Sugar. Why not?

Door SarahCraik5

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Sofia is struggling to get a grip on her life and is drowning in student debts. With no luck finding a job an... Meer

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Hardwired To You
Short Circuit
Short Circuit (Part 2)
Trust Installed
Family Trojan Horse
Fixed Issue
<I Don't Love You/>
Crack That Code
Do You Know How To Fix It?
The Trouble Is..I Need You
Fading Fast
No One Else Is You
I Will Kill You
I Promise I'll Take Care Of You
The Downfall Of Us
You'll Get What's Coming To You
Are You Guilty? Yes, Of Hurting
Mr Stump & Miss Westwood
What's The Verdict?
Sex, Love And More Sex
Sugar Why Not? Playlist
Epilogue - Keeper Of My Heart

Holiday CSS

946 19 21
Door SarahCraik5

Sofia's POV

As soon as I got in the car with Patrick he asked me what was wrong. My rushed jog from the shop must have given away the fact that things weren't normal.

I actually had to take a deep breath and reach over for his hand before I could begin explaining. Gabe just really freaked me out and I'm still not one hundred percent sure why. His questions were out of line and his staring was just wrong but my reaction feels weird. I literally want to go take a shower and bleach my brain to forget the creepy vibes he gave off.

After ranting without taking a breath for a good two minutes, I finally suck in a huge gulp of air. Patrick is squeezing my hand, his forehead marred with a concerned from. Although the look in his eyes tells me he's more than concerned.

"Do you think in overreacting? Maybe I am? I do that sometimes I guess. He just creeped me out" I ask worrying that maybe I'm just being dramatic.

"No Darling, you are not overreacting" he answers cooly. So cooly in fact that I'm really confused when he lets go of my hand and unclips his seat belt.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm going to have a little chat with Gabe. I don't care if he asks shit about me but I won't have him making you feel uncomfortable" he growls. If that isn't enough to signify that he isn't just going to chat with Gabe, then his palpable anger is.

When he goes to exit the car I grab his arm and pull him back gently. There doesn't need to be any conflict here. In fact, I'd much rather just forget about it. I'm sure Gabe is nothing to worry about. He's probably just nosey.

"Please don't go in there. I'd much rather you just help me forget about the freaky feeling I have right now" I tell him, pouting more than is probably necessary. That's all it takes for his mood to change, his anger disappearing. He leans over the centre console and silently asks for a kiss. It's possible we both have too much power over one another. I don't know if that's good or bad.

"I'm sorry. I tend to overreact when I feel strongly about something...or someone" he whispers against my lips.

"Don't be sorry. I appreciate that you're willing to fight my corner. I just don't like literal fighting" I smirk and kiss him properly.

When we pull apart he looks like he's just had an epiphany. His face lights up and he looks really excited. There go the butterflies.

"I know exactly how to make you feel better Darling. I think it's about time we took that trip to Hawaii don't you?"

Oh my god! I'm not going to lie and say I forgot about our holiday plans. Although with everything that's been going on lately with us generally trying to navigate our relationship, it definitely got put to the back of my mind.

Now though the excitement that I felt when my finger landed on the Hawaii on the map returns. I can't believe he's really going to take me on holiday. I honestly feel like I'm living a dream that I don't deserve.

"I mean I know you're busy and you're work is important. Of course I'd love to go but I don't want you to plan this just for me. I can wait. In fact, I don't ever have to go" I say casually because I'm trying to be considerate. I'm pretty sure my sentences are really making no sense though. I feel bad that he'd put off work for me.

"Sofia there's something that you need to understand. My work important sure but there's nothing more important to me than you. No matter how busy I am I always have time for you..."

He's told me this before but just like last time, I find it hard to get my head around. I'm really not that interesting yet he seems to find me fascinating and worth giving up his precious time. So I really only have one response that will keep my emotions in check.

"Fuck it! Let's go to Hawaii!"


"Is that cake?" I hear and almost drop said cake on the floor in shock.

" isn't" I try to say around the mouthful of joy. Naturally I have to hide it behind my back because that way he will never know I have anything! Never!

"Hmm it looked like cake" he muses.

We're at the airport and while Patrick went to the toilet, I acquired a slice of chocolate cake from the five star cafe. I never knew a cafe could have five stars but here we are. You know he actually apologised to me earlier because there's been a delay with getting his private jet ready! You know just a causal private jet. Did I mock him dramatically? Yes. God forbid I have to wait an extra half an hour in a VIP lounge that only accommodates people who own the private jets. GOD FORBID!

"No cake here!" I lie, looking away from his glaring eyes.

"Then what are you hiding behind your back?" He asks, crossing his arms sternly.

"God damn it! Fine! It's cake! I never knew that being a Sugary Sweet meant I'd have to share my cake!" I sigh and show him the chocolate heaven. Of course I'm kidding. Part of the reason I bought it was so that I could offer him some and enjoy watching him lick it off his lips.

"The clue is in the name. Anything that includes sugar and that's sweet should be shared" he grins smugly, breaking a bit off and popping it into his mouth. Yummy. He then proceeds to lick his lips and I can feel myself smiling involuntarily. Bingo!

"I'm sweet, does that mean you have to share me?" I tease and his glare returns with vengeance. Oh dear.

"No. You my dear are just for me. Only me" he answers, his voice rough with meaning. Oh damn that's hot but I'm not about to let him know that yet.

"Did you just objectify me?" I snap and his face goes white.

"What? No of course not! I'd never do that, I just...I just-" he stutters, his hand running through his hair nervously. Okay I'm mean.

"Wow, you're so easy. I thought you were a tough guy? An asshole? You seem pretty considerate to me" I laugh and he shakes his head at me.

One day my teasing is gonna get me in trouble. I can just tell. Maybe he'll spank me. Oh okay then Sofia you've never thought of that before!

"You want me to be the man I am in the boardroom? I can do that Sofia" he tests me, taking the rest of the cake and finishing it off. Lord how dare he?!

"Oh hell no! Is boardroom you greedy?!" I whisper yell as he throws the napkin the cake was on in the bin. Dick!

"No he's assertive and takes what he wants" he whispers once he's back in front of me. His voice is like silk and I think I might wanna jump on boardroom Patrick.

"He sounds pretty hot actually. Is he always available or do I need to make an appointment?" I query as he slides his arms around my waist.

"Always available to you Princess"

His private jet is simply a modern gem. It's painted fully black, the only contrasting colour coming from the 'Stump and Son' logo emblazoned on the side in a bold silver font.

I'm in a trance as he guides me up the steps. This seems to happen a lot around him especially when he's showing me new things.

I'm pretty sure the captain greets us as well as an air hostess but I'm too busy gawping at everything to be able to do more than smile politely. I do however catch Patrick's sly smile as he sees me with what I imagine looks like childlike wonder and wide eyes.

White leather with silver threading covers all of the seats and most of the other furniture including the small bar near the back has silver accents. Masculine but not too much.

