In the End

By Honey_Money_

391K 25.9K 30.6K

Jovie Rawlings is many things but in control is not one of them. She's arrogant, loud, sassy, the biggest fli... More

Master Reading List
1~ Funny
2~ Fish
6~ Strange
7~ Peanut Butter
8~ Code Green
9 ~ Kiss Cam
10 ~ Party
11 ~ Lips
12 ~ Girlfriend
13 ~ Jojo
14 ~ Unknown
15 ~ Paranoia
16 ~ Sorry
17 ~ Deal
18 ~ Kitchen
20 ~ Weird
21 ~ Foreplay
22 ~ Normal
23 ~ Parents
24 ~ Monday
25 ~ Thigh
26 ~ Drunk
27 ~ Vacation
28 ~ Memories
29 ~ Alive
30 ~ Planet
31 ~ Stop
32 ~ Apple
33 ~ Eighteen
34 ~ Amelia
35 ~ Broken
36 ~ See
Announcement - Please Read
37 ~ Teddy Bear

19 ~ Heavy

9.7K 632 1K
By Honey_Money_

Someone rubs my back, easing away the knots that formed during the night.

"Morning, Penny." I yawn, not ready to wake up.

"Morning, JoJo." He sounds just as tired as me. "You punched me 8 times last night."

I snort, that's no where near my record, I've gotten to 13 before.

The sound of a camera clicking sends us both glaring to the doorway.  "Don't you two look cozy."

Emmy smirks and I chuck a pillow at his face. "Let me sleep."

"Your phones are buzzing." He says, "So... should I text this to y'all or..."

The sound of constant vibrating sends Aspen and I jumping for our phones.

"Hey, Boo." I yawn.

"Hey, Mere." Aspen groans as he talks to his witch.

"Hey, Cutie." Beau's voice filters through my head. "I'm so sorry about last night."

Tensing, I roll away from Aspen who stares daggers at my head. Oh yeah, he definitely heard that.

"It's fine." I assure him. "It's a new day, let's not focus in old issues."

"I'm still so sorry."

I smile, "I know."

"What are doing

"Just woke up. Would like to go back to sleep." Preferably beat the shit out of Emmy.

"Jesus, Mere." Aspen startles me. "I don't know when I'll be back. Why does it matter, you're in Colorado?"

"You just woke up?" Beau's voice prevents me from making a snide remark.


"So why is Aspen there?"

"Him, Gen and I are sharing a room. My aunt's house flooded so we had to improvise." Although we probably would've shared anyways .

"Ok." His tone surprises me. So... casual. "I've got to go eat with my grandparents. Text me later."

"Bye, boo." I don't know why I was expecting a fight.

"Bye, Cutie."

Flinging myself back against the pillows, I sigh. My sigh ends as blue eyes fill my line of sight.

"What did you two fight about?" He asks.

"I don't know, what did Mere want."

Holding my stare for a long second, he stands up and offers me a hand. "Let's go eat."

Forty-five minutes later we're sitting at the Rhodes kitchen table. Mom studies Sage as he hums and cooks. Aspen and Gentry send pointed glances between each other and him. I know Sage knows we're all staring.

"So can we just address the elephant in the room?" I demand, the silence bothers me. We reserve the tense quiet for our house.

Not when we're home. Not here.

He brings a platter of French toast and  fruit. "It's egg and gluten free, Peanut."

Ready to stab, I pile my plate high. God bless good food.

"And as for the elephant, what do you mean?"

"Um, you broke up with the girl you loved for 12 years." Gentry says. And people say I'm blunt.

"She broke up with me." He states. "And it's better. I sacrificed a lot to make her happy and I just want to remember who I am."

I couldn't imagine loving anyone for that long, let alone losing them. Beau and I, what we have isn't love. Yet. Sage, though, I used to envy his ex for having someone to love her like he did.

The pain on his face makes us loose our words. Mom reaches out a hand, "I know how that feels and how freeing it is to let go."

Yeah, she does. Mom might work herself half to death now but she's a lot happier than she was a year ago.

Footsteps sound and we watch Ashton McClain stroll into the kitchen. Shirtless. French toast drops from my mouth as I take him in.

Scarlett Rhodes is lucky. Then, still oblivious to our presence, he turns and mom's jaw drops as she takes in the rather vibrant scratch marks on his back.

I take that back. Scarlett Rhodes is lucky as fuck.

