Our Bond Can't be Severed by...

By The-Dragon-Hearted

122K 3.3K 3.4K

It was unfortunate when Tanjiro twisted his ankle but Nezuko was all too willing to take the charcoal to town... More

1 - Blood
2 - Training
3 - Demon Slayer
4 - Muzan Kibutsuji
5 - Monster
6 - New Family
7 - Brother's Love
8 - Sister's Determination
9 - A Dire Warning
10 - Disobedience
11 - Connections
12 - Forget
14 - Hashira
15 - An Unavoidable War
16 - Full Frontal Assault
17 - The Infinite Hell
18 - Spiteful Acts
19 - The Strength of Blood
20 - Dawn
21 - Ash and Blood

13 - Ranks Lost

4.7K 126 184
By The-Dragon-Hearted

Nezuko furiously rubbed the makeup off of her face as she stood off with the demon.

Perhaps things hadn't gone as planned... perhaps everything had gone terribly wrong... perhaps this was bad...

Nope. No Perhaps. There was no bright side...

Things were just bad.

Nezuko, Zentisu, Inosuke, Tengen, and Kyojuro had arrived at the Red Light District. Nezuko, Inosuke, and Zentisu had all been "flamboyantly disguised" which was just the Sound Pillar's way of shoving Nezuko into the most god-awful kimono she had ever seen and painting her face until she looked like a clown. She had had some... words... with the sound pillar but regardless had served as reconnaissance for the two pillars who were scouting out the surrounding areas.

Then, in classic fashion, things went oh so very wrong. As it turns out, there was indeed a demon in the Entertainment District, as it also turns out, that Demon was Upper Moon Six. This meant that Nezuko was taken a bit by surprise.

Things had looked alright for a while, the battle actually turned in their favor for a few moments. Daki, Upper Moon Six, had been beheaded, until then her brother appeared and the group discovered that they were messing with powers that they didn't fully understand.

Tengen, who was now injured, Zentisu, and Inosuke were separated from Nezuko and Kyojuro when they tried to take down Daki, again. With a few more fiasco's Nezuko found herself facing off with Gyutaro and somehow... she'd lost Kyojuro.

She cursed her luck as she gripped the hilt of her sword.

She'd been running behind Kyojuro when suddenly someone had crashed through the walls, knocking Kyojuro out of the building and sending Nezuko scrambling away as Gyutaro pursued. She had found herself at a dead end and turned to face the demon.

Gyutaro was mentally connected to Muzan as he approached the girl, "The Hashira are distracted. Daki and I are dealing with two here."

"If two went out to mess with a minor problem, then perhaps the bratty girl doesn't know of our plan. They would've scent the hashira to the swordsmith village, not off investigating a bit of trouble in the Red Light District!" Daki's voice giggled.

"Did the Hashira seem surprised to see you?" Muzan asked cooly.

"I'd say!" Daki giggled.

"Then... kill them quickly," Muzan ordered.

Muzan stood calmly in his fortress and reflected. If the hashira were fiddling about, looking into minor inconveniences, then perhaps... perhaps the brat of a girl hadn't heard of the plan. Perhaps the village was unprotected.

Muzan smiled and looked down at Tanjiro who was by his side, "Go. Send the message."

Tanjiro took off obediently, racing out of the infinity fortress and over the land as silently and swiftly as a shadow.

"I have the strangest feeling that you're... familiar," Gyutaro grinned.

"Yeah?" Nezuko challenged raising her sword.

"Yeah," Gyutaro agreed, readying his scythe attacks. Nezuko watched as he unleashed them and, with great agility, dodged them all, landing lightly and focusing on her breathing.

"You're pretty graceful," Gyutaro commended, "I bet you were adored back at home," his voice had a hint of disdain.

"Home," Nezuko scoffed, anger rising. How could demons be this cruel... this insensitive? "Everyone who ever adored me is in a grave," Nezuko bit glaring at the Demon Moon, "Or... worse."

"I knew it," Gyutaro chuckled, "I could see it in your eyes. You've suffered too."

Nezuko ducked under the next scythe attack and lunged forward. Her sword struck one of Gyutaro's scythes and the demon only smiled. He threw the girl away and she tumbled, keeping a firm grip on her sword. She rolled to her feet and readied herself for the next attack.

"See, people like those pillars, they don't understand how people like us feel," Gyutaro chuckled.

"People like us?" Nezuko demanded incredulously, "I'm nothing like you!"

"No. You probably had it a little easier with those good looks of yours," Gyutaro agreed.

