Only Above the Surface

De lonelywhal

93.9K 5.9K 1.4K

Jin just got out of a relationship and Jimin knows the best solution: a one nightstand. Jungkook needed some... Mai multe

Gucci? Gucci.
Whalien 52
Go best friend! That's my best friend!
Pretty Vanilla
Can a girl top?
Boy Must Be Stupid
Come for me, Beautiful.
What if...
Fuck off
I Wanna Skate With Somebody!
Red Genie
Majestically thick as fuck
Funk Boi
Bowling Balls
Lucifer The Beautiful
The Binge
Lovely Boy
Candy Rain
Need a Tissue?
Blue Desert
Double Check
Eye Protection
Baby Blue
Please Say Yes
Too much.
Eskimo Kisses
Magical Bubbles
You can trust me
Something I Will Never Miss
Let Him Go
Kitty Knuckle Duster
Family: Part 1
Family Part 2
Are You Going to Greet Me
Bear With It

The Overgrown Baboon

1.5K 109 7
De lonelywhal

Btw this is Jin's car ^^^ just picture it purple

"Okay, so this button is for ringing up the sale. If you want to up the quantity without pressing the cookie or latte button, you press this button and just click the plus till you got it," Namjoon said, very concentrated on going step-by-step with Jin about the register despite Jin telling him three times that he knows how to run a register and just needs basic training.

"What if you wanna up the quality?" Jin asked in all seriousness.

Namjoon side-eyed him making Jin put up his hands in surrender.

"Kidding! Joon, I got this. I've been playing with registers since I was, like, five. Of course, they were toy ones at the time—it doesