13 ~ Jojo

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Standing in the mirror, I'm at an absolute loss for words.

The dress looks different on me now, maybe it's too tight. And the sleeves are see-through, meaning people can still see how gross my arms are.

"Mom, I'm not going!" I call out, hurrying downstairs.

"Jovie, what-" She stops talking as she turns around, dropping a dish towel. "You look so grown up."

"I look like a navy blue whale." I whine, already taking my heels off.

This is a mistake. I shouldn't wear a dress like this.

Mom walks over, cupping my chin. "Stop and breathe."

Doing as she says, I follow her breathing pattern.

Once she sees I've calmed down, she smiles. "Good. I've never seen you so worked up over a dance."

"I just want to look perfect." I admit, hating how anxious I feel.

"Baby, you're beyond perfect." She hugs me tightly. "After all, you look like your momma."

It gets a laugh out of me but she's right. Mom is beautiful, so I'm just a bulkier version of her.

Gentry walks downstairs, his tie in hand. "Jo, you look pretty."

Slowly, I grin. "I know."

At least I can fake it.

An hour later, I can hear the car doors slamming shut as all of our friends arrive. Offering myself one more determined glance in the mirror, I go to join them. 

Everyone is out front, trying to dictate who rides with who.

"Jo, you be looking good." AJ whistles.

Smirking at him, I shrug. "I know it's hard to resist me but do try."

He laughs, turning his attention back to his date.

Heels sound behind me and I turn to find Meredith glaring at me in a form fitting white dress. The spawn of satan painted to be an angel.

She studies me, clearly unimpressed. "You look-"

"There you are." Aspen cuts in, throwing his arm around Mere. "Houston and his date are gonna ride with us."

Her glare shifts from me to him as she offers the worst smile I've ever seen. "Perfect."

Then she storms over to her mom, complaining about her lipstick being the wrong shade of red.

"She's a real charmer." I remark, grateful he stopped her from saying whatever horrible comment she had prepared.

"As always." He mutters before focusing on me. "I take back hating on that dress."

"And why is that?" I question, fidgeting with the sleeves.

"Because you look damn good, Jojo." He admits, a serious expression on his face unlike the taunt I was expecting.

My surprise is washed away by arms wrapping around me. "Hey there, girlfriend."

Looking back, I smile. "Hey, Boo."

Stepping back, he turns me around. His eyes taking in every detail. "Now I understand why you wanted me to see this in person."

"You like what you see?"

"I love it."

My heart speeds up, mom deserves a hug for calming me down. To think I almost ruined this.

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