I'm some how able to sit down in one of these seats and not ask many many questions. I don't know how. Considering I really want to know how such elegance is capable of being an aircraft.

Patrick sits opposite me and suddenly a flute of champagne appears in my line of vision. Where did he get that?

"Would you like some?" He smirks, still enjoying my curiosity and joy.

"Yes thank you" I take the glass from his fingers and finally calm my racing heart by looking at his lovely face. He leans over and squeezes my knee gently before clinking his glass against mine.

I try to listen to the captain's voice over the speakers and watch the air hostess' demonstration which is pretty much the same on all airlines but in order to keep grounded I have to keep my gaze on Patrick. This is fantastic but it's a lot.

"I feel so fancy" I admit sipping on my champagne.

"I'm not overwhelming you am I? I just want to
show you and give you everything" he asks concerned.

Oh no, my tendacy to freak out at lavish things
has made him worry. I'm an idiot! Getting out of my seat. I step over to him and he automatically opens his arms for me. I sit in his lap and curl my knees up so that I'm completely cacconed by him when he
wraps me in his arms. It's one of my favourite
things to do because it makes me feel safe.

"No I'm not overwhelmed. I appreciate every
second of this. It's different but amazing. Thank you Handsome"

He relaxes visible and his cheeks pink a little. I've  only called him Handsome twice as a pet name and he seems to love it. It makes my heart pound when he looks all bashful like he does right now.

"You're welcome Princess"

Although I had to return to my seat for takeoff, I'm quick to jump back into his lap once the seat belt signs are tuned off. I can't help but snuggle into him, feeling weightless because of the altitude and because of his closeness.

I worry that I might be getting a little too addicted to this man.

Patrick's POV

As Sofia sits in my lap I think about all the flights I've taken before. I've sat here so many times, laptop open, my mind consumed with plans and schemes to better my business. I never thought that I was missing anything. Now when I think about it I was
painfully lonely. Yet the thought of having someone else in my lap to soothe the loneliness doesnt appeal to me. It's only her. Only Sofia who can sate the need for companionship.

I don't think I'll ever understand it but that's

"What are you thinking about so hard?" She asks tapping her finger against my nose.

"You of course" I reply truthfully.

"Hmm I doubt that but it's a good answer" she replies before leaning her head on my
shoulder. She snuggles into me, while I squeeze
her closer. I can smell the sweet scent of
her shampoo that comes from her hair and
I have to refrain from just sticking my nose
in it. That may seem strange.

She's falling asleep and my eyes are growing
heavy when the sole flight attendant appears at our seat.

"Can I get you anything Sir? Madam?"

Jesus Christ, I had forgotten she was here. Then again she's been sitting behind the screen-door at the back of the plane in the work station for most of the flight so it makes sense.

There's a different attendant most times I use my jet and they are usually good at gauging when to ask or offer their services. Aparently she hasn't perfected that sense considering we were almost both sleeping.

"No thank you"  I tell her and focus back on my
sleeping girl.

"Well if you change your mind just let me know" she
continues and when I glance back at her I catch
her winking at me. Really? Is she seriously trying to
to flirt with me when there's a women in my lap?

I'm happy to say that I've never fucked any of
the flight attendants so it's not as if she's
assuming that'll happen. Unless she's just hoping
I'm a sleaze ball. Unfortunatly for her I'm not and
I wouldn't be even if Sofia wasn't here.

"I won't change my mind" I confirm making sure
my voice tells her she's being innapropiate. Just then Sofia stirs and shifts in my lap. She sees the flight attendant and immediately asks: "Oh could I have a glass of water please? I dont wanna be drunk during the day" she laughs but the flight attendant doesn't laugh back. In fact she scowls slightly before nodding and leaving. Jesus Christ! I'll be making sure I dont have her on any of my flights again. Rude!

"Wow, did I say some thing wrong?" Sofia asks
wrinkeling her nose in a cute frowning expression.

"No Darling, I just think she's in a bad

When she comes back and Sofia thanks her
for the water, Sofia then asks her: "Are you okay?"
This shock both her and me. It's a genuine question said without any malicious intent. She genuinely wants to know even though the woman has been rude to her.

"Um yes Madame. I'm fine thank you. It's just been a long day. I apologize if I don't seem fully up to it" She tells Sofia her tone now completely different. It's as if she appreciates Sofia's concem. Which makes sense since I doubt many people ask. I know I never have. Maybe I should have done.

"Then sit down for a bit. We don't need anything right now anyway"  Sofia suggests and the flight attendant is truely shocked. God I don't deserve this girl.

"Oh that wouldn't be appropriate" She says

"It's okay we don't mind" I add because she is looking for my permission since it's my jet. I kind of hate the thought that I can override Sofia in this kind of situation but I guess it's okay because I'm asking the flight attendant to do the same thing she is, not
the opposite. Just like that the flight attendant changes completely. Thanking us profusely before taking a seat a few rows back, still giving us privacy.

"You're so lovely Darling" I gush in awe.

"I feel bad for her. Plus the only reason she was being snooty is because she assumed I would be. All she sees all day is women and men flashing cash, being rude to her and a lot of the time they haven't earned the cash themselves. Like I haven't"

"Just because it's not your jet doesn't means you don't have the right to be here" I assure her.

"I know handsome, but she deals with stuck up idiots all day so I get why she thought I was one"

I suddenly worry that I come across as snooty. I didn't care before but now I certainly do.

"Am I stuck up? " I ask, a little paranoid.

"No you're polite. I've never seen you being rude. Sure you're assertive because you're a boss and sometimes you yell but you're not snooty or stuck up. If you were I wouldn't be here. Because then you'd see me as a peasant " She jokes, her grin growing wider.

"A peasant? You? Never! You're a goddess my
Dear " I confirm brushing my fingers through
her hair.

"I don't know about that but you're definetly a
God "

"Now Darling I'd be careful what you say. You don't want to boost my ego too much. You also probably don't want me to give an erection here.

My hands tighten on her impulsively and I think it might be too late to stop myself getting hard.

"You mean this erection? " she muses shifting her ass against my hardening cock. Damn!

"I don't think you want me to fuck you right here in front of prying eyes either do you?" I whisper, nipping at her ear lobe.

"Not right here but there is a lockable bathroom. I'm not in the mile high club yet. Are you?"

"No but that's about to change Darling"

"Thank god you agree" she squeals before glancing over the back of the seat. What is she up to?

"The flight attendant is asleep. Come on"

Oh I forgot about her again! Bloody hell this woman really takes up my whole brain and thought process. Which I love!

She takes me by the hand and pulls me all the way to the toilet. Upon opening the door we discover the small space. The size of the toilet has never occurred to me before. Maybe I should get it made bigger for any occasions like this in the future. Or maybe I should just throw this entire jet away and get a new one with a bedroom!

"We can make it work!" She states with determination, yanking me in and sliding the door shut. The soft click signifies that it's locked and I can't help but laugh as we're squashed against each other. No complaints here.