Nezuko was trembling in rage. Easy? Nothing about her life had ever been easy!

"But, I see it in your eyes. See, when someone's suffered a lifetime of struggle, it leaves a sort of glimmer in their eyes. That stupid handsome Sound Pillar? Nothing. The Flame Pillar? Perhaps a small glimmer, but it's nothing compared to the fire in your eyes!" Gyutaro laughed detaching another scythe from his skin.

Nezuko dashed forward again, jumping over the next scythe blood attack and coming down on Gyutaro's shoulder with her sword. It went through his arm making the demon wince and Nezuko feel a small flash of hope that maybe she did stand a chance.

The next second later, her chest was sliced open by the scythe. She fell to the floor, bleeding heavily and cursing internally. She hadn't even seen the attack coming! She hoped the scythe wasn't covered in poison but she had a sinking feeling that it had been.

"You've had to work for everything, haven't you?" Gyutaro asked, smiling with his misshapen face. His arm already re-grown.

Nezuko grit her teeth and clenched her sword. She had to get up. She had to heal.

Gyokko and Hantengu descended on the swordsmith village.

"If the hashira are distracted," Gyokko laughed slipping into his pot, "Then they are defenseless."

"Yes... yes," Hantengu cackled rubbing his knuckles excitedly. He glanced back at the figure behind him - Muzan's pet of a boy.

"Stay out of the way," he ordered. The boy said nothing but stood still as he looked over the village, Hantengu couldn't read the emotion flickering in the boy's eyes but he decided he didn't like it.

"Let's go!" Gyokko announced.

And the attack began.

"Wow, still hanging on? Most would've laid down and accepted their fate," Gyutaro smiled looking down at the girl, "You know, you're definitely a few steps down, but you remind me a bit of Daki."

Nezuko pushed herself to her hands and knees trying to ignore the cascade of blood pouring down the front of her. It would stop. It would heal. She had to get up.

"Tell... me," Nezuko coughed up blood as she looked up at the demon who looked mildly surprised that the girl was sitting up, "Muzan... he has a boy with him."

Gyutaro's face turned into a glare of distrust as the girl mentioned his master.

"Do you know... do you know what he wants with him?" Nezuko demanded, trying to not cough up blood.

Gyutaro's eyes narrowed as he looked down at the girl. His mind seemed to be deep in thought until he snapped his fingers, "He's your brother."

Nezuko was struggling to get to her feet, clenching her jaw despite the pain, "Yes.." she spat.

Gyutaro sighed, "So you're the demon slayer Master was so up and arms about. The one with the hanafuda earrings."

Nezuko looked up at Gyutaro, her hatred growing, "They're my brother's earrings. And if Muzan's so concerned, he's welcome to come to get me himself."

Gyutaro began to laugh, the volume of his laughs grew as he seemed thoroughly entertained, "You can't hold up against me! What chance do you have with Master!?"

Nezuko stood up and glared at the demon, "What would you do for your sister!?"

Gyutaro was still smiling but his eyes watched the girl quizzically.

"You'd do anything for her, right?!" Nezuko demanded.

"Of course, Daki and I are one. She's the greatest in the world, and... I did promise her that I'd kill you for her, so, I suppose I better stop talking to you," Gyutaro shrugged.

"Would you fight Muzan for her?" Nezuko demanded coldly.

Gyutaro scowled and he glared at the girl, "Don't call my loyalty into question."

"You would," Nezuko gritted taking a step forward, "You would because you're siblings... real siblings. No matter how much you fight or bicker you still love each other and that love is stronger than anything... You'd take on the world for your sister. And I'm doing the same for my brother! You, Muzan, the entire world! I don't care! I'll destroy anyone who gets in between my brother and I! I'm going to save Tanjiro! Even if I have to die and be reincarnated again and again and again! Even if I have to fight for eternity... Even if Muzan changes him... I'm going to save him. I'M GOING TO SAVE HIM!" she screamed angrily, panting after her monologue.

Gyutaro had listened to every word and had let her finish. After a few moments, he looked at his scythe, his face shadowed.

"You know... Nezuko... you and Daki are very much alike. I wonder if Tanjiro and I are anything alike too," he murmured, "It's too bad that you're on the losing side. Maybe in another life, we could've been allies... friends, even. I wish I could offer you the demon life, but Master insists you die. And I am loyal to our Master."

Gyutaro raised his scythe and Nezuko prepared to dodge the blow.

