My Only Chance (Under Constru...

By Unjudgemental97

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Kimberly has been through hell. She was abused by her family and forced to do their work. Two days before her... More

My Only Chance
Final Straw
Meeting the Family
Food Saves All
Party Gone Wrong
Mates and Werewolves
What the Hell and Why?
Is It True?
Reality or Nightmare?
Why Me?
Right Decisions
Start of Something New
Say What?
Who Are You?

No More

32 2 1
By Unjudgemental97

= Victoria's POV =

The ride fell silent after that, and that's when my phone started vibrating. I checked it, and it was Angie, the current ruler of my old House. I forgot to call her yesterday. Oops. I answered before it went to voicemail and wiped the tears off my face.

Hey Angie. Just in time.

I didn't try to hide the sadness in my voice because she was going to pick up on it anyway.

Oh hell no! Who made my best friend cry?

I got reminded of that.

She knew what "that" meant.

Oh... How?

My new boss did some digging into my past, and he said that nickname. All I can think about is Zach.

Tori, don't do it. Don't let yourself lose all the progress you made.

I'm not... It just hurts.

I will come to the Capital.

I'd like that, but I've already been sent on assignment, and I'll be gone for eight months. I'm on my way to the airport right now.

So soon?

Yeah. Special circumstances.

Where are you going?

I'm close to home. That's all I can say. If I ever get a day off, I'll visit, but I highly doubt I'll get that, so don't expect me.


We arrived at the airport.

Ok. I'm at the airport. I gotta go. I'll call you later on tonight.

You better.

I will. Tell everyone I love and miss them, and I could really go for one of Granny's hot toddies right now.

I will. Love you.

Love you, too. Bye.


I hung up, and that's when Daniel spoke.

Who was that?

Angie. She's the current Ruler of my old House and my best friend.

Sounds like you're close with everyone in your old House.

Yeah. I owe them everything.


You didn't dig that up?

Your records only start when you were 17. There's nothing before that.

I see. Well, when I was born, my biological parents threw me into a dumpster and left me to die. I grew up homeless. No money. No food. No safe place to sleep. No name. The only reason I knew my age is the fact that the streets were decorated every Christmas. My Beloved found me while he was out feeding, and I was sleeping behind a dumpster. He picked me up and brought me home with him. That's when life for me started. Granny, the mother of the House, gave me the name Victoria. I learned how to read and write, got my GED, went to college and got my Master's. I learned how to fight and became the best fighter and leader of the troops. I became a named warrior. None of that would have happened if they hadn't taken me in and given me a chance.

I can't wrap my head around someone throwing their child away. With the way you carry yourself, I thought you may have been a Noble.

Who knows? I may be, but I highly doubt a Noble family admitting that they threw their child away 33 years ago. What is your opinion of me now?

He took my hand in his.

You're still my Beloved, and it just makes me proud to have you. I would be a fool to be anything but..... I'm sorry about earlier. I had no idea that-

You don't have to apologize. You didn't know that name triggers very painful memories for me. I'm sorry for being so rude about it.

Then it's settled. Let's get you on the plane then.

We got out of the car, and that's when I realized I was taking a private plane. He led me to the steps and gave me a kiss which I returned then boarded the plane. I sat down and buckled in, and the plane shortly took off after that.

= Four Hours Later =

We landed in New York, and I got off and was immediately met by my escorts and led to the car. We got in, and they took me to a hotel three hours away while I called Angie back. This hotel had a gym I could actually use, so I worked out until a few minutes before the sun came out which was about three hours. I went up to my room, showered, read a book for a couple of hours, then went to sleep. The next night, we drove for eight hours and only stopped for gas. One of the benefits of being a vampire. We don't need food as long as we drink blood. I can even go a few days before I have to drink. I heard that's a trait only found in Nobles, so maybe there's some truth to that statement about carrying myself like one. Come to think of it, I never once thought about finding my parents. I just figured since they threw me away, I wanted nothing to do with them, and they felt the same. Now, I'm thinking I need answers. It's going to have to wait until after this assignment though.

We arrived in Portland, but since it was so late, we got a hotel for the night, and I repeated my same routine from yesterday except I didn't read a book. I don't need to drink blood for another two days, and since there was plenty of night time left, I wanted to visit my old House for a few hours. I went and asked my escorts, and they said that it was ok. I told them where to go, and they took me to the compound. I got out of the car then went and kicked the front gate. That got the cameras' attention, and I stuck my tongue out at it. I could Angie screaming through the camera, and I spoke up.

Open up! It's chilly out here!

The gate soon opened, and I was immediately tackled into a hug by Angie. I was ready for it, so I didn't fall. She was a little shorter than me, dark brown hair, light blue eyes, and similar bodies except she didn't have tattoos, and she had a very bubbly personality. I hugged her back, and she spoke first.

It's so good to see you!

It's good to see you, too!

We pulled away and looked at each other.

How long can you stay?

A few hours.


She pulled me along and invited my escorts in. We went to the main house where Granny was sitting in her chair and sipping on her favorite brandy. I spoke first which got her attention.

How long have you been sipping on that one?

Just started.

She got up with her glass, and walked over to us and hugged me. I hugged her back. Even though we call her Granny, she was anything but. Black hair, deep blue eyes, taller than me with a few grey hairs that framed her face. She was currently 120 years old, and that's the only reason we call her that. Vampires live for a long time if we're not cut down in a fight or something, but we are not immortal. I think the oldest one was 220 years old. We let go, and she spoke.

It's great to see you. What's with the surprise visit?

I'm going to be in the area for work, so I decided to come by before I start tomorrow. I won't have a chance after tonight.

And it must be very important since you have escorts.

It is, but that's not why I have escorts.


Then why?

It turns out that I was deserving of a second chance, and I was given another Beloved.

You don't seem very happy about that.

I don't know how to feel. I should be happy, but it doesn't feel right. I get an ominous feeling that something is very wrong.


Are you sure that it is not because you are still grieving?

I'm sure. I want to be wrong because he seems like a good guy. My gut is telling me to run like hell though, but then, I'll probably be out of a job.


Your Beloved is your boss?!

Yeah...Not a great position to be in.

How did you find out in the first place?

We shook hands at the end of my job interview, and that's how. He did not want to send me on this trip, but I was the only person available, and I may have gotten a few enemies already.


What kind of enemies?

Four of the Royal family's guards.

And how did that happen?

Take a very wild guess. Four guys, one me, one Beloved.

Angie got it very quickly.

Ew!.... Disgusting pigs.

Granny finally got my hint.

Oh... I'll kill them if they touch a hair on your head.

Well... They already tried.


That was both of them, and I explained.

They accused me of trying to seduce my boss and tried to arrest me. I knocked out the two that tried to grab me. For such big talkers, they sure are weak.


Their positions went to their heads.


And their physical performances are straight-up crap. You knocked them out without even getting serious. I thought Royal guards are supposed to be some of the best. That's why the Royal family only has two with them at a time.


Unless they're doping.

Doping in vampire terms is drinking werewolf or witch blood before a physical job because they give the biggest power boosts. That's when one of my escorts spoke up. His name was Joey.

May I say something?

I gave permission.

Go ahead.

What came out of his mouth was a shock to us all.

I know I'm going to get in trouble for this, but what you're saying is true. They are some of the worst, if not the worst, guards the Royal family has. They're lazy, constantly chasing women, and we both have seen them sneak off to drink blood before going on duty and while. They only reason they are still used is that Advisor Eckhols saves them from getting cut and constantly recommends them even after one of them tried to rape the eldest daughter.


That was me, and that ominous feeling grew.

He told me that they proved themselves invaluable to the King, and that's why he can't get rid of them.

They are hated by the Royal family. The only time they're used is if the Royals forget to tell him no to those four which is hardly ever.

And that's why they hang out in the Archives instead of in a training room. He keeps them close by while they wait on his orders. He's got to be using them as his army, so he'll never get rid of them no matter how much they threaten my life and safety.....He lied to me with a straight face, and he's supposed to be my second chance of a Beloved?.....

The other, Martin, spoke up. For some reason, he reminds me so much of Zach.

If I may.

Go ahead.

It's more than just those four. Eckhols uses the Royal guards like his army against the Crown. If we refuse an order, the consequences are severe.

He took off his jacket then shirt and undershirt and showed us his back. I immediately got sick to my stomach. Granny said it for me.

Oh my gosh.....

His back was filled with large, gnarly scars, and he spoke.

This is what they do to the ones that refuse to bow down to them.

He turned back around and kept talking.

If you keep refusing, you or someone you care about will end up dead.......Those bastards killed my brother......because I refused to do what they wanted.....

What was his name?

For some reason, I didn't want to hear the answer to my question, and he said the one name I never thought I would hear.

Zach...Zachery Cella.

I kept repeating it as grief welled up in me. Tears came to my eyes and fell as Angie hugged and held me. I managed to croak this out.

He killed Zach?.... That bastard killed Zach....because you refused to go against the people you swore your life to? He killed my Beloved..... The only man I ever loved....because of a bullshit reason?!

All I saw was red, and I could feel my canines lengthening into fangs and my nails getting longer. My hair changed from black to white, and my eyes turned blood red. Transforming like this was only something the most powerful nobles or Royals could do, and this is part of the reason why I earned my battle name. Once I'm covered in the blood of my enemies, I look like an angelic demon. Angie kept a tight grip on me and refused to let me go no matter how much I fought her. The only one that could calm me down when I got like this was Zach otherwise I'll spend days in a blood-hungry rage. I want Daniel. I want his blood on my hands. I want his decapitated head to be my footstool. I want to enjoy seeing the life leave his eyes as I rip his head off.

As those murderous thoughts filled my mind, I felt someone grab my head to keep it still and then the pinch of a needle, and I was quickly out cold.

= The Next Night =

I woke up just as the sun set, and I felt horrible, a side effect of the sedative. I sat up and noticed that I was in my old house. It was the one Zach and I shared for many years. It was filled with so many wonderful memories and dreams that were unfairly cut short. Everything in this house reminded me of that and him, so I left. I had to get away for a little while, so I wouldn't go crazy. It's been a week, and I'm already back, and so much has happened. Before I even realized it, I started crying. I'm crying because I was overwhelmed. I was exhausted. I missed and wanted Zach, and I hated my second chance with Daniel. I was at a complete loss, and my sobs woke up Angie who was asleep beside me.


