TWD: Dynamic (Clementine X Ma...

By Burning_Poppy

202K 5.6K 2.8K

Nine years since the start. Nine years since the dead became the apex predators of the Earth. Nine years sinc... More

Christmas Eve Special
Christmas Special
New Year /Eve Special
Book 1


1.3K 44 23
By Burning_Poppy

You've been sitting on the edge of the bed, ready for a while. Clementine was the one who said you needed to be quick, and shes been in the bathroom for a while.

You: Clem?!

You say loudly to make sure she can hear you.

Clem: Just a minute!

You hear the shower turn on.

You: Are you serious?

You mumble to yourself as you get up to walk to the bathroom door. You get to it and knock. You crack it open so she can hear you.

You: You dont need to shower.

Clem: Yes, I do.

You: Why?

Clem: Im dirty.

You: So am I.

Clem: It wont take me that long.

You sigh.

You: Fine.

You shut the door and start walking back to the bed. Theres a knock at the door.

You: Took too long.

You look through the peep hole in the door and see Violet and Louis standing outside. You open it.

Louis: Y/N, buddy!

You: Were not buddies.

Louis: Sure we are. If we werent you would have already punched me in the face Repeatedly.

You: Id be lying if I told you I hadnt thought about it.

Violet: We just wanted to know if you and Clementine wanted to come get some food with us.

You: Shes showering right now, so

Louis: We can wait.

You: Yeah, but

Louis: What?

Violet: Ah Come on Louis. Lets go grab some food.

Louis: Were not going to wait for them?

Violet: Youre so dense.

Louis: Why the sudden rudeness?

Violet: They dont want us.

Louis: Thats not nice.

Violet: You have a nice time Y/N.

Youre glad she caught on and dragged Louis away.

You shut the door and begin looking around the room. You want to get a feel for it just in case anything happens. You open the closet and see a few sets of clothes hanging within. You pull some out to see what size they are. None of them would fit you. Youll have to ask for some more. The clothes youre wearing now are somewhat dirty and ripped in a few places. There are some clothes for Clementine in here though. Youll have to tell her.

You remember seeing a balcony outside your window, so you walk over and open the curtains. Theres a handle to open the sliding glass door. You slide it open and step outside. Youre hit with a rush of warm wind as you walk to the edge. You lean over the guard wall and see other balconies on either side. A little strut between yours and the others.

You: Could come in handy.

You walk back inside and shut the door behind you. You close the curtains and turn around to look back in the room. You see Clementine, supporting herself on her left crutch in front of the open closet looking at the clothes. She only has a towel covering her.

Clem: You want any of these.

You: None of them are my size.

Clem: That sucks.

You: What, you dont like my look?

Clem: Its dirty and has a bunch of rips in it.

You: Ill ask for some new ones when I can.

Clem: Who came?

You: Sorry?

Clem: To the door. Someone came.

You: Oh, Violet and Louis.

Clem: They want us to go eat with them?

You: Did, I got rid of them.

Clem: Oh, good.

She gives you a smile. She looks insanely pretty with her hair down.

Clem: Ill go put these on and then we can get going.

You: Alright.

She slowly moves back into the bathroom and emerges shortly after hopping to the bed. She has changed her clothes and is tying her hair up behind her head.

You: Hey wait.

You quickly walk over to her and grab her hands behind her head.

Clem: What are you doing?

You: Let go.

She lets go of her bunched-up hair and partially tied hair tie. You unwrap it and put the tie on the nightstand beside the bed. Grabbing her hat off it while youre at it. You plop it on her head backwards and she looks at you funny.

Clem: Whyd you do that?

You: I thought you looked nice with your hair down.

Clem: I really dont.

She turns the hat around the correct way.

You: You dont give yourself enough credit.

Clem: If you say so.

She stands up and start hopping to the door. You snag the keys from the table and hurry in front of her to get the door.

You: You have the keys?

Clem: Yeah.

You: Youre sure?

Clem: Yes, Y/N.

She reaches into her pockets and realizes she doesnt have them. You lift them up and wiggle them in front of her.

You: Cant believe Ikora gave you these instead of handing them to me. You about locked us out of our room on the first day.

She quickly snatches them out of your hand and puts them in her pocket.

Clem: Maybe because you threatened her.

You: I wasnt really going to hurt her.

Clem: Really?

You: Ok Maybe I thought about it.

Clem: The Olympians didnt help your fighting habits.

She starts hopping down the hall.

You: Well yeah. Athena and I were named after the Gods of war for a reason.

Clem: Did they teach you anything at least?

You: You should see me throw a knife now. Deadly accurate.

You think back to the Walkers earlier that day. You chalk it up to having a bad day.

Clem: If its weighted correctly.

You: No, any knife. I could through a butter knife across a room like Oliver Queen if I wanted to.

Clem: Who?

You: No one.

You get to the stairs and Clementine stops.

Clem: I hate stairs.

You: I would offer to carry you, but-

You look down at the remains of your left arm.

You: I guess we could try piggy backing again.

Clem: I came up, so I can go down.

You: Are you sure Clem? Its six floors.

Clem: Ill be fine, thank you.

You: Alright but let me walk in front of you just in case.

Clem: Thats not very gentlemanly of you.

She teases.

You: It is when Im making sure you dont fall and snap your neck.

She laughs.


You reach the bottom and see AJ with his friend in the lobby. He hasnt noticed you two yet. You look at Clementine to see her smiling at him.

You: Im sure youre glad that hes being a kid.

Clem: Yeah.

You see her start to tear up slightly and smile at her.

AJ: Hey Clem! Hey Y/N!

