Sugar. Why not?

By SarahCraik5

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Sofia is struggling to get a grip on her life and is drowning in student debts. With no luck finding a job an... More

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Hardwired To You
Short Circuit
Short Circuit (Part 2)
Trust Installed
Family Trojan Horse
Holiday CSS
<I Don't Love You/>
Crack That Code
Do You Know How To Fix It?
The Trouble Is..I Need You
Fading Fast
No One Else Is You
I Will Kill You
I Promise I'll Take Care Of You
The Downfall Of Us
You'll Get What's Coming To You
Are You Guilty? Yes, Of Hurting
Mr Stump & Miss Westwood
What's The Verdict?
Sex, Love And More Sex
Sugar Why Not? Playlist
Epilogue - Keeper Of My Heart

Fixed Issue

612 13 15
By SarahCraik5

Author's Note: I'm sorry this chapter is short and lacking in content but I'm really struggling with writers block! I will keep going and pushing forward. Hopefully I'll have a better chapter next!

Sofia's PoV

"Ummmmm, funny story. Turns out he's not a murderer" I inform Annabelle. The line of conversation has Patrick propping himself up on his elbow and raising his eyebrows.

I look back at him with a tired expression because let's be honest, I'm sick of people judging the person I choose to be with. That's all I've gotten from today and I'd love it to stop.

"What? Dear God, Sofia it was very clear that he was a murderer. Are you still with him? Oh my god are you with him right now?" She questions, her words firing out one after the other as she panics. Honestly there's no need for it. I'm perfectly safe.

"Yes and yes. I promise you he isn't going to kill me. Well not unless I make him mad" I joke and Patrick shakes his head at me. "I might steal too much of the bed covers and get stabbed for it. Who knows?"

"Sofia! That isn't funny" Annabelle continues. I can't lie and say that she has my full attention. Not when I'm much more occupied with dragging the fingers of my free hand over the hairs on Patrick's chests. I draw patterns on his skin as his arms wrap around me tighter. I let out a quiet giggle but try to muffle it in case it annoys Annabelle.

"Let's talk about you instead. How's things?" I ask, taking away the heat from myself.

"Oh no you don't!" She whisper-hisses.

Well that didn't work.

"How do you know he isn't a psycho?" She continues. I guess I don't but right now I'm past caring. I know she's trying to look out for me but at this point I'm just done. I'm tired of all the judgment.

"I'm gonna go. I'm tired and I'm sick of justifying my relationship to everyone. Sorry if that sounded rude but I just can't keep doing it" I explain, trying to keep my voice even.

"I'm sorry Sofia, I'm just worried" she mumbles and guess what? I feel bad.

"I know you are and I appreciate you caring but I'm fine"

"Okay good. Speak to you soon" she sighs. I know that she's probably gonna be mad at me. I've never snapped at her in fact where she is concerned, I'm practically a door mat. That's not her fault, it's mine.


After dropping my phone down, I lie flat on my back and let out the longest most irritated sigh I can produce.

"She still thinks I'm gonna kill you huh?" Patrick asks, tilting his head towards me. I nod without saying a word but I'm sure I look sad as hell because I sure feel it.

Patrick's POV

Did I enjoy her using the word relationship in reference to us? More than words can describe. It also made something inside me very happy when she shut down what Annabelle was saying. Not because it caused conflict between her and Annabelle but because it shows she truly believes me and I'm so fucking glad. There's so many people out there who still think I'm a murderer.

But not her.

I sense that Sofia is the more submissive friend where Annabelle is concerned. Which is why she clearly feels bad about telling her how it is. She shouldn't feel bad, she shouldn't feel like she has to please anyone other than herself. Of course I know that's a hard way to go about life.

It wasn't hard for me to be selfish before I met Sofia. Now though, all I do is think of new ways to make her smile. I even care about the people around her on some level.

"Yes she still thinks you're gonna kill me" she sighs and puts on the cutest sad face.

"I promise to try not to" I smirk and she turns her lips down harder then hides her face in the pillow.

"You evil man" is what I think she says but it's muffled and hard to tell. Weirdly enough I hate that she's hiding her face from me. It means I genuinely don't know how she's feeling. Her emotions are all in her eyes and even though I'm one hundred percent sure she's okay, I'm still bothered.

