Burn (A transformers prime fa...

By fireshadow96

11.2K 406 40

War changes and affects everything. War changes people's lives and opinions. Autobot's become Decepticon's an... More

Burn Introduction
Half Truth, Half Lies.
Discovering The Truth
Making Friends
A New Side
Lost And Found
Hello And Goodbye
Visions of a Monster
One last kiss.
A Second Chance

Brother & Sister

494 14 5
By fireshadow96

Warning: Slash in the chapter ! 

Megatron smiled as the light shined through his body length window and lit up Thunderstar's frame. He had been up for a while now watching her make small movements and soft noises. Megatron gently kissed her helm then left the room to get Thunderstar and himself rations of energon. 

"Megatron ?" She asked in a sleepy voice as she reached over the berth for the larger mech. When she didn't see him next to her she heavily sighed but knew where he went. Thunderstar made a soft giggle then fell back onto the berth as she thought about last night's events. 

It brought a smile to her face as his words played back in her processor, the soft kiss they shared, the way his armor shined in the moonlight. It was all so perfect but like all good things it came to a end. Thunderstar got up from the berth and walked into his personal washrack's, shocked by the size. 

On one side of the room there was a large pool that could fit, possibly, three mech's in there at once. On the other side of the room there was a wide open shower, Thunderstar chuckled as she saw that the warlord actually owned a mirror. Not a very large mirror mind you but a mirror none the less. 

Thunderstar shut the door to the washracks behind her then climbed into the shower, she made sure it was all the way over to warm before standing directly under the water. She let the warm water run down her face then hit the rest of her frame, she made soft groans as she rubbed the dirt out of her armor. 

"You're so beautiful," She didn't have time to react as Megatron crushed his lips against her's while pushing her back against the wall of the shower. Megatron smirked as he pulled back from the kiss and gently scrubbed over her backside. He made sure to dig into every crook in the armor and hit every sensitive wire in her wings. It was torture for her and pure bliss for him. 

Megatron shut off the water and without another word picked up his new berthmate and carried her out to their room. He laid her on the berth, his smile grew as she laughed and said his name in a playful tone. "Megatron !" She exclaimed as he ran his digits up and down her sides, it made him happy to see her so filled with joy. 

"Kiss me," she said softly.

"With pleasure," Megatron replied in a sensual tone. He pressed his helm to her's getting a soft giggle from the femme. 

"Lord Megatron, Soundwave needs you in the control room ! He says it's something to do with one of our energon mines in the north !" Megatron heavily sighed then kissed Thunderstar before grabbing her arm and pulling her off the berth with him. 

"After you Lord Megatron," she said in a sarcastic tone. 

"We'll finish this later on," Megatron smirked and left their room with Thunderstar directly behind him. Megatron didn't like the fact that every mech they passed was now staring at Thunderstar like she was infected. It made Megatorn want to punish them but he controlled his anger and kept walking to the control room with Thunderstar.

"Lord Megatron, Airachnid and Starscream are attacking this mine. The vehicon's there need assistance or else we risk losing the mine and all the energon inside." Steve carefully explained to Megatron. Megatron looked at Thunderstar and shook his helm. 

"Soundwave will accompany me. Thunderstar you are in charge until we return. Should anything happen you are to report to me" 

"Yes Megatron I understand," Thunderstar was a little hurt she wasn't picked to go with Megatron to deal with the energon mine but she blew it off and opened a ground bridge for the two. She heavily sighed and watched them leave then sent a comm to Knockout and Breakdown to come to the control room and made everyone else leave, except Steve. 

"Don't you look happy," Knockout said in a smart tone as he saw the huge smile on her faceplate. He had a good feeling why she was so happy, why she was in such a good mood and they were alone in the control room. Thunderstar smiled at Knockout then jumped into Breakdown's arms. 

"You were right." Breakdown laughed and placed Thunderstar back on the ground and placed his arm on her shoulder. 

"Told ya..So what happened kid ?" Knockout was more lost than ever. He felt like he was missing something but as he and everyone else on the Nemesis knew, Thunderstar was always closer to Breakdown. 

"He kissed me and he told me he needed me and.." Thunderstar hugged Breakdown, a few tears of joy stained her faceplate, "I love him. So much." Thunderstar pulled away from her friend and continued smiling. Breakdown looked at Knockout and started chuckling at his sparkmate. 

