Dragon Binder: Book One of th...

By RussellKephart

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Dragon Bound, where one binds themselves to a dragon egg hatching it, gaining powerful magic and strength. T... More

End of a Emperor (Bonus Scene)
World Map
Chapter 1: Yina Athara
Chapter 2: Training
Chapter 3: The Spar
Chapter 4: Family
Chapter 5: Defiance
Chapter 6: Dragon Egg
Chapter 7: The Binding
Chapter Eight: Sad Farewell
Chapter Nine: Belsenth
Chapter 10: Healer
Chapter 11: Criminal
Chapter 12: Memories
Chapter 13: Unexpected Ally
Chapter 14: Escape
Chapter 15: The Plan
Chapter 16: Flight
Chapter 17: Ardasha
Chapter 18: Uncontrollable
Chapter 19: Smuggled
Chapter 20: Separate Paths
Chapter 21: Journey
Chapter 22: Growth
Chapter 23: The Storm
Chapter 24: Revelations
Chapter 25: Final Stretch
Chapter 26: The Raptors
Chapter 27: Stranger
Chapter 28: Finale
Chapter 29: Cost of Battle
Chapter 30:
Chapter 31: Bredan
Chapter 33: Momentary Relaxation
Chapter 34: Docks
Chapter 35: Departure
Chapter 36: Open Seas
Chapter 37: Broken Calm
Chapter 38: Unexpected Victory
Chapter 39: Voyages End
Chapter 40: Alary
Chapter 41: Hydra
Chapter 42: The Roost
Chapter 43: Rebel Lily

Chapter 32: Unexpected Reunion

14 0 0
By RussellKephart

It took her eyes a moment to adjust to the dim room.  They were probably trying to conserve on resources by keeping it so dark, reaching back she locked the door for privacy.  Grumbling she made her way across the room hitting a table long the way.  A small curse word slipped from her lips, finally her hand found the lantern and turned it letting the oil feed the tiny ember on top.  

Light burst forth revealing the room to her.  It was nice as her eyes scanned, a window with its wooden shutters clasped shut.  Next to that was a bed, a very inviting bed, Yina had trouble remembering the last time she slept in one of those.  As her eyes followed the room a figure stepped out of the shadows.  

With a scream she pulled her hands up blades snapping from her gauntlets as lightning arced around her body.  The man held up his hands and made one last move into the light.  Letting her hands drop just a bit she recognized the man in front of her.  It was the Captain of the guard, she could only imagine that this was an astral projection.  

The handle of her door rattled and quick banging before Adar's voice mumbled through.  "Open up are you okay.  I will break this door down."  His voice was a bit panicked and a small smile crossed Yina's lips.  

"I am fine, sorry to scare you.  I just saw how bad I looked in a mirror.  How dare you not tell me how bad I looked, and you call yourself a gentleman."  Yina hissed back playfully keeping her eyes on the door and the captain.  She trusted him, but honestly she was cautious about letting her guard down.  

What sounded like Adar's head hitting the door gently could be heard, "Okay, just try not to scream again unless you are in real danger."  Annoyance laced his words as they could hear him walk away and drag his chair back to where he needed it.  

Rolling hey eyes she stalked a bit across the room glaring at the Captain.  "What in the hell are you doing here anyways?"  It was hard for her to keep her town down as she slipped the blades back into her gauntlet the lightning still arcing a bit across her body.  "And how did you even know I was here?"  

A small chuckle left his mouth, "Glad to see you have not changed much, minus looking like you fought a storm."  His eyes raised a bit at the last part as he looked her up and down.  

"O that was thanks to your stupid Raptors."  She hissed back crossing her arms more lightning coursing through her body as she glared.  "Just so you are aware the leader of them is a bit of a psychopath."  