Moving my hands around her, I palm her ass and pull her impossibly closer. She gasps breathlessly and tugs on me too.

"Oh yeah, we can definitely make this work" I confirm smiling gleefully at her.

"I'm so glad you're on board with this idea"

She shifts her leg and somehow hooks it around my hip, her foot slamming against the opposite wall.

"Oops, sorry about that" she cringes.

"I don't care Darling. Do what you have to! I need you so bad!" I whisper growl because fucking hell its true. The speed at which she affects me is absolutely unbelievable. It's like I'm wired to be ready for her whenever she desires.

Literally every breath we take is causing our bodies to push together and the desperate look in her eyes has me dying to please her.

"Then take me" she whispers desperately and that's all it takes for us to go wild. We're all limbs and tugging at clothes. Some elbows are banged but we do manage to get our jeans down. She tugs my boxers down enough to free my cock and strokes it roughly. This has me gasping as I try to push her panties out of the way.

Her hand is so soft and warm gripping me tightly while my fingers are finally able to get the fabric out of the way and find her wetness. The moan she produces as I slide a finger inside her has me feeling carnal and needy.

"More Patrick please!" She begs and who am I to deny her?

Kissing her neck, I add another finger and she pants my name. Her hand strokes me quicker and I have to lock my legs so that I don't fall over.

"Feels so good Darling, I love it when you touch me"

"Can I have you now? Please baby!"

Damn I love it when she begs. I think she knows I can't say no to her.

"Always" I croon, trying to ignore the deeper meaning of that singular word. Have me forever. Have me always. Fuck!

I remove my fingers from inside of her and grab her thighs, hoisting her a little higher. God my cock is weeping for her. She guides me to her entrance and I do as she asks, pushing inside her quickly.

"Fuck! Yes! Patrick, don't be gentle I need to feel you!"

"You got it Princess!" I groan finding it hard to keep my eyes open as I slide out of her tight wetness. Dear god she is literally heaven. Slamming back into her, her heads hits the wall and her mouth opens in ecstasy. She squeezes me to her, one hand on my shoulder, the other sliding into my hair to tug hard.

She's beautiful and I'm so damn lucky to be the one who gets to give her pleasure. She then grabs my shirt as I drive into her and I can't help but close the final gap between us and kiss her senseless.

My hips move hard and quick, hitting as deep as I can. My balls tingle as she uses her thighs to squeeze me.

"Sofia you feel so good!" I practically whine against her mouth and she cries my name as I shift my hips. She leans her forehead on mine now, passion consuming her eyes. I'm sure I look the same. It makes me shiver. I've never felt a connection like this.

"Patrick, I love how you fill me. It's like you were made for me!" My heart thuds at her words.

"I think we were made for each other" I agree because I don't care how cliche that sounds. Or how important. All that I care about is that it feels true.

We're swearing and moaning, in fact she gets so loud at one point that she tries to muffle her noises of pleasure in my shoulder. I wish we didn't have to be quiet. I love to hear everything she has to give. I crave it.

I know that I won't last much longer and by the way she writhes against, she won't either. Honestly I wish sex never had to end. Correction, I wish sex with Sofia never had to end.

Reaching between us I tease her clit with my thumb and it drives her wild. Oh my beautiful girl.

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" She yells.

"You like that baby?" I croon, knowing she likes to hear my voice too.

"YES!" She screams.

I'm all smug about making her loose her mind but I should know by now that she can have me just as wrecked. With that thought in my mind and without warning, I feel her hand caress my balls. Oh sweet Jesus!

"Ahhhh fuck!"

"Do you like that Patrick?" She smirks as I struggle to find words.

"Yo-u haaave no idea how much!"

It doesn't take much longer for both of us to find release. With my hips jammed against hers and our lips locked, I cum inside of her while she cums around me. Her walls pulsate and pretty much milk every last drop of pleasure from me. I don't know how we haven't passed out yet.

One glance at the mirror next to her head and I see that it's all streamed up. As our breathing slows I drag my finger through the condensation and draw a very cheesy love heart because that's exactly how I feel right now.

My bones are like liquid and my emotions are shot to hell.

"Awww, you are just the cutest" she teases when she sees my art. She pinches one of my cheeks playfully, making me grin from ear to ear. I then watch as she adds a S+P under the heart, completing the masterpiece. How lovely.

"Gorgeous work. We make a great team" I tell her.

"That we do Handsome. That we do" she responds pecking my lips.

After our bodies are capable of movement again, we try our best to pull apart and reassemble our clothing. I'm not going to lie, it's not easy but somehow we do it. Then we practically fall out of the tiny bathroom as soon as I open the door.

On the journey back to our seats it's clear that we weren't very quiet as the flight attendant is no where to be seen and must have retreated back to her section. Oops! Sorry not sorry!

"Hey, high-five! We're now part of the mile high club" Sofia grins, looking rather pleased with herself. I don't blame her because I am too. High-fiving her waiting hand, I link our fingers and pull her back into my lap because I much prefer her here than in the seat opposite me.

"Thanks for initiating me into it!"

"Oh you're so welcome Daddy! Thank you too!"

With a kiss to my cheek she snuggles back into me like before. I hold onto her as I realise that she is the most important and precious thing ever. I hope she never gets bored of me because I'm not sure what I'd do if she didn't want me anymore.

Sofia's POV

When we land in O'ahi Hawaii it's midday and the instant heat that hits me is so amazing. Patrick takes me hand once we're down the airplane steps and the level of freedom and happiness I feel should be illegal. There will be no judgment here. We're just a couple on holiday and no one is gonna ask me weird questions or give us strange looks.

After our luggage is offloaded we go in search of a cab and I take in the beautiful landscape. I don't know where we're staying because Patrick said everything is a surprise. I think he must have some things planned for us and I can't even describe how excited I am about that. He really spoils me.

On the ride to our accommodation all I do is use a selection of words including "Wow" and "Oh my god LOOK!"

Remind me again why Patrick doesn't find me super annoying?

I'm reminded why when he goes "Sofia, look at that!" excitedly while tugging on my arm. He's just as enthusiastic as me and as silly because his excitement is due to a funny looking palm tree. God I wish I'd met him sooner.

I feel like a kid who is being given gift and gift, especially as we pull up to a lovely villa. It's very private as the nearest villa next to it is quite a bit away. Plus each one is cozily nestled within bushes and palm trees. The sun beats down on the thatched room with matching fence. Oh and as soon as we got out of the cab, the distinct sound of the ocean hit my ears. It's a beach villa which obviously is kind of to be expected but the reality of it in front of me has me jumping for joy. I can't believe it.

Patrick tips the driver and comes to stand next to my frozen form.

"Do you like it?" He asks, pressing a kiss to my cheek.