"So this is Ashton?"  Mom asks.

He jumps, spilling coffee on himself. "Shit."  Poor boy. "I'm sorry. You must be Scarlett's Godmother, Allie. I'm–"

"Ashton McClain." Gentry fanboys. Oh, brother, he's going to ruin this with his man crush. "Dude, everyone knows who you are."

"Don't be a pain, Gentry." Mom scolds. "In a year you'll be going through the same thing."

Blocking him out, I eat some more. After mom's conversation last night, college is the last thing on my mind.

"Hold up." Ashton says and I scold myself for drooling over him. Act cool. "If you're Gentry and he's Aspen, then that must make you Jovie." He stares right at me. "I'm sorry I said no to that date."

Oh no. No. No. No. No. No. I was 15. Gabe posted about his new friend for months. Me having eyes, became a little obsessed. I asked him out over the phone simply because he was hot. And it pissed Gabe off. "You remember that?"

"Yeah, seeing you in person I'm good to say you're cute and all. There's just this girl that's still in the picture and I sorta love her."  He shakes my hand. "You're a badass though."

Aspen snorts as I sit there. Someone hand me a jar of peanut butter, now is a good time to die.

As they talk, I try to calm the burning of my face. I feel like a tomato.

"No offense, but why are you here?" Ashton asks.

"Ricardo had work and Sage offered to make us breakfast." I grin, ready to rejoin the convo. "So we sped over for free food."

"Put this on." Scarlett hisses, flinging a hoodie at him on her way to the coffee pot.

Watching them be all lovey in the kitchen sends me checking my lock screen just to see Beau's face.


We spend all of Wednesday with our family, laughing to the point of tears, before finding ourselves at the Rhodes house.

Walking into the TV room, I'm about to join in on Gabe and Ashton's fight over what movie to watch when I notice the girl sitting next to Sage.

She's not one of us.

"Who's the lovely lady?" Gentry winks as we sit in front of the couch. It's been two days, can he seriously not last that long without flirting?

"Not my type, pretty boy." The girl says, not even sparring him a glance. Sage dies with laughter, a genuine one I haven't heard since being here.

"I don't know who you are, but I love you." I smile, assessing her. Naturally brown almost black hair, black clothing and black Doc Marten's. She's bad ass and now my new best friend.  

The girl doesn't say anything and Sage stops laughing long enough to introduce us."Chloe, this is Jovie and Gentry Rawlings and Aspen Jones. Their two younger brothers are running around with the twins and Conner somewhere."

Ah, yes, our younger brothers are probably breaking the law.

"Nice to meet you." She offers before turning to me. "It's nice to see another normal sized human.

Sage snorts, "Peanut is shorter than you."

"Not everyone can be freakishly tall." I punch his thigh. I was robbed of nutrients in the womb.

"But, Jojo, without us, who would grab things off the top shelf for you?" Aspen questions and I glare at him.

"That's what a step stool is for." I'm sorry it's convenient for him to grab things for me.

"I learned to climb shelves." Chloe admits and the smile spreads across my face instantaneously.

Oh, we're gonna get along perfectly.


Our kid family hang out, which features the ages of 9 to 23, consists of a beer pong tournament.

Aspen and I play against Scarlett and Ashton, and memories of our childhood competitions set me over the edge.

However, my team partner can't get his shit together. It's not my fault he agreed to drink the cups meant for me too. He should be able to keep his shit together long enough to win.

"Penny, I'll hit you if we lose."

"You'll hit me anyways." He explains, missing the shot.

"I would never." I assure him as Scarlett throws in the winning shot.

As Aspen downs the cup, I punch his gut. "Pitiful, Jones, pitiful."

Plopping my ass back in the couch, I study all the different couples. Lost in my own world amongst the chaos, the sound of Ashton shouting jolts me back to reality.

"Whoever does it first wins 100 bucks." He passes his phone around.

I'm ready for a friendly competition until I see what we're doing. We flipping people into the kissing position.

My excitement is doused with water.

"Jojo, lets kick their asses." Aspen says, flexing his arms.

"Oh, I don't think I'm the right type of person for this." I lean into the couch that my ass is not leaving.

"Jovie, I think you could win it all." Ashton tells me, a genuine look on his face. "You're great."

Scarlett sucks for getting the sweetest boyfriend in the plant.

"Come on, Jojo." Aspen tries again, a taunting smirk on his lips. He knows I don't want to do this.