She noticed I was crying.


She sat up and hugged me, and I cried into her shoulder. It didn't take me long to calm down because I was crying out all my rage from last night. Once it was gone, I pulled away.


No problem. What do you remember from last night?

Seeing red, wanting to use Daniel's head as a footstool, and getting sedated. Did I hurt you?

My arms are going to be sore for a couple of days, but I'll be fine. You are moving back here.

I know.

And you're quitting.

I can't.

And why not?

Right now, I'm not working for Daniel. I'm working for the Royal family. They're here in Portland. I'm going to be a guard for the rest of their stay here.

And that's the special circumstances. He knew your background, so he knew you would make an excellent guard. He's very dangerous, and you need to be extremely careful.

I know.

I mean it. One of your escorts, Joey, told Granny and me that years ago, he was given orders by Daniel to kill Lilith, you. Joey refused because he saw you as an honorable warrior that had done no wrong, but as a punishment for Martin and to break you, he targeted Zach.

I couldn't believe it.

He knew from the moment I applied for that position who I was. That's why those four started messing with me in the first place. Their original plan was to kill me, but the bond interfered. He gave them orders to keep an eye on and slightly torment me until he could come up with a plan. It was probably his idea to send me away in the first place to buy time. The big question is why does he want me dead and/or broken?

A big question indeed, and there's one more. When do you start work?

Today. I have to get cleaned up and go. I'm going to be staying in a werewolf packhouse, so I have to meet the Alpha at a decent time of night for them.

Why are they staying at a packhouse?

No clue, but I'm guaranteed to find out. This is the last time we're going to see each other in a while.

I'll think of something.

We chuckled, and she left, so I could get ready. They had brought my suitcase, so I showered and got changed into casual guard attire which was skinny jeans, tank top, button-up shirt, socks, canvas shoes, and hair in a french fishtail braid that I secured with a small rubber band. I'll blend into the background while still being able to fight. Pantsuits are too formal, and combat gear is too obvious. The only piece of jewelry I put on was a chain with Zach's and my wedding rings on it. I didn't go anywhere without them. Once I was done, I packed up my dirty clothes and left the room with my suitcase. Granny, Angie, Joey, and Martin were standing in the hall waiting for me. Granny spoke first.

There she is. How do you feel?

Like crap, but I blame the sedative for that. We have to go. I can't keep the Queen waiting.

Stay safe and be careful.

I will. See you guys later.

I gave Angie and Granny a hug before I left with Joey and Martin. We loaded up the car and went to the packhouse on the other side of town. They dropped me and my things off, and I went up to the front door and rang the doorbell. The door soon opened, and it was an older man. He spoke first.

Hello. What is your business here?

Hi. I'm Victoria Cella. I was sent here to be an additional guard to the Royal family.

I see. Come on in. We've been expecting you.

He let me in, and I carried my suitcase with me. He led me up the stairs to the third floor to a room towards the end of the hall.

Here's their room.

Thank you.

He left, and I knocked on the door. It opened seconds later, and it was one of the guards.

Ah. You must be Victoria. Advisor Eckhols told us of your arrival. Come on in.

He opened the door for me, and I thanked him, and there they were sitting on in the living room of what looked like a decently sized apartment. We approached, and I knelt and bowed my head to give my proper respect before standing back up and speaking.

Good Evening your Highnesses. I'm Victoria Cella. I presume Advisor Eckhols told you of my arrival, and I apologize for arriving late. Unfortunately, when we arrived in town last night, it was past 2 am, and it would have been very rude on my part to show up here at that late of a time.

Queen Lyra.

Thank you for considering the time for our host, and you don't have to speak so formally. This is one long vacation for us until a certain moment comes.

Thank you, and am I overstepping by asking what moment?

Not at all since that will be part of your assignment. There is a woman here named Ameil Faulkner. She's carrying a very important vampire child, and as we all know, at some point, the child will begin to feed on the mother. That's the moment when it stops being a vacation. You have to make sure she stays safe as well. Her life is in more danger than ours, and I'm sad to say that the threat is one of our very own.

I couldn't stop myself.

Is it Advisor Eckhols, and his band of idiots?

They were surprised, and the King spoke.

How do you know that?

He wants me dead as well. For what reason, I don't know. I just learned he's been after my head for years, and he had my Beloved killed to try to break me.

Queen Lyra.

He killed your Beloved?

Yes, and the fucked up part is he's my second chance Beloved.

That was a shock to everyone, and the guard spoke.

You're his Beloved?

Yes, and all I want is to kill him like he did Zach.

I could feel myself changing from anger again, but I managed to control it this time and turn back and kept going.

He torments, severely injures, and murders the loved ones of the Royal Guard or the guard to force them into obeying his treasonous orders. His band of idiots is constantly doping. He lied to me from the start and had me fooled. That's how I ended up here while he's back at the capital plotting his next move.

Another flash of anger and I was barely keeping it together. I balled my fists so much so that I deeply dug my nails into my palms and cut myself then started bleeding. I started changing again, and it took me much longer to contain it which allowed them to see a glimpse of me fully changed before I managed to control my anger and change back. I closed my eyes and took a deep but shaky breath to get the urge to kill out for now then opened my eyes back up just as there was a knock on the door. One of the guards opened it, and it was a young man who looked very foreign, and when he spoke, his accent gave it away.

Excuse me, but Amy has made her choice.

What choice? Queen Lyra didn't skip a beat.

Ok. We'll be right there.

She got up then spoke to me.

Come on. This involves you, too.

We crossed the hall to another room, and I saw a woman with bright red hair and green eyes. She was beautiful, and it made me feel a little self-conscious. There was a certain wickedness about her beauty, and it was only heightened by the scars and tattoos she had. It tempted you in but also was a giant warning to stay the fuck away, and when she spoke, her voice had that same quality. She must be Ameil Faulkner.

Hey. I see your new guard came.

Yes, and there's something she has to share with all of you later, but right now, are you ready?

Just one question. How often will I have to drink blood?

No clue, but based on the fact that you're a mixed breed, I'd say once a week or once every two weeks.

I guess I'll have to live with that. I'm not becoming a slave.

She was unwillingly turned? By who? They must be pretty powerful if the Queen has to overturn it. I had so many questions, but I kept them to myself for now. Queen Lyra walked closer to her and spoke.

Ok. I'm going to bite you on the neck, so it'll take effect faster. Don't hit me.

I'll try.

Ameil moved her hair to one shoulder, and Queen Lyra grabbed her and turned her head to fully expose her neck before sinking her fangs into it. Ameil winced and squeezed her eyes closed. She very clearly does not like getting bitten and balled her fists as well. Usually, there's a certain amount of pleasure after you get bitten, but for her, it looks like she wanted to cry. You could tell that something terrible happened to her, and it involves vampires. Queen Lyra drank at first, and then it happened. Ameil started panting, and Lyra stopped biting her but held on to her, so she didn't fall as she weakened. She quickly turned, and then it happened. She grabbed her head and cried out in pain as the other venom was purged out of her body and mind. She promptly ran to the trash can and puked, and it was a lot. I mean there was enough there to turn at least a hundred people. Whoever did this to her was trying to kill her from all that venom, but she somehow managed to survive. Queen Lyra said that this involves me. Does that mean that Daniel is behind this as well? He's trying to kill her, too? Why does he want her dead?

A man came over and held her hair out of her face while she continued to puke out the venom. It was at the point where it had to be from more than one person. That means that it was Daniel and those bastards that did it. She had to have constantly been in so much pain, but she was able to smile. How?

Once she had puked it all out, she spat out the rest and stood up.

Ew. I still had that much left in me?

She thanked the man then went to brush her teeth because she didn't want to smell like puke. She came back after a few minutes.

Thank you, and thanks for watching me with my head in the trash for the last five minutes.

We all chuckled, and that man turned serious first.

Are you all alright?

Yes. I'm fine. I feel better than I have in 15 years.

15 years?! She's lived with that constant pain for 15 years? He wanted her dead before me, but why? What joy does he receive for torturing this woman like that? What else has he done?..... She kept going.

So what happens now?

Queen Lyra.

You have to learn how to feed, and we have to come up with a plan to get rid of Daniel hopefully before you get too far along to fight. I know you want to rip his head off as well.

I knew I liked you, but what's the bait to get him here? He could just have that necromancer send more clones.

Queen Lyra presented me to her.

She is.

Ameil then spoke to me.

And you are?

I'm Victoria Cella. Daniel is my Beloved, unfortunately.



Then why are you so calm? We're talking about killing him.

Because I want him dead, too..... He's my second chance. That bastard killed my first break me, and he wants me dead. For what reason, I don't know.

The man standing next to her.

This is crazy.

I know. This has to end. Quickly. Before he fucks up someone else's life.

She then turned to me.

If you don't mind me prying, how was your Beloved killed?

I had sent him out on an errand, and he was only supposed to be gone for 30 minutes, but it turned into 45, and that's when I felt the snapping of our bond. I ran out to look for him, and I found him in an alley. He was bloody and bruised like he had been beaten, and his head had been cut off. On the wall was my battle name written in his blood. I found his head behind a trash can, and it had a mark on it as if someone kicked it. I'm going to treat Daniel's head the same way.

Queen Lyra.

They knew that his death would lure you out. They knew that you would automatically blame yourself as soon as you saw your battle name. They were trying to make sure they broke you.

They did. He was my whole world. It took me years to figure out how to live without him...

I subconsciously grabbed the wedding rings as I said the next sentence more to myself.

I still can't... What has Daniel done to you?

Ameil listed off all of the things that Daniel had done to just her, and I felt sick. Everything she said was just like a dagger piercing my heart. I was so hurt and angry and disgusted. I couldn't keep it together. I hugged myself and hung my head. My change came swift, and I dug my nails deep into the backs of my arm and gritted my teeth. Then there was a voice, and I felt this cooling sensation that extinguished my anger.

Calm down. Your rage is well understood, but we can't have you killing everyone within the mile.

That voice..... I looked up, and as soon as I saw them, tears came to my eyes. I couldn't believe it. Those blue eyes looked right back at me, and tears fell as I said his name.


I'm here Tori.

I backed away because this didn't make sense.'re supposed to be dead?

Then there was a woman with white hair that showed herself. I jumped.

