I Hate Skylox (adopted from I...

By hghrules

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SKYLOX STORY. Chapters eight and up from IMAmudkip's story, I Hate Skylox. (I really hope you already knew th... More

Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
CHAP-UH-TER AY-TENE (dont judge me)
Chapter Nineteen *ahem, finally*

Chapter 15

943 59 77
By hghrules

Ty's POV

I would have been an idiot to have allowed Adam to sit down there, alone, with Sadie. That would have been just plain stupid. That would have been relationship suicide.

'Know what's better than relationship suicide?'

I sigh. What?

'Actual suicide.'

I don't have time for this.

I practically stomp down the stairs after Adam, glaring at Sadie as I enter the living room.

“Yay, you're back! I was getting a bit worried about you, seeing as you sprinted up the stairs and locked yourself in a bathroom. I thought you were going to cut aga-”

“SSHHSSHFDSFH JDSLF KAJSLKGJ,” I make weird noises as I clamp my hand over her mouth. Adam, being the oblivious little idiot he is, doesn't seem suspicious. Then again, he's a moderately good actor, so maybe he's just hiding his reaction.

“But I-”

“Shut. Up,” I command, glaring at her again. I used to cut in middle school (because of her; I'm not sure why I stayed friends with her for so long), so she knows that I occasionally cut. Actually, I hadn't cut at all since high school until a few days ago when the voice got to be too much and I just-

Yeah, I'll stop.

“Aw, fine, whatever,” she consents, rolling her eyes. “So, let's talk! I haven't seen you in forever, Ty!”

“And there is certainly a reason for that,” I grumble, crossing my arms.

“Oh, come on, lighten up!” Sadie huffs as Adam pulls me over to the couch.

“I'll be right here the whole time,” Adam whispers in my ear, grabbing onto my hand as we sit down.

And, somehow, that helps.

I nod just to show that I heard him, and then I turn to Sadie. “Okay, fine. You go first, though. How have you been?”

“Absolutely miserable without you, bestie!” she answers immediately, practically glowing with fake happiness. “And you?”

“Okay. I've been okay.” A pause. “So, why exactly did you decide to visit us – erm, me – out of no where?”

“Uh-huh, well, about that-”

“I'm not giving you any money.”

“It's not-”

“I'm not helping you with boy problems.”


“And I'm not helping you with girl problems, either.”

“Ty! Shut your trap and let me finish!” she orders, glaring at me playfully. “I've just come because- well, because I missed you!”

“... And?”

She sighs, seemingly defeated. “And I have no idea what to do with my life.”

“So you do need money.”

“No! I mean, don't you remember my dad? He's a fricking millionaire! Almost. Sort of. Point is, money's not the issue.”

“So what is the issue?”

“I'm bored.

“So, basically, you've decided to come screw with my life just for fun.”

“Or possibly just screw you-”

“Get out.”

“Ty!” she laughs. “I was just kidding, geez! You've always taken things so literally. I just wanna be your friend again! It was so much fun, and I'd love to stay with you just until I find a purpose for my life.”


“I'd pay you, of course!”

“This isn't even my house, we're actually staying here with Kyra-”

“Ah, that's okay! I'll just pay Kyra instead.”

“Kyra really isn't too fond of you right now-”

“But you're quite fond of me, so it all evens out.”

“Actually, to be blunt, I hate you with all of my being.”

“Surely not all of your being!”

“No, really. All of it.”

“That's, like, probably impossible.”

“Fine. With 99.99% of my being.”

“Aw, thanks, Ty! I knew I could count on you!” she squeals, skipping over and pulling me up into a hug. My eyes widen in shock, and I can't manage to get any words out. “This is so great, we're gonna have so much fun! It'll be just like it used to be, Ty! Before we get back to that, though, where will I sleep?”

“Uh, I didn't- I never- what?”

“That's alright, it really wouldn't be fair of me to just expect you to have an open room – you didn't even know I was coming! What a nice surprise, huh?” she giggles. “I'll just sleep on the couch, though, no worries.”

“I-I- wha- huh?”

