Where We All Began (Countryhu...

By OctaviaWritesToday

6.1K 173 37

America rarely ever came out of his estate, and when he did, it was only to visit his many siblings. But when... More

In The Beginning
Into The World
Family Time
Lost And Broken
Pain And Comfort
Try To Love
Could Be Loved
Broken Bodies
Feeling Lost
Someone Is Outside
In My Void
The Reboot

Who Believes The Wolf

354 10 1
By OctaviaWritesToday

-Canada POV-

Canada stared at the sunglasses, silent. He could hear Russia sobbing quietly as he lay against the alleyway's brick wall. Nada listened to the others awkwardly moving about behind him, but he said nothing. Ame was gone, and he had tried to leave. Canada had stopped America from escaping. This is all my fault.

The tall country looked down. Russia was still cowering in the corner, his hands covering his face. The country looked like he had been in a fight, his turtleneck torn in different places and a massive bruise on his face, right below his left eye. Nada sighed, stepping closer to him. Russia flinched, ready for the older one to hit him. But Canada just held his hand out, asking for it to be taken. Russia obliged, gripping the red hand with his own. Nada pulled him up, the two standing eye level with each other, Russia just being a bit taller.

"No matter how I feel about this, we need to think of this logically. Let's get West and head back to the complex. We can talk to UN when we get there." Canada growled, his eyes dark and face blank as he stared vacantly at the black sunglasses still in his hands. Russia nodded, moving towards the building and brushing past the two other brothers. Ukraine stopped him with her hand, whispered something, and then the two disappeared into the bar.

"Nada, what should we do about him?" Mexico said softly, placing his hand on Canada's shoulder. Aussie watched them, his eyes dark and two streaks of tears down the sides of his face. Nada shook his head, folding the glasses and places them in his pocket.

"We just need to get to UN right now, I don't think we can make any more decisions past that. Plus, Russia is our only lead right now to what happened tonight," He whispered. Canada could feel himself shivering slightly. Mexico pat his back before stepping back and gripping Aussie's hand. Russia and Ukraine exited the building right then, West Germany slung over Russia's shoulder. The tall country seemed as if nothing happened, his face stoic and cold. Canada glared at him. He still didn't trust Russia, but it wasn't like they had much of a choice now.

-Russia POV-

Russia shrugged off the passed out West Germany into his bed. East was incredibly jumpy, rushing over to her twin's side as soon as Russia stepped away. The tall country sighed, leaving the pair in their room as he left, closing the door behind him. Canada was standing outside with Mexico. Australia had gone to his room as he had more drinks than the others and needed rest. Or Mexico and Canada didn't want to deal with the youngest brother being a panicky and emotional mess in front of UN while America was missing.

Canada glared daggers at Russia, then turned away to the elevator. Mexico glanced at him, then gave a look of sympathy to the Russian. Russia shook his head, following the pair to the elevator. The trio was silent as they entered the elevator and Canada pushed the button to the top floor. Russia stood awkwardly behind them as Mexico tried to give Canada some support. Russia took a point to note how the two had almost completely swapped. Even though both were pretty level headed, Mexico was usually the one to be aggressive to other countries. Canada was always such a kind soul to everyone else. The Russian held his head in his hands while the others were looking away. He had really made a big mistake this time.

The three exited the elevator on the top floor, stepping out into a long hallway. It was eerily quiet. Canada seemed to panic for a moment. Russia almost reached out to comfort him, but stopped himself. It wasn't the time or place to bother the Canadian.

"Hello you three. What is the problem that you called me in the middle of the night still stinking of alcohol?" The three glanced up at the soft yet stern voice of UN. The woman stood at the end of the hallway, tall black heels and gloves commenting her blue tuxedo. The white leaf crown around her head and her wings seemed to glow white in the dark hallway. NATO stood behind her; his cargo boots newly cleaned with a dark blue military outfit to match UN. Russia shivered, her sharp gaze seeming to dig into his soul. He couldn't even see NATO's eyes under the military cap he always had on, which somehow made him more intimidating.

"UN, America was kidnapped in the alleyway next to the bar just a few hours ago. We found Russia beat up in the alleyway, saying Soviet took my brother," Canada begged, his voice catching in his throat. UN froze, her face going from judgmental to shocked. She then shook her head, eyes darkening and sadness sweeping over her face. NATO glanced at her, seeming to be concerned. UN sighed, then looked back up at the trio.

"It is very late right now, but I understand your concern. NATO and me will alert our officers that he is missing, but nothing else. Right now, I want you three to head to your rooms. If he isn't found by the morning, we are going to send the complex into lock down. And Russia," She lowered her voice to a motherly softness, "If you hear anything from your father or his accomplices about this, come to me or NATO immediately. One of us will be awake. Now, head off to sleep. We can deal with this better in the morning" UN said, her voice suddenly tired. Canada simply nodded, grabbing Mexico's hand and heading to the elevator. Russia slowly followed behind, glancing back at the pair. NATO was carefully holding a slightly sobbing UN. The Russian's eyes softened. America was like a family member for the two. No wonder they were so upset. Russia sighed, turning back to the elevator, leaving the two to be alone.

1016 Words~

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