Hiya! Sorry for barging in like this, but he's real. I brought him back to life. He was not supposed to die that day. His destiny was too great as is yours. He's one of the very few that deserved to be resurrected.


What? Who are you?

Oh! I'm sorry. I didn't even introduce myself. I'm the guardian spirit over this world. People just call me Guardian.

Guardian? I quickly realized who she was and bowed.


I stood up, and she kept going.

And the reason why I resurrected him is that you're going to need each other as future King and Queen.


That came from all of us, and she picked out Lyra.

Lyra, you knew exactly who she was when she transformed the first time... The True Queen.

I knew, but I couldn't figure out how... No one has had those traits in over 500 years. I had forgotten until I saw her.


Lyra, do not lie to me. You knew she was the moment she was born. Her mother was your best friend, and you had Victoria stolen right from her mother's arms.


That came from everyone except Lyra. I was beyond furious. Guardian continued.

She used compulsion on the doctor and made him switch out Victoria for a fake and said that she was a stillborn. She had a guard take Victoria, and the order was to kill her, but the guard had a heart and took you to an orphanage. Unfortunately for you, there was young boy who thought you were just a toy, and he threw you away once he was done playing. That is how you ended up in that dumpster. It was your parents who were following you a few days ago. They were not sure, so they left when you noticed them.


That was me, and I kept going.

Why did you rip me away from my mother?! Why did you want me dead?! What did my mother ever do that warranted this?!

Zach grabbed and held me to keep me from ripping Lyra's head off. Ameil answered that question.

That answer is simple. When people find out that a True Queen was born, they would want Lyra dethroned as soon as you came of age. You put a timer on a dynasty she thought would never end. Greed and power is what it boils down to.


Exactly. She thought you were dead until you earned the name "Lilith." Guess who she tasked with getting rid of you?

I answered.



Correct again. He sent assassins, but you killed them all. You were too strong for him to kill, so he targeted Zach. The man that had built her up from nothing. The only one she trusted with her mind, heart, soul, and body, and the future father to her child. Her only weakness and they killed him and made sure that it was you that discovered his body. It devastating for you like they had planned, and it made you have a miscarriage. You never set foot on a battlefield again because that name haunted you so much, so it was like you were dead. It not only benefited Lyra but the Nobles as well because you were no longer enforcing the Death Laws. Everything was going great for the Nobles on this side, but on the other side, they still can't control Ameil.



Guardian continued.

Let me say this, too. Daniel is nothing but a well-paid pawn to the Nobles as well. When they say jump, he asks how high. He can't come up with a single plan by himself, so everything that has happened up until now came from the orders of your precious Nobles. There was a son of a Noble in that club when Quinn and Ameil discovered each other. He went and told his father, your closest friend, Anthony Killbrook. He saw it as a way to take over and have the werewolves at his fingertips. The King and the most powerful Alpha. He hit the jackpot. He already had you wrapped around his finger. Taking over another species should have been child's play except Ameil is one hell of a fighter, and she has never stopped fighting while you were a puppet. Anthony called Simon. Simon told him about the prophecy. He saw it as a way to take the crown from Lyra, and then the Nobles could do whatever they wanted. Take over the world even since they could finally be in the Sun, but Ameil could never get pregnant, and when she finally did, Daniel forced her into miscarriage which he did not tell Anthony, of course. Anthony would have had his head. It was not until over a year ago that they finally got the pregnancy they wanted from her except that one screw up, and Ameil took advantage and escaped. Now, they said screw this plan and wanted her dead. They fucked that up, and Ameil started tracking them and killing them off until she was stopped here. Now, what are you going to do? Just call on me and let me know. I have to go straighten out Russia. Bye.

Then she just left, and we were all left speechless, and my mind was left spinning from all this information. The Nobles were behind everything that happened to Ameil. Lyra was behind everything that happened to me. They fucked up the lives of everyone here simply because they didn't want their reign of power to end. They all deserve to die in my book, but what about the innocent Nobles that have nothing to do with this? What about my parents? We were all stuck in our heads when Ameil spoke.

What's the plan, Your Majesty? I'm two seconds away from tracking down every single one and killing them myself starting with your precious friend.

The way she said, "Your Majesty" was a clear giveaway that she lost a lot of respect for Lyra, and may blame her a little bit. Lyra didn't like that.

Don't you dare try to blame me.

Ameil snapped.

You're damn right I am! You turned a blind eye to those damn Nobles while they ruined my life! They killed my pack members! They had your fucking husband rape me for eight years, and you thought he was just having fucking nightmares! You've been trying to kill her for years just because you wanted to keep your position, and her Beloved was killed because of it! You're a fucking genius with no fucking common sense! You've lived a posh and pampered life with the enemy while the rest of us struggled! You're damn right I'm blaming you because you could have wised up and stopped this, but you didn't..... You just sat there on your throne while we lost family, friends, and loved ones at the hands of your precious Nobles. Tell me one good reason why I shouldn't kill you, too, for being a fucking idiot!

Lyra had a complete look of disbelief on her face and tried to give a retort.

Because you need me!..... You're right, ok?! I let all that shit slide because I didn't know any better. I thought it was normal..... until it wasn't. I've tried to enforce those laws, but I had no footing without those Nobles.

You're the fucking Queen. A Noble is just a freshly turned vampire with self-proclaimed worth. You have the authority and power to do whatever the hell you want with or without them. It's not about playing fucking nice. You're talking about killing people. There is no nice way to do that. You have Guards, your private army willing to lay down their lives for you. All you had to do was start with that little bit and create your damn footing. Others would have followed. You weren't trying, but then again, you allowed yourself to be used by them while you were trying to kill Victoria.

Rebecca tried to speak up.

That's not fair.

Ameil swiftly corrected her.

Not fair? Ask the 268 wolves that lost their lives what fair means. Ask your father. He's standing right there. Ask Victoria and her Beloved. I'm sure they would love to explain to you what fair means. Ask any of the people whose lives were ruined by Nobles while your mother sat there and knew what the hell was going on. What we lost and went through is miles beyond your mother's worst day. Your worst day isn't shit compared to ours, so I don't need a spoiled and pampered little girl trying to tell me what's fucking fair.

That shut her up, and Lyra was in tears. Ameil was brutal but right. Lyra has a lot of blame in all of this. There's a reason why guilt by association is a thing, and she deserves this. The only thing that is keeping me from ripping her head off is Ameil, so I took a deep breath to calm down then spoke.

Ok. Standing here venting isn't going to solve anything. We need a plan.

Ameil took care of that.

Right. I don't want Lyra here, but she is a part of this, too. Victoria, Daniel is going to tell Killbrook that you are his Beloved. Go along with it until you get a chance to kill him. Zach, that means you can't mark her until Daniel and those four idiots are dead. They are the only ones that know you died in the first place. Quinn, get the entirety of the Royal Guards here. They will be happy to get out from under the thumb of Daniel. Send for them sporadically to not draw attention. We will hide them away until the right time and weed out the ones with dual loyalties.We're going against Nobles, so there will be a fight, and we will need all the help we can get. I don't know how long this is going to take, but I will be unable to fight. I'm less than eight months away, and I'll probably be showing by the time they make their move. I'm bait and a sitting duck. Hell of a position to be in.

She then gave the first orders.

Victoria and Zach, go home. I'm sure the Ruler of the House will want to know why Zach's grave is empty. Zach, stay hidden until Daniel and those four are dead. They are the only ones that know you died in the first place. Victoria, we'll let you know when Daniel shows up.

Got it.

Lyra, we're going to need information on the Nobles and plenty of it, especially on Killbrook. After that, stay the hell out of our way. 

Lyra nodded, and Ameil spoke to all of us.

Victoria will tell the Ruler of the House, and I will inform the Alpha of this pack in the morning. Other than that, this conversation does not leave this room. Be extremely careful. We don't know how much time we have before we have to act. We may even be making plans too late, and they'll be here tomorrow. We're fighting for our natural right to live and avenging the ones that have fallen. No need to say what will happen if we fail. Stay sharp, good luck, and may the Spirits be on our side.

We all nodded, and before parting ways, Lyra tried to talk to me, but I ignored her until she grabbed my arm.

Let go.

Not until you hear what I have to say.

Why do I need to listen to the person that destroyed my family and has tried to kill me for years?

Because the mother you're getting so upset about is a vindictive shre-

Before she could finish that sentence, I grabbed her by the throat and squeezed, so she couldn't speak. I lifted her up then spoke. My voice was dead calm and full of promise.

For you to use those kind of words, make sure they don't apply to yourself first. You have no right to judge the character of someone you betrayed. If she is, you made her that way. I can kill you right now for violating Death Laws 1-4, but you have the information we need about the Nobles. That is the only thing saving you right now, and let me make this clear. You are no Queen of mine. Don't talk to me or touch me ever again. I am only sticking around for Ameil. Never forget that.

I let her go, and she dropped to the floor and started coughing. Zach and I left on that note, and as soon as we were alone, I hugged him, and he did the same. Tears came down my face as I spoke.

I missed much...

I know. I was always right by your side.

I looked up at him.

You were?

He cupped my cheek and used his thumb to wipe my tears away. I felt those wonderous sparks once again. The ones I missed so much.

Yes. Every single day, I was with you. No matter how hard it was to see you so broken and lost, I stayed. Then you started finding yourself and smiling again. That's when it hit me just how much I missed being able to touch and hold you. How much I wished you could just hear me or know I was there. I hated the fact that I couldn't make you smile anymore...

His eyes watered and tears fell from both of us. I wiped his tears away, and he grabbed my hand and kissed my palm. I grinned from the gesture, and his eyes locked with mine, those deep blues that knew my grey ones so well. I felt so much anticipation and excitement about what was about to happen, and as soon as our lips touched, my eyes fluttered closed, and the bliss I missed more than anything else returned. I didn't feel this when I kissed Daniel. His touch made me feel uneasy, and I didn't feel this same sense of security. It was very clear that Daniel and I were never made to last or exist for very long.

I wanted so much more in this kiss but not very appropriate in someone's hallway. We eventually broke apart, and he rested his head on mine. He's back. He's here. He's alive, and I will never let him go.

We left and headed home, and I knocked on the gate the same way I did last time. Zach spoke up.

You should find a better knock.

Absolutely not. Plus, if I knocked any other way, they think I'm a spy.

Poor gate.

I chuckled, and Angie opened the gate with tears in her eyes.

What the hell is going on Tori? How is he here?

