Kylux: Images and One Shots

By LaylaOfAsgard

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Kylo Ren X Armitage Hux One Shots, Images, AUs, Smut, Fluff, and other stuff in my brain. This book is inspi... More

Jealous (Angst)
Words Hurt (Smut)
Words Hurt Re-Written (Smut)
Earth (AU)
Words Hurt PT. 2 Phasma
True Evil (Smut)
The Great Coat (Smut)
Secret Life
Drive Me Crazy (Smut)
High School Sucks (AU)
Ice King (Smut)
It's Over Isn't It
Help Me Sleep (Smut)
It's Over Isn't It PT. 2 (Smut)
I Don't Think So (Angst)
Too Long (Violent Smut)
The Bandages
On Display (Smut)
Control (Fluff)
I Don't Think So PT. 2
Across The Room (Smut)
High School (AU)
Jealous PT. 2
The Bath Full of Dread
The Piano Teacher (Earth AU Smut)

Soulmates (AU)

383 12 0
By LaylaOfAsgard

A/N: So I couldn't choose between two of the soulmate prompts so I'm combining them! Enjoy!

General Hux had many scars and bruises on his body. They weren't his, they were his soulmates. This morning he woke up with a huge handprint across his face. "What the fuck! How am I supposed to cover this?!" Hux touched the mark and winced, it burned. He looked in the mirror, once his body was perfect, it was clean, it was untouched. But ever since he had arrived on the StarKiller his skin became peppered with scars.

Hux knew once he'd meet his mate he would give them a new scar, one for making him imperfect. He looked at his wrist, "Very well, General." Hux sighed, he had heard variations of the words for years, but never the exact ones. Hux pulled on his uniform and boots. "Another day, another scar." As he walked down the hall people stared, they looked embarrassed for him, but Hux embraced the slap mark.

"General! What a nice day...." the officers voice trailed off. "What... do I have something on my face?" She stammered and Hux chuckled. "I didn't get slapped," Hux showed his wrist, "It's their fault." The officer nodded, "You just be glad you have one." The officer flashed her wrist and there were no words. This was common, since people on the StarKiller weren't able to have relationships, they had no soulmates.

"Yeah... I guess you're right... well it was nice to see you Officer Star." Star nodded and Hux walked to his office. He opened the door and Kylo sat on his desk. "Ren! What are you doing here?!" Kylo looked up at Hux, "That's a pretty nasty mark, General." Hux rolled his eyes, "I guess that's just what happens when your soulmate apparently does not care about their appearance." Kylo tilted his head, "You're telling me that you didn't earn that slap." Hux tilted his head up, "You may think I earned it, but the scars you didn't earn don't bother you!"

"And why are you so quick to assume they don't, it's not like you have a lot anyways." Hux sneered and pulled up his sleeve, "Don't let your eyes deceive you Ren." Kylo looked at the scars that covered Hux's skin, and then back up at his face. "Now answer me, what are you doing here?" Kylo looked down at the ground, "I- I.... cant remember." Hux sat down at his desk and sorted out some paperwork. "Well then I'll see you whenever." Kylo nodded, "Very well, General."

Hux's eyes shot up to Kylo's mask and he hissed as his wrist burned. "Holy Sith!" Hux cupped his wrist to try and stop the sensation. Kylo yelped, "Fuck!" Kylo fell to his knees and rubbed his wrist on his tunic. Once it faded Hux looked at Kylo, "No.... no no no, it can't be." Kylo stood stock still, millions of thoughts shifting through his head. Hux looked down at his wrist, the text that was once black was now blood red. "Remove your helmet Ren." Kylo shook his head, "No." fed up with the Knight, Hux slammed his hand into his desk and stood, "I SAID TAKE IT OFF!"

Kylo recoiled and sighed, he reached up and pressed the buttons on the side. It felt like an eternity until Kylo finally pulled the helmet off. Hux's breathing slowed when he saw the imprint of a hand on Kylo's face. "This cannot be happening, I mean your married!" Kylo awkwardly shifted his weight, "It was arranged... I don't love her..." Hux ran his hand through his hair. "What is it General, not happy with your results?" Hux made eye contact with Kylo, but then quickly broke it. "No... I just- we... we hate each other!"

Kylo took a step towards Hux, "Do we hate each other, is that what this is?" Hux looked at him and rethought everything. "Show me your shoulder." Hux was referring to the distinct scar on his shoulder that his father gave him, it was a brand. "It's there Hux. It looks like the Empire symbol. You know it's there, I know it's there. But most importantly, how did you get it?" Hux closed his eyes, "I don't want to say..."

Kylo scoffed, "I have barred that scar for fifteen years, I feel I deserve to know where you got it from." Hux's fist clenched, and Kylo took another step towards him. "Tell me." Hux snapped, "My father gave it to me! He branded me, ok?! He told me I belonged to the Empire before I had a choice!" Kylo's eyes grew wide and Hux shook. "He was a horrible man ok? Now show it to me!" Kylo unzipped his tunic and unbuckled his belt. He pulled off his shirt and showed Hux his shoulder, and sure enough there it was. Hux closed his eyes and took a breath.

"Why us....?" Kylo shrugged and put his layers back on. "There has always been tension, and you know that." Kylo mumbled putting his belt back on. Hux's eyes flickered to the ceiling, finding it a lot more interesting than Kylo's face. "Tension? God you're so-" Hux rubbed his temples, "Who slapped you?" Kylo chuckled, "Maira, she found something I never wanted anyone to see." Hux twisted his face, "That is?" Kylo took one more step and leaned into Hux's ear, "Your old officer uniform. You might not have known all these years, but I have had a feeling." Hux wished he could walk away but his feet were planted to the ground. His body didn't want to move.

"My officer outfit? How would that lead her slapping you." Kylo chuckled once again and ran his hands up Hux's chest. "It's not why I keep the uniform, it's what I do with it." Hux shivered, "And that is?" Kylo angled his face so his lips hovered over Hux's. "I don't think I need to answer that... I feel you already know the truth."

"And if I don't mind what you do with it...?" Kylo smirked, "Then maybe you can join me one day." Kylo turned around and grabbed his helmet off the ground, "See you whenever, Hux." Hux's mouth opened to speak but nothing came out. My soulmate is KYLO REN, THE KYLO REN!

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