Hes walking over with his friend.

AJ: Wade this is Y/N.

You: Hey.

Wade: What happened to your arm?

You: A gun.

Wade: Woah.

You: Um Its not that cool.

Wade: Yeah it is! You got shot and lost an arm! Thats super cool! It makes you sound super tough!

You stare at the kid somewhat dumbfounded. He was there when you came in with your lost arm. He must know its recent. Hes being kind of rude.

You: Right.

Wade: You were the one with the mask, right? You looked like one of those bad guys in comic books.

You: Yeah, uh

Clem: Were about to go eat, AJ. You should show me your room tomorrow.

AJ: Yeah. Its so cool. We have these really big beds all to ourselves.

Clem: Well, well see you later goofball. Be careful.

AJ: I know.

He groans, as he hears the same line youre sure hes heard a hundred times before. As theyre walking off you hear Wade pestering him about being called goofball.

You: That kid was Straight forward.

Clem: No, he was a rude.

You: Didnt want to say it.

You follow Clementine out of the lobby and outside.

Clem: Its feels so good out here.

You: Yeah it does.

The two of your make your way down the long street. People walk by you with smiles on their faces and a happy attitude. You check your knife repeatedly as you walk. Making sure its still on your left side. Ready for anything that comes your way.

Clem: Relax Y/N.

She must have noticed.

You: Im sorry.

Clem: I understand that youre on edge, but you dont know anything yet.

You: I know.

You make small talk the rest of the way to get your food. Talking about your old favorite foods. You reach the building and see a lot of people around. It makes you nervous. You feel the anxiety consume your body, but you go anyway. You hold the door open for Clementine and walk in behind her. There are so many people talking it sounds like theyre yelling.

You wait in line for a few short minutes before its your time to get food.

Server: Hi. Welcome to Salvation. What would you like?

Clem: Um, what do you have?

Server: We have some soups, noodles, vegetables, and some fresh beef from our cow farm outside the city.

Clem: Like hamburgers?

Server: Yes.

Clem: Oh, I want one of those.

Server: Very well. For you sir.

You: Im guessing vegetables means salad. Ill have that.

Server: Very well. Let me go get that for you two.

He quickly walks back into a back room.

Clem: A salad? They have hamburgers.

You: Im not eating that meat. There could be so much wrong with that. It may not even be beef.

Clem: Whatever.

The server comes back and sets a tray with your food on it on the counter.

Server: Here you are.

Clem: Thank you.

You pick it up and follow Clem over to a table. You set the tray down and sit on the other side of the table from her.

You: Heres your beef.

You air quote as you put it on the table in front of her.

Clem: Well Im going to enjoy my beef.

You shake your head and chuckle. You spread the dressing, they must make, over the salad and grab a fork.

Clem: Mmmm, its so good. Totally beef.

You get ready to put your first bite of salad in your mouth and someone hits you on the back. You drop the fork out of shock, grab your knife, and turn around. You see Louis in shock as he realizes what he just did. You let go of the knife before you pull it out and ease yourself back into your seat. The talking around you has quieted down.

Louis: Im sorry. I didnt mean to scare you.

You: That was real fucking stupid of you.

Louis: I just wanted to come talk to you.

The talking of the other people has picked up again. They arent worried about you anymore.

Violet: Louis. I told you they didnt want us.

Louis: Theyre here. Why dont we eat together?

Violet: They want to be alone. You dense mother fucker.

Louis: OH, like a date. Ok, sorry. I didnt think about that.

Clem: Its ok.

They walk away, back to wherever they were sitting.

Clem: Youre that on edge.

You: Yeah, Clem.

You pick up your fork and put the first bite of the salad in your mouth. The dressing is awful. Ruining the salad, but you eat anyway. Youve learned not to care about taste.

Clem: How is it?

You: Its great.

You say unenthusiastically.

Clem: Should have got the burger.

You: Rather not.

Clem: Party pooper.

Kate: Hey you two.

Another interruption.

Kate: Isnt this place amazing?

Clem: Yeah.

Kate: Theyve got great food too. It reminds me a lot of Richmond.

Clem: The rooms are really great.

Kate: Yeah, I dont know how they keep them so clean.

Clem: I know.

Kate: This could be great for us.

Clem: Yeah.

Kate: Youve been quiet Y/N. What do you think?

You: Oh, its great. I love it here.

You use your incredible lying skills. You can see Clementine squint her eyes at you in your peripheral vision.

Kate: Well, Javi and I are headed back to our room. Have a good a night.

Clem: You too.

Youre finished with your salad.

Clem: I never realized how good at lying you were. You could have fooled me.

You: Yeah, I was already good before the Olympians. Ate made me better.

Clem: What was she the God of?

You: Mischief, and ruin. She was a phenomenal liar.

Clementine finishes her burger.

Clem: I was kind of expecting to get more food.

You: Im sure theres some in the room if youre still hungry.

Clem: Wanna go walk around for a little bit.

You: Maybe we should wait until they give you a new leg. You could practice.

Clem: You want to go back to the room?

You: Yeah, Im really uncomfortable in here. Too many people.


You shut the door behind you and deadbolt it.

Clem: That wasnt a very good first date.

You: Yeah, not a lot of quality time. We dont have to count it.

Clem: No, it was alright. It just wasnt great.

You: Wade killed the mood right out the gate with his rudeness. Then Louis almost made me kill him. Then Kate came and interrupted.

Clem: Well, we had some time during the walk there back.

You: A few minutes.

Clem: We dont have to be done with the date. Were going to be here for the rest of the night.

You: I guess youre right. Im going to take a shower first.

Clem: Ok.

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