"You still want to keep them apart ?" Knockout's smirk faded and was replaced with a look of horror. Thunderstar scoffed and rolled her optics in frustration then grabbed Knockout's hand and pulled him into her tight embrace. 

"He told me the day I woke up what you had planned...I'm not mad Knockout, not in slightest. I just need you to trust that I'll be okay..Okay ?" 

"Okay." Knockout was quick to hug the femme back. As he hugged her and thought about how happy she looked and sounded it made him hurt for wanting to take that away. It made him realize how rude it really seemed for him to want to keep her happiness away from her just because of the mech she wanted to be with, it wasn't fair to her.

"Commander we have a Decepticon distress comm," Steve called out while still looking at the main screen. Thunderstar gave both Knockout and Breakdown a curt nod before walking past them to see who was in danger and where. She knew it wasn't Megatron or Soundwave otherwise she would of felt it due to how close she was to both of them. 

"Can you see who's sending the distress comm ?" Thunderstar had gotten better at sounding more commanding since being around Megatron and Soundwave. Still when it was someone she cared about her emotions would get the best of her and she would stutter over her words or wouldn't sound as professional. 

"No Commander but I can pinpoint the exact location if you'd like..Who ever is sending the signal is nearby a group of four Autobots"

"Prime...Get a ground bridge 10 klick's out from the distress signal so I can see who it is first. The last thing I need is to make the mistake of saving Starscream or Airachnid." Thunderstar stated in a harsh tone. Knockout and Breakdown stepped to the side as a ground bridge opened, not sure if they were needed or not.

"You two are coming with me. I'll need help and a distraction," Thunderstar smirked as she looked at Knockout. "Steve keep the comm line open, we won't be long." Thunderstar said before she sprinted through the ground bridge. As they got through they heard gunfire and the sounds of people fighting. 

"Quickly up the tree"

"If you expect me to ruin my finish-."

"Okay then I'll let the Autobot's ruin it." Thunderstar helped Breakdown up into the large tree and handed Knockout her hand, he made a loud grunt before grabbing it and pulling himself up. Thunderstar had them climb higher to hide with a group of bushes as they heard the gunfire getting closer. 

"Arg !" A seeker clashed with the rock face first, dirt stains all over his frame and a bit of energon leaked from his lower right chassis. 

"Don't. Move." Thunderstar lowly breathed as she saw the Autobot's directly below them. She looked over at Knockout and saw him gently flip over onto his back to keep himself from falling down. Thunderstar climbed up the tree bark she was on to try and get a better view of the injured seeker who still hadn't moved from the ground. 

"We'll ask you once more, stand down." Thunderstar looked back at the seeker, trying to get inside his mind but it was like there was a wall blocking her. It made her very scared, she pulled her optics off the seeker on the ground as Wheeljack pushed past Optimus and had both of his swords in his hands.

"If I am to offline, I will offline as my father did"

"And how's that ?" Wheeljack smugly asked as he took steps closer to the seeker while sliding his blades against one another, Thunderstar hated the sound. 

"With honor," The seeker turned around and in a matter of just seconds Thunderstar was flashed with a lifetime of memories. She fell back against the tree as she heard the same name over and over again. It was him. She'd finally found him, just like her father said. 

"Wheeljack do not hurt him anymore !" Optimus yelled but it was no use the Wrecker wouldn't listen. Bulkhead heavily sighed and made his way after Wheeljack. 

"The only smart one in your family is your sister but she's dead !" Wheeljack pulled back his arm and screamed in anger. 

"NO !" Thunderstar pushed herself off the tree and landed in front of the seeker, she sent a strong wave of electricity then charged up a ball of electricity and shot it at Wheeljack. 

"Breakdown, Knockout let's get rid of this scum." Thunderstar raised a force field around the seeker before making her way to Wheeljack. The mech was sprawled out on the ground, the after shock of her electricity being to much for him to handle. 

"Jackie !" Breakdown used his hammer and knocked Bulkhead back into a tree and away from Thunderstar and Wheeljack. Thunderstar growled as Arcee tackled her to the ground and punched her in the face multiple times. Knockout was quick to use his energon prod to shock Arcee and get her off Thunderstar. 

"Steve send reinforcements, now." He didn't even comm her back, he just opened a ground bridge and two groups of vehicon's came rushing through. One group started attacking the Autobot's while the other group stayed with Thunderstar. "Surround him." She pointed at Wheeljack. 