Then, there was a fierce yell and Kyojuro jumped into the fray, his sword raised, his cloak billowing like fire as he slashed at the demon who just barely dodged the blow. Gyutaro stumbled back as Kyojuro landed between him and Nezuko.

"Kamado, are you alright?" Kyojuro asked.

"Yes," Nezuko answered weakly, holding a hand to her bleeding chest that was slowly healing, "I just need a moment."

"You shall have it!" Kyojuro announced happily.

The two of them began fighting, Gyutaro finding himself at a surprising disadvantage... the Flame Pillar was terrifyingly strong. Without too much thought, Gyutaro unleashed the extent of his blood demon art. His body released dozens and dozens of blood blades that shot out randomly, forcing Kyojuro to retreat. Nezuko stood up to help but immediately, one of the blades slashed Nezuko's shoulder, making her stumble back... the slice to her chest must've been poisoned, she could feel her body trying to heal and failing.

"Nezuko!" Kyojuro cried, seeing her state. In that moment of distraction, a blade sliced his arm and he hissed in pain.

Nezuko steadied her breathing and tried to ignore the pain.

'Think Nezuko, THINK!' Nezuko told herself. She was exhausted, weak, and tired... how was she supposed to carry on? How could she - 

"Dad's trying to teach me to breathe!" Tanjiro laughed happily, he was younger, much younger and much happier.

"Breathe?" Nezuko questioned looking down at her brother who seemed to be concentrating as he sat on the grass.

"Yeah! So that I can become Hinokami! And dance just like him for hours and hours!" Tanjiro nodded eagerly, his eyes shining. "I'm practicing so that it's perfect!"

Nezuko's eyes flew open as she recalled the memory... suddenly those breathing techniques taught to her so long ago didn't seem so strange.

"How do you do it?" Nezuko asked eagerly sitting beside her brother.

"I don't know... I think I'm doing it wrong..." her brother admitted.

Nezuko laughed, "Well... could you try and teach me too!"

"I can try," Tanjiro admitted sheepishly, "But I think I'm doing it wrong."

"That's okay!" Nezuko beamed, "We can be wrong together!"

Yes... Tanjiro hadn't taught her the proper breathing... but Nezuko knew enough about total concentration breathing to fill in the gaps. She hadn't been breathing slow or deep enough when Tanjiro had first taught her, her lungs didn't know what to do... but they did now.

How did her father know total concentration breathing? Why had he been teaching Tanjiro? What form was this!?

"You're going to die here!" Gyutaro laughed to Kyojuro, "I'm sure Daki will love to eat you... she only deserves the handsome ones."

Kyojuro chuckled raising his sword, his wounded arm barely bothering him, "You'll have to do better than that to kill me."

Nezuko couldn't think about why it was. But it was. She knew another technique, and she used it. She calmed herself and breathed, just as Tanjiro had first taught her on that day.

Gyutaro released another attack and Kyojuro jumped away to avoid it, suddenly a flash of pink and green raced by him and Kyojuro's eyes widened as Nezuko ran right for the demon, her checkered haori flailing behind her.

"Kamado!" Kyojuro ordered sharply. What was with this girl running headfirst into everything!? First Akaza, now this!? Did she have a deathwish!?

Nezuko didn't feel any pain as she and her sword danced through the air. She did feel as if she was a fire, roaring, and burning. Gyutaro's attack flew and she dodged it with ease. 

"Total Concentration Breathing," she murmured watching a scythe fly for her, "HINOKAMI KAGURA!" she cried bringing her sword down and cutting the scythe clean in two. Gyutaro's eyes widened as did Kyojuros.

Nezuko raced forward, hardly seeming tired as she weaved and dodged the desperate attacks thrown by Upper Six. Kyojuro watched her in awe, those weren't Water Breathing movements, they weren't smooth or calming, they were powerful, pure and... unrefined.

Nezuko felt like she was flying forward, her sword having a will of its own as it sliced through the air, splitting scythes and bringing her closer to the moon. She lept forward, following her sword's will, making contact with Gyutaro's neck... and slicing it off.

Gyokko let out a scream as Muchiro, the mist pillar, neatly disposed of him, his neck severing.

"HOW!? NO ONE WAS SUPPOSED TO - "Gyokko screamed as he began to vanish.

"You seem to have been misinformed," Obanai, the snake pillar, noted from his perch in the tree above the two.

Indeed, Upper Four and Five had walked into an ambush - a massacre.

Perhaps Gyutaro and Daki were dealing with two hashira but Gyokko and Hantengu were dealing with the other seven.

