The Original daughter

By novella_lynn

635K 10.5K 876

Maddison Mikealson is the daughter of Elijah Mikealson. being an Original means Klaus can dagger you and pu... More

Character list
Through the years


3.1K 56 6
By novella_lynn

I sat in the study and watched my uncle paint he was a damn good artist.
"Looks like a giant snowflake" Stefan said as he walked in.
"I pref to think of it as a expression of post-modernism. It's my donation to the winter wonderland charity event." My uncle said as Adrian walked in.
"You said it was urgent?" He said.
"Yes take this to the mystic grill immediately" my uncle said.
"You want me to be a delivery guy?" Adrian asked.
"What i want is for you to do whatever i say, without the attitude." My uncle said.
Adrian nodded and walked over to the painting and picked it up.
"Be careful with that. It's still wet" he said as Adrian walked away.
"Abraham Lincoln frees the slaves, you know." Stefan said.
"What is the point of my hybrids being sired to me if i cant maximize on the benefits of free labor? What are you doing here?" My uncle asked.
"Elena is sired to Damon" Stefan said.
"I intuited as much." Klaus said with a smile.
"Which means i need to find the cure now more than ever, and here you are making post-modern snowflakes" Stefan said.
"I've delivered" Klaus said with a smile as he turned away.
"I retrieved the hunters sword from Italy, which we will use to decipher the map hidden in the hunters mark. You're the one who's supposed to deliver the hunter and his mark." Klaus said.
"Well, Jeremy is the hunter, and he has to keep killing vampires to complete his mark, but we can't quite figure out how to keep him from killing us." Stefan said.
"Sounds like quite the chore, which is why i feel perfectly justified in doing a little charity work." Klaus said.
"Or maybe your lying about having found the sword" Stefan said.
"Why would he lie to you stefan?" I asked.
"We are in this together." Klaus said as he walked Over to a volt.
He opened the volt and took the sword out.
"The hilt acts asa cypher which we will use to decode the marks on Jeremy's tattoos when he's killed enough vampires to complete it." Klaus said as he took a seat.
Stefan looked at the sword.
"I herd you moved out of your house. But if a martyr move, Hmm?" My uncle said.
Stefan looked up at him and then at me.
"I'm not here to bond, Klaus." Stefan said as he sat the sword down.
"Oh, on the contrary, i think right now I'm the best friend you've got." Klaus said as i sat in the arm of his chair.
Stefan rolled his eyes and left.
"Come on Niece we have a get together to get ready for" my uncle said as he stood up and put the sword back.
"Will my father be coming?" I asked.
"Um probably not. He's busy doing what ever he does but i promised him I'd take you with me" Klaus said
I nodded and headed to my room to get dressed. Within the hour we left heading to town.
"Fake snow?" I questioned
"Yes well there wasn't any real on the schedule today" he said as we walked into the grill and seen Caroline looking at Klaus painting. We walked up to her and she turned and look at Klaus.
"Here to steal tiny Tim's crutches?" Caroline asked.
"Dickens was a dark man. You would have liked him." Klaus said.
"Nice snowflake, by the way" Caroline said.
"Is my work really that literal?" He asked.
"Yes" i said with a chuckle.
He glared at me and i stopped laughing and looked down at the floor.
"I'm serious. There's something... lonely about it." Caroline said.
"I'm going to take that as a compliment. Can i offer you both some champagne?" Klaus asked.
I looked up and looked at Caroline.
"Can't to many adult prying eyes. Don't want to be the high school cautionary tale at the next town meeting" Caroline said.
"Well, then, it's a good thing the high school part is nearly over." My uncle said.
"If we are going to be nice to each other, then i will need that glass of champagne" Caroline said.
He laughed and walked towards her.
"Is that our thing?" He asked.
"We don't have a thing" Caroline laughed.
"Allow me" he said as he headed to grab drinks.
I followed Caroline outside where Stefan was sitting.
"Hey" Caroline said.
"Hey" Stefan said as he walked towards us.
""Did you find the sword?" Caroline asked.
"Nope. Maddie do you know where he put it?" Stefan asked.
"Back where it was this morning when you came" i said.
"It wasn't there" Stefan said.
"What are we going to do now?" Caroline asked.
"Klaus is the only shot we have at finding the cure. We need him. Tyler has to call it off." Stefan said.
"Call what off? What's going on?" I asked.
"Don't worry about it Maddie" Caroline said.
"Well that's not going to happen" Tyler said as he appeared.