"Thunderstar he's all your's, we've got you covered..for now," Breakdown joked. Thunderstar nodded as she got to Wheeljack's side and grabbed his arms, a strong shocking sensation was sent running through him to keep him from attacking her. Then it happened, just what she wanted, the Autobot's stopped attacking and watched her speak to Wheeljack. 

Thunderstar grabbed Wheeljack by the neck and pulled him to his pede's, she yelled and gave his weak frame to Breakdown. "Throw him against that shield." Breakdown smirked as he tossed the mech as if he were a light weight ball. He was weak and it was all because of how strong Thunderstar was. 

Once Wheeljack's body collided with the force field he pushed himself off the ground and threw a punch at the femme but missed. He tried to throw another but again he missed, the femme caught his fist and kicked him in the lower chassis. Wheeljack groaned as the femme started shocking him again, she stopped just as his groans got louder and his spark beat got slower. 

Thunderstar brought down the force field and made Wheeljack sit on his knee's as he looked at the seeker on the ground. Still the seeker hadn't moved, only to look up at the femme who was now saving his spark from the mech before him now. Thunderstar grabbed Wheeljack by the neck and softly started shocking him. 

"Stormblazer had more honor than any of you Autobots and so does this seeker behind me," Thunderstar was speaking loud enough for Optimus and the other's to hear her as well. She threw Wheeljack onto the ground then tossed one of his swords on the ground in front of him. 

Wheeljack grabbed the sword and attempted to attack the femme to end it there but her reflexes were in tune and she swiftly turned around and countered his attack. As Wheeljack looked into her optics he felt something drawing him in, something inside of him wanted to ask her so many things but he knew he had limited time and words. 

"How do you know Stormblazer had any honor ?" Thunderstar shoved Wheeljack onto the ground and pinned him down before shocking his whole frame once more. 

"Because..that was my father," she whispered. Thunderstar took the blade that was still in her hand and slid it into Wheeljack's lower chassis. 

"Steve get me that ground bridge !" Thunderstar and Breakdown helped the seeker to his pede's and through the ground bridge back to base and for the first time, she didn't look back. 

"I want him taken to the med-bay and repaired immediately," Thunderstar said as she saw the seeker fall unconscious while still being carried by Knockout and Breakdown. Thunderstar slammed her hands down on the table in front of her as she thought about the seeker, as every memory slammed into her processor. 

Thunderstar put Steve in charge of the ground bridge then left the control room and went down to the med-bay. As she walked down the quiet hallways she heard the seekers name repeatedly being called in her processor, not only by her parents but by her other brother and by other Decepticon's and Autobot's. It was making her want to scream. 

Thunderstar stopped outside the doors as she saw Knockout cover him up, she knocked on the doors twice before Breakdown let her inside. She gave him a fake smile then sat down next to the seeker and tightly grabbed his hand. She kept her hand in his as she laid back in the chair, she wouldn't leave him. She couldn't.   

Slowly Wheeljack got up from the med-bay berth, he downed his ration of energon then made his way over to Optimus and the others. He knew he'd hear it from Ratchet, he'd been out for one day and here he was up and running. The medic wouldn't like it but they had to hear what Wheeljack had to say, it was dire, even he understood that. 

"Wheeljack ! I though I told you-." 

"Yeah I know I'm hurt but Prime you need to know what that fraggin' femme seeker told me before she stabbed me with my own weapon." Wheeljack gave Ratchet a gentle shove then sat down on the stairs to the balcony. His normal style, one arm on his arched knee and the other laid back on the ground. 

"Very well" 

"She said Stormblazer was her father..and as far as I know he only had one daughter." His words turned cold as he finished his sentence. The base had gone silent. It was like they couldn't process what Wheeljack had just said, as far as they all knew the person Wheeljack was speaking of had passed away months ago. They had worked together to put it past them, to move on. 

"But...Crimson..I-..I found her body !" Jack exclaimed. "She was on my bed ! Wheeljack if you're lying !" Wheeljack threw growled and quickly shot up from the stairs to the balcony.

"Listen kid I wouldn't lie about somethin' this important. You want to know why she almost killed me ? Because that slimy blue seeker we almost caught yesterday is her brother ! She was protecting him !" Wheeljack yelled. 

