It Can't Be...

By darcyjog

61.5K 4.4K 558

Going into his second year of college, Tee is flying high. His studies are getting harder, but he can handle... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43

Chapter 40

1K 88 16
By darcyjog

A/N:  Here is another chapter and I hope you enjoy it.

Detrick POV

It has been weeks since I found out what crazy Uncle Ted is wanting to do. However, I still can't completely wrap my mind around it. When I lived in the United States, I would watch programs about things similar to this and I would always shake my head. I just couldn't quite believe that anything like this would be happening in the world today. Oh, I was so wrong about it.

The hardest part is that it is my own family that trying to sell me off. No. Uncle Ted is selling me for my body. This still seems too crazy to believe.

Unfortunately, it is the truth. Not only has my parents increased the professional bodyguards around me, Tae has all available engineering students standing guard around not only me, but Tee too, while Dean won't let me go back to my apartment. Okay. I'll have to admit that I'm perfectly happy with sleeping at Dean's apartment every night. I'm not going to lie.

However, the constant swarm of people around me is beginning to suffocate me. I know that I can't fight it and it is for my best interest, but I can't help but to wish that this terrible nightmare will be over soon.

The worst part of it all is that Shane and Dee are having to suffer too, and they now have bodyguards outside our apartment all the time.

I still remember that night when Dee called to make sure that everything was all right with me. They were lucky that they were having a study group at the apartment that night.

*** Flashback ***


I glance down at my phone and a smile instantly pops onto my face when I see Dee's name on my phone. I put my pencil down and I turn my attention away from my textbooks towards the phone.

It has been a couple days, since Dee and I, have had a good talk. I'm too nervous with all those people around when we are on campus to even start talking about anything too personal. I miss our long conversations. We usually talked every day.

I quickly answer my phone. "Hey, Dee. What's up?"

Dee suddenly blurts, "Are you all right, Detrick? Please tell me that you are fine. Is Dean with you?"

The panic in her voice throws me off for a second as I slowly turn towards Dean, who is smiling at me. However, his smile slowly fades as a frown appears on my face.

I hesitantly reply, "Yes. Dean is here with me and we are at his apartment. Why?"

A sense of dread suddenly washing over me. The sound of Dee's frightened voice sets off warning signals and my mind immediately begins to race.

Within seconds, Dean is at my side and grabs my phone. He quickly shifts it to speaker and asks, "Dee, did something happen? Did the crazy uncle try to do something?"

I don't even have to hear the response. I already know.

Dee's shaky voice instantly makes my heart sink. "Y..yes."

Dean asks, "Did they break into the apartment looking for Detrick?"

A small whimper comes from my phone. Suddenly, I can't breathe. No. My crazy uncle better not have hurt my friends.

Shane hisses, "That crazy asshole barged into our apartment! He wanted Detrick. However, the apartment was full of our friends and the thugs quickly left, but not after scaring our friends half to death. Luckily, some of friends knew how to fight and they help me to throw the assholes out."

No. This can't be happening.

I listen in shock as Dean growls, "Give me a few minutes and I'll have some bodyguards there soon. Don't worry. They won't come into the apartment again, but I want make sure that you are safe, so I'll have someone posted outside of the apartment all the time until this whole mess is resolved. I'm hoping that it won't be much longer now."

Shane huffs, "It is just a good thing that we forbid Detrick from coming back here. If he was here, I don't know what would have happened."

I don't know what to say. I silently stare at Dean as I wish that there is a way for us to resolve this soon. However, I know that there isn't anything that we can do. All the families are working their hardest to get this matter handled, but the guy, with whom Uncle Ted has made this crazy deal, won't back down so easily. However, our fathers won't give up.

Frustrated, Dean runs his hand through his hair and sighs. "Well, this shows that the crazy uncle is starting to get desperate. I can only assume that the loan shark is wanting his payment."

Dean turns and meets my frightened gaze.

Shane's demanding voice fills the room. "Dean, don't let anything happen to him! We are counting on you to protect our best friend."