Begrudgingly, I take his hand and everyone cheers.

"Gabriel, I want to win." Avery says, turning to find my cousin knocked out.

"I'll gladly take his place." Gentry offers, and I want to laugh. If Chloe wasn't interested, why would a model be?

"Your cousin would never stop pouting." She says.

No, Gabe is a pouty baby. Maybe Gentry should do it.

Tucking my head by Aspen's thighs, I grab his hands. This is a bad idea. I'm too heavy and he's too tall.

He tries to flip me and I barely move.

"Jojo, you have to try." He says.

"No, I have to sit down." This is stupid.

"Stop being stubborn and try, damnit." He snaps and grabs my hands again.

Fifteen attempts later, we're no closer to making it and I'm ready to fight Aspen.

"Jojo, stop making this difficult." Aspen demands.

"Lean backwards when I jump, and it would be easy." He's the one doing the work.

"No, I have to pull you." Bullshit.

"Use gravity, It's here for a reason!" I shout. I'm heavy, deal with it.

"You have to jump high enough for gravity to work and you aren't exactly making it far off the ground." So now he wants to attack my height.

"It's not my fault I'm fun sized."

"Make up for it, I could do better with Gentry as my partner."

"Then let him be your partner." I mumble and he turns me around.

"You're not heavy. You need to drop that idea and win." He says quietly. "I don't want Gentry to be my partner, he's the heavy one."

Gulping, I let us try again. One second, I'm leaning upside down. Then next, my legs are wrapped around his waist and my lips smack into his cheek.

"Told you we could do it." He grins, holding me in place.

As the chaos continues around us, I hug him. "Thanks for not being an ass, Penny."

"Of course." He nods. "But your seriously heavy so get down."

Slapping the back of his head, we separate as Ashton and Scarlett shout in victory.

Letting them have their win, I sit back down. I don't need the attention anyways.


Thursday, after we eat a shit ton of food and are surprised with Uncle John brining 3 new kids into the family, I'm on the couch with Aspen and Sage.

"I want my picture to be first." Sage declares as I study the pictures from today.

"No." I swat him away.

"Yes." He crosses him arms. "It can be your gift to me."

Studying the picture and deciding it really is the cutest one, I make it first. Smiling at the one of all us kids together, I post.

Thankful for the people I love the most.

Gabe plops down beside me, pulling my small body in for a hug. "How are you, Jo?"

"Good, I've missed your annoying ass." I admit.

He chuckles, typing a message to a random chick in his phone. "Love you too, cuz."

"When are you gonna stop being such a flirt." I shove his head. "At this point Gentry will get a girl before you."

The look on my twins face is pure horror and it matches our cousin.

"You've played the game, Jo." He ruffles my hair. "I'm young. I'm free. Girls are beautiful."

"You're a pig." Avery calls from across the room as she moves upstairs.

He watches her go and I raise a brow. Gabe winks, "However, I thought you'd be the one to be on my side."

"Sorry, G, you're stuck with Gentry" Please don't make me an aunt any time soon. I'm too young and they're too stupid.

My phone begins to buzz with a solid stream of messages but I ignore the group chat. Sage brings out a deck of cards and destroying them in Black Jack is more important.

Gentry's phone rings an hour in and he answers, "What?" Obviously it's someone we know.  "She's right here."

He tosses the phone to me and I hold it to my ear. "Who is this?"

"You replaced my gorgeous ass with a Rhodes?" AJ's devastated voice comes across the line.

"I'm allowed to have more than one pretty boy in my life." I shrug.

"But I'm the prettiest."

"Tell AJ to go look in the mirror." Aspen shouts so he can hear. "We're busy."

"I deserve love!" Our friend protests but I hang up.

"I can't stand desperate men." I roll my eyes and Sage chuckles.

"You poor soul, how do you survive?"

As we continue to play, our focus falls to the toddler in Sage's lap. The same toddler Uncle John carried into this house and our lives hours early.

"Makes me miss Brookie." I admit. It's only been two days and I'm going insane with out her snuggles.

"It's gonna suck not seeing her when we're in college." Aspen sighs.

"Speaking of college." Gentry clears his throat loudly and I slap him.

"With that smooth segway, I'm steeling the toddler and we're getting cookies." I stand up and take the beautiful little girl from Sage.

Wandering upstairs and passing her to her dad, I watch my mom talk in the kitchen. She laughs a genuine laugh I haven't heard in years as she punches Uncle Ricardo's arm. Offering a wave as she catches my eye, I finally acknowledge the buzzing on my phone.

