looked at the villain monitor with Ojirou and Hagakure.

"For the villain team its fine. It'll give them a chance to learn and adapt more. However for the heroes All Might placed an explosive mutt unable to abide the simplest task and a pathetic faker. Strong but not even worth to be put on the hero team." Izuku said as he looked at them with distain

"By the way, you called him that too. All Might." Jirou said as he looked at her with his eyebrow arched a bit. "You called the number one hero a faker. What did you mean by that?" She asked as he turned back to the monitors and sighed in annoyance. "Lets just say its personal and our ideals differ very much."

Jirou noticed he was telling part of it to be true. Given how she could tell who lies due to the sound of their heartbeat. But felt she shouldn't pry into it for now. "Alright. But just try to get use to him enough so you don't end up like said mutt you were talking about before." She said as that earned her a small laugh from him.

"You cheeky little girl. You're often very blunt about these sorts of things aren't you?" Izuku asked with an amused smile as it shimmered a bit of yellow as Jirou smiled coy with him. "Maybe. If you wanna know more next time then buy me that juice." "Only if you buy me some WcNuggets for that mutt comparison."

The two of them laughed a bit as the battle soon started. Watching from their distance away as they saw Ojirou and Hagakure finished talking and started to get ready around the bomb. 'Those two are good to be prepared. But with this disasterous team up its doomed. Wouldn't you agree Edmond?' Izuku thought as he saw in his shadow behind him changing to his silhouette.

"Your teacher is moronic just as he was those years ago on the rooftop. And he claims this is for them to grow. I'm more surprised that mutt, Bakugou hasn't exploded the entire building." He said to his master as Izuku smirked.

"Oh he's gonna explode. But he won't blow anything up." Izuku said as he shot straight up as he felt the room grow colder. Soon icicles started to form as he ran at blinding speeds in the dark. Shattering them around as they formed. Leaving small bits of ice and now water puddling the floor as the class huddled for warmth.

"W-W-Winner...T-T-Team I!" All Might stuttered out as the class looked around them and saw Midoriya dust off his cloak and looked at them all. "You should be thankful I reacted on time. Otherwise we might have suffered from hypothermia from that faker's pathetic excuse of a fight." Izuku said as the teams soon returned and continued on with the next set.

On and on until finally everyone had finished the course and were excused for the day. As Izuku and the others left to their designated locker rooms. Izuku was re-dressing himself until he felt annoyance coming towards him.

"What is it that you want Todoroki. I can feel you staring." Izuku said as that surprised him and others that he was watching him while he was looking elsewhere. "Whatever you want from me I won't give you it. Also if you really enjoy playing hero, then take caution of how you half ass things. Your weak quirk could have given us all hypothermia or frozen us all solid in the observation room."

"Midoriya. You seem to have immedietly striked me as taking all this hero work as nothing but a game. But I am dead set of becoming a hero and I am using my quirk to the fullest." Todoroki said as Ice started to form underneath him as he stared coldly at Izuku. The ice treading towards him as he slammed his locker door shut.

Immediately stopping the ice and casted them into shadows. As he turned around. Gazing at the ice user with those yellow eyes he had when in Install with Edmond. His hair wavying away as the white parts of it seem to overtake his green-black color.

"Then why don't you burn that claim with your fire then?" Izuku said as the ice soon shattered away and Tororoki looked in shock at him as Izuku grabbed his belongings and headed to class. Pushing away him to the side as he walked down the halls.

"Midoriya." Izuku continued walking as Iida had caught up with him, no doubt wanting to question him.

"I know about Todoroki and what his quirk is. Tell me Iida. Did you half ass it when we took the quirk assessment test on day one?" Izuku said as Iida pushed his glasses up.

"No, I admit I wanted to go more on out looking back. But I gave it my all still as though I risk my own life on the line for that test." Iida explained as Izuku opened the door to class as he set his bag down and sat on top of his desk.

"True, you gave it your all just as everyone else did. But he didn't. Todorokis' quirk is more than just ice. He has a dual-quirk. Half-Hot Half-Cold. Given his ice and the fact his last name is the same as the moronic number 2 hero of the world. It's quite obvious he can use fire as well." Izuku said as Iida's eyes widened at the surprise Midoriya had knowledge of someone by name alone.

"If he intends to become a hero, then he better go all out. But if I find out that he refuses to use his quirk for a moronic reason. Then that mongrel will be simply begging me to kick his ass and prove he is not worth become a hero, much less even coming here." Izuku said as he sighed as he combed back his hair and saw the others coming in.

"Still upset how my logic proved yours wrong, Naive girl?" Izuku said as he smirked. Knowing well that he succeeded in ryling up Momo as she glared hard at him. "And you come from the upper class of society. I suppose this proves that while they feel as obligated and superior, they truly are morons."

"While you continue to judge based on observations and assumptions. That attitude of yours isn't best for a hero." She countered back as he pointed behind her as the others came in and watched the debackle take place.

"And you approve a midget pervert. A wild idiotic dog with all bark and bark of a pameranian. A faker with no emotion and arrogance. And you, a wealthy little doll believing all in your life can be normal as any other. I even bet that you spend countless of wealth to have your routinely tea time in an afternoon sunset now don't you." Izuku said as he pointed back to her as she glared at him with a blush she so tried to cover.

"See? Am I wrong on that part? If you ever studied abroad before you get to be quite the observant one. That is a lesson Lord El Melloi VII taught me and was impressed by it." Izuku said as Iida, Momo and Todoroki's eyes widened at hearing that name.

"W-Wait a second Midoriya! You've actually been taught by the Lord El Melloi VII!? How! He only teaches under an exclusive academy in London!" Iida said as he stepped forward in amazement.

