TWD: Dynamic (Clementine X Ma...

By Burning_Poppy

207K 5.8K 2.9K

Nine years since the start. Nine years since the dead became the apex predators of the Earth. Nine years sinc... More

Christmas Eve Special
Christmas Special
New Year /Eve Special
Book 1


1.3K 47 27
By Burning_Poppy

You open your eyes. You're lying on the left side of the bed, closest to the door just in case. Clementine has taken most of the blankets leaving you somewhat cold. You don't want to fight her for them though.

You stare at the ceiling until your eyes adjust to the darkness. Once they do you look around the room. There's nothing out of the ordinary. Clementine is asleep with her back to you, giving you the perfect opportunity to sneak out.

You reach under the pillow and grab the knife you stashed there. Then you slowly raise yourself out of the bed, being careful not to rouse Clementine. Your clothes are hanging in the closet, so you open it up and put them on.

You look back at the bed one last time to make sure that Clementine is still asleep. Last time you snuck out she followed you; you can't afford that this time. If caught, you want to be the only one around. Knowing that if you find something you're not supposed to, they'll kill you.

You grab the keys and quietly open the door. When you're outside you slowly shut it. Making sure that no loud noises emanate from the door.

There are only a few lights on in the hallway; making it easier on your eyes. You drop the keys in one of your pockets and adjust your knife to be in a good position to grab. When you think you're ready you begin to walk down the hall, keeping an eye out for anything suspicious.

You enter the stairwell and descend it. You stop on the floor right below yours to make sure AJ is safe. The hallway is clear, so you keep going down. When you reach the lobby you cautiously move, trying not to be caught. You don't want to fail your mission before you start it.

Stepping outside you see the streets are slightly lit up. Every other streetlight turned on. There's no one in sight. It's like a ghost town.

You move to a dark spot in a corner outside the hotel. You survey the area trying to figure out where you want to go. You know what's straight ahead, so what about everywhere else.

The server said something about a cow farm outside of the city. Did he mean the walls, or the whole city? It doesn't matter, you don't know where it is anyway. It could take too long to find. You decide to just walk until you find something worth investigating.

You stay out of the light; sticking to the shadows. Less chance of being spotted. You walk past building after building. Nothing of interest... Nothing that could hold something dark and sinister.

You've had your eyes on one building up ahead. One with more light than the rest and a guard. It could be something worth checking out. So, you decide to look into it.

You sneak up to the building. You hide in a dark parch right next to it. The guard hasn't noticed you yet. He stands in front of the door, slowly looking around at everything around him.

You sneak up to the side of where he's standing when he looks the other way. Hiding around a corner. He looks back towards you, and then away again. You use this opportunity to hit him with the blunt side of your knife. He drops to the ground with a thud. You quickly grab him and move him into a nearby bush. It might scratch him up, but he'll get over it.

You're on a time limit now; one that you don't know the length of. If there's nothing in this building, you'll have an issue. Security will probably increase after what you just did. It'll be hard to get around.

You quickly open the door and move into the building. It's dimly lit like everything else right now. Nothing sticks out to you immediately, so you travel deeper into the building. Checking every room you find with caution, but every room is filled with different, harmless things. One is filled with books, a library maybe; one with back up food and water you're assuming; one with clothes, but you don't take any.

You open another door and are met with the armory. Guns, ammunition, explosives, knifes, swords, blunt weapons, anything that can be used for killing. You step inside and quickly find a nice pistol, and some ammo for it. You slip it in the back of your pants and quickly step out of the room to continue your search.

More rooms filled with nothing. Until you hear voices coming from up ahead. You move to the door that they're coming from and put your ear up to it.

Sam: The Olympians are pissed off?

Unknown: Yes.

Sam: Well who would do that?

Unknown: Two of their, former members. They seemed to have killed three of the top dogs. The leader is all that remains. She is not very happy. She's sending her people to kill anyone they find until the two are found.

Sam: So, we need to be prepared?

Unknown: Not quite. It appears they are looking for a female with blonde hair, and a male that recently lost his left arm. Sound familiar?

You: Shit.

Sam: Look, we can't just throw them to the wolves. We outnumber the Olympians.

Unknown: Not all of our people know how to fight.

Sam: We can't. They just got here.

Unknown: I'm only making a suggestion. I doubt Shaxx, Ikora, and Cayde would offer them up. We just need to be prepared, and if we feel we can't win we give them what they want.

Sam: Yeah alright. I'll heighten security on the wall.

That's not very incriminating, but not comforting either. You should have put Ate down and left the Olympians with no leadership. Now they're destroying anyone in their way to find you. These people could just throw you and Brooklyn out of the door and leave you to die.

You hear footsteps from down the hall. They're quick, and frantic. Time's up.

Unknown: Who the hell are you?

A woman asks. You don't look at her to keep your face concealed.

Unknown: You're the one that knocked out the guard, aren't you?

You take off running. Looking for an exit somewhere. She begins shouting and you hear Sam and the other person exit the room they're in. Soon you hear people giving chase. Only two from the sound of it. Which means there's one going to get back up.

You get to the end of the building. There's a window on the back wall. Luckily, it's almost completely dark.

Sam: You, stop! Who are you?!

You hear a pistol pulled from a holster. You don't reply. You don't want them to hear your voice. You hope the darkness hides your missing arm. It'd be game over then.

You run forward towards the window and jump through it. You're lucky you don't get cut as the glass breaks around you. The cut could be easily identifiable. You move quickly around the building trying to get back to the room before back up arrives.

You reach the front and see Sam and the woman running out of the front door. You quickly run around the backs of the other buildings to hide yourself. You hear shouting from multiple other people. As you continue to run towards the hotel.

Unknown: I'll check this way!

There's someone getting ready to find you. You see a light as someone moves towards you. You hide behind a trash can and wait. Hoping maybe you don't get spotted.

The person runs right passed you, not checking the area very thoroughly. You quickly get up and quietly continue.

Unknown: Found him!

You hear behind you. You look over your shoulder to see someone chasing you. You have to hope you're faster. You don't want to kill anyone yet.

You near the hotel with more people hot on your tail. You have an idea to get out of this mess, but if it doesn't work, you don't know what will happen.

You enter the hotel and run into the stair well. You slow down to let them catch up a little more. You take two steps at a time. You hear people enter the stair well, following close behind you.

When you get to the third floor entrance you open the door with little care, making sure they hear it. You keep moving up the stairs, and soon you hear the third floor door open again and then nothing. It worked, but they might catch on.

You reach your floor and run down the hall. You get to the end and unlock the door. Quietly shutting it to make sure Clementine doesn't wake up. You quickly hide the pistol under the bed and take the clothes you had off, back off. You hang them up in the closet quickly and quietly.

When everything is done you put your knife under the pillow, and slide under the blankets. Not soon after Clementine begins to move. You hope you didn't wake her up. She rolls over and wraps her arms around you. You let out a sigh of relieve knowing you made it back and didn't get caught.

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