That is a long story that we cannot have out here.

She nodded.

Ok. Come on before we draw attention.

She let us in, and we headed into the most secure room, a hidden room in the basement. It's also where Granny stashes her whiskey, so she was already down here.

Ok. What the hell is going on?

A lot, so I'm going to start from the beginning. I get there, and I introduce myself to the King and Queen, and Queen Lyra tells me why I'm there. There's a woman named Ameil Faulkner there.


I've heard of that name. She was a very powerful Alpha. The last I heard was she disappeared after her pack was destroyed by Hunters.

That's not the whole truth. That part of this mess started 18 years ago. Ameil and King Quinn were Beloved. They found each other in a club. Ameil was forced to go out by her friends, and Quinn was there to feed. They met, but they were also being watched by Anthony Killbrook's oldest son. He just happened to be there and saw what happened between those two which set this wild story in motion. The son told his father, and Anthony saw it as a way to steal the throne. He called a necromancer named Brian, and Brian along with Daniel drugged Quinn and put him under a spell. The combination of that forced Quinn to unknowingly start raping and physically abusing Ameil.


Oh my gosh... That's disgusting. Why would they do that?

For the child that would have been born. Ameil is half-witch, and according to an ancient prophecy, a child born of a witch, vampire, and werewolf will get rid of the vampire curse and allow us to be in the sun again. It was already destined to happen since Ameil and Quinn were Beloved, but Anthony decided to force it along. It went on for eight years because Ameil could never get pregnant, and three years into that already terrible abuse, Daniel decided that he wanted a piece of her, too. He, along with that idiot quartet, started abusing her as well. I still don't understand how she did it.


She's a hell of a lot tougher than all of us, and on top of that, she ran the most powerful pack at the time. Even vampires were jealous of her, but on the other side of that coin, her own kind took advantage of her kindness and treated her so poorly. To know that she was getting abused like that as well during those times is just mind-blowing.

Yeah. She was keeping it together because of her pack, but at a certain point, she couldn't take it anymore and tried to commit suicide. Daniel discovered her as she held a knife to her throat, and he beat and raped her so badly that she had a miscarriage. The baby they were doing all of this to get was killed by Daniel, and of course, Daniel didn't tell Killbrook that because Killbrook would have killed him for that huge screw-up. Since her attempt failed, she decided that one way or another, she was going to end this abuse, so she decided to fight the bond and kill Quinn. When he appeared that final night, she ripped his throat out, but Quinn managed to escape. That's why he has that huge scar on his neck. That attack also broke the spell on him, so he never touched her again. Two years later, that necromancer, Brian, shows up with her brainwashed brother and 2,000 werewolves under mind control. Their goal was to force her out of her position. She and her warriors killed half of them, but it was just too many for them to handle, so she left and went to her allies for help. None of them volunteered. It wasn't until she got to Silver Moon that she finally got help. It took her two weeks to find help, and it took two days for her to get back to her territory, but it was too late. Her pack members had been killed off, and her brother and remaining werewolves had been killed off by Hunters, and her home burned to the ground. She had no money to rebuild because it was stolen. All she had was $300 in her pocket, a few clothes, and her motorcycle. She got on her bike and drove. She didn't care where she was going. She just drove, drowned her pain with cheap alcohol, and when that wasn't enough, she tried killing herself, but none of her attempts succeeded. Little did she know that her kind was looking for her and wanted to give her the head position that she rightfully deserved. The Nobles caught wind of that and found her first. She was passed out drunk on the side of the road when she was kidnapped and sold into human trafficking and became a sex slave in Columbia. She was down there for two years when her future husband broke her out at four months pregnant. It was not a vampire. It was a hybrid like her, and eight months later, Ameil was married and living a good life in Costa Rica, and she was finally happy, but those Nobles were still plotting. Two years ago, she received word that she had a pack member living in Nova Scotia. She went to go see them, and on the way back, she was kidnapped again and sold to a necromancer that was being controlled by the Nobles. For a year, she was tortured and raped, and she ended up pregnant with Quinn's child because they stole his sperm from Lyra's lab. She managed to kill the necromancer and escape, and the Nobles finally gave up on this plan and decided to kill her. She survives by the skin of her teeth and started tracking them down and killing them. She's a year and four months, so she has eight months before the baby gets here.


Why are they so determined to ruin her life?

Because she refuses to be tamed and bow down to that unknown force in her life at that time. Now, it's time for my side in all of this, and it has everything to do with Lyra.


Queen Lyra? Why?

She has been trying to kill me ever since I was born.

Granny and Angie spoke at the same time.


Yeah. My mother was her best friend. She trusted Lyra so much that she was present for her delivery. When I came out, Lyra saw my birthmark and realized that the True Queen had just been born right in front of her. She knew that she would lose her position and power when I came of age, so she compelled the doctor to take me away from my mother before I awakened and replaced me with a fake and said that I was a stillborn. Lyra ordered the guard to kill me, but he instead gave me to an orphanage. There was a young boy at the orphanage that thought I was a toy, and once he was done playing, he threw me in the dumpster.


Well, that explains so many things about you. I haven't heard True Queen in a long time.


True Queen? What is that?


The crown was never meant to be passed through the generations. It is inherited through birth. Those with a crown birthmark on the back of their neck, white hair, red eyes, and overwhelming power are True Queens. It did not matter about Nobility or birth order. Before the Raizel dynasty started, only True Queens held the crown, but none had been born in 500 years, so the crown stayed with that family. I haven't thought of it in 100 years. That's why I never said anything about it. To think you are the True Queen.... Maybe you'll fix things for the better.


Wait. If Lyra was after you, then why kill Zach?

Because I was too hard to kill. He was my greatest and only weakness, so Daniel had him killed instead of sending more assassins after me. It kept me off the battlefield and basically in hiding which was exactly what Lyra and the Nobles wanted. Now since Daniel is my Beloved, they're going to try and control me through him. The Guardian does not want the Nobles to succeed, so she resurrected Zach and told us to come up with a battle plan to end this. Ameil handled the plan because that is what she knows best. She wants me to outplay Daniel then reject and kill him and those four idiots when the time is right. Lyra is going to give us information on the Nobles and Quinn supply fighters from their guard. Zach has to stay hidden until Daniel and those four are dead, so the rest of the world won't know that he was resurrected. Ameil will fight if she can, but if she's too far along, she's the bait and a sitting duck. If this takes longer than two months, we're out of one of, if not the most, powerful fighter we have.


That's a very bad position to be in, and she needs to be the most protected. She's the brains behind this whole plan, and that child is the future of our kind.

I know, but we can only do so much without drawing too much attention.

Then we'll support from the shadows. We have enough room to house the guards as they come and supply fighters as well. If they need anything, let us know. Those Nobles need to be put in their place before they ruin someone else's life.

No truer words had been spoken.

= Three Weeks Later =

I was in the middle of training when Alejandro appeared.

He's here.

I grabbed his arm, and he took me back with him to the packhouse. He disappeared just as Daniel walked into the room. It took everything in me to not tear his head off as soon as I saw him. I faked surprise and jogged over to him and gave him a hug which he returned. He leaned down for a kiss, and I forced myself to kiss him back and add feeling, so it was believable. We spoke after.

Hi. I missed you. What are you doing here?

I cleared my schedule for the week, so I could come and see you.

You didn't have to do that.

Yes, I did. Now, go get dressed.

What for?

It's a surprise.

I'm not a fan of surprises.

You're going to like this one.

Ok. I'm going. How dressed up should I be?

You don't need an evening dress.


I gave him one more peck on the lips and got out of his arms.

Give me 30 minutes.

I left the room and headed up to the Queen's room. I went and took a shower then went into my suitcase and pulled out a long-sleeved red lace dress that stopped right above my knees and hugged my curves properly. I put it on along with a pair of black heels. I braided my hair and fluffed it out. I put on gold jewelry, mascara, red lipstick, and a light spritz of perfume. I grabbed my phone and wallet and put them into a small clutch I had. I gave myself a once-over, grabbed my coat, checked my anger, then headed down. As I got closer to the bottom of the stairs, I noticed that everyone was looking at me. I ignored that for now and focused on not breaking my neck while walking down the stairs in heels. Once I made it, I looked up, and I didn't see Daniel. Where is he?

I went back to the workout room, and he wasn't there. Then it hit me. That bastard had me get ready to keep me busy.


I ran back upstairs and noticed that her door was just barely ajar. I took my heels off and raised my skirt, so I could fight. I knocked on the door and acted cluelessly.


No answer, so I went in.

Ameil, your door was open.

Still nothing.

Are you alright?

Then I heard something fall, and I immediately changed into my battle form. I silently stalked my way over to where I heard the sound, and I saw light coming from her bedroom door. I went over to it and took a deep breath to prepare myself. I knocked then heard a muffled yell. Time to fight, but I know that those four are in there, too. I'll have to be fast and precise.

Ameil, I'm coming in.

I opened the door, and several hands tried grabbing me. I dodged all of them and took a quick glance at the owners. It was those four idiots and based on the bloodshot eyes, they've clearly been doping. It wasn't enough to be a threat to me. I quickly decapitated three of them because they thought they were quick enough to dodge me. The ringleader managed to grab me, but I quickly broke out of his grip and kicked him which sent him flying out the window. It wasn't going to kill him, but it cleared the room for now. The only one left was Daniel, and he had a tied up Ameil pinned down on the bed, and he had stopped right in the process of ripping her shirt off. I couldn't hold back my anger anymore.

Are you fucking serious?!

He realized his position and tried to explain.

It's not what you think.

Do you think I'm a fucking idiot?!

And then I said it.

You never wanted me. You were just using me to get to her.....I reject you!

I felt the bond snap, and it stung a little for me, but for him, it was way worse. He clutched his chest in pain, and I had no mercy. I punched him in the jaw which knocked him off of Ameil and onto the floor. I let him get to his hands in knees before I punted his head which decapitated him and sent his head flying out the window.

Fucking asshole!

I then turned my attention to Ameil and untied her and Alejandro.

Are you two alright?


Yeah, but we have a huge problem. He brought 50 fighters with him, and they're going to attack if he's not back with me within the next five minutes. No doubt the one you sent flying has told them already. We have five minutes to prepare for a fight. I'll tell the Alpha and Lyra. Alex, send her to back to her House, so she can tell the Leader and get fighters.



