Heister (R6S X Male Reader)

Autorstwa HazardForUrHealth

62.3K 895 972

An American man, born to become a heister. Him and his crew have robbed many places around the world until th... Więcej

Personnel File
Chapter 1: My Calling
Chapter 2: The Plan
Chapter 3: The Heist
Chapter 4: Old Acquaintances
Chapter 5: New Friends
Chapter 6: Unexpected
Chapter 7: Night Out
Chapter 9: Red Cheeks(Lemon)
Chapter 10: Guard Duty
Chapter 11: Two Sides of Tina
Chapter 12: Helping a Brother Out
Chapter 13: The Past
Chapter 14: Our Kind of Quality Time
Chapter 15: Cost of the Fray
Chapter 16: Here for You(Lemon)
Chapter 17: Gaining Intel
Chapter 18: Interesting Information
Chapter 19: Choices(Lemon)
Chapter 20: Butterflies

Chapter 8: Ready for Action?

2.1K 39 23
Autorstwa HazardForUrHealth

"Do you want to know who you are? Don't ask. Act! Action will delineate and define you."
-Thomas Jefferson

Heister POV

Frost: *quietly* Hey Y/n?

I feel Tina gently shaking me, I open my eyes slowly and see her cute smile.

Heister: *quietly* Hi beautiful.

She sits up stretching with a yawn, she starts rubbing her forehead and moans.

Frost: Oh fuck my head.

Heister: Hung over again?

Frost: Yeah, I can barely remember last night what happened?

I peek over my shoulder and see that Hans and Grace aren't here, I get out of bed and walk into the bathroom. I come out with a bottle of Advil and toss it to Tina. 

Frost: Thanks.

Heister: No problem, now tell me what do you remember?

She gets up and walks into the kitchen, I hear the tap run as she gets a glass of water. She walks into the living room and sits on the couch, I follow her and take a seat beside her. She takes a couple pills and gulps it down with some water.

Frost: So what I remember eh? I remember Em was talking with some guy and got his number, I remember Seb hooked up with someone, wasn't she a blonde girl?

I my fist to my lips trying to contain my laughter, I couldn't help but laugh as Tina set down her glass and came closer to me.

Frost: What aren't you telling me?

Heister: Well he did hook up with a blonde, and that blonde was named Monika.

She shoot up and giggled a bit.

Frost: Oh my god they finally hooked up! Seb has been drooling over her for a year now!

Heister: To bad you can't remember, they both had cheeks redder then Eliza's hair.

Frost: Damn, I guess I can only imagine now.

Heister: Well all you would have to do is put them in a room together with people and booze.

Frost: That's a damn good idea.

I chuckle a bit, Tina slowly inched closer to me. I smiled and put my arm around her, she got a big smile on her face and cuddled into my chest.

Heister: I could see you inching closer.

Frost: I know, I wanted to test you.

Heister: How?

Frost: Doesn't matter you passed.

She looked up to me and kissed me, she pulled back and looked into my eyes. I come closer to her and we share a long french kiss, we pull away eventually and Tina just gazed into my eyes with bright red cheeks. 

Heister: Your cheeks are red.

Frost: And so are yours.

I shake my head and kiss her forehead once more before getting up and walking into the kitchen.

Heister: So I'm going try making you breakfast, you hungry?

Frost: That depends, what do you mean by try?

Heister: Well I'm not a great cook, but I can try?

Frost: *sighs* Give it your best shot.

PA: Heister, Buck, Zofia, Aussie and Fuze please report to briefing room one.

We both sigh and I walk towards the door, she hops up and walks with me since her dorm was on the way.

Frost: I was kinda looking forward to breakfast.

Heister: That was probably a mistake.

Frost: *laughs* Yeah probably.

We get to her dorm and she turns to me.

Frost: Come back safe alright.

Heister: I always do.

She quickly kisses me and hides in her room, I smile once again and walk over to the briefing room. I get inside and wait for everyone to show up, Harry entered the room and turned on the screen behind him.

Six: Everyone, I'm sending you to Mexico City. There's a white mask safe house in the city, I'm sending you to clear it and extract information. Any laptops, phones or USB's you can find, Fuze don't use your gadget on the third floor since that's where the Intel is. The building has 24 masks inside, your looking at standard AR's, pistols and shotguns. They may have explosives so watch your door ways and keep an eye out for them. Any questions?

. . .

Six: Alright, blueprints for the building will be in the plane. Be on the run way in 30 minutes, dismissed!

I get up and quickly run back to my dorm, I have a 2 minute shower and then get into my field clothing. I quickly go over to the cafeteria and get some breakfast, as I was walking over to the armory Tina and Em were walking and chatting in the hall. They had their backs to me so I walked up behind Tina and tasered her sides.

Frost: AHH!

She jumped forward and turned around and knocked me down with a roundhouse to the jaw. I hit the floor and grabbed my jaw, I looked up and saw Tina covering her mouth after a gasp well Em just started dying of laughter.