"Wait a sec who is this Lord dude anyway? Is he famous?" Uraraka asked as Momo then began to explain. "Lord El Melloi the Seventh is renowned to be of the highest minds of the world. Even rivaling some of the briliant minds of I-Island! And he hardley ever takes in students outside the adademy he teaches! His teachings make scientist and theorist in I-Island look like pre-schoolers!"

"How is it you were taught by a man like him?" Todoroki asked as izuku smirked. "You seem to think he's been only giving me lessons in subjects. Well you aren't exactally wrong. But the reason why I'm being taught by him is that I am his apprentice." Izuku said as that shocked the three of them emensly and surprised the rest of the class looked surprised.

"The reason behind that. Is apparently I'm one of the few rare people that understand a complex form of arithmetic that uses philosophy, history and science. And since he said I had potential. And also helped him with a rather annoying situation for him. He took me in." Izuku said as he hopped off his chair and grabbed his bag.

"Midoriya. What is this subject that you say only a few can learn or even understand?" Iida asked as Izuku looked back at him from the door and smiled.

"Projection and Thaumaturgy. If you don't understand what those are or even the basics then tough luck getting a class with him. Or even get accepted into the school he teaches at. See ya." Izuku said as he walked down the halls and soon outside the courtyard. Making his way home.

"DEKU!" Izuku then groaned as he looked behind him and saw Bakugou snarling at him in anger.

"What is it now you dog. Upset that you lost today. Oh and if you think I'm refering to your part in the excercise a loss I don't mean it like that you idiot. I'm refering to the fact you just sitting on the sidelines like an extra you call everyone else and couldn't do crap." Izuku said as he scratched his ear in annoyance.

"Shut the fuck up you quirkless pissant! How did you do it!? How did you win when you don't even have a quirk!" Bakugou roared out as he ran towards Izuku as smoke was comming out of his palms. As Izuku looked at him in nothingness as he shattered a card behind his back.

His hair turning more white and having small horns poking curved out his side of his head. His eyes looking like molten ember flames as he then brought his hand out. Soon grabing him by the throat and moved his other. Holding a open fan past him as Bakugou felt blood leaking fro his cut just now and then tossed behind Izuku.

"Listen here and listen well you dog. I felt no incline to tell you wether or not I had a quirk. And you've been with me for the past fifteen years and know their was something of me that seemed to piss you off. Like I was better than you and you rejected that idea. Well, let me give you a mind shocker." Izuku said as he kneeled down and pushed his throat down so he wouldn't move anywhere else and he would choke him in case he fought back.

"There will always be someone better than you in one thing. Or better than you in everything you think you are best at. You aren't top dog here. Nor were you ever top dog back then. Your ego blinded you that I am your better. If you think otherwise. Look at this right here and now. Who is on the floor? Who is too weak to get up? And who got their ass handed to them with such ease?" Izuku said as he burned each and every single word into his soul as he released him.

Pushing him up and away as Bakugou growled with tears in his eyes as he rubbed them furiously. "Go on back to your house you mutt. If you think you can push me around like when we were four. Then soon, there will be nothing left of your courpse." Izuku said as Bakugou turned and walked away angrily. As Izuku sighed and calmed himself.

"That mutt making me use more mana than intended..." "I am here!" He then turned back in surprise and glared at All Might as he came by just now. "Young Midoriya. Whatever troubles between the two of you may be hard to restore. But just now, you may have been harsh. But letting Young Bakugou off and advising of his attitude was surley a great first step to reparing-"

"Do you ever stop with these idiotic speaches of yours, hypocrite?" Izuku said as he cut him off abruptly as All Might then became silent. "Er, well. I was wondering if I could have a-" "No. I won't waste my breath talking to some faker to try and lecture me of becoming a hero. When you don't even deserve to be called as such."

"Look Young Midoriya, I just want to-" "To what? Praddle on of what makes a actual 'hero' in this world? Please. I'm rather dissapointed in UA's acceptance of some of my classmates as is and there teachers as well. Oh, and aren't you suppose to be a teacher as well? Then why didn't you stop that mutt from attacking me then?" Izuku said as he looked back at All Might one last time.

"Let me make this very clear and simple even an idiot like you understands. I lost all respect to you. I no long acknowledge you as a hero. Or acknowledge you as a teacher. And I don't want to hear of the proper teachings of being a hero in today's world from a faker hiding his true self from the world and failing to save and take action on that day. You aren't the Number One heroe, you're just a scenile and scared old man." Izuku said as he left the hero to his own.

Pondering in thought as he felt a sense of weight off his chest as he took the train home this time. "A sense of relief now master? After an emotional plauge like today from that moronic girl wanting all, that emotionless candy pepperment, that dog, and the faker giving you on your psychi most would be unstable and even cry?"

Izuku smiled as he heard his voice and stared out of the window. Seeing a reflection of Gilgamesh smiling back at him.

'Well I could be you influencing me Gilgamesh, that I am not like most normal men. And besides, I see the simple pleasures of heavy conversation like that. Sometimes they can be good for the soul and other times quite entertaining. But, I needed to make my view of that faker very clear.' Izuku conversed with his servant as he laughed.

"True my master. You don't need to waste more time with fakers and mongrels. Especially for how entertaining it'll become in few days soon enough?" Gilgamesh said as that got Izuku's attention even more.

'Really now? Then enlighten and humore your master of what you know, oh dear king?' Izuku said with coy as Gilgamesh sat on hos throne atop his observatory of Uruk and smiled. Looking at the heavens and stars above. "Tell me my master, did you know one of my many skills not suits as a heavely support in magecraft, but also sees more than lead on. My skill known as Future Sight!"

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