We all looked at Tyler.
"You told him? I've had 12 hybrids sworn to secrecy for a month. I have Hayley and a witch risking their lives, and your blabbing my plan to Stefan and probably Maddie too." Tyler saidZ
"Look all I'm asking is for a little time." Stefan said.
"How long? A hour? A day? Because every minute that goes by that we don't do this, they're at risk. You and Klaus already served one of them up for Jeremy to kill. I dont owe you anything. I'm taking him out." Tyler said as he turned and started to walk away.
Stefan vamp speed in front of him.
"I'm sorry but i cant let you do that." Stefan said.
"Stefan..." Caroline said in a warning voice.
At first i thought my uncle had found us but i looked around and it definitely wasn't my uncle but his hybrids gathered around us so we couldn't run.
"I'm sorry. But i cant." Stefan said.
"Stefan!" I said getting his attention.
He then looked around and seen the hybrids too. This was the second time in 24 hours that I've been surrounded by my uncles stupid hybrids and it kind of pissed me off.
"Sorry man. But you don't have a choice" Tyler said.
He nodded and the hybrids grabbed the three of us and brought us to the Lockwood cellar.
"Keep them down here until we're ready to bring Klaus in." Tyler said.
"He's going to come looking for me. I'm supposed to stay with him" i said.
"Yes well i guess you should have done that. Stayed with him" Tyler said as he picked up chains.
"Use these if you have too. And be careful Maddie's a witch too" Tyler said looking at the hybrids that would be babysitting us.
"Come on Tyler, this is bigger than you. It's about more than revenge for us." Stefan said.
"I know What it's about for you stefan. It's about the cure. You know what happens to a hybrid when they are cured of vampirism? We go back to being werewolves, turning on every full moon. We could give a rats ass about the cure" Tyler said.
"Tyler come on" Caroline said.
"I needed you on my side Care. That's all i wanted." Tyler said as he walked away from Caroline.
It had been a hour since we were brought down here.
"This is ridiculous. We are not hostages." Caroline said.
"Sure you are sweetie" Kim said.
Caroline vamp speed over to Kim as Stefan's phone rang.
They hybrids headed towards Stefan.
"Relax. It's my brother" he said.
"What's up?" Stefan said as he picked up the phone.
"Don't ask how, or why, or who, but i just found the answer to your Tyler problem." Damon said through the phone.
"Your kidding." Stefan said as he stood there listening to Damon and then hung up.
"We don't need the sword" Stefan said.
Caroline smiled and i stayed quite. That sword was the only thing keeping my uncle somewhat safe from this plan the hybrids had.
I used a spell and put all the hybrids asleep and the three of us left and went to the grill and found Hayley and Tyler.
I tried to go off and find my uncle but Caroline wouldn't let me. Her and i lead Tyler and Hayley into the bathroom.
"How the hell did you guys get out?" Tyler asked.
"I git our because your idiot hybrids despise the warning you gave them about Maddie using magic they neglected there for she put them to sleep" Caroline said.
"I'm not going to fight with you anymore Caroline"Tyler said.
"Oh we are going to do plenty of fighting, the second that Klaus is in somebody else's body!" Caroline yelled.
"We've been through this i dont have another body." Tyler said.
I went to run for the door but Hayley stopped me.
"Move little wolf" i demanded.
"No" she said as she pushed me back towards Caroline.
"Yeah well i do" Caroline said.
"What? Who?" Hayley  asked.
"Klaus sister Rebecca. She has a dagger in her heart. Stefan's been hiding her body in the tunnels. We dump Klaus into her body and we bury her. We just killed two original birds with one stone." Caroline said.
"No! No! Leave them alone!" I yelled.
"It's too late to change the plans" Hayley said.
"Call Bonnie and make sure it will work" Tyler said.
"Tyler!" Hayley said.
"It's a brilliant plan Hayley" Tyler said.
"Your a genius. I love you" Tyler said as he kissed her.
"I love you even when i hate you" she said.
Hayley turned around and texted someone.
"I have to go find my mom. Let her know i might get to graduate" Tyler said as he ran out of the bathroom.
Caroline picked up her phone and called Bonnie.
"Bonnie. I need to to think fast. I know that the daggers don't work on Klaus, but what if we put his essence into Rebecca. It will work right? Say it will work." Caroline said.
"Slow down. Slow down. What's happening?" Bonnie asked through the phone.
"Just come on Bonnie. Will it work?" Caroline asked.
"Yeah, i dont  see why not" Bonnie said.
"Oh Bonnie Bennett i love you!" Caroline said.