Killing Upper Moons was never easy... but the hashira made it look that way. 

"One got away!" Mitsuri yelled pointing to the remaining form of Hantengu.

"Quickly, before he makes another one of himself!" Shinobu ordered coldly pursuing the demon.

"Giyu, Sanemi, watch the wounded!" Gyomei ordered.

"WHAT!?" Sanemi challenged throwing the wounded swordsmith he was holding into Giyu's hands, "HELL NO!"

The wind pillar took off, leaving Giyu to contemplate his life and lack of friends again.

Daki's head rolled off her neck as the shocked demon looked at her killers. Tengen had a missing eye but other than that he was fine! The two boys also looked a bit worse for wear but they too were alright! She hadn't been able to kill a single one of them!

"GYUTARO!" she cried, "GYUTARO!"

There was no answer.

"No... don't tell me... you're dead too?" Daki whimpered as her head rolled away, "Don't be dead..."

Nezuko looked in amazement at the head of Gyutaro as it rolled across the floor.

Gyutaro looked as shocked as Kyojuro... and he felt as shocked as Nezuko.

"You... beat me," Gyutaro murmured.

Nezuko landed... and regretted it. That breathing style was more extraneous than anything she had tried to use! On top of that, she was fairly certain that she had done it wrong which was even more of a miracle that it had worked!

The girl landed, and then fell on her face. Worn out and tired. She tried to push herself up but all she really wanted to do was fall asleep. The wound on her chest had stopped bleeding and she could feel her body regenerating... which only made her more tired.

"Hey..." a voice murmured. Nezuko looked to her side and saw Gyutaro's decapitated head, slowly turning to ash.

Nezuko's brain wasn't at it's full functioning capacity so all that came out was; "Hi."

"I've seen your brother... he's... he's alright," Gyutaro murmured. Nezuko's eyes sharpened as she looked to the demon.


"Yeah... He's alive anyway."

Nezuko smiled and laid her head on the ground.

"I think... that you were right," Gyutaro murmured, deep in thought, "I would've done anything for Daki."

Nezuko smiled, "I know."

Suddenly, Gyutaro's eyes grew distant, "No... Daki, don't follow me... Go the opposite way, towards the light... It's alright... go..."

And with that Gyutaro's head vanished.

Nezuko felt a pain in her heart... siblings... true siblings to the end.

"You did terrible things," she thought, "But you still loved each other... you still cared for each other through it all... I don't know if that counts for anything but I hope... I hope you're reborn and that you two can have a happier life... free of demons, far away from Muzan."

Hantengu fled from the hashira desperately. All of his other forms had been killed; Anger, Relaxed, Sorrow, Delight, Hate, even Resentment!

"Brat! Save me!" he cried, terrified of the approaching swordsmen. Mitsuri was nearly on top of him, she flicked out her sword, aiming for the demon's legs but a moment later, something crashed into the back of her head, making her yelp and sending her flying into the dirt.

The other pillars stopped, except Obanai who ran up and planted in feet in front of the Love Pillar. Standing between the pillars and Upper Moon Four was a different demon. He looked like a boy with soft reddish eyes and wild hair.

"Do your job, kill them while I go report to Master!" Hantengu cried, his cowardice clear.

Tanjiro looked at the Hashira's and flexed his clawed fingers. Hantengu turned and fled leaving the boy there.

"I have this one," Obanai hissed, "Go after Upper Four!"

The Snake Pillar charged the demon, but in a moment the demon rushed him as well, ducking under the sword swing and grabbing the pillar's wrist. Obanai found himself being thrown into the air and landing a few meters back. He rolled to his hands and knees, stunned, but not hurt.

The other hashira rushed forward, intent to kill both demons, yet none of them got by Tanjiro.

He dodged the attacks with incredible agility and speed. He also seemed to be refusing to harm the hashira. They were punched, kicked, disarmed, and in Mitsuri's case, knocked out, but there was no blood drawn.

Upper Moon Four stopped fleeing many meters away and looked back at the scene, "What do you think you're doing, brat! Kill them!" he ordered.

Sanemi screamed in anger as he slashed at the demon who quickly ducked under the blow and pushed himself off the earth, headbutting the Wind Pillar, and knocking the wind out of him. Gyomei threw a large spiked ball, which slammed into the boy, ripping his arm off. Tanjiro winced and stumbled away, his eyes fixed on the Rock Hashira.

Sanemi caught his breath and raised his sword, only for Shinobu to gesture for him to stop.

"Wait," the insect pillar ordered softly.