With a snap of his fingers, he sent me back, and I ran straight to Angie's office. I didn't even knock. I just opened the door, and she was sitting at her desk. I didn't give her a chance to speak.

50 fighters. Packhouse. Five minutes.

She immediately got it and stood up.

Got it.

I ran to my house and up the stairs to my room. I ripped off my dress then changed into combat pants and a black tank top. I put on my boots just as Zach showed up.

Be careful.

I finished tying up my boots and walked over to him and kissed him.

I will, and I accept you. I'll be back as soon as I can.

He gave me a hug, and we had one last kiss before I ran off and met up with the other fighters and guards. We rushed through the forest to the packhouse, and we arrived with seconds to spare. It was only 20 of us, so we went to find Ameil. She was standing on the steps giving orders, and she saw us.

Victoria, glad you could make it. Have your fighters put on one of those bands, so the wolves will know friend from foe. You all will be on the frontlines and split into teams with werewolves. Tori, I know you want revenge, so you will lead the charge along with me. Give hell, and capture one if you can. We need all the information we can get.

We nodded then put on an armband as she split us into teams. We got into formation as the enemy came through the trees. To my surprise, Ameil shifted into this form where she was the right mix of wolf and human. If it wasn't for her growing baby bump, she would be absolutely terrifying. She howled which was the signal to start fighting then took off in an instant. I didn't even see her move, but she was already taking the head off of an enemy vampire. So fast. No need to hold back then. I caught up with her and took the head off of another. The teams worked great, and we quickly defeated those fighters. There were a few injuries, but no one was seriously hurt or dead. I can't say the same about the other side. They were all either dead or captured, but a thought hit me. This was a little too easy. I shared a look with Ameil, and she was thinking the same thing. She spoke.

They were testing us.

She then gave me the order.

Kill everyone we captured right now. They're being used as cameras.

I took off and caught up with the escorts. We had captured six, and I killed all except one who realized that I knew. He broke out and ran towards the packhouse. I caught him before he could make it and pinned him against the tree by his throat and began to squeeze. I spoke to Killbrook because I knew he was watching.

Hey Killbrook, you killed my Beloved......

I looked right into his eyes and gave him the coldest stare I could muster at the moment.

You're next.

And with that, I squeezed his throat and twisted, and his head popped like a pimple. I let go then had a bad feeling. Something was very wrong. As we all made our way back to the packhouse, I noticed that someone very important was missing. Where was Ameil? I went back to where I last saw her, and I smelled blood. No, it was not from me. It smelled sweet yet earthy and so familiar. It hit me. Ameil knicked her finger when she was cooking a few days ago. It smelled just like this. She didn't get hurt while we were fighting, so why do I smell her blood? I followed the scent until I found the source. There was a small pool of blood being soaked into the ground. For this amount of blood, she must be hurt pretty badly, but where is she? The blood is only in this spot, and there are no footprints or drag marks. Was she taken? I was thankfully proven wrong when blood dripped and hit me on the back of my head. I looked up into the tree and saw a horrifying sight. 

There was Ameil, but she was covered from head to toe in bruises and bloody. There were cuts all over her body, and she was barely breathing. What happened to her? I quickly climbed the tree, picked her up, and jumped down then ran straight for the packhouse. I pushed my legs the fastest they would go, and once I made it into the yard, I yelled. 

I need a doctor! 

You could clearly hear the panic in my voice which made everyone look in my direction. The doctor broke through the crowd and got my attention. 

Over here!

I ran over to the tent, and he had me put her down on a bed then kicked out everyone except his assistant. Now, everyone was looking at me, but I wasn't saying anything at the moment because I was trying to catch my breath. I haven't run that fast in a while. Alejandro appeared, and I stopped him from going in. 

Don't. They're working on her now. 

What happened?

I don't know. I went back to look for her since I didn't see her with everyone else. The scent of her blood was in the air, so I followed it and found her bruised, bloody, and barely breathing in a tree. I got her down and ran as fast as I could back here.

Take me there. 

I led him to where I found her, and he held his hands out and closed his eyes. It was barely a minute before he opened them again and spoke. 

Simon was here. That damn necromancer was here. He snuck up on her and tried to take her, but she fought and gravely wounded him. Before he got away, he cast a spell that would have killed her instantly, but she dodged by jumping into the tree. She was scraped by it, and it's causing all of her old wounds to open up. She's going to die if we can't stop it.

With a snap of his fingers, we were back at the tent. I will never get used to that, and he bit his thumb hard enough to draw blood then smeared it on his hand. It began to glow, and he spoke in Spanish. I didn't understand a single word. Then a woman appeared, and they both went in. I sat down on the ground just as Lyra and Quinn came out and walked up to me. Quinn spoke.

How's Ameil?

Not good. Alejandro and some woman just went in.

What happened?

When I left her to go kill the prisoners, Simon, that necromancer, snuck up on her and tried to take her. She ends up gravely wounding him, but he managed to escape. Before he did, he cast a spell that would have instantly killed her, but she dodged by jumping into a tree. It still grazed her, so all of her past injuries started to reopen. I decided to go look for her because I didn't see her with the rest. By the time I found her, she was barely breathing and had lost a lot of blood. I got her down and rushed her here.

Then we heard a very loud scream of pain, and we all knew it was Ameil. Once it was over, we could hear painful groaning and could hear the woman.

That's right. Keep fighting, Amy. Get ready to hold her down. She's going to physically fight in a second.

Why not use a sedative?

Her heart is too weak for that. It'll kill her. She's still going to be strong as hell though. Alex, maintain your connection and guide her through. You're the only thing keeping her alive right now.

She then yelled at us from inside the tent.

I don't care who you are! I need people to come hold her down!

That got me up, and I went in along with several others and Lyra. We saw that woman had her hands over Ameil's heart, and Ameil no longer had cuts and bruises, but she was fighting a different fight. She was breathing very heavily and sweating and was starting to stir around. We all knew to quickly surround her and hold her down, and that's when she really started fighting us. I knew she was strong, but I never realized just how much stronger she was than all of us until now. It was very hard to hold her down, but we managed, and things were improving until the woman finally took her hands off of Ameil, and Ameil stopped fighting us, so we let go, and the woman covered Ameil.

Ok. Now, everything is up to her. She has to decide if she wants to come back. It may take a few minutes or a few months. 


That was Lyra, and the woman explained. 

By the time I got here, she was seconds away from being completely dead. Her soul had already started to leave her body, but I had Alejandro tempt it back since they're a paired couple. Now, it's up to her soul whether it wants to stay and live or let her die and move on. 

Can't you force it to stay?

That's necromancy, and I'll have to kill her. She'll be nothing but a brainless puppet until her body rots away. I'm not doing that to my best friend, and as much as I don't want to think it, there's no way in hell a tortured soul like hers is staying here......All thanks to your fucking Nobles.....

She went over to Alejandro and put her hand on his shoulder. 

Your input no longer has any effect. It's all up to her.  

His shoulders slumped as he hid his face in his hands, and I noticed his wedding ring and her mark on his shoulder. Flashbacks of me losing Zach filled my mind, and I don't want to wish that pain on anyone. I looked at Lyra, and her eyes were focused on one thing, that damn baby bump. I couldn't believe it, and without a second thought, I slapped her, hard. Everyone looked at me like I had gone crazy, but I know what I saw. Pure greed. She complained. 

What the hell did you do that for?

I snapped. 

Are you fucking kidding me?! This woman has been tortured by your precious Nobles for years and is going to lose her life because of them, and your only concern is that fucking baby?! A baby that won't survive two seconds, and doesn't even have its own blood signature yet! What the fuck is wrong with you?! You're no better than those fucking Nobles!

She tried to use rank and compulsion on me because she knew I was right.

Stand down, Victoria. I'm still your Queen. 

I punched her so hard that she got sent flying out of the tent. I stormed out after her then kicked her in her side as she tried to get up. It flipped her on her back, and I knelt down over her and just started punching and beating her face in until I was satisfied. Noone stopped me, and I don't care if I get labeled as a traitor. Once I was satisfied, I grabbed her by the collar of her shirt because she was just barely conscious. 

That dumb ass compulsion only works if you outrank the person, and they fear and respect you. I'm not scared of you, or what happens to me. I have no respect for you, and I am the True Queen. You answer to me, not the other way around. Get your crown, shove it up your ass, then get the rest of your shit and get the hell out of this city. If I find you here within the next six hours, I'll kill you myself. 

I let go of her and let her fall to the ground and got off of her. I was too pissed to go back to the tent, so I started to walk back to the compound. I hadn't made it 20 feet away from her when Zach came running up. He saw my bloody knuckles and Lyra's bashed-in face and put it together. He didn't say anything and just hugged me which I needed so badly at the moment. I hugged and held him. 

She's not going to make it.....

Even though I barely know Ameil, you can't help but love her. Even with all the pain she's been through, she was still so kind and able to smile. I want her to stay because she deserves to be happy while she's alive. She deserves everything that those bastards took from her. Those bastards deserve to die, and I will make sure they do. 

Lyra had made it back to her feet and mostly healed her face. Then she sealed my fate. 

Arrest her! Arrest her for high treason! Kill her if you have to!

Zach ignored that order because he's my Beloved, and we pulled away from each other as we were surrounded by the vampires. He put his mouth by my ear and spoke two words. 

Don't miss. 

I automatically went into battle form, and in an instant, half of them were knocked out. Those two words are a trigger for me to use my full strength, and I quickly disposed of the other half before they realized what happened. Lyra realized she had fucked up, and I moved in an instant in front of her. She fell backwards, and I smirked then spoke. 

So I'm a traitor, and you want me dead? You must have forgotten who I am. I'll like to see you try. Get the hell out of my city.

And with that, I walked away along with Zach, and we headed back to our house where Angie was waiting for us. 

What happened?

I explained everything including the fact that I was now a traitor. She was stunned.

She was trying to take advantage of a woman in a coma, but you're the traitor?

Yup. I'm going back over there around six, so I can be sure she left.

And if there's a trap waiting for you?

Knock them out and kill her.

That will make you the new Queen.

That voice spooked all of us, and I recognized it as the Guardian. We all looked in her direction, and Zach and I bowed which made Angie bow as well. Guardian spoke. 


We stood back up, and she kept talking. 