"I'd never hurt you" I say seriously now and she pulls her face from the pillow and smiles reassuringly.

"I know that Handsome. I just wish everyone else did" she tells me softly. I think I'm actually blushing. She's never called me handsome like that before. Okay get a grip Patrick! You're a grown man. "I bet you haven't had this much bother with your previous sugary sweets or well previous romantic partners?" She then sighs.

"I guess you could say that no I haven't but I've also never been in this kind of sugary sweet relationship. There's not much that can happen when you meet someone once. If you're suggesting that your family and friends are a bother to me then you're wrong. I don't care if they don't approve of me Darling. You do so that's all that matters"

"Thanks, I really do approve" she smirks before her face becomes serious and she seems to be deep in thought. What's going on in that beautiful brain?

"Everything okay?" I probe because I'd hate to think that she's still thinking about tonight. I want her to forget it all. Forget her parents, forget Brian and forget Annabelle. I know these are all things she will have to deal with at some point but right now she needs to relax.

I'm her Sugar Daddy therefore I see it as my duty to make her happy. To give her everything she could possibly want. Right now though I don't know what she desires.

"Mmmhhmm, everything is fine. I just can't believe how complicated my life got in one whole night. I liked it better when my parents weren't judging me, when Brain was a distant memory and when Annabelle was too occupied with her man to bother about mine. I like peace and quiet" she explains and it's just as I thought. She worrying.

Is it bad that my go to distraction is the one thing we agreed not to do tonight. Surely I'm better than that? Surely I can help without resorting to something sexual.

Maybe I can tell her about the lyrics that she inspired. I am by no means a song writer but from time to time I mess around. Like that time she almost caught me singing when she woke up in the middle of the night. I was signing about her but the thought of her knowing that terrified me. It's less scary now and I think I'd benefit from her hearing it as much as she might. Finally letting it out. Surely singing to her is too weird? I could try it a little. No, no signing.

"Peace and quiet huh? I like that too. You wanna know what I do when my mind is going a hundred miles an hour?"

Maybe she will say no. Maybe she won't care. Maybe this is a bad idea all together. What if I don't really want her to know?

"Yes I do wanna know, very much so" she says excitedly, her expression brightening quickly. Of course she wants to know. My inquisitive girl. I'm already glad that I've flipped her mood again. I want to be an expert at taking away any of her worries.

"I sing or write songs. Not very often but sometimes I'm inspired"

"I was wondering when we were gonna talk about this. Don't think I didn't notice you dodging the subject a few weeks back. I caught you remember and you distracted me" She teases, rolling over a little and leaning up on her elbow. Fuck there's no going back.

"It's nothing special so don't get too excited. I'm not too sure how my most recent song is gonna go but I have some lyrics down...if you wanna read them"

Her eyes light up as if I've told her the most exciting thing ever. Is this really that interesting to her? Does she actually care about something that I do on the side? I didn't think anyone would ever really care but then again I've never told anyone so I can't be mad.

Sofia's POV

Patrick takes a few moments finding the lyrics on his phone. He must randomly type them whenever they come to him. I find that incredibly cute.

I catch the nervous look on his face before he hands me it. Immediately I notice there are a few different lines, that must be from different songs.

He has written:

'Go out in the world and start over again and again, as many times as you can'

'Give me a boost over heavens gate'

'You're the one habit I just can't quit'

'You live like no tomorrow, I wanna spend tomorrow with you'

'I wanna tattoo you on me, just look what you've created'

'When they say you and what army, I guess they're talking about you and me baby'

I take my time reading every line. I try to work out what they could mean and who they are about. It actually makes me jealous when I think of him writing these things about someone who isn't me but unfortunately they simply can't be about me. It's just not possible.

He's staring at me, I can tell. He must be waiting for my answer but how do I cover up my innate curiosity? How do I stop myself from asking? My heart is beating irregularly, my skin covered in goosebumps because every line that I've just read is beautiful.

"Sofia? What do you think?" He finally asks after what must have been about ten minutes. I didn't notice the time passing because my mind is moving too fast for me to keep up.

"I...I think that all of this is beautiful. I've never read lyrics like those or heard anything similar. It's all fantastic" I tell him, looking back at his shocked face. Clearly he wasn't expecting praise. He really does hide behind a confident facade.

