Reckless Love

By babystar42

39.6K 809 135

Elena Gilbert. She's famous practically, being a doppelganger and coming back from the dead after being sacri... More

I Love You
A Date from Hell
A Proposal
Shocking Revelations
A Perfect Day
Happy Birthday
Aimee Marie Salvatore
Fights, Cuteness, and Surprises
More Revalations
Thank You
10 Years Later
Save Me
I Remember
Tragedy Strikes Those Who Love Another
A Surprise Guest and A Ball
Issues and Resolutions
Memories of Us
New Orleans, Louisiana
Romance Troubles
5 Months Along
With Life Comes Death
Author's Note

Blood Sharing and A Missing Person

1K 25 8
By babystar42

Elena giggles as we lay there breathless. I smile devilishly at her and she blushes in return.

"I love you, Elena."

"I love you too Damon." I pull her closer to me then I start thinking.

"Elena, have you ever heard of blood sharing?"

"No, what's that?"

"It's when vampires who are madly in love feed off each other. It's more personal than sex. Once you've blood shared with someone that kind of determines if you're their soulmate and if they're yours." She smiles.

"Would you want to try it?" I say, the hope clearly evident in my voice.

"S-Sure." She starts shaking a little.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah. I'm just a little nervous."

"Me too, don't worry."

"You've never done this?"

"No. I've been thinking about it for a while now. It bonds two people more than marriage and I didn't know if you wanted that."

"Damon, I have a clear vision in my mind of what my future could be like. There are a lot of different ones, but there isn't a single one of them that doesn't have you. I want to be with you for all eternity." I smile at her.

"I love you."

"I love you too, Damon." She bites her wrist and offers it to me.

"Forever." I bite my wrist. We both bite down at the same time and fireworks- no, nuclear missiles explode in my mind. Elena let's out a gentle moan and I do as well. The sensation fills the holes in my heart that Katherine left and makes me whole again. Eventually we have to pull away. She whines and I laugh.

"Elena, if we would have taken anymore, we would've passed out." She laughs this time and I smile at her.

"You're my soulmate," she whispers.

"And you're mine." She smashes her lips to mine and when we pull away she smiles in thought.

"Damon, imagine if someone had told you that you'd be in love with me and I'd be in love with you. How would you react?"

"Depends on the time."

"How about your whole 'Katherine everything' phase?"

"I would've laughed in their face and say, 'that's my brother's girl. And she's human and never wants to be a vampire so you're crazy.' How would you react?"

"I would just smile." I tilt my head at her.

"When I first met you the second time, laid my eyes on you, I was terrified. Because I thought for one second that I was going to fall in love at a first glance. And I did. It was always my plan to try to fall for Stefan, but it just never worked. I could never feel the same thing he could. But with you, your love consumed me. I told lies that hurt both of us because I knew that I would never forgive myself if I just up and left Stefan for you. I knew that he would shut off his humanity and I wouldn't be able to live with that. So I waited and you found me. And I've loved you for so long, it's like a natural instinct. I can't describe it. But all I know is that choosing you, is by far the best decision I've ever made in my life. I love you, Damon." He smiles then presses his lips to mine. There's a knock at the door, so I wriggle out from underneath him and he groans. I pull my robe on and he tries to pull me back down.

"Damon, I have to get the door."

"No you don't." I giggle and flash out of his arms to the door. I open the door and Klaus stands there.

"We have an issue, Elena."

"What is it?"

"I went by the boarding house to see Caroline and she told me that Aimee had been kidnapped. She had just woken up from a major magic induced migraine. She's in the car." My entire body shakes and my ears start ringing. I fall to my knees and I start sobbing.

"Where's Damon, Elena?"

"Oh my god. M-My daughter..."

"Elena, you have to focus or we will never get her back."

"Damon!" I run helpless toward the bedroom.

"Elena, what's going on?"

"She's gone."

"Klaus, who's gone?"

"Caroline was helping Aimee with homework when she was attacked. She saw them dragging Aimee away. Bonnie's working on a locater spell to try to find her, but she can't. We suspect the people who took her are witches." I growl.

"I am going to rip each and every one of their heads off personally then I will damn them to hell! I want my daughter back."

"Damon." He comes over to me.

"Elena, I want her back as much as you do, but we have to stay calm. Maybe Sam can try, she's extremely powerful. But we have to stay calm." I stop shaking and I look up at him.

"Damon, we can't loose her. She's my baby." He holds me closer.

"I know, I know. We're going to get her back. I promise." Bonnie and Caroline come running in.

"Elena, I think I know how we can find Aimee."

"Tell me."

"We found some..." She hesitates.

"You found what?"

"Some... blood in the boarding house. Sam is really strong. The two of us together, we could break through whatever magic they have."

"Okay. D-Do it."

"We have to wait until the full moon tonight, but if we use some personal items and her blood, we can get an automatic location because the pull will be strong enough."

"We have to get home. Where's Alex?"

"He's in the car. With Sam. We brought a few things with us, things Aimee loved. We can find her, Elena." She pulls me into a hug. I give her a small smile then I go get dressed. Damon comes in as I slip the robe off.

"You need a shower. It'll help you calm down a little."

"Only if you're there to hold me."

"I was going with you anyways whether you liked it or not." I smile and we head to the bathroom.

After showering, Damon and I walk out of the bathroom and into our bedroom smiling. He pulls me into him and I smile.

"I love you."

"And I love you." I pull a black bra on followed my it's lower matching accomplice. After pulling my skinny jeans on, Damon comes behind me, both of us shirtless. He presses his lips to my neck and I smile a little,

"Why are you so good to me?"

"Because I'm madly in love with you. Because there are no words to describe how much I love you." I kiss him then I pull an All Time Low shirt on. We hear out of the bedroom with our bags and Alex sits with Sam. Everyone's here.

"Why is everyone here?"

"We're putting together a search party for Aimee I even made a chart while you two were in the shower." Caroline answers. My face turns bright red while Damon just smirks.

"So here's what I came up with."

Week 1

Damon, Elena: New Orleans

Jeremy, Bonnie: Colorado

Stefan, Katherine: Montana

Klaus, Caroline: Ohio

Matt, Rebekah: Maryland

"This is just week one. I don't want to go for week 2 because hopefully we'll find her before then."

"We will." Damon says.

"Tyler and Alex will check around the general area of Mystic Falls while Sam tries to pinpoint an exact location."

"Okay. When should we start?"

"As soon as possible. We have to find her." I state.

"Alright. Let's go get Aimee."

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