"For what!?" Sanemi demanded.

"Demon," Shinobu called to the boy. Tanjiros's arm had grown back and the demon looked to Shinobu. The insect pillar noted how his eyes seemed empty, much like Kanao's eyes when she had first found her, terrifyingly familiar; void of emotion, so broken that there's nothing left to break.

"Boy, is your name Tanjiro?" Shinobu asked softly. The other pillars looked to Shinobu and then back to the demon. The boy looked... slightly shocked. His eyes had widened slightly and his body had tensed.

"It is, isn't it," Shinobu supposed, holding her sword before her.

Slowly, the demon nodded his head, his eyes full of caution.

"DON'T TALK TO THEM!" Hantengu's voice demanded from afar, "KILL THEM YOU BRAT! MASTER WILL HAVE YOUR HEAD IF - "

Suddenly the demon's head was flying off of his shoulders. Hantengu's eyes widened as his head bounced on the ground and he looked to his attacker; Giyu. The Water Pillar had snuck around the battle and had just disposed of the distracted Upper Moon without an issue.

Tanjiro looked back in horror... Upper Four was dead, he had failed... when he found out he would - 

"Tanjiro," Shinobu coaxed, putting her sword down and approaching the demon.

"Are you insane?" Sanemi hissed at her. He took a step forward only for Gyomei to put a hand on his shoulder. The tall man was crying again for some reason.

"The boy has fought us without harming anyone, just as young Nezuko said; he is not a monster. We must see if we can save the poor boy," Gyomei announced.

Tanjiro took a step back, watched the Insect Pillar warily.

"I'm a friend of Nezuko's," Shinobu smiled, kneeling down in front of the demon and smiling up at him. She could see the change in his eyes, they weren't empty anymore, they were full of mixed emotions.

"You're scared," Shinobu recognized, she stretched out a hand and offered it to the boy, "So come with us. Muzan will not be able to reach you if you follow, he's afraid of us."

Tanjiro took a meager step backward, scared and overwhelmed.

"Your sister is waiting for you," Shinobu coaxed softly. Tanjiro looked at her outstretched hand. "There's no need to be afraid if you come with us, he cannot touch you. We can protect you."

She could see that the demon was thinking, that he was tempted. Shinobu's smile and promise seemed too good to be true. His mind flashed to his foggy memories, things just out of his mind's reach, focusing on a happy girl with a pink kimono; Nezuko. Suddenly, tears filled Tanjiro's eyes as he looked down at the pillar... could it be true? Could he escape? The screams and scents of memories faded to the back of the boy's head as he trembled... could it be this easy? Tanjiro slowly lifted a hand and went to take Shinobu's

"Can they really protect you?" Muzan's voice echoed in Tanjiro's mind. Memories forced themselves back into Tanjiro's mind; blood, screams, glowing red eyes, the stench of death.

Shinobu watched as fear flooded into the boy's teary eyes and he retracted his hand quickly.

"Tanjiro," Shinobu said firmly, guessing what would've made the boy change his mind so quickly, "You mustn't listen to him."

Tanjiro threw his hands up to his ears as he tried to block out the soft voice of Muzan that echoed in his mind.

"Don't be tempted by their lies," Muzan whispered, "They aren't as powerful as they seem."

Tanjiro whimpered and squeezed his eyes shut.

"Besides, can you imagine what will happen once I get you back?" Muzan taunted, "Because I will reclaim you."

"Don't believe him," Shinobu soothed, her eyes hard. She put a hand on the boy's shoulder and squeezed it assuringly, "He does not have power here."

"You can't run from me. You can't hide. There is nowhere in this world where you are safe from me. I own you. No matter what the Demon Slayers do they cannot change that," Muzan chuckled.

Tanjiro shook and looked to the hashira. They were a chance at a new life, a chance to escape... but the chance was weak and Muzan's presence was strong.

"Now come home," Muzan ordered.

Tanjiro took a step back, out of Shinobu's reach, away from the pillar. Then, he turned and ran, tears still flying from his eyes. Shinobu closed her eyes and sighed in painful failure.

"We're letting it go!?" Sanemi demanded.

"Yes," Shinobu murmured, standing up. She turned to her fellow hashiras, her gaze somber, "Yes... we are."

(*realizing I'm almost done with this fanfic*  - YAY!

*realizing I have to start deciding whether this ends happily*  - Oh no.

We all want a happy ending, right? Right? I should write one, right?

Anyway, hope you like it. Have a great day/night and thanks for reading!!)

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