"Really?" He questions as I hand him the phone back.

"Really" I confirm and peck his lips to show him I mean it. My burning question is on the tip of my tongue so I'm glad when he kisses me harder.

He hovers above me when we pull apart, his expression full of warmth and what I can only describe as acceptance. I wonder how long he's been waiting to show someone his talent. I wonder if he's ever sang them to someone.

No Sofia don't go there.

That can only make me more jealous.

Patrick's POV

She liked them...she really liked them. Wow. The way that makes me feel is hard to explain but her genuine praise has me feeling all fuzzy inside.

We're silent now but I have a feeling there is something she wants to say. It's in the way she keeps frowning and looking away from me. She's thinking too hard about something and her frustrated expression would be cute if I didn't know something was bothering her.

"Darling? Whatever you wanna say, you can say it" I prompt her and her eyes widen a little as if she's shocked.

"How do you know that I wanna say something?"

"Because I spend a god awful amount of time staring at you're beautiful face. I have now come to know when you're unsettled" I explain and she glares at me playfully.

"Creep" she mumbles but I'm not gonna let her change the subject.

"Yes I'm definitely a creep but I'm also correct aren't I?"

Her loud sigh of defeat tells me I'm right.

"I don't wanna seem nosey or anything" she begins, taking my hand and playing with my fingers. Oh dear, she just really wanna know something desperately.

"Wanting to know something isn't nosey. I've always been honest with you this far and that's not going to change. I'll answer anything Darling"

She lets go of my hand and covers her face. She's embarrassed, really embarrassed.

She finally speaks but I can't make out what she's saying because her words are muffled by her hands.

I know how to get her to speak.

"Sofia, tell Daddy what's wrong" I say sternly and immediately her hands fall away to reveal a disgusted face. Bingo.

"Never say that again Patrick. I swear to god!" She exclaims and I can't help but laugh at her. The word placement of Daddy is only endearing when used correctly, this is not one of those occasions.

"I won't if you tell me what's wrong"

"Nothing is wrong. I just wanna know who you wrote the lyrics about but it's none of my business. I really don't have the right to know. I mean it's probably personal"

She keeps going, letting more and more words fall from her mouth. She obviously thinks she's overstepping some line but she really isn't. I assumed she knew they were about her. I thought that's why she felt she liked them so much but it turns out she has no idea and now I'm nervous again.

Regardless I have to stop her panic.

"Sofia, they're about you!" I say loud enough so she can hear me. The room falls silent again and she looks at me with real shock this time.

"Me?" She breathes and my stomach flips. Is this bad? Is this too much?

"Yes, they're about you Darling. Of course they are. I've never felt the need to say anything like what I've written about anyone. You mean a lot to me Sofia"

She sits up and I do the same because I'm so worried I've done something wrong. Only in the next second she's grabbing my face and kissing me like never before. It seems I've done a good thing after all.

My body tingles...yes tingles...shut up! My heart flies in my chest and for the first time in my life I feel...complete.

Do I love this woman? No I don't. Love is bullshit. Love is something people throw around too easy. However, I would walk through the fires of hell for her. I would do anything in my power to make her happy. I don't know what that means but I don't care right now as she covers her body with mine.

Are we going to have sex? I don't think we should, we agreed not to. Then again how can I resist her?

"Patrick" she breathes and it's music to my ears. "" she pushes the words out. It's as if she's struggled with them. Maybe she meant to say something else but couldn't. I can't think about that though. Not when her hands roam my chest.

Her lips disappear and her forehead presses against mine. Our breathing is far too wild to speak but I can hold onto her tightly. She grips my shoulders and kisses me once more.

"Sorry, I know we said no sex" she sighs.

"That's okay, this is perfect" I assure her. I'm not lying either. Having her wrapped around me like a vine is heavenly.

In fact that's how she falls asleep. On my chest she lays with her arms holding me. I hold her back as she sleeps and do the one thing I wanted to do while she was awake.

"You live like no tomorrow, I wanna spend tomorrow with you..."

Sofia's PoV

Against my better judgement, after receiving many many missed calls from my Mom during the night, Patrick and I went back to my family home the next morning.