When the truth of the True Queen becomes known, which is going to happen within the next 30 seconds, a lot of people are going to looking for you, and it's mainly those corrupt Nobles that are going to be after your head, and they know where you are right now thanks to Lyra. She cannot keep a secret to save her life. 

I realized something. 

Wait. Ameil is in a coma. She's a sitting duck. If they're coming after me, they're going to go after her as well. Plus, Lyra is trying to treat her like an experiment, and we left her alone with Lyra and all those vampire fighters under her compulsion. The Alpha has no idea that Lyra is the fucking traitor.


Aw shit. 

We all took off and ran back to the packhouse. Just like I thought, it was surrounded by vampires, and there are only three of us. I spoke very low, so only Angie and Zach heard. 

They have the place surrounded, and this is the only entrance with the fewest guards which happens to be the front door. They most likely have everyone in the great room surrounded by guards while they have Ameil in the doctor's operating room along with her husband. The side entrance with the most guards is where we need to strike. It'll make the most noise which the werewolves will be able to hear, and hopefully, they'll fight back which will draw in all the guards in the house and draw Lyra away from Ameil. No killing. These guards are under compulsion.

They nodded, and I changed into my battle form then we snuck as close as we could to the side door. I said one word. 


We attacked the guards and knocked them out then went in. I was right. You could hear sounds of fighting coming from the great room, and we quickly made our way to the doctor's operating room. Ameil was on the table, and Lyra was holding the scalpel. Alejandro was on the floor with bite marks on his neck along with Angel, and the doctor was tied up in the corner. Lyra continued like we didn't just enter, and I yelled and accidentally slipped in my compulsion. 


She froze just as the scalpel touched Ameil, and she wasn't moving. My compulsion really worked on her? Angie quickly pulled her away from Ameil. Zach untied the doctor, and I checked the witches. They were starting to get cold. Lyra drained them dry. 


I had to do something. Ameil needs them. 

If there is any life still in you, please let this work. 

Without any second thought, I bit and injected venom into both of them. After a couple of minutes, I saw their hands twitch. It worked, but there's another issue. They're going to be extremely thirsty, and vampire blood isn't going to cut it. As they got up, the Guardian appeared, and she touched them, and their fangs went away. They didn't retract. They were gone, so she had to have turned them back into full witches again then put them to sleep. Doc and I picked them up and put them on beds, and we moved Ameil back to a bed. I let him hook her up to the proper machines while I dealt with Lyra, and I was pissed. I grabbed Lyra by her hair and dragged her to the great room like the trash she was. Everyone followed and made a circle around us once we got there. I let go of her hair then freed her from the compulsion. 

What the hell Lyra? You're this fucking greedy and stupid?

She tried to give an excuse, but I had no time for lies. 

You just tried to kill her husband and best friend and carve the baby out of her like she was a fucking turkey. Save that bullshit for someone dumb enough to believe it. 

Then Quinn and Rebecca came down, and Quinn noticed what was going on and stopped Rebecca. 

What's the charge?

I answered as I circled Lyra.

Violation of Death Laws 1 through 8. One, murder or attempted murder for own personal gain. Two, leaving crimes unreported to protect self-image. Three, allowing others to take the fault of your own crimes. Four, taking advantage of one or many who cannot defend themselves. Five, drinking illegal blood types for power. Six, knowingly allowing others to abuse their positions. Seven, keeping or allowing others to have slaves. Eight, allowing the abuse and enslavement of another species. Do you object to these charges?


Yes! I haven't done anything of the sort!

Johnathan, her main guard, stepped forward. I spoke. 

State your name for the record.

Johnathan Richards. I would like to speak on behalf of the Royal Guards. 

I answered. 

And so you may. 

All of us became Royal Guards because we wanted to protect the Royal family and see our species flourish. We did not expect to be sent on traitorous missions and be errand boys for the Nobles. Those that tried to leave were either killed or their loved ones were killed. If we refused an order, we were beaten with whips, chains, or random weapons. 

Who gave you those orders?

Most came from Daniel Eckhols, the King's former advisor. The others came from the Queen herself. 

Since Eckhols is dead, we can only go by her direct orders. Name a few of the orders she gave you.

Kidnap witches and werewolves for experiments. Kill those that try to enforce the Death laws. Kill Lilith, the white-haired warrior. 

Did she ever say why she wanted Lilith dead? 

Yes. She said that Lilith is the true heir to the throne. 

She kept that information hidden from her subjects I assume?


And what kind of experiments did she do on those werewolves and witches?

Crossbreeding. She was trying to make a hybrid child. When they failed, she turned them and kept them as slaves. She even made slaves for the Nobles. 

Is there any more you would like to add?

Yes. She is a pathological liar. She bragged to us many times that she killed her mother, the previous Queen. 

What?! That caused an uproar, and I raised my hand which silenced them. 

I cannot ask how because that is hearsay. What else did she brag to you about?

That she allowed Anthony Killbrook to use her husband in his scheme, and she only wanted the child that would result in experiments. She would never let it be known that the blood of that child will break the curse put on us. 

Why could you not speak of this?

She ordered us to silence. Since you had broken the compulsion put on us, we are now allowed to freely speak. 

Thank you for your testimony. 

He nodded then stepped back. The Alpha of this territory stepped forward. 

Please state your name for the record. 

Alpha Erik Daniels of Lunar Storm. I am speaking on behalf of my pack. 

And so you may. 

I allowed the Royal family to stay in my territory on behalf of Alpha Ameil Faulkner after she found out that she was pregnant with a vampire child. The rest of her family and the King were very kind and mindful of where they are. I cannot say the same for her. 

What has she done to your pack?

She verbally abused my cleaning staff, and always spoke to them like they were slaves when they are not. She never cleaned up after herself and broke many items. Whenever she spoke to one of my members, she was always very rude. Then just tonight, she ordered the vampire fighters to capture and contain my pack members. She had them contained in this area while she took Ameil, Alejandro, Ameil's husband, Angel, her best friend, and my pack doctor to the operating room, and do as I quote "start her experiments." 

Do you know why she needed those people with her?

Alejandro and Angel are witches. She said that she needed a snack, and she needed my doctor to point out his tools. 

So she knew that Alejandro and Angel were witches, and she decided that she was going to drink their blood anyway?


Anything else you would like to add?

Yes. She may act innocent, but she is just as bad, if not worse, than the deviants I have to deal with. I let her and her family into my home, and this is how she treats us. 

Thank you for your testimony, Alpha Erik. 

I bowed slightly to show respect, and he nodded then stepped back. Then Doc stepped forward. 

Please state your name for the record. 

Dr. Andrew Williams, pack doctor of Lunar Storm. I am speaking on behalf of Ameil Faulkner's, Alejandro's, and Angel's current medical conditions. 

And so you may. 

Ameil Faulkner is currently in a coma, and Alejandro and Angel are currently recovering and resting.

What caused them to be in these conditions?

Ameil's coma is the result of a necromancer trying to kidnap her and turn her over to the vampire Nobles. She avoided the full attack spell, but she was grazed by it, and it caused all of her previous wounds from the entirety of her life to reopen. She was heavily bleeding out and lost consciousness. I was trying to close her wounds and give her a blood transfusion and fluids. That is when Angel, Ameil's best friend, and Alejandro's coven doctor, walked in and began to heal her with magic. Then she said that Ameil's soul had started to leave her body which meant that Ameil was just on the edge of dying. She used Alejandro to tempt Ameil's soul back into her body. It worked, but now, Ameil is currently in a state of limbo. Her soul can decide to leave her body at any time unless it finds a reason strong enough to stay and allow Ameil to wake up. Angel and Alejandro are in their current states because Lyra drank from them and almost drained them dry and killed them. 

So you saw her drinking witch blood, which is illegal?


How did Ameil sustain so many wounds?

Some were from her battles as an Alpha, but the vast majority was from the abuse she received at the hands of the Nobles as part of a scheme to have a child that will break the vampire curse. 

How did you know this information?

Ameil has told me and this pack several times that the majority of her scars came from the abuse she received. 

Do you know who the Nobles used to inflict that abuse?

Yes. She told us that as well. 

Who were they?

King Quinn Raizel, Daniel Eckhols, and four of his subordinates. 

That caused murmuring, and I raised my hand again to silence it. 

So she named those two as the ones who inflicted the abuse?


Thank you, Dr. Williams. Is there anything else you want to add?


Thank you for your testimony, Dr. Williams. 

He nodded then stepped back, and I spoke. 

Since Daniel Eckhols is dead, we cannot rely on his testimony. Since the four subordinates are also dead, we cannot rely on their testimony either. 

I looked at Quinn and kept talking. 

King Quinn, I cannot force you to testify against your wife, but if you would like to make a statement or testify, now is the time. 

Lyra shouted. 

Don't do it!

I shut her up. 

The accused will remain silent, or will we go straight to execution.

That shut her up, and I looked back at Quinn. 

King Quinn, your decision. 

He clenched and unclenched his jaw as he thought about it then gave his answer. 

I'll testify. 

He came down and entered the circle. I got started. 

State your name for the record. 

Quinn Herus di Raizel, King of Vampires. I am speaking on behalf of myself and Ameil Faulkner. 

And so you may. 