"Well, they were doing their job after all, I am surprised you beat them honestly.  Though I heard you had help, probably that fellow in there.  Anyways I am glad you beat them and as to how I am here.  I have been projecting here every day asking my spies if you have arrived yet.  They notified me that your dragon had, so I found out where you were staying.  Not really hard when you line the innkeepers pockets.  Luckily for you well I do not want you caught."  The captain stated pulling out a knife and picking some dirt out of his nails.  

Yina stood dumbstruck for a moment listening to him explain how he was here.  So this man had this much power, good thing he was on her side otherwise it would have been a pointless attempt to flee.  "So why did you want to meet with me then?  Wait did something happen to my father? My sister?"  When sister came out of her mouth her voice broke again as she remembered how she had left her sister with her monster of a mother.  

Raising his hands up to try and calm Yina, which did not work, the captain quickly explained.  "Your father is quite fine, under house arrest.  They do not have evidence to convict him but well your mother has great power.  Honestly how much pull she has seems a bit unnatural to me.  As for your sister, she is just living life normally."  

"That is not why I am here though, we checked the cave you told us about... He is not longer trapped there.  So for all we know he is currently on his way to find you.  Reports of a large dragon have been heard near the East.  I assume he caught wind of your decoy."  The captain explained as he started to pace, she assumed trying to figure out what the dragon was planning.  

The news about her father and sister was uplifting, almost giving Yina hope, but the bomb of knowing that the dragon was out there did not bode well.  "Well, if he is after the decoy then he must be disoriented, I am pretty sure he can sense where Nyssa is.  Or she is not powerful enough for him to get an accurate read."  They needed to leave this place, and honestly going to the Alary was not a good option.  All that would do is put the people leaving there, hell maybe even the entire nation in danger.  

"I need to find a way to the storm isles, I think that is my only chance."  Yina responded after a bit of silence between the two.  "Do you got any leads on that?"  Yina was pretty sure that it was a lost hope but she had to try.  

"If he can read her energy, that could be bad.  On the matter of the storm isles, we do not.  All I do know is that if you are to find someone brave enough, or more accurately dumb enough it would be someone from Alary.  Especially since they are already a good ways off the coast of the mainland."  

Before Yina could even start to answer, the banging started again on the door.  "Wait one damn minute, there is not mirror in that room."  Adar stated.  "I am giving you to the count of three before I am going to bust this door down."  

The captain stepped quickly to be right in front of her.  "My people will be her by midday, you must be gone by then.  I can only slow them down a bit, but they will be there and your mother wants you back badly.  Goo..."  He could not finish the words as the door wrenched free from the hinges and the captain had vanished.  

Dust bellowing in the air, a lightning bolt wrenched from Yina's hand slamming into Adar sending him back out of her room.  With a quick motion she pulled a towel around her body.  "How dare you."  She stated in anger.  

Disoriented from the attack Adar pulled himself up, seeing the towel he bowed his head staring straight at the ground.  "I am sorry, but when I realized you had no mirror I knew you were lying and thought you were in danger."  

"Well, you are to protect me, not control everything I do."  Grunting she picked the door up and placed it haphazardly against the door frame to block the entrance.  "I can also take care of myself thank you."  She growled through the door.  

Laughing a bit Adar rubbed his chest where he shirt was burnt through and light burns that snakes away from the center were on his chest.  "That you can, she probably could have killed me if she had wanted to."  Adar whispered to himself as he stalked off to his room a bit ashamed by his own actions.  

Still full of anger, Yina snatched up her new clothes and stalked out quickly finding the inns private bathrooms and pushed her way in.  A worker quickly came and provided the heating stones for her to take her bath.  Sliding into the water was the best feeling the young woman had felt in a long time.  The dull aches in her body from traveling and fighting seemed to slip away.  

She knew that this small moment of relaxation was going to be short lived.  What was worse is having to figure out a way to let Adar know of the attack, not to mention figuring out a way to get to the storm isles the one place Nyssa's mother had said could provide them safety.   She would worry about those in a moment 

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