She had left message upon message apologising for the whole situation and stating that she just wanted me to be happy. What swayed my decision was the fact that she said Brian had left.

Even though Patrick had made me feel better last night, I still didn't want to leave things in terrible shape with my parents. So we arrived, they apologied profusely to my surprise.

I mentioned that I wasn't lying and that Patrick is in fact my Sugar Daddy. They said that even though they didn't agree with it, they couldn't do anything to stop me being with him. My Mom also told me that if I was happy, then she was too.

It all made me think that they could have said all of this the night before and they could have prevented an argument but hey it's done now.

We hugged it out and to my shock she even hugged Patrick. It was all very strange but I'm glad it happened. I'm glad they seemed to see sense. I'm not sure how they feel about Brian and I didn't ask. They still don't know that he messed up my teenage years but I don't think I'll ever tell them.

So yeah that whole weird situation was a few days ago. So was Patrick telling me those lyrics were about me and I'm still not ever it.

I find myself thinking about it when I'm supposed to be working. I almost spilled coffee over someone because I was so lost in thought.

My current situation is this:

Patrick is on his way over to my apartment and I couldn't be more excited. I'm always excited but considering it's been four days since we got back from my parents and we still haven't had sex, I'm a little...needy.

The no sex thing has nothing to do with me not wanting to but everything to do with him needing to catch up with work. So we haven't seen each other and he seems just as pissed about it as I am.

Yesterday when I finished work he had a driver sent to pick me up and take me home before I could call a cab. When I got in there was a box of chocolates, a DVD and a note on the back seat.

The note read: I really wish I could come watch movies and eat chocolate with you tonight but I'm unbelievably busy with a possible new client. I'll tell you more about that when I get a chance to call you. In the mean time please enjoy one of my favourite movies and the chocolates tonight for me. I'll see you soon Princess xxx

The movie was 'The Princess Bride' and it made me smile. He literally acts like the least romantic man to the outside world but actually he's super soft on the inside and adores romcoms. He's crazy.

So I thanked him in the form of a long voice note detailing just how much I missed him.

His voice note in return informed me that he had an update on the hack situation. Nothing much just that the apartment in which the hack happened doesn't belong to anyone.

Which is weird and I wanna talk to him about it more when I see him tonight. Preferably after he fucks me senseless. Hmmm for some reason using that term doesn't seem right anymore. Maybe it never did. It doesn't feel like he ever fucked me in a derogatory way. Even when he's rough, it's never seemed uncaring.

That's the thought that is currently in my head. It's only when there's a knock at the door that I'm snapped back to reality.

Thank god he's finally here.

When I open the door I'm ready to grab my man but unfortunately I'm halted when I see it's not who I wanted it to be.

"Hey! Sorry to stop by unexpectedly but I didn't like how we left things" Annabelle says cheerily and I have to force a smile on my face. It's not because I don't wanna see her it's because like I've mentioned I'm rather frustrated.

"Hi! It's good to see you. Come in" I reply and step aside almost reluctantly to let her in.

GOD DAMMIT! Why couldn't she have come another night?

She walks to my couch and sits down looking a little sheepish. I think she must really feel bad. I completely get why she has been worried about me but now is the time for me to show her that I'm completely fine.

"I really am sorry Sofia. You're an adult and I shouldn't try to meddle in your business" she says as I sit down next to her. Honestly I'm not mad at her. I was a little pissed after our phone call but I'm over it now.

"It's okay. I really appreciate that you care about me so much to meddle. It's just that I'm really happy right now. It's not something I'm used to I guess" I tell her and she smiles as if she's happy for me.

"You deserve to be happy. I'm glad you've found someone"

That's when it occurs to me that Annabelle doesn't know Patrick is my Sugar Daddy. She just thinks we met on a normal dating website and that made her freak out enough. I think it's better if she knows the truth so that there are no misunderstandings in the future. She may end up discovering it the same way Bree did and I'd rather avoid that.

"So, there's something I need to tell you about Patrick and I since we're being all forth coming and what not" I begin and she immediately raises her eyebrows in expectation.

"You're pregnant!" She exclaims and just those words make my stomach flip.