I had first heard of Ameil when she became Alpha of Trident. The Royal capital sits in her territory, but we never met until years later. I was in her part of the territory as a guest for her award ceremony the next night along with Lyra and Rebecca. The night before, I went to a club to feed, and she was there along with her friends. I didn't know who she was at the time, and I tried my best to ignore her because she was not drunk enough for me to feed off of, and she had friends, so I looked for someone else. I kept feeling drawn towards her, so I decided to at least go talk to her, and this feeling would go away. She went to the restroom, and when she came out, I stopped her, and we went to the bar, bought her a drink, and our hands touched, and there were sparks. Turns out that I had two Beloveds, and I was her mate. Then she got really drunk all of a sudden, and I didn't know at the time that for werewolves, alcohol and finding your mate do not mix well. I thought she was just really drunk, and I couldn't find her friends, and it would be wrong of me to just leave her there, so I got her a hotel room for the night. I tried leaving, but she wouldn't let me go, and we messed up and looked at each other in the eyes. That was when my good intention turned into falling to temptation, and I drank from her. That's when I realized that she was a werewolf. I still didn't know who she was until the next night, and I saw her as she was being introduced. That was the only time I saw her that night, but a few minutes before she was supposed to receive her award, I noticed that her scent was on me, but I have no memory of either bumping into each other or hugging. I just brushed it off, and that day while I was asleep, I had this very vivid nightmare of me forcing myself upon her. Again, I just brushed it off as lusting after her and guilt. For the next three years, whenever I was at an event of hers, she's never there, and she always sends her Beta to collect her award. I didn't have another nightmare during this time, but after those three years, they came every month, then every week, and then almost every single day, and what I was doing in them was steadily get worse and worse, and I was going insane. I was refusing to sleep. During the night, I, all of a sudden, lose track of time. I had no memory of what I had been doing for the last hour and a half. I was extremely paranoid, and I couldn't handle it anymore. I told Lyra what I did, and what was going on, but she seemed very indifferent. She didn't care as much as I thought she would. It almost looked like she was trying not to smile while I was going through this. She didn't do anything to help me figure out why this happening. I told Daniel, and he said that things would eventually get better. It was like that for eight years until one night, I woke up, and I was lying on a beach with the sun minutes from coming out. I ran home, and when I looked in the mirror, I had this huge scar on my neck. I had no memory of how I got it, or of that night, so I just assumed that Ameil had been in a bad battle, and the bond made us share the wound. From that night on, the nightmares just stopped as if they had never happened in the first place. 

Can you describe one of those nightmares?

You could tell by his face that he really didn't want to, but he spoke.

I was running through the forest, and I go to this house on a cliff. I go around back and climb up on a balcony. I open the balcony doors, and there is Ameil asleep on the bed. She wakes up when the doors open, and I see so much fear in her face when she sees me. She tries to get up and run. I catch her, grab her by her hair, and bring her back. She doesn't fight back, but she keeps repeating that she rejects me over and over. I punch her. She says that she hates me. I keep hitting her until she's bruised and bloody and quiet. I break her arm as I rip her clothes off, take what I want, drink from her, and leave her bloody and crying. 

When he said that, it looked like he was reliving that nightmare and couldn't believe that he had done that to his Beloved. There's no way to fake that. 

At that time, did you realize that you were being controlled?


When did you find that out?

Two months ago. Ameil and Lyra were talking in the backyard, and I overheard them talking about me. Ameil said that my issues were a side effect of a spell called possession. 

Can you briefly describe it for us?

It's a spell that puts an artificial spirit in someone's body, and you can control them like a puppet. 

So someone casted the spell on you and forced you to horribly abuse your Beloved for eight years?


For what purpose?

For the child that would result. At the time, Ameil was half werewolf, half witch. No one knew that fact, not even Ameil. Only the plotters knew that. The curse will be broken when a child born werewolf, witch, and vampire is born. 

Then it sounds like to me, the curse was already destined to be broken since you were her Beloved, and the plotters ruined that by forcing you two together and making you abuse her. Now, according to Johnathan's testimony, Lyra allowed Killbrook to use you in their scheme. Did you know anything about that?


Did you know Lyra had this kind of side to her?

No. Whenever we were together, she was always kind and smiled. It seemed like she really did love and care for me, but apparently not if she used me in this kind of way. 

I see. How long ago was this?

10 years. 

Then how is Ameil pregnant with your child?

Two years ago, there was a break-in at Lyra's lab, and they stole my sperm. We were about to try artificial insemination for our fourth child. Well, I assume it wasn't stolen in the first place. Ameil was being held captive by a necromancer at the time, and he used my sperm to get her pregnant. That is what Ameil told me. 

So fully, this plan has been in place for 21 years?


But there is a piece missing. How did Killbrook find out you two were Beloved?

I remember seeing his son at the club, but I thought nothing of it and ignored him, and I had told my former advisor, Daniel Eckhols, about what I did that night. 

Thus giving them the information they needed to create this plot. Is there anything else you would like to say?


Very well. Thank you for your testimony, King Quinn. 

I bowed to show respect, and he nodded then stepped back into the circle. 

Is there anyone else that would like to give a statement or testify?


We were all surprised at that voice, and the circle parted, and Ameil walked through. She was dressed in her breast band and a pair of yoga shorts, so all her scars were showing. She had a knife strapped to her thigh. Lyra was absolutely terrified. The circle closed, and I started back.

Please state your name for the record.

Ameil Faulkner, former Alpha of Trident. I am testifying on behalf of myself and unborn child.

And so you may.

What King Quinn said was true. We did meet in that club, and subsequently, he began to abuse me. Six years later, Daniel Eckhols, his former advisor, came to my home along with four of his subordinates and blackmailed me with a video he had taken of Quinn and I. The payment he wanted was my body. I insulted him, and he hit me then injected a small amount of venom into me, so I was paralyzed and couldn't fight back. I managed to overpower the venom, but that resulted in his four subordinates biting and pumping so much venom into me that I was barely conscious. They bit, cut, scratched, bruised, and hit me while they raped me in turns until they were satisfied. After they left, I managed to drain my body of all that venom by slitting my wrist and holding the wound open until I no longer bled venom. That abuse continued for the next five years. Not only was I being abused professionally, but I never had a night of peace. I couldn't take it anymore, so I wrote a suicide letter one night, and I grabbed a knife and held it to my throat. I had just started cutting when Daniel showed up, and he got the knife away from me, carved his name into my hip then stabbed me in the throat. He left the knife there while he continued to beat and rape me, and he left me like that. I pulled the knife out, and I buried it in a box along with the letter. The next day, I had a miscarriage. I guess it was a good thing because I didn't have to explain it to my pack. I decided that I had enough, so I worked up the strength to try and kill Quinn. I know that he was my mate, but it was the only way I could think of for this to end. I stayed up the entire night, and when he showed up, I shifted and ripped his throat out. I was going to finish him off, but he escaped by jumping off of my balcony and into the waters below. I never saw him again. I never saw Daniel and his subordinates again. I thought it was over until my brother showed up with this massive army and demanded that I give up my position. I refused, and I cut his army in half. I could tell that he was being controlled, but there were too many fighters between us, and my fighters were exhausted. I needed help from my allies, so I created this crazy plan to temporarily give him the position while I quickly gained the help of my allies. I told my pack, and they said do it, so I did. I went to every single ally and enemy I had in the area, and no one volunteered. For the ones that did, the price was too great. I went outside the area, and I didn't get any help until two weeks later, and it took us two days to get back to my pack. It was too late. Everyone was dead, and my house was burned down. My money had been stolen, so I had nothing to rebuild with. I had no members. All my friends and people that I considered family were dead. I didn't even have a body to bury, so I got on my motorcycle and just drove. I didn't care where I was going. I just drove until I ran out of gas. I walked my bike to a gas station, and I bought gas and the biggest and cheapest bottle of alcohol I could afford with the few dollars I had. I drove and drank my pain away. When alcohol wasn't enough, I tried killing myself. I blew my brains out twice, jumped off a cliff, slit my throat, crashed my bike into a wall I don't know how many times, but I would always heal. Then one night, I was passed out drunk on the side of the road somewhere in South America, and I was picked up by some human traffickers. I didn't even fight, and they sold me into it, and I ended up in Columbia in a cartel. I thought this is the life I deserved for failing my pack. Being used as someone's sex slave for the rest of my life. I was too scarred to be sold for a high price, so they kept me as the House Mother. I was responsible for dressing up all the girls that were going out to get sold and used by our keepers to let off steam until I got pregnant. That's when I realized that I had something to live for, and I had to get the hell out of there. I was four months pregnant when there was a girl that was brought in, and she was a witch. Two days later, the compound was destroyed, and we were all freed. Alejandro was the leader of the coven that freed us, and he took me in because I had nothing but a baby that was going to be here in two months. He got me a job and a place to stay in Costa Rica, where he and his coven lived. I had my beautiful baby girl and started working in a restaurant as a waitress and cook. He would come by every now and then to check on me. Then it became once a week to almost every day. Then he asked me out, and six months later, we were married. He already had three kids, and I had my one, so we were fine with not being able to have kids. I switched jobs to be in a safer part of town for his sake, and for the next eight years, life was better than I could have ever imagined. Then one day, I got word that there was a survivor from my pack in Nova Scotia. I had to go see them. Even if they hated my guts, I had to go see them. I told Alejandro and the kids what I wanted to do, and they said go, so I did. On the way back, I stopped in Mexico for the night, and I go down to the cantina for a drink before I go to bed. I see three slave traders at a table. I keep my eye on them because you never know if they're going to try to come after you or not. I have my drink, go up to my room, go to sleep, and I'm woken up by them breaking into my room. They take me almost easily because I was in shape to look good. I was eight years rusty in fighting. Just terrible, so they take me, and they tried breaking me, so I'll be easier to sell, but I fought with everything I could. I had kids and a husband to get back to. They end up selling me to a necromancer, and his favorite thing to do was cut off of a limb, or remove an organ, and sit there and watch and laugh as I rushed to regenerate it before I died. The second thing was raping me and injecting sperm into me, so I would get pregnant. I constantly tried escaping, and it took him a year and a half to make a mistake. He had cut my arm off then let me out of the chains. He turned his back for one second, and I grabbed the blade and cut his head off. I regenerated my arm and got the hell out of there. I spent several weeks living off the land to get my strength back up then found the closest town and started doing odd jobs. I made enough money to buy a motorcycle and go home to my family. I was 10 minutes away from home when someone ran me off the road and into the sea. I hit my head on the way down, but it didn't knock me out. I survived by the skin of my teeth and swam away, but the person didn't see me, so he threw my bike over to hide the evidence. Instead of just going home, I decided to track that bastard down because I did not want to lead any threats to my home. I found the bastard, but it turned out that he was getting paid by some Noble. I killed him and started killing every Noble involved and following leads. Then I got stopped here thanks to Alpha Erik and his father. Alejandro found me, and we discovered that I was pregnant with a vampire child and had cancer thanks to that necromancer. We got my cancer cured, and Lyra and her family showed up two days later.

First, let me say congratulations for waking up from your coma and recovering from cancer.

Thank you.

Now, you are a hybrid and an Alpha. How is that so?

I was originally born a witch. My mother was kidnapped by hunters and had me while she was there. The Hunters took me and injected me with very powerful werewolf blood which turned me, but the results didn't come fast enough for the Hunters, so they threw me in a pit to die. The Trident pack led a raid on the compound, and I was discovered by warriors. They didn't know who I belonged to. They just knew that my scent read werewolf, so they took me to the Alphas, and the Alphas decided to keep me and raise me as their own. It was just a coincidence that I ended up looking like them. When I turned 18, they chose me to be Alpha over their own son because they saw that I was stronger and more capable than he was.