Heister: Ow, good to see you too.

Frost: Oh my god I'm so sorry you scared me!

I get to my feet and she put her hands on my jaw gently and made I was ok.

Twitch: Isn't that sweet of you.

Frost: Are you ok?

Heister: Well other then my sore jaw, yeah. Good kick by the way, that hurt.

Frost: I'm sorry babe.

Heister: It's fine, I guess I shouldn't sneak up a counter terrorist operator.

Frost: True, so what was the briefing about?

Heister: We're heading to Mexico City to a white mask safe house.

Frost: Y/n please be careful.

Heister: I will.

I walk away over to the armory and get my gear.

Frost POV

I watch him walk away and my heart filled with worry.

Twitch: Your really in love with him huh?

Frost: Um. . . Well. . .

Twitch: Tina?

Frost: Well. . . Um. . . Yes, *confidently*  yes I do.

Time Skip: Mexico City Some Time Later, brought to you by Fuze and a hostage

Heister POV

I was at the ground floor door with Aussie, Buck and Zofia were on the roof well Fuze was repelling outside the second floor. I take out my Ace and start disabling their cams, once their down I nod to Aussie and she sets some charges on the doors.

Heister: *into coms* Breaching in 3. . . 2. . . 1, Breach!


Aussie blew the door and I heard Fuze light up the floor above, Aussie and I entered the building. Aussie was first in and she gunned down half a dozen masks, there was 2 other doors and we each went to one. I tossed a stun into the room and busted through the door, It was an office with a single mask inside. I fired a round into his chest and left the room, Aussie came out of her room and shook her head.

Aussie: No one.

Heister: Ok, to the stairs.

I walked over to the stair case and got a peek to the second floor. I heard another Fuze charge go off and masks stormed the stairs, I fired on them killing 3 of them. Me and Aussie moved up the stairs.

Heister: *into coms* Fuze were on the second floor watch for friendly fire.

Fuze: *over coms* Understood!

We move in to the second floor and saw the destruction of his cluster charge, their was some bodies of masks with scattered limbs around the room. I put my hand to my mouth and tried not to gag, me and Aussie left the room and got to the third floor. Zofia and Buck had come through the roof and cleared the room, they were searching for Intel. I walked up to Zofia since she was on the laptop, she was trying to hack into the laptop with no success. I take out my Ace and start breaking in to it, within seconds I hack the laptop and copy all it's data.

Heister: Already got it Zofia.

Zofia: What do you mean?

I turn my Ace towards her and she nods and packs the laptop into her bag, Buck starts sifting through some papers packing them as well. We strip the room of any information and catch up with Fuze outside, as the police showed up to secure the scene I looked down at my bloodied hands. 

Time Skip: Back at base, brought to you by the panic of a Fuze charge

Frost POV

It was late at night when I heard a knock at my door, Em had fallen asleep so I quickly got to the door so the knocking wouldn't wake her. I open the door and Y/n was standing outside, he had a downed look on his face.

Frost: Y/n what's wrong? Is everyone ok?

Heister: *downed* Yeah.

I stepped out into the hall and closed the door, I set my hands onto his shoulders.

Frost: What's wrong babe?

Heister: *downed* It's just. . . Never mind.

He starts to walk away but I grab his hand and pull him towards me.

Frost: Don't walk away from me! Something's bothering you and I'm concerned so please tell me Y/n, what's wrong?

Heister: Can we go somewhere private?

Frost: Yeah sure.

We walk outside the main building and walk around the base, as we walked he kept his head down. I stopped him and moved his head so our eyes met.

Frost: Y/n, what's wrong?

Heister: It's just. . . I. . . I don't. . . I don't kill people. I've only ever killed 2 people before today, and I didn't even think about it when I did. I've shot at cops before but we used bullets that tend to be non fatal, and it was more just to scare them off. It felt so easy, but, just wrong.

I never thought about that, I always assumed that he didn't have a problem with killing masks like the rest of us here, but he isn't like the rest of us.

Frost: Y/n, I'm sorry. It's not something that comes easy, just know that what your doing is for the greater good. Taking a life isn't something I do lightly, but I know when I do it I'm protecting my friends and family, and everyone back home and around the world.

Heister: . . .

Frost: Y/n it's not something you can just get over, it takes time and once you see up close what the masks do you'll see why I can get over taking their lives.

Heister: Thank you Tina.

Frost: Just remember what I said alright.

Heister: I will.

She pushes up on the tips of her toes and kisses me, I lean down a bit and we share a long french kiss. Once we break away her face was a bright red color, I chuckle a bit and pinch her cheek.

Heister: I love you Tina.

She gets a smile on her face and kisses me once more.

Frost: I love you too.

Do you hear that humans? It's the sound of me loving this story, it's just like my other stories on my channel, or is it called a profile, account? What the hell is it called on Wattpad? Idk let me know cause I'm not sure what to call it, but I do have good stories you should check them out, after you vote for this cause showing support is really cool and helpful. 1268 words, later humans Hazard out!

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