"Patrick I have no words" I reply, cuddling into his side. When I look up at him with gratitude, I notice a bead of sweat rolling down his forehead and it makes me realise just how hot it is. We're not dressed in the correct attire for this heat and I can't wait to rectify that.

If I thought the exterior of the villa was nice then it's nothing compared to the interior. A lounge full of wicker furniture, chairs with soft cream cushioning and deep bay windows opens up into a wonderful kitchen. Marble counter tops remind me of Patrick's apartment.

A wooden sliding door separates the bedroom on the right. Inside a huge king size bed - with cream duvet to match the lounge furniture - sits opposite yet more huge windows which means the sun is beating down on the bed.

Through those windows my eyes catch a round swimming pool glistening in the light. Wow.

There's more too. Behind the swimming pool is a little pathway partially surrounded by bushes. I assume this leads directly to the beach and that fact makes me even more excited. Is it weird that I have a sudden urge to go build a sand castle?

The bathroom is as grand as the rest of the place with huge tub and two person shower. I'm pretty sure we'll use that!

It all leaves me in shock like on the private jet and I only snap back to myself when Patrick wraps his arms around me from behind, leaning his chin on my shoulder.

"It's pretty isn't it?" He sighs, kissing my neck. That sigh sounds like he's expelling all frustration or worries that the outside word has created. I feel that way too. Being here with him in this place just feels so...good. Freeing.

"That's an understatement" I breath.

Squeezing his hands that rest on my stomach, I tilt my head back to nuzzle closer to him. I don't know how long we stand there in the middle of the lounge staring out of the window and at the greenery outside but it doesn't matter.

It soothes my soul.


We eventually peel off our sweaty clothes and change into more appropriate attire. I choose a simple light blue sun dress that causes Patrick to stare at my legs every two seconds.

To be honest I can't blame him because as I'm slipping some matching sandals on I see that he's showing some leg too. I honestly didn't think he could get any hotter but boy was I wrong.

He's wearing a white shirt sleeved shirt that show off his lovely arms. His bottom half is covered with navy board shorts so like I said... I can stare at his legs too. I've never seen him in shorts before so it takes me a minute to remember where I am. In fact is very rare to see him in any kind of casual clothing but I feel so privileged that I do.

On his nose sits a pair of black ray ban sunglasses and as my eyes shoot to his feet to take ever detail in, I see the flip flops on his feet. Yes, he even has nice feet. I mean I've seen them before but I guess I've never stared.

"I can already tell that we're going to find it hard to leave this villa" he chuckles, his eyes glinting with lust as his eyes wash over my whole figure. Wow that does things to me. "Although I guess I find it hard to leave anywhere if you're there too" he continues stepping towards me.

"I guess this is a little different since you're used to seeing me in sweat pants and oversized t-shirts all the time" As I say those words I realise that maybe he'd like me to make more of an effort. I mean he's used to the women around him being primed and plucked and in designer dresses 24/7. So maybe he'd like that from me too.

As if he's reading my thoughts he goes:

"You're beautiful no matter what you wear Darling. I don't know how you do it but do it" he grins.

"Well I am the lounge pant queen after all. I guess I'm a natural!" I reply, winking at him.

"The lounge pant queen huh? How about being the queen of my pants"

As soon as he says the words he cringes and I try to stifle my laughter.

"That wasn't my best line was it?" He pouts sadly.

"No Handsome it wasn't but don't worry, I'll still sleep with you" I tease tugging on his shirt to pull him closer.

"Thank god" he sighs in relief before hiding his face in my neck.

"There, there. It's all gonna be okay. You're still a god to me" I laugh, rubbing my hands over his back in mock comfort. "Come on, all of this can be forgotten. Let's take a look outside shall we?"

"Yes please"

He takes my hand and pulls me towards the sliding glass doors that separate the lounge from outside. As soon as he opens it heat once again hits us, only this time we're prepared.

Stepping into the sun, I take in the pool in more detail now. It also has a jacuzzi attached on the size. That will also be getting used.

As we walk around the pool a terrible mischievous errant though enters my mind.

"You can swim right?" I ask and Patrick glances at me with a curious expression on his face.

"Yes, I can. Why do you ask?" He says warily, already putting together the pieces. I wish I was better at being subtle but unfortunately I need to work on my poker face if I wanna be better that this kind of stuff.

I can feel myself grinning like a lunatic which solidifies what I'm sure Patrick has worked out.

He's going in that pool.

"Don't you dare!" He exclaims, letting go of my hand and stepping away from me quickly.

"What? Where are you going? I just wanna talk to you!" I bluff following him slowly as he backs away. "I just want a hug"

"Funnily enough my dear, I don't believe you're mischievously cute face" he glares, stepping back again.

"Baby, come on. I would never hurt you" I call and he moves quicker.

"No you won't hurt me but you will push me in that pool. I know your plan!"

Crossing my arms over my chest I sigh as if in defeat.

"Fine you're right. That was my plan. You can run but you can't hide. Before this holiday is over, I'll be dunking you in that pool. Mark my words...Daddy"

His expression changed from shock to something darker as he marches back to me.

"Not if I dunk you first. You've just started a war my little Sugary Sweet"

We glare at one another and excitement fills me. This is completely ridiculous but totally what I've always wanted from a partner. I'm not a serious person and having fun and playing with each other is pretty much at the top of my list when I think about the words soul mate. I mean, I don't believe in that shit. I don't even know if I believe in love but right here right now...I believe in him.



We decide that our little game will commence properly tomorrow and agreed on no foul play for the rest of the day and night.

Patrick hinted that the first thing he has planned is tomorrow night, so we have today and most of tomorrow to do whatever we like. We decide on a leisurely walk on the beach to explore our surroundings.

Because I'm a child I splash my feet in the sea, kick some of it on Patrick and run away. He chases me, I surrender and end up engulfed in his arms.

I take pictures of the sea and the darkening sky as sunset begins. That how it occurs to me that Patrick and I have no pictures together. So we spend a large amount of time in the fading light posing together for many many selfies.

As soon as I start taking pictures I can't stop. I'm obsessed with capturing him the most and snap some of him looking out to sea. When he notices me singling him out, he pulls his phone from his pocket and does the same to me. It's obvious that the same addiction over comes him as I sit down on a lonely rock. His camera flash snaps my attention to his open legged, tilted head stance as he tries to play photographer.

Patrick's POV

Why didn't I think of this before? Why have I never taken any pictures of my beautiful girl? Is it because I've been worried that one day she might leave me? That maybe our relationship isn't as serious as I think it is.

Well whatever the reason I don't care about it now. I know for a fact that these pictures of her are going to soothe me when I'm working long hours and miss her like hell.

She laughs at my continuous snapping and brushes her hair behind her ear. Her dress blows slightly in the breeze and I'm mesmerised by it. Snap. Snap.

I should probably stop.

"Are you satisfied?" She giggles, getting up and padding over the soft sand to me.