Fourteen missed calls from Beau. In a panic I run to the front porch and call him.

"Are you okay?" I ask as soon as the call connects.

"Who're all those dudes?" He demands.


"On your instagram."

Oh. "That's my family."

"You don't look anything alike and cousins don't hug like that." He snaps.

Family doesn't have to look alike. "Those are people I've known since I was a kid. Some of them are my family. Some of them aren't."

"And Ashton McClain?"

"Is completely in love with his girlfriend." Maybe Beau should take a note.

"So he regrets saying no to a date with you?" Putting the call on speaker, I read the comments on my post.

The fine print does read that Ashton McClain regrets saying no; however, I know that is sarcasm.

"Sage Rhodes called you his betrothed." Yes, I can see that too. Fucking Sage. "And he doesn't have a girlfriend to love."

"It's an inside joke, Beau. You need to realize my family is five times weirder than my friend group." I explain with thinning patience. "We have inside jokes that are older than Garner. They're things you pick up as we go."

He'd get lost if I explained them all.

"You need to cut the bullshit and realize I can be around the male species." I snap. "I've been around boys since I was a baby and I'll be around boys for the rest of my life."

The line is silent.

"I don't demand who you've been with and question your loyalty because I trust you." I carry on. "I wouldn't be in a relationship with you if I didn't trust you."

No trust is the second I break up with him.

"You're right." He sighs. "I'm sorry."

He should be. "Good, now can we have a normal conversation?"

"My grandma's calling me in for dessert. I'll talk to you later, Cutie."

Fighting the urge to throw my phone, I lay on the porch. Stupid boys and their stupid egos.

"My boyfriend bothers me too."

Jumping, I find Saffron watching me. Taking my look as an invitation, she joins me.

"Squirt, you're a little too young to have a boyfriend." I tease, enjoying the distraction.

"That's what Sage and Ashy say, but I don't like my new boyfriend."


"Well, I didn't want to be his girlfriend but he insists that I am."  She informs me sassily and I roll my eyes. "We fight a lot."

My eyes stop rolling. "Oh, Saff, my boyfriend and I weren't fighting."

I know what a fighting relationship is. This isn't it.

"Not the same way Jace and I do." She assures me. "I prefer to use fists not words and Jace actually hits back, unlike Dasher Williams."

"He hits you?" Looks like I have to beat up a 9-year-old.

"We do karate, it's ok." She assures me. "Scarlett told me it's ok, but it's not fun. He's always trying to do what he wants and the worst part is he doesn't like Ronnie."

Something tells me I know what kinda kid Beau was. Hugging her, I smile. "Best friends are important, Squirt."

More important than some lame guy, without a doubt. Snickering, I remember the playground days when I used to beat the guys up.

"I know, I just like him for his jacket." Grinning like a fool, she hugs me. "Don't tell Sage about my boyfriend. I'm not allowed to date."

That gets a genuine laugh out of me. Trouble with a capital T.

She gasps and runs down the steps. "Chloe!"

Taking in the newest addition to our makeshift family, I wave. The real fun can begin now.


Stepping onto the front porch for a minute of space, I try to collect my thoughts. My family is too much sometimes.

Getting a text, I grin.

You're right. I'm sorry for over reacting. I struggle with jealously and I need to work on that.

You looked pretty

Smiling, I type out a reply as the front door bursts open. Ashton stands in front of me as his friends head to the car.

"Jovie, it was a pleasure meeting you." He hugs me.

In shock, I stand there. This is happening. He loads the car up and says goodbye to Scarlett and envy stirs inside me.

Not that she has Ashton, but because they work so perfectly. I want that.

Scarlett's taken by surprise as he kisses her. So perfect. However, as I look away, I remember the text.

It's ok. We grow from here. Trust is important, Boo

"What's up, Jo?" Scarlett asks.

"How do you do it?" I question desperately.

"Do what?" She has no clue how lucky she is. How envious I am.

"Never mind." I force a smile. Her relationship is 2 years old. Mine is new.

Everything takes time.

"Jojo, come on." Aspen says urgently. "Sage and Chloe are trying to say they could beat us at Pictionary."

Oh hell no. I'm winning that shit.


I feel like this chapter fell flat, not gonna lie.
Make sure you've read bothLiL chapters and the LiH chapter

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