"God no! Absolutely one hundred percent no! No babies!" I almost yell back. Maybe a bit of an overreaction but damn that's a horrible thought. I really don't want kids.

"Okay! Chill calm down! What is it?" She asks, now looking very curious.

"When I told you that Patrick and I met online, it wasn't a lie" I state.

"But..." she adds for me.

"But that website was a Sugar Daddy website. As in a website to help people find Sugar Daddy's and Sugar babies or rather Sugary Sweets as they're called on that particular website" I explain. Once I'm done I notice her mouth hanging open a little wider than before.


She begins to speak, no doubt to tell me I'm insane but she's cut off by a knock on the door. This time it has to be Patrick. That thought alone makes my heart beat faster and also other things happen to my body but I won't go into it. I'm thirsting for that man. Which isn't a great thing to do when my bestie is right next to me and probably gonna flip.

"Hold that thought" I tell her through gritted teeth and get up to answer the door.

"Sofia, he's your Sugar Daddy?" I hear and almost let out the loudest sigh of frustration known to man. I should have kept my mouth shut.

"I said hold that thought!" I shout over my shoulder and yank open the door in hopes that Patrick can save me.

My eyes are immediately blessed by my gorgeous man. My man? Yes my man. I'm saying it and accepting it. He's my man.

My man is wearing a navy suit. Underneath the shirt buttons are popped open at the top revealing a little bit of his chest hair. Yummy. His beard is a little fuller. Couple that with tired affection filled eyes behind glasses and I can tell he's had little time away from work over the past few days. I already knew that but seeing the affects just makes me wanna take him to bed and cuddle him to sleep.

"Hey Darling, I've missed you so much" he groans as if it's psychically been painful for him. It feels like it has been for me too.

I'm about to tell him Annabelle is here but before I can open my mouth, his lips cover mine and well I simply can't help kissing him back. His kiss expresses the same frustration and need that I feel.

When he pulls back I'm all hot and bothered. Nevertheless I still notice he's holding one of his hands behind his back. Which is certainly strange. Why didn't I notice that at first? Oh yeah...because he's so gorgeous I got distracted.

"What do you have there?" I ask as I step back into my apartment and he follows me. He's smiling down at me, almost grinning in fact.

He opens his mouth, I assume to tell me but he's stopped by Annabelle, who appears at my side.

"Hey Patrick, sorry to interrupt but I just want to apologise for accusing you of being a murderer" she says with an awkward smile on her face. I imagine that's because such sentences aren't said very often. Not to mention she seems to feel guilty too. I don't want her to feel bad anymore, she's apologised to both of us and we're all good.

"That's okay. I know you were only looking out for Sofia. Which is something I can't be mad about" he replies, shooting me a wink.

"Well yeah she's pretty special" Annabelle says, nudging me playfully.

"She really is" Patrick agrees and I can feel a blush making its way to my cheeks. That's enough of that!

"I'm so glad we all agree that I'm crazy amazing. Now let's move on okay?!" I try but Annabelle crosses her arms.

"We were talking about something before Patrick arrived remember"

She's back to raising her eyebrows and I decide that in order to get this part over with real quick, I'll just explain it real quick...

"Yes I told you Patrick is my Sugar Daddy and you were about to freak out again but there's no need. To answer any questions you're about to ask: yes he's given me money, yes he's bought me things, no I'm not a prostitute, no he's not using me for sex, yes I do really like him and I assume he likes me too. Yes we're exclusive and hella no he doesn't share me with anyone else"

Well I think that covered everything. I was trying to think of everything possible but I'm worried it won't be enough for Annabelle. Well I'm positive actually because I can tell she's about to ask something else.

Only it's not what I expected...

"Just one more thing. Does he treat you with respect? Because that's all that I care about now"

Patrick stands next to me silently as we essentially talk about him. A quick glance in his direction and I see his warm gaze.

"Yes, I'm not sure that anyone has ever treated me with as much respect as he does"

"Great! Then I won't stay any longer. The sexual tension in the room is strong enough to knock out a thousand people" she smirks and squeezes me into a tight hug. I hug her back and feel so thankful that I have someone like her in my life.

"We'll have a proper catch up soon. You can tell me all the juicy details" are her parting words before she winks at me and leaves. The soft click of the door shutting behind her signifies that we're now alone.