"No I'll never be satisfied. I want alllll the pictures of you that I can get"

"Or you could just have the real thing" she wiggles her eyebrows and immediately my phone is forgotten. She's right after all. No photo can do her beauty justice.

"Yes, I think that's a better idea" I murmur before circling her waist with my arms and lifting her off the ground. She squeals in surprise and grips my shoulders for support.

In this very moment, something I've been missing slots into place. I never thought this was the kind of life I wanted but with every second of Sofia I get, the more it becomes my dream. A dream that I don't want to let go of.

It's happening now and I'm going to hold on tighter than I've ever held onto anything.

Sofia's POV

The next morning once I'm dressed, I sit in the lounge and each some apple slices that I found in the fridge. I'm wondering why Patrick has taken quite a bit longer than me to get ready but I don't have to wonder for long.

He walks out of the bathroom and I have to do a double take. Something is missing. His beard is no longer present and in its place is a lovely smooth shaven face. Gorgeous.

Moving towards me in a black t-shirt and matching shorts, he looks a little nervous.

"Do you like it?" He asks as he stops a few inches away.

"Do I like what?" I ask, pretending that I haven't noticed a thing. His eyes widen as if in shock and confusion but when I grin he shakes his head.

"You're mean" he pouts dropping down beside me.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't help it. You look extremely handsome. I love it" I tell him, reaching up to stroke his smooth cheek.

He's never not had a beard since the day I met him. Whether is been thick or trimmed nearly it's always been present, giving me sweet beard burn on my face or my thighs. I love it but I also love this new look and I hate that he seemed worried about my opinion.

"I'm glad you like it" he sighs as if in relief.

"Why were you so worried?" I question, thinking it's such a normal thing for men to do. Why would he think it would bother me?

"Well some women have strong opinions on facial hair and I just didn't want you to think I looked terrible without it. I was gonna keep it because personally I like having a beard more than not but the heat here is too much for me to -"

I stop his ramble, pressing my lips to his and trying to shove all of my feelings of affection into him. He's fucking gorgeous no matter what.

When we pull apart he nuzzles his nose against mine.

"Okay, I'll shut up. You clearly still think I'm hot stuff" he chuckles, returning to his confident cocky self.

God I lov- really like him...


With our free time today we opted to explore a wider radius around the villa. Walking down busy streets, past some shops and to a lovely market full of trinkets and other cute things. This is the place that finally answered a question or rather a desire I've had for a while now.

What do you buy a billionaire? What can I buy a billionaire?

It's hard to find something to give a person who either has everything or the means to buy anything. In fact it's pretty impossible.

I even thought about making something but craft is not my strong point. I'm not even sure why I'm so obsessed with finding a gift for Patrick. Maybe it's because no one ever gives him anything and he deserves so much. Jesus that's deep.

Regardless I've been spending a lot of time trying to work it out. Whether it's during my break at work, tapping away at my phone while he sleeps beside me or lying awake wracking my brains.

It's been the most frustrating thing ever. Until today...

I found it. The perfect gift for Patrick. It's somewhat a novelty and only cost me ten dollars but boy am I pleased with it. Maybe I can say it's pretty ironic too.

It was tricky to even buy it without Patrick noticing. I had to wait until he was occupied, browsing the stalls. Then as quick as humanly possible I picked up my gift, dived to the make shift till point and all but spat my idea at the poor unsuspecting stall owner.'s a coin. A silver mental coin with the word 'together' engraved on the front. Nothing special I know but to me it's perfect. He can't do anything with it and I doubt it's lucky at all but I'm hoping the sentiment behind it will get across what I want to say. It has no monetary value. Giving him a coin that isn't money but so much more.

What do I want to say you may ask? What does a metal coin tell someone?

I want him to know that no matter how lonely he feels or when he thinks he has no one, he will always have me. Even if we end our Sugar relationship and end up friends, I'll still be there for him. Maybe the coin won't just be a representation of my care for him. Maybe it'll represent other people in his life. Work associates that he thinks are just acquaintances probably like him a lot more than he thinks. He has people who love him and he just doesn't seem to notice. Maybe this will help.

Patrick has all the money in the world but he doesn't have this currency. He can't sell it. He can't spend it. All he can do is hopefully keep it and when our time together inevitably comes to an end and we don't see each other all that much, he can look at this coin. It'll represent that not everyone only wants his money. That when he's lying in bed with a women that doesn't care...I still do. Okay I want the coin to represent fucking everything! I want it to be super ironic too. A sugar baby giving him money...WHATTTT?!

I should also mention that on the back of the coin I requested another engraving. An engraving that he almost caught happening when he returned to my side but I pretended I was just watching the stall owner work.

I literally held my breath as he turned away to look at the shelf behind me. Then I finally was able to scoop up my little coin and pop it in my pocket. Mission complete.

My blood pressure returned to normal and we walked off hand and hand as if nothing had happened. I don't think I've sweated so much in my life.


For the rest of the afternoon we decide to lounge on our private beach. We did a lot of walking and god my feet hurt.

When I appear next to him lying on the sun lounger he drops the book he's reading as soon as he sees me and lifts his sunglasses as if to get a better look. Sure he's seen me naked more times than I can count and I'm sure that's his favourite way for me to be. Saying that, I'm also pretty sure he currently loves the bikini I'm in.

"I just want you to know that I mean my next words in the most respectful way're so fucking hot" he growls which makes it hard for me to keep my composure. My eyes are still hidden behind thick sunglasses so he can't see that I'm loosing my mind.

If he looked good before in his t-shirt and shorts well he looks fuuuucking fantastic now. Shirtless, a little sweaty from the sun. God I wish I had water right now. Then again no amount of water can solve my issues.

I'm obsessed...there I admitted it! Send me away!

"Wow I feel so disrespected. How could you?!" I say dramatically, glaring down at him.

"I'm so sorry Darling. You're just so sexy. I've never seen such beauty" he replies with just as much drama. I love it.

"I guess I could forgive you...maybe" I tease. This causes him to sit up and reach for my hand. He tugs on it and I lean down to kiss his gorgeous lips. He takes this opportunity to grab me and pull me into his lap while I squeal all the way in surprise. "Got you" he whispers in my ear as I move to straddle him. Sorry I can't help it. He sure has got me though, in fact I think we're as bad as each other.

"Or maybe I've got you" I smirk squeezing my thighs against his. My hands rest on his shoulders, my nails digging into his skin a little. He bits his lip and swallows, his hand going to my hips. Hehehehe.

He shifts beneath me and I become very aware of his erection only covered by thin swim shorts. Perfect, I do have him.

"Damn. I can't resist you Sofia, you drive me insane" he growls and captures my lips in one swift movement. His tongue invades my mouth almost immediately, one of his hands sliding into my hair. He tugs a little and I love it. These little things are his attempt to gain back some dominance partly because he knows I like it and partly because he wants me to submit to him. I think it's tough for him to choose which he prefers. He's used to being in charge in all aspects of his life so it's natural for him to want the control. On the flip side when I make him do what I want he loves it...sometimes even begs for it. He seems to thrive on letting me win.