“Aw, baby, you've gotta stop stressing so much about life. Your stupid is showing, you can't always manage to cover it enough when your mind is really stressed. I can help you with that, I brought a bunch of stress balls with me! I only packed them so we could throw them at random pedestrians, but using them for their actual purpose is okay, too. They're in my suitcase, which is in the car; here, just gimme a minute, I'll go get it!” Sadie gives me a wide smile and then darts out of the house.

“Quick, lock the door, this girl is terrifying-” Adam begins, but Sadie is already skipping back into the house.

“Sadie, you can't just- that's not- I don't think-” I stammer, unable to really process what's going on.

'Of course you can't process what's going on. I'm pretty sure you're incapable of thinking properly, to be honest.'

“Shut up! I don't need this right now!”

Adam's eyes widen, and then mine do, too. Crap.

Sadie pouts, setting down her suitcase and bouncing over to me. “Aw, Ty-baby! Is it the voice again? I thought that went away years ago!”

“I-I, Uh- I can't- Adam doesn't-”

“Adam doesn't what?” she asks, tilting her head slightly. “Oh, does he not know about the voice?” She twists slightly to look at Adam. Then she puts a hand between their mouths and whispers, as if I can't still hear her, “Ty hears voices sometimes. They're the reason he's depressed. They're also the reason he cuts every once in a while.”

I think I might faint.

“T-Ty cuts- what!?” Adam shouts, glancing between me and her. “Sh-She's not being serious, is she, Ty?”

Sadie's eyes widen in fake shock. “Oh, dear! You legitimately had no idea! I thought I was just reminding you- well, this is terrible!” She glares at Adam, asking accusingly, “What kind of friend are you? I was only Ty's friend for a few days before I found out about his self-harming! How on earth could you be 'best' friends with him for years and still not notice the cuts?”

“H-How'd you even-”

“I stalk you on YouTube, Ty. I mean, obviously,” she scoffs. “What kind of best friend wouldn't?” She glares at Adam again. “I bet you don't stalk him on YouTube.”

“W-Well, I don't really have to, I see him all the time-” Adam starts. “Hey, off-topic! Ty, how come you never told me about the self-harming?”

“I- I-I-”

“Would you stop!?” Sadie growls at Adam. “You've done quite enough already! You have already proven that you are a horrific friend, you do not need to prove it even further by pressuring Ty about his depression!”

“Depression,” Adam mutters, looking guilty. “Self-harm. Voices. No, no, it can't be. Ty wouldn't-”

Sadie roughly grabs my wrist and pulls it forward, and I yelp in pain. While Adam looks at me in concern, Sadie yanks up my shirt sleeve and points to the three-day-old scars.

“Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh, oh my gosh-”

“Yeah,” Sadie spits. “Wonderful job you've done as a friend.”

Adam gently takes my wrist from Sadie, careful to avoid hurting me. “Ty, you- you should have told me,” he whispers, softly tracing one of my cuts with his finger. I wince, but not because it hurts. Even so, he lets my wrist drop. “Ty...”

“I think you should leave,” Sadie hisses, glaring at Adam once more. He glances helplessly between Sadie and me before finally nodding slowly.

“Y-Yeah, I- omigosh, Ty, I am so sorry for not realizing- I just- I can't-”

'He can't be friends with you now.'

Who would want to be friends with me in the first place?

“Goodbye,” Sadie snaps, slamming the door in Adam's face. Then she spins around and sends me a big, entirely fake smile. “There you go, Ty. I got rid of that horrible fake friend for ya. You're welcome! Honestly, what would you do without me?”

I don't know.

Maybe I would be happy.


Ho, baby, lookie dere! I GOTZ A REASONABLY SIZED UPDATE! :D

I recently finished DTDT, and it'll be a while before I start the third book, so maybe I'll have more time for this now? Maybe? Possibly? Hopefully?

Anyways, if any of you are still reading this, props to you for being patient. I love you all, I really do. Believe it or not, it really inspires me to write (or at least pushes me to write) when you guys comment telling me to update.

It also reminds me that this story is a thing.

I know, it's sad, but sometimes I forget. :(

So. Thoughts on Sadie? I am honestly loving her character, to be honest.

Thoughts on Adam's departure? Like, what the flip were you thinking, Adam? WHY WOULD YOU LEAVE TY ALONE WITH SADIE, UGH.

Anyways. Baiii, my be-ay-yoo-tiful Rulers! Oh, and happy late Thanksgiving!


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