A First For Everything (Rikey)

By AlexisZirger

4.3K 115 99

"guys.....I'm gay" "Mikey, I've liked you since before we started the band" "Ray and I are too" Mikey Way an... More

1- Coming Out
2- Casual Confessions
3- Meeting The Family (1/2)
4- Meeting The Family (2/2)
5- Family Vacation (1/2)
6- Family Vacation (2/2)
7- Brotherly Love
8- Oh, Gee...
9- Cheats and Lies
10- Launch Parties and Birthday Surprises
11- Celebrity Skin (1/2)
12- Celebrity Skin (2/2)
13- This Year Would Be Different
14- Secrets and Santa's Plans
15- I'll Love You Forever
16- Fandom Tour (1/3)
17- Fandom Tour (2/2)
18- He Should've Listened (Fandom Tour 3/3)
19- I Miss My Brother
20- That's It, We're Moving
21- Surprise!
22- Planning Day
23- Tying The Knot
24- Teenagers Scare The Living Shit Out Of Me
25- Party Accidents
27- Graduation
28- College?
29- Art School
30- Moving Away/ Finale

26- We're Grandparents...

68 1 3
By AlexisZirger

A/N Hey y'all. I know it's been a minute since I've updated this fic, I've been working on a lot of other fics and the musical is kinda kicking my ass. But here's this for you.

-Mikey's POV-

I knew Hayley would have wanted this for them eventually. But I wasn't sure if now was the time for that. Soon enough though, River came down with a smile on her face, I think everything's gonna be okay. 

"Hey dad, I just got off the phone with Hayley.. and she's not mad, she said that she'd be willing to care for a baby with me, but only if I was ready." She had this huge smile on her face, but I had to make sure this meant what I thought it did. 

"River, honey. do you think you're ready?" she looked up at me nervously. "I think so, but I thought I'd ask uncle Gerard for a little bit of advice" That's all I wanted to hear. "Alright kiddo. we love you, and we'll help as much as we can okay?" 

-River's POV- 

I was excited, but I was the most nervous I've been since my first day of freshman year. I wasn't sure how I was going to handle all of this, but I knew I had my entire family on my side, it seemed like just yesterday I was stepping foot into high school, and now I'm gonna be a mom. I then realized that I needed to call my uncles. I pulled out my phone and clicked Gerard's contact. 

"Hey, is everything alright?" He answered the phone concerned, which made sense, we only ever really talked if something as up. "Yeah, yeah, everything's okay. Are you with frank right now?" He seemed to be calling for Frank so I waited patiently. "you're on speaker hun. what's up?" 

I took a deep breath. "This might be super difficult to believe, But there's gonna be another very small child coming into the family soon" He gasped. "wait... hold on." He then yelled to what seemed to be up the stairs "Bandit! Are you..?" She cut him off pretty quickly with a giggle "No dad, let her finish." I then continued talking. "Uncle Gerard...the how is a conversation for another day, but I'm pregnant." I took a deep breath and waited for his response. 

"Really? I'm happy as long as you are. And we love you." I had a smile growing on my face "I love you too." He took another deep breath. "Call if you need anything okay?" 

"Okay, thank you. Tell Bandit hi for me" 

Then we ended the call. I couldn't believe it. I was really gonna be a mom. wow. 

A/N Holy shit. I'm so so sorry for the delay in updates. it's been a crazy little while. 

my musical got cancelled

then school got cancelled

and then we started online school stuff today. so yeah., 

as always, leave suggestions and any spelling or grammar mistakes :)

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