I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that maybe I even make him feel safe. He's never trusted anyone so with me he can actually let go. I'm glad I can be that for him.

Today I'll be the submissive one and I let him know this by dropping my hands from his shoulders and placing them on his chest gently. Tilting my head back I give him access to my neck and he immediately kisses and sucks on the skin there. His arms wrap around me tightly, pulling me close before he rocks his hips up into me.

"I think you need some sun tan lotion on Darling" he groans, moving quickly go grab the bottle he left in the sand.

Before I can blink he's tugging on the strings that keep the top part of my bikini in place. It falls away and exposes my breast to him. I watch in fascinating as he squirts some of the lotion on his hands and rubs them together. A second later his warm palms cup my breasts massaging roughly.

"Oh Patrick, that feels so good!" I moan pushing my chest into him further. He breathes deeply and pinches my nipples between his fingers. This sends shock waves through my body making me dripping wet for him.

"You're all mine Darling" he pants squeezing once more.

"I've never belonged to or with anyone before" is what I accidentally let slip out of my mouth. Oops. Well it's true. I don't just mean in a possessive manor. I mean I've never felt like I've belonged in general. Not really. No ones ever made me feel part of them. Until him.

He cups my cheeks with his sun tan lotioned hands to make me look at him. His eyes are full of desire for me and it only makes me feel more alive.

"Well you belong with me okay?" He growls and my replying nod isn't enough for him.

"I need to hear it!" He snaps rocking into me again this time as more of a punishment. I whine and writhe, needing him inside of me. For some reason I can't speak. It's like I'm worried if I confess what I feel that it'll disappear. That he will! "Hmm it seems I have to persuade you more" He says menacingly.

With that statement he grabs my hips and lifts me slightly, then the heel of his hand presses right against my clit through my bikini bottoms. YES!

"Say it Sofia! Tell me"

No words fall from my mouth. He pushes his fingers inside of me and I am consumed by ecstasy. I fucking love it! But he's on a mission and he knows how to play me. So he stops when I try to ride his fingers.

"No...more please" I beg and he chuckles darkly.

"You'll get more when you do as I say" he assures me, leaning forward and sucking my nipple into his mouth. His tongue swirls and drives me mad.

Then he's reaching for my chin with his free hand and his eyes blaze with need and determination.

"Why can't you say it? What's the matter?"

His eyes do something to me. They hypnotise me. So I can't stop my confession.

"I'm scared I'll lose you. I don't want to lose you" I push out, my voice filled with agony. He shakes his head, totally dispelling such a thing as if it's impossible.

"I'm not going anywhere Darling. I'm right here. So please...tell me. Tell me who you belong to"

Now he's begging and pulling his hand from between my legs. He shuffles his shorts down and frees his cock, waiting for me to follow through with his demand. He leaves me wanting as he strokes his length and I can't help but watch.

"Say it!"

He's not touching me now. I'm just hovering over him desperately. All that is connected is our eyes as they lock together. I see that he means what he says. I see that he doesn't want to leave me.

He stops torturing himself and grips my hips. All I have to do is pull the string on my bikini bottoms and the agony could end.

"Fuck! Sofia you drive me insane. I want to be inside you but won't do it until you believe me"

Looking at his tortured face I let go of my fear. Not because I need to be joined with him so much it hurts but because he's showing it to me. He's showing his vulnerability. He won't leave me.

"I belong to you Patrick. I belong with you"

In a millisecond we both snap, yanking off my last piece of clothing. He pushing inside of me and the relief it's catatonic.

"Aghhh Sofia! Shit! Yes! Fuck, ride me!"

The sun beats down on my naked back and I sink down onto him. His hands caress my hips as he fills me and it's such a glorious feeling. A feeling that I don't think I ever want to live without.

We get lost in the sensation, moving together like one being. It's glorious. Fantastic! Wonderful! Okay there aren't enough words to describe how it feels.

In fact, we're so far gone that it takes a good amount of time for us to hear the chitter chatter of other people to hit our ears. When it does though my eyes shoot open and I gasp in horror rather than pleasure. Patrick sits up straight immediately and my head whips around to see a couple strolling hand in hand on our 'private' beach.

They notice us the same time we notice them, stopping dead in their tracks and staring. I jump off Patrick with super super speed as embarrassment fills me. We're completely naked and as that though enters my mind I try feebly to cover myself with my hands.

Patrick jumps in front of me, hiding my body from them.

"What the hell are you doing? Get out of here?" He roars, vibrating with anger. Obviously he's naked too and finally instinct kicks in. I grab the towel from the sun lounger and reach around to cover his glorious manhood. I don't want anyone to see that but me.

I think he feels the same way about me as the couple continue to stare.

"This is public indecency" the man yells and Patrick takes a step forward a sound coming from his throat that simply isn't human.

"Get the fuck out of here" he shouts again and moves forward more. I have to step with him to keep the towel in place and he reaches back to keep me close. Patrick's advance seems to scare off the guy and make him realise he won't win even if Patrick is the naked one.

"We'll report you! What mind kind of people do that? Is she a whore?" The women finally speaks. How fucking dare she?!

"What the fuck did you just say?" Patrick growls as the couple start to walk away.

"I'm no whore, I'm just not a friggin little bitch" I yell unable to stop myself.

Wisely the couple don't reply this time and keep walking.

"How fucking dare they!" Patrick continues while I drop the towel and pull him back around to face me.

"It doesn't matter. They're gone. Thanks for protecting my modesty" I smile softly looking up at him through my lashes. His eyes go dark with possession.

"You're mine Sofia, I'm yours and this thing between us in special. I don't want anyone to see it but us" He explains, saying exactly what I'm thinking.

"Then we better finish what we started because you're making me even more desperate"

He searches my eyes then launches his mouth onto mine. We fall into the sand and in seconds his still throbbing cock pushes into me roughly making me cry out. My nails dig into his back dragging all the way down to his ass. Urging him on, I watch his lovely face looking blissful with pleasure. I do this to him...only me. His forehead pressed into mine, his eyes glued to me.

We share all of our feelings without speaking. Our breathless moans and groans are enough. We cling to each other pushing ourselves to the edge of glory.

As the sparks in my lower stomach explode throwing me into heaven and his head buries into my neck while he comes too something occurs to me.

I guess it's a little childish but we've just had sex on the beach.


Finally I get to find out the first thing Patrick has planned. As the cab pulls up next to a harbour with many many boats docked, my eyes take in all the different types. Catamarans, large fishing boats and glamorous yachts all lined up.

The one we stop by looks like it may have been used for sight seeing tours around the island at one point but is now docked and stationary. It's large and through the windows lots of table are visible. It's been made into a restaurant. Oh my this is lovely.

Patrick watches my reaction as we get out of the cab and walk towards it. I think the look on my face says it all.