With our eyes still locked on each other, a small smile spreads across Dean's face as he chimes, "Don't worry. I'm not letting anyone get my baby." He pauses for a second before his stern voice barks, "Give me a couple minutes and I'll have bodyguards there shortly. If you need anything else, please let me know."

"Thanks, but we will be fine. You just need to protect Detrick."

*** End of Flashback ***

I slowly look around the table as I mentally count the number of people or bodyguards I have now. Besides Tae's close friends that often eat with us, there are another four engineering students that I don't have any clue who they are. They haven't even introduced themselves to me yet.

Tee nudges my arm. "Hey, is something bothering you?"

Tae turns his head towards me. "There is definitely something wrong. You haven't even eaten your lunch." He motions his finger towards my plate.

I look down at my plate and he is correct. I have barely touched anything, but I can't help it. My mind can't stop thinking about this whole situation.

I turn my attention back to Tae and Tee. As my mind continues to think of all the various things that my uncle could do, I hesitantly ask, "Do you think that Uncle Ted would do something else now that Tee and I are heavily guarded?"

I'm not stupid. I know that if Uncle Ted can't get to me that he may just go after Tee, and I can't let that happen either.

Within seconds, Tee scoots next to me and engulfs me in a tight hug. I know that he is supposed to be comforting me, but I can't miss the slight tremble in his arms as he hugs me. However, Tee doesn't say anything. Instead, he just grips me tighter.

Did something happen that they aren't telling me about?

With his eyes now focused on Tee, Tae puts his hand on Tee's back and begins to gently rub, before looking back at me. In a soft voice, Tae says, "He did try something else. We just didn't tell you, but that is why we are also moving into Dean's apartment today. I don't want that crazy uncle to get either of you."

I knew it. So, Uncle Ted did try to do something to Tee.

My arms quickly engulf Tee as my heart begins to ache.

However, a thought quickly consumes my mind. We have to stop Uncle Ted and now. We can't live like this much longer.


Porsche Tanapol POV (Detrick and Tee's father)

"Sir! Sir! He is getting desperate!" My head of security comes rushing into my office.

I look up from my computer. I don't even have to ask, because I already know who he is talking about. It can only mean one person. My brother Ted.

I take a deep breath. Any mention of my brother and I'm instantly sent into a rage, especially with this whole situation. I still can't believe that he would do something to my son. We just got him back. Well, in his twisted mind, my brother seems to think that we have lived this long without him, why does it matter. However, I would like to hear him say that if it was his kids he was talking about. Wait. Scratch that. I don't think he would even worry if it was his kids.

I instantly demand, "What did he do this time?"

My head of security stops right in front on my desk. "He tried to kidnap Tee this morning, sir. However, between Tae, the bodyguards and Tae's friends, Ted's men were handled rather easily and went running with their tails between their legs."


I grab my phone, but before I dial Tee's number, my head of security adds, "Sir, Tae has informed me that him and Tee will be staying at Dean's apartment going forward until this situation is resolved. You don't have to worry about them."

My finger stops over Tee's phone number. Well, at least Tae is thinking clearly. I had wanted them to move somewhere else from the beginning, while we were dealing with Ted. At least now, I feel a little more comfortable knowing that Tee will also be in a safe place every night.

UGH!! What am I going to do with my brother?

I glance down at my phone. Before I can change my mind, I quickly call Bo, Tae's father.


Bo's deep voice spills from the phone. "Hi, Porsche. Is something up?'

I don't even think before I blurt out, "I'm ready. Let's do whatever we need to do to make Ted stop this madness. He sent men to kidnap Tee this time. I'm not going to take any more of this nonsense."

Bo's voice instantly turns cold. "You don't have to ask me twice. I will work with my brother and we will handle this right away. My only question is do you want to be nice or just make it end."

Hatred instantly consumes me as I grind my teeth and hiss, "Just make it end." I pause for a second before I add, "At any cost."

Posted March 3, 2020

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