Did your brother take that news well?

No. He began to constantly undermine and threaten me. I tried talking to him and trying to make him see reason, but I could never get through to him. I kicked him out of the pack and never saw him again until he attacked my pack.

Then how did you know he was being controlled?

He spoke very monotonously, and his eyes were glazed over. He also moved very robotically.

Common signs of being controlled?


Did you ever figure out who was controlling him?

Yes. It was a necromancer named Simon Johnson.

How did you figure that out?

He bragged to me about it along with stealing the witch part of my soul and controlling Quinn.

Then it is also safe to assume that he was a co-conspirator in this plot?


And how do you know him?

He was my Beta's stepfather. When I was 12, I saw him stealing money from my father's office. I told which got him kicked out of the pack.

So he already had a vendetta against you even though you were only a child at the time?

Yes. His immediate action was later that night when I was asleep. He stole the witch portion of my soul which made me unable to use magic. I didn't find out I was a hybrid until a month and a half ago, and Alejandro looked at my soul as we were playing around. He noticed that it was small, and one of the edges was jagged like it had been torn apart. The next day, he had Angel look at it, and she told me my origins and what happened to it because she was able to read my soul.

And so what did you do to get it back?

Alejandro was trying to track down Brian, but it was going to take him three weeks to sort out all the trails and find the right one. We were waiting on that, but two weeks later, Brian sends a clone with the missing part of my soul attached to it to try and kill me. We get my soul back from the clone, but Brian attached a necrotic spell to it that was supposed to destroy my energy lines and make me unable to shift or use magic. Alejandro rushed me to Angel, and she was able to stop the spell and mostly fix my energy lines. I'm still working on the remainder, but I am able to shift and use magic.

Do you know why Simon tried to prevent you from shifting and using magic?

Yes. I will be easier to take or kill if I can't use my strength to fight back.

Why was he trying to take you?

He wanted to give me to the Nobles because I am carrying the child that will break the curse. He tried to take me again tonight. That's how I ended up in limbo.

What kind of state is limbo?

It is a state where you are on the verge of death, but you are able to still hear and see what's going on around you. You just can't interact because your soul controls your body, and it is deciding whether it wants to stay or leave. Thankfully, mine chose to stay.

Is there anything else you would like to say?

Yes. Just a few weeks ago, Lyra admitted to several of us, she knew that the Nobles were torturing and using me like this. She knew that they had Simon to control my brother and those rouge werewolves to discredit me and destroy my pack. She knew that the Nobles had me picked up and sold to that cartel in Columbia. Matter of fact, when I was in limbo, I remembered one day they had us tied up and blindfolded, and I heard a woman saying, "Thanks for taming that dog. This will teach her to keep her filthy paws off my husband. Her stupid pack is gone, and that's what trash like her deserves." I did not recognize the voice at first, but now, I'm certain that it was Lyra. I was the only female werewolf there. I was the only one who lost their pack, so who else could she be referring to? She knew I was down there being used as a sex slave, and she was happy about it. She was happy that I lost everything I had. She referred to my dead friends as "a stupid pack." I slept with her husband one night which was a drunk mistake, and she thought it was ok to use her husband, my mate at the time, to sexually abuse me for years, and allow her Noble friends to ruin my life and kill all the people I considered family for a child she wants to experiment on. On top of that, she has them steal me away from my kids and husband just to beat, rape, and impregnate me with this very child. The punishment does not fit what happened. If anything, it looks like she was planning on doing this anyway, and she used that mistake as a motive to make it justified in her head, but it's not, and never will be. Unless she is prepared to die 268 times over for every single pack member I had, be beaten and raped every single day for 10 years, live in constant fear, paranoia, and shame, and wonder will this be the day he finally kills me. Have your entire body covered in scars and let them remind you every single day of how you got it. Unless that happens, it will never be enough for her to say just sorry. And the crazy thing is.....I forgive her.

She started speaking directly to Lyra.

I forgive you....for all that you've done and the pain you've caused. I know that if I hold on to my hate, it will not only destroy me but my family as well. I don't want you to die, but maybe your soul will finally find peace. 

Then Lyra showed her true colors by laughing then speaking. 

You forgive me? How hilarious. I should be the one forgiving you. 

Ameil was confused. 

If this is about Quinn, I apologized for that years ago.

No. This is about you. It's always been about you since I first saw you 33 years ago. 

33 years? I was nine. What could I have done to you at nine? I didn't even know vampires existed then.

September 12th, I killed my mother. October 29th, I saw you being carried by your father while your mother was holding your brother's hand.  You all were checking into the hotel, and seeing all of you together made me so angry. On top of that, you had turned and looked in my direction like you could sense how angry I was, and you told your father, "Her eyes look sad." Your father turned and looked right at me and agreed with you.

Are you fucking serious?! You decided to fuck up the life of someone you didn't even know because they could sense and tell that you were upset, and you were jealous of the fact that they had a family. What made that ok in your head?

It makes plenty of sense. To eliminate those who talk trash about you.

No. You talk it out, and if words can't solve it, you do actions that prove otherwise. If it goes any further than that, it may lead to a physical fight, but it's not something that you go out of your way to punish the one responsible. I'm sure there were plenty of others who actually talked trash about you. What made me so special?

I couldn't get to you. I couldn't punish you like I could with the others, so I started eliminating those in my way.

What? Ameil was pissed.

What did you do?

I've known Simon for 30 years. Anthony introduced us, and I asked Simon to kill you. He said that he doesn't target children and mentioned that you had extreme power. I paid for him to steal it. When you were 16, I started having you followed, but your parents noticed. I had to figure out another way. When you were 17, you and Quinn actually met and discovered each other, but I had Simon erase those memories and create a fake bond with Quinn. Then I noticed how close you were with your brother. I couldn't let that stand, so I had Brian place a necrotic bug on your brother, and he hated you instead. He was so perfect at tearing you down until you kicked him out. I took him and used him for so many experiments. Alpha wolves are great test subjects. So many times he cried for you to come save him, and it pissed me off even more. I got rid of the last people standing in my way, your parents. It was so easy to find a random human and compel him to hit two dogs. I finally had you right where I wanted, but you and Quinn still managed to find each other again, and I knew that he would figure out that our bond was fake and leave me if he kept seeing you, so I made you hate him. I didn't care about the child until two years in. I was reading a book about Necromancy, and I saw the cure for the curse. I had to figure out what three, and I did, but the child I made, the blood wasn't strong enough to completely break the curse. I needed it stronger. That's when I thought of you. You were an Alpha that was half-witch, and your mate was now vampire Royalty. Perfect. Now, all I had to do was get you pregnant, but it never worked. I thought you were infertile until I thought that you were getting abortions. That's no good, so I decided to get rid of your pack and mainly your pack doctor. Then I could keep you like your brother, but you didn't surrender. You fought back and killed half of those dummies Simon worked hard on. You finally surrendered when you were unable to fight, but the night I came to take you, you weren't there. I had your pack slaughtered like the dogs they were except your Beta and the one dog that slipped by. He's proving himself more valuable than your brother. I couldn't find the other, so I stopped looking. I went through your medical records, and all that was in there was a note about random scarring appearing on you and a suspected miscarriage. When I saw that, I had to find you. You weren't infertile, but it took a lot of tries. I could work with that. I found you and had you sold into sex trafficking. I wanted to find out how quickly you could get pregnant with a normal child. It only took a year and five months, but then you were freed, and I couldn't get to you again. It was a thorn in my side until you popped up in Nova Scotia. I knew I could get you before you disappeared again, so I did, and it took you 13 months to get pregnant. Everything was going right until you escaped. I decided to just kill you, but then my friends were popping up dead with no culprit. It wasn't until the pack doctor here called me and said that you were here and pregnant with a royal child that I put it together. Such an annoying experiment.

I think we were all expecting Ameil to kill Lyra right then, but instead, she just slapped her.

Thanks for the info. Now, I can get my brother and Beta back. That's two more people who I love and care about. You will not force me to put your blood on my hands. Karma sure is a bitch, isn't it? Do what you want with her. I'm done.

That was the final nail in Lyra's coffin, and unknown to us, the Guardian was broadcasting this to all vampires, wolves, and witches. Everyone in the room was pissed off, and the werewolves were very loudly growling. I raised my hand, and they quieted down enough for me to speak. 

Thank you for your testimony Alpha Ameil and getting Lyra to confess.

I bowed, and she nodded then stepped back into the circle. I looked right at Lyra who realized her deadly mistake.

Lyra Herus di Raizel, I find you guilty as charged of breaking Death Laws 1 through 8. You are stripped of your title, and your execution will take place immediately after Alpha Faulkner's brother and Beta are released and back to full health. Johnathan and Ethan, arrest her and take her into custody. Alpha Erik, may one of your members lead her to the cells?

He answered.

Gladly. Keith, lead them to the max security cell. We don't want her trying to escape.

Keith answered.

Yes Alpha.

She was taken away, and Erik asked the next question.

So what happens now?

I answered.

Now, us vampires head to the capital and fix this.

Then the Guardian appeared, and we all bowed to her.


We stood back up, and she spoke.

There is no need. There were already many calling for revolution. They've taken the capital and killed most of the Nobles. They are waiting for the white-haired Queen to arrive and lead them to how it should have been.

What? How did they even know this trial was going on?

I broadcasted it, so everyone knows the truth. The current Royal family has been reduced to Noble, and Ameil, your brother and Beta are weak but safe.

Ameil physically relaxed, and tears came down her face. 

Is it....Is it finally over?

The way she said it broke my heart. After years of torment, she was finally free. The obvious pain and desperation and brokenness in her voice made me angry all over again. They took everything from this woman and tormented her for years for no other reason than greed and power. What kind of bastard do you have to be to do something like that, and the sad thing is we all benefitted from her mistreatment, and we still are. The technological advances our species have come up with came from experiments done on her family and friends. We're standing here right now because of her. That child is the future of our species whether we like it or not, and there's nothing anyone can do to ever make it right. 

Wait. They killed Nobles? What about-

She cut me off.

Your parents are safe. You did wonderful and followed the law to the letter. Now, go claim your rightful place.

I will.

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