"You really spoil me" I sigh and he shakes his head in disagreement.

"There's so much more I want to do for you and with you. You have no idea"

He links his arm with mine, guiding me onto the ramp that leads to the boat. Its roof and railings are covered in fairy lights. The gorgeous white vessel almost glows in the moonlight and I feel so at home by Patrick's side.

The feeling inside me are only growing and it's as if they are bubbling and about to burst out of my chest. I'm just not so sure what that'll mean when they do.

There are lots of people here and we are simply one of them. It's so refreshing and welcoming.

"Madame, Sir" the waiter greets us politely. I find it rather funny yet fantastic that this is a relatively fancy restaurant but everyone here including us dressed pretty casual. "Follow me" the waiter continues, walking off. Patrick takes my hand, his thumb drawing soothing circles on my knuckles. I think he's enjoying this experience as much as I am.

We meander through white clothed tables with candles flickering softly, until we reach our table near the back of the boat. It's right next to the window and I can just about make out the black swish of the see. It's quite mesmerising and such a different view to a normal dinner. Patrick really is spoiling me.

The reflection of the moon hits the water which has me staring for a bit longer than is probably socially acceptable. When Patrick pulls my chair out I'm snapped from my trance and blush as I take my seat.

The waiter gives me a knowing smile that kind of says "girl you're lucky" and I give him a silent reply of "oh I know". As Patrick takes his seat opposite me, I smirk and say "Such a gentleman" in a teasing tone.

"For you, yes" he replies winking devilishly.

"What can I get you both to drink?" The waiter asks and I immediately crave some gin and lemonade. I haven't actually drank in a while apart from the odd wine here and there but since we're only holiday I guess it won't hurt. So yeah I go for the gin and Patrick surprises me by choosing the same.

"I want to see if you have good taste" he teases, smirking at my "oh really" expression.

"Huh, I thought by now you'd know that I have good taste. I'm with you aren't it?" I hit back and this makes him look far too smug.

"Actually some would say I'm a terrible choice. After all I'm not nearly as tall or as fit as the average man that is deemed attractive. Plus I can get terribly sweaty" he says totally nonchalant as he flicks through the menu. Huh, it seems there are some insecurities here.

"Well I'm far too outspoken and 'quirky' for societies liking. I don't wear make up and every time I look in the mirror I wonder how anyone could find me attractive. Yet here we are" I retort and look at the menu with the same casual uninterestedness. The point is we may try to act casual about our worries and downfalls but it bothers both of us. I really do wonder how he could want me. It seems he wonders the same about how I could want him. Which is crazy to me.

My confession makes him stare at me just like I was staring at him.

"Stop that" he says softly reaching for my hand.

"Stop what?" I ask as if I'm completely obtuse.

"Putting yourself down"

"Why? That's what you just did"

"Yes but" he pauses struggling to answer and I look over at him, his forehead creasing in a frown. Maybe I can answer for him.

"It's easy to mock yourself isn't it but when I do it you don't like it" I finish for him.

"Yes exactly" he confirms, squeezing my hand.

"Well I don't like it when you put yourself down either. You are quite frankly the most gorgeous man I've ever met. So please shut up about being below average or I'll kick you under the table" I say seriously giving him a stern look. He gazes at me strangely then as if I've said something he's never heard before.

"Thank you Darling. That was sweet. Now I won't threaten to kick you but I will-" he pauses and leans closer so he can whisper. "I will spank you if you ever say those things about yourself again. You're fucking stunning with a sharp tongue that makes me hard. If anyone says anything about your being outspoken you send them to me so I can punch them into next year!"

Wow! I took a lot from his speech but honestly my mind got a little stuck on the spanking part. Does he know I kind of have a fantasy about that?

"How about I don't put myself down again but you still spank me?" I whisper back and his eyes light up. Bingo!

"That can definitely happen Darling. Anything you like" he hisses, looking like a wolf in human skin, his eyes almost glowing yellow. Damn.

"Anything?" I test.

"Anything-" Just then the waiter comes back with our drinks and we're snapped out of our little sex fantasy. Oh shoot! I still haven't looked at the menu properly.

As soon as the gin is in front of Patrick he sips it and I immediately want to know his verdict.

"Well? Do I have good taste?"

"You have wonderful taste Darling. This is fantastic" he bites his lip before sipping some more. Win!

Actually this gives me an idea. A way to get out of not looking at the menu yet.

"How about you pick my food and I'll tell you if you have good taste" I suggest and he nods happily, his eyes skimming the menu and settling on something in seconds.

"The salmon please. For both of us" he tells the waiter with a coolness that I imagine her uses in the boardroom. Only when the waiter nods and leaves his face transforms as he grits his teeth and laughs.

"I'm not going to lie Darling, that was chosen on a whim. Sorry if it sucks"

I shake my head at him.

"I expected more from you. I expected better. Maybe I will look for a new Daddy. Hmmm maybe someone else here is a Sugar Daddy and I can ask him to give you tips" I joke, pretending to glance around. Patrick crosses his arms and glares.

"Fine, I'll help you..." he breathes before his eyes shoot around the room too.

This may be a joke but a few seconds into my scanning and I see a couple that may actually be in the Sugar lifestyle.

"What do you think about them?" I muse glancing at the couple across from us. Patrick takes one look and leans into me.

"I think you're right. We are definitely not the only Sugar couple here"

The man looks to be considerably older than the younger girl who is laughing at little to loudly for it to be real. Now obviously I'm not one to judge, I mean I literally can't judge but this definitely seems like a stereotypical Sugar couple. Like you'd see in the movies. Either that or he has no idea she wants his cash. Or hey! Maybe it's his literal daughter who knows!

Now that we've probably incorrectly judged an innocent couple and forgotten our original conversation, I nudge Patrick and tilt my head the other way.

"Okay, what about them"

Two women sit together, their hands linked on the table top. All I see is a cute couple but Patrick seems to notice something else.

"I think they're on a secret getaway because she's married and that's her lover" he explains.

Upon closer inspection I notice the wedding ring on one of the women's hands.

"Ah but maybe the other lady just doesn't wear her ring" I try to defend but in the same second the ring wearing women's phone begins to ring. When she answers it she immediately looks concerned. It's clear within a few moments of the conversation that she's lying and Patrick raises his eyebrows at me triumphantly.

"Damn, I was wishing for a better outcome"

"Me too Darling" he agrees looking a little deflated.

"What's wrong?" I ask concerned.

"Cheating isn't something I understand"

For the second time tonight I read his mind and finish his musings.

"Because why be with someone if they don't make you happy? Why hurt someone else?"

"Exactly. I've not been much of a caring guy in the past but I've never cheated or committed to someone I didn't want to" he confesses sincerely. I have a feeling he may need to hear the same thing from me.

"I haven't either" I tell him strongly and take his hand again.