"For the record, I do really like you" Patrick says softly as my eyes land back on his handsome face.

"I hope so or things are gonna get awkward" I giggle and wrap my arms around his neck. Of course he can't put his arms around me because he's still holding something behind his back.

"I should give you this now before we get distracted" he says and I step back so he can show me. He holds up a large fancy bag with a very obvious Apple logo on the front. Immediately I'm excited and worried all at once. I don't know why but I don't think I'm ever going be good at this Sugary Sweet stuff. What I mean is I'm supposed to want him to shower me with gifts but I just feel bad.

I stare at the bag warily because I know whatever is in it cost more than I could possibly justify if it were me buying it myself.

"Please take it from me before my arm goes dead" he laughs and I snap out of my haze. Regardless of my wariness I'm actually being quite rude by not taking the gift from him. Well that's the logic I'm going with.

Taking it from him, I feel the weight and it makes me worry more.

Really Sofia?! You gotta pull yourself together. It's a gift. He's allowed to buy gifts for god sake!

"Darling, you really do amaze me" he muses, no doubt seeing the way I struggle with what to do next. Logically opening the bag would be a good idea. "I've never met anyone who looked so terrified when given a gift. I've never met anyone who wouldn't be tearing it open as quickly as possible" he continues, a small smirk on his face.

"I'm sorry. I am excited, I promise you. I guess I'm just not cut out to be a Sugary Sweet" I reply, sulking a little. I really do suck.

"You are nothing like any Sugary Sweet I've ever met Darling. That isn't an insult by the way. I think you're perfect. I can tell that you genuinely appreciate anything anyone gives you and that is something I'm not used to. It's very refreshing" he tells me, his hands sliding onto my arms in comfort. "You need to know that there's no shame in accepting a gift. You don't have to of course. I can take it back. I don't want to make you uncomfortable" he says soothingly. I do contemplate giving him it back but then I also realise that he's obviously spent time picking this for me and that's why I want to keep it.

"I do want it and I already love it" I laugh and he raises his eyebrows.

"You don't know what it is yet" he grins getting excited. I think he's gonna enjoy seeing me open this.

"Doesn't matter I still love it"

Finally we go sit down on the couch and I place the bag on the table. With my shame gone, excitement fills me and I yank off the bit of tape keeping the bag shut.

As soon as I pull it open, I see the shape of the box inside and I become a women possessed. Pulling the box out I'm met with the lovely image of a brand new MacBook Pro. Holy fuck. Not only that but a small sticker labels this MacBook Pro 'Custom'.

Which I know means he didn't just go out and buy me a laptop, he chose all of the specifications and got it built for me. Double holy fuck!

"Oh my god Patrick! This is... I don't even know what to say"

"Did I do good? I asked Jack for help on the specs and stuff. I know a thing or two but I wanted to get it right" he informs me. One glance at the specs on the back on the box and I can confirm he did do good.

It has an i9 Processor Turbo Boost with 2TB SSD Storage and 16GB RAM. The graphics card looks to be out of this world. This is something I could only ever dream of.

"It's amazing Patrick, I've never seen anything so perfect" I exclaim, pulling the plastic off the box. I gotta see it for myself.

With much care I pull the lid off to reveal the silver laptop. My fingers glide along the top and I can't actually believe I'm touching it. "I don't deserve this" I mumble.

"Of course you do Darling. You deserve the world" he breathes, his hand rubbing my back.

I can actually feel tears pricking my eyes because of this gift and because of his words. This is all really crazy.

"There's an inscription on the bottom" he whispers as if he's afraid to overwhelm me. Too late for that. I'm done for.

I swear to god if this says something sweet I'm gonna ball my eyes out.

Gently picking the MacBook up, I turn it upside down to find the tiny words written there.

'You're Going To Take On The World And Succeed'

Well heart.

"I just thought you may want a little upgrade. I've seen you struggling with your computer so with this one, you're not limited to what you can do. You're so fucking good at what you do Sofia and now nothing can stop you"

When I say that I throw myself at him, I literally mean it. I pretty much knock him back into the couch as I wrap my arms around him tightly and bury my face in his chest. He squeezes me to him, gladly accepting my sneak attack.