"Do you need my help? I can leave Elena here with Jeremy" Bonnie said.
"Elena? She's there too?" Caroline asked
"Yeah she came with Damon. Who's being slightly less horrible than usual" Bonnie said.
"You know what i cant deal with this right now" Caroline said as she hung up.
Caroline turned around and looked at Hayley
"She said it would work" Caroline said.
"I gather congratulations." Hayley said.
"Thank you." Caroline said as she walked towards the door but as she passed Hayley she broke her neck.
"What the hell!" I yelled.
Hayley looked at me and grabbed my arm and dragged me out of the bathroom.
"Why dont you just break my neck to?" I asked.
"Because we have other plans for you. Like you getting your uncle to follow you" she said.
"The hell? Funny you think I'm going to help you take down my uncle. Guess again" i said as i ripped my arm away from her.
"You are going to help or you will join your aunt in the tunnels" Hayley said.
Just then we ran into my uncle.
"I found your niece wondering figured you'd want her back" Hayley said as she squeezed my arm.
"Say anything and I'll kill you" she said in my ear.
She let go of me and walked away. Just as Stefan walked up.
"Where have you been all day Stefan?" My uncle asked.
"I've been around." Stefan said
"I'm not interested in vagaries, Stefan. You've been dodgy, Carolines been lovely, and my niece went MIA for a few hours. Which I've come to recognize as a tool of distraction. Now do either of you have anything to share with me, or should i compel it out of you stefan?" Klaus said.
"He broke into your safe to look for the sword." I said.
"Why?" Klaus asked.
"Because i dont trust you." Stefan said.
"I showed you the sword. I explained it's value. I've been on your side the entire time. What do you want from me? A secret brotherhood hand shake?" Klaus asked.
"I found the letters. You have had a few pen pals over the centuries?" Stefan said.
"Well, is keeping my victims letters really so different from writing their names on a wall, like you did, ripper?" Klaus said with a smile.
Klaus looked over and seen one of his hybrids standing there.
"Come Maddie." Klaus said as he started to walk away.
"Loneliness Stefan. That's why you and I memorialize our dead. There's the briefest of moments before we kill where we literally hold their life in our hands, and then we rip it away, and we're left with nothing. So gathering other people's letters or writing their names on a wall it's a reminder... that in the end we are left infinitely and utterly alone." Klaus said as he looked at Stefan again before walking away and me following him.
"Klaus! Listen to me please" i said as i followed behind my uncle and Adrian.
"What could you possibly have to say?" He said.
"They plan to kill you or switch you into another body and then bury you." I said with tears in my eyes.
"Really?" He said as he looked at me.
I nodded.
"Everything's going to be fine" he said as he quickly kissed my head and we continued to followed Adrian into the woods just as we approached the hybrids Klaus stuck his hand into Adrian chest.
"Kim" Adrian said as Klaus pulled his heart out and he fell to the ground.
"No!" Kim yelled.
My uncle pulled the sword out of his side and hybrids came running at him and he slaughtered them one by one.
Kim ran over and grabbed me and Klaus walked towards us.
"Where is Tyler Lockwood" Klaus asked.
She didn't say anything only held me tighter.
"You would do well to answer me, love" Klaus said.
I looked at my uncle and then flipped Kim over my shoulder and she laid on the ground and my uncle stood over her with the sword.
"Where is he!" Klaus yelled.
"I dont know" she cried.
"Wrong answer" Klaus said as he bent down and ripped her heart out and turned and looked at me.
"I'm sorry" i cried.
He shook his head and i ran over to him and hugged him and he wrapped his arms around me.
"Thank you Maddie for the heads up" he whispered.
He let go of me and headed out of the woods and i followed him and he went straight to town and we watched Mrs. Lockwood get off the phone and we walked over.
"Good evening Carol. If your looking for Tyler, I'd like a little word with him myself." Klaus said.
"Klaus please, don't hurt him. He's my son. He's all i have." Carol said.
"And you're all he has. There's a beautiful symmetry to that, don't you think?" Klaus asked.
"Klaus don't" i whispered.
He ignored me and grabbed Carol by the neck and dunked her head into the fountain behind her and drowned her.
"Let's go niece" Klaus said as he put his arm around me and we started walking away.
I turned and looked over my shoulder as we walked away.

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