"Wheeljack calm down..If this is true. If somehow this is her, we may be able to speak with her. Get her to rejoin us-." Wheeljack cut Ratchet off with a short chuckle.

"Ratchet, I executed her father. We lied to her her whole life and we offlined her other brother so do you really expect to rejoin us ? Let alone speak to us..If anything Ratchet she's going to kill us, I'm living proof of that." Wheeljack sarcastically remarked. Wheeljack shook his helm and walked back into the med-bay to avoid discussing the matter any further. 

He was so angry, all the months he spent beating himself up over her all to find out she was still alive and breathing just on a different faction. It killed him. It made him want to find her and knock some sense into her but he knew better now. If he faced her alone he'd wind up being offlined.  


Stormblazer walked into the small room and heavily sighed, the room was all white with bright blue details all over, Stormblazer and Nightstar worked on it together for weeks. Stormblazer hadn't told Nightstar, or the nurses the name of the femme. He had kept her name a complete secret because by tomorrow night she would be off-world, she would be safe. The only people who knew her name were Megatron and Shockwave. 

"Father, why do you look so upset ? Aren't you happy ?" Stormblazer looked down at his young son but still said nothing. He was just a child, he wouldn't understand, he couldn't but then again, he was the more logical twin. Stormblazer locked the door to his daughter's room and brought his son to the crib where his new sister was recharging. 

"I am happy but I am also sad..Son, what I am about to tell you must stay between you and I." The blue seeker nodded as he continued to look his father in the optics, the moment between them was more than just another conversation. If the son spoke of this to his mother or anyone else it might put his newly separated sister in danger. 

"Your mother has been lying to us. She isn't who she says she is. She's a spy working for the Autobot's, she's using us to get information..She's been lying to us for months now." Stormblazer's helm fell as he spoke. He had completely shut his side of the bond so Nightstar wouldn't feel the aches of pain in his spark. 

"So what happens now father ?" The young seeker asked calmly.

"Lord Megatron wishes for me to terminate her before she can get anymore information to Optimus Prime and his Autobots...As for your sister I have other plans for her, plans that involve you." Stormblazer placed his hands on his sons shoulders and made him look him in the optics. 

"Stormblazer, are you in there ?" Nightstar's questioning voice rang through the door. Stormblazer quickly took his sons hands knowing their time together was becoming short, soon he would become a wanted criminal and his daughter would be gone. 

"I need you to promise me something son"


"Promise me you'll find your sister. No matter where she is or how long it takes you you'll find her...Promise me !" Stormblazer rose his voice just a tad. 

"Swear to me that you'll find Thunderstar no matter what," Stormblazer's voice faded as Nightstar started beating on the door. The young seeker tightly grasped his father's hands and smiled. 

"I swear, I'll find her. She'll always be safe with me" 


Thunderstar gasped as she stood up from the chair and the memory ended, Breakdown was quick to put a hand on her shoulder but as soon as she noticed the seeker was missing from the berth she left the med-bay. Knockout and Breakdown quickly left to chase after her to see what her initial reaction to seeing the mech would be. 

Thunderstar had so much she wanted to say but still her mind wasn't sure how to say it. She was so afraid of opening her mouth and saying something wrong or not saying anything at all. There was also the factor of what he would say to her. The doors to the control room opened and for just a brief moment Thunderstar felt her spark stop beating.

"Thunderstar ?" He asked calmly as he turned around to face his younger sister.

"Dreadwing ?" As soon as she saw that small smirk on his faceplate she ran into his arms. She felt herself cry as he picked her up in his arms bridal style and spin her around a couple of times before putting her down and tightly hugging her. 

"You kept your promise..You found me," She laid her helm on his chassis and kept her arms around his neck. She wasn't alone anymore. She'd found him, the only other living family member she had.

"You found me Dreadwing," Dreadwing pulled back and looked over her frame. He was amazed at how similar she looked to their father, he noticed some detailing from their mother but most of her coding came from their father. It was easy to see. 

"No Thunderstar. We found each other," He smirked and gave her another tight hug. Thunderstar pulled back as she saw Megatron and Soundwave come closer to them, she was afraid Megatron would be upset with her for not being here on time this morning. 

"It is good to see you and your brother reunited but we do have business to attend to Thunderstar," Thunderstar nodded as he grabbed her arm and pulled her to the front of the room with Soundwave. Dreadwing and the others were quick to follow to see what new mission awaited them. 

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