When I look up at his gorgeous face, all the carnal feelings that I had before Annabelle arrived come back with a vengeance. If I was horny before then I'm not sure how to describe what I am now.

The amazing gift and lovely engraving probably didn't help my situation. So sweet, yet all I can think about is him spreading my legs and pushing inside me. Fuck!

"Can we have sex now? Turns out I actually don't care what anyone thinks, especially not Brian" I blurt out because apparently my now porn filled brain thinks it's best to get to the point.

"Hmmmm, maybe I like the abstinence" he teases, a mischievous look in his eyes. Evil man. The worst! Yet so damn sexy I can't stand it.

"Huh in that case I guess I'll have to get myself off" I sigh dramatically and get up to walk away from him. Two can play this game.

My departure has him sitting up straight, his gaze following me as I go to my bedroom. I can tell he's staring at me because of the tension growing in my small apartment. He may be able to mess with me but he can't hide what he really wants.

Sitting on the end of my bed I count the seconds until he appears in the doorway, hands in pockets and looking all needy. I only got to eleven. Someone didn't waste much time changing their mind on abstinence.

"Can I help you?" I ask, crossing my arms.

"I've changed my mind" he replies giving me his best puppy dog eyes. I mean I wasn't going to turn him away anyway but if I were then my plans would be ruined. So damn cute and hot all at once.

"What do you want?" I question, wanting him to say it.

"You Sofia. I want you" he says in a rather pleading voice. Wow, things have changed in the last few seconds. So much for the cocky guy on the couch. This is fun.

"What do you want to do to me?" I continue to question him with glee.

He moves towards me slowly, taking his hands out of his pockets. I watch in fascination as he unbuttons the cuffs on his shirt sleeves before rolling them up. Once that's done I have to focus on keeping my mouth from dropping open as he kneels in front of me. My mouth goes dry when he places his hands on my thighs and spreads my jeans clad legs so he can shift between then and get closer. Dear god help me.

"What do you want me to do to you?"

"Anything...everything" I blurt out. Wow it's really tough to make sentences with a God between your legs I guess.

To put it simply, I got everything and anything I wanted. Boy I'm lucky.


Even though I'm now glad that I have a job and some kind of income, my dream job searching hasn't stopped. I want a career and a future. I don't want to have to depend on Patrick or anyone for my money.

I'm still not having much luck in the career department though. Oh and there's another reason I want a new job. To put it quite simply...Gabe.

He's strange. I don't mean that in a quirky way either. Ever since the first day he started when he did a lot of staring, it's gotten worse. I catch him doing it quite a lot.

I'd love to brush it off as him simply finding me attractive but that seems unlikely. Not even someone with a crush stares so much.

He's also somewhat interested in Patrick. More than would seem normal. He asks a lot of questions to which I give vague answers. After all it's none of his business 'what Patrick earns' or 'where he came from'.

I thought the questions would stop but currently I'm actually standing with my mouth hanging open. I have one hand on the coffee machine and one hand free ready to slap this guy!

He literally just asked me how many women Patrick has been with. Of course I can't answer that anyway but I'm still in shock. I think it's about time I actually told Patrick about Gabe's inquisitiveness. I haven't yet because I didn't think it was a big deal but honestly now I'm just pissed.

"I don't know Gabe. I really don't know. I'm also not sure that's an appropriate question to ask me" I almost spit out.

"Why not? Does it make you insecure?" He says casually and I really want to throw a mug at him. Does it? No.

"It doesn't matter to me. He's with me now and that's all that counts" I reason with him.

Surely it's almost time for my shift to end. One glance at the clock confirms this and my eyes shoot to the parking lot to see if Patrick is here yet. He's picking me up because, and I quote "I want to be with you sooner rather than later". Yeah, he's so soft and so am I.

"Yeah but surely the thought of him fucking other women bothers you..."


I'm out!

"Gabe, I'm leaving now. Please don't talk to me in the future unless it's about work. You can lock up!"

What is wrong with him?!

"Wait! I'm sorry-" he tries but I don't wanna hear it.

"I said I'm leaving" I snap.

As if by magic Patrick arrives and I dive around the counter. As I exit, my whole body shivers as if expelling Gabe's weird vibes.

Holy shit there is something wrong with that man!

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