"Good to know" he nods and clears his throat as if dispelling any unwanted emotions. Maybe that's another insecurity he had, that I'll end up not wanting him and cheat. The very thought makes me sick. My confession of no previous infidelity seems to have settled something within him and for some reason his confession of the same has settled me. It's not because we don't trust one another, it because we both think we're not good enough to be worthy of each other.

Changing the subject I pick one final victim.

"Okay, last time. What about him?" I ask, gesturing to the table diagonally across from us. The man is alone.

"He has no date but he keeps telling the waiter that someone is coming" he guesses but as he finishes his sentence, a tall blonde women appears and takes her seat. Ha!

"Looks like you got that one wrong big guy" I laugh and pat him hand.

"Shit! That's my reputation ruined! How will ever live on now?"

"It's gonna be tough baby but I'm sure you'll make it through" I sooth picking up his hand and kissing the back of it. He blushes which is becoming more of a common thing. I love it.

He leans over and presses his lips to mine ever so gently.

"With you by my side...I'll get through anything my Dear"


That night after dinner we headed back to our extravagant beach house. Patrick is now pouring me wine as I sit on the stool at the kitchen island. We're both a little tipsy from the drink during our meal so I decide now is the perfect time to give him the gift.

Here we go...yup...just give it to big deal.

I've kept it close to me all day, contemplating just forgetting it. I can't do that though. I really want him to have it.

So I take a gulp of my wine as Patrick comes around the counter to sit on the stool next to mine. I set down the glass and turn to him.

"I love this" he mumbles, his fingers reaching out to glide down my arm. Okay, that's distracting. Focus Sofia.

"You love what?" I ask, blushing without even knowing his answer.

"Having you all to myself. I know I have you to myself back home but it always gets interrupted by boring life stuff and I have to spend hours of my day without getting to do this"

Well...tipsy Patrick is even more forth coming that sober Patrick. Tipsy Sofia better keep her mouth shut.

Which is easy to do as he leans into me and brushes his lips against mine. A small but meaningful question of 'can I kiss you?'. The answer is always yes but this is another of his unusual gentlemanly touches. For a man who gets called asshole so much, he's the most respectful human I've ever met.

Even when he told me on our first meeting that he wanted to fuck me, it was cool and calculated. He'd second guessed my reaction before he'd said it. If he thought I would have been offended, it wouldn't have been said. How do I know this? Because I study him just as hard.

I give him permission by pressing my lips into his fully and his responsive moan echoes in my ears. I get caught up in him because how could I not?

We make out until his lips trail down my neck teasing me. The thought of gifting him the coin knocks at the back of my head and it's a crazy struggle to try and focus on it.

"Patrick...I-I" I try to get the words out but they end up fading out into a sigh of joy as he nips at my skin.

Still my half assed sentence is enough to stop him. His face appears back in my line of sight, his eyes flitting over my face.

"Are you okay Darling? I'm sorry, I just can't keep my hands off you"

"Oh no, it's not that. I'm fine" I assure him and peck his lips. I'm more than fine. I'm on fire but I can't have him put me out until I get this part over with first. "I have something for you"

"For me?" He questions, his eyes alight with joy at my words. It's so heartwarming. Here he is gazing at me with bright eyes. His cheeks are flushed from the alcohol and our antics. His shirt crumpled from the crazy day we've had. The top three buttons are undone which is a sure way to show that he's on holiday. Back home he's always buttoned all the way up. His hair is a chaotic mess and his goofy grin is throwing me off my thought process.

"Yeah for you" I confirm and watch in fascination as he becomes almost confused.

I reach into my pocket and he follows my every movement. Finding the tiny paper bag the coin is in, I get even more nervous. What if he thinks it's ridiculous?

"Hold out your hand"

He does so in wonder, lifting his palm in my direction. I place the tiny bag in it with my own sweaty hand. God I'm going through it.

I sit there and watch him stare at it. It takes him a few seconds before he opens it up and lets the coin drop into his hand. It lands with my personal engraved message facing up. I'd hoped he'd see the side that says 'together' first so that I'd have a minute to collect myself. No such ironic!

I don't know what he's thinking but soon he's tracing the engraved words with his index finger.

"You have me, asshole" he reads out loud the words I selected so carefully. All that time going from women to women never connecting has to have been soul destroying. My statement also conveys that not everyone sucks. He has me and I won't ever betray him or lie to him like he thinks everyone does. I know it's pretty deep but at this point I've given up on hiding how much I care for him. Sugar daddy or not. The asshole part was meant to make him laugh but his serious expression has me worried.

"Oh god you hate it. I'm sorry. It's stupid. I was just trying to be cute" I begin, trying to bluff my way out of it. "I'm so bad at gifts it's ridiculous"


"Let's forget this ever happened. The level of embarrassment I'm feeling right now is crushing. This is why I never do meaningful things...oh god"

"Darling I-"

"I'm not sure anyone has ever done anything so cringy. Why am I like this? See this is why no one wants to actually date me because I'm fucking weird"

"No, you're not-"

"A coin, a fucking coin. What a ridiculous idea!"


His loud yell finally cuts through my melt down and my cheek warms as he reaches out to touch it. With the coin firmly grasped in his other hand, he gives me a stern look before speaking.

"Darling, no one has ever really bought me anything. Let alone something so...meaningful" he begins, his voice wavering as he struggles to say these words. It must be tough for him to admit. "So you'll have to excuse me because I don't know how to react. I don't know how to express how I feel right now but please don't think that I don't like it. I love it. I love it more than I can put into words"

"Well in that case, you're welcome" I say as casually as I can and he smiles warmly at me. "As for expressing how you feel, what are your instincts telling you?" I ask, trying to make light of the situation and brush over my embarrassing moment.

"My instincts?"


I'm cut off by his mouth smothering mine, his arms snaking around my waist. He pulls me from the stool and stands, holding me flush against his body. His lips nip at my ear and his breathy response has me reeling.

"My instincts tell me to thank you. They tell me that having you is too good to be true"

He pulls back to look at me, his eyes glassy. Fuck. I'm not sure I can take all this emotion.

"Well you do have me. The coin says so. The coin don't lie" I laugh and he gives me a small smile yet stays serious. My heart thuds in my chest and I wonder if this is actually happening or if I'm imagining his vulnerable stare.

"I have you..." he whispers as if he's finally accepting it. Wow, big moment.

"Yes Patrick"

"And you have me" he breathes and I wonder how I'm still standing. Probably because he's holding me up.

That's it! I'm done for!

Grabbing his shirt I pull him to me and wrap my arms around his neck. I don't want to ever let go. This is so out of hand and crazy. I never thought these emotions and feelings existed outside of a crappy romantic novel. Yet here I am. A puddle of goo in his arms.

Then...well then I make a mistake. I do the one thing I know I shouldn't. When we stop hugging and I look back into his eyes, I can't stop the words that slip out of my mouth.

"I love you Patrick"

The sheer panic that I feel immediately becomes displayed on his face too and I know I've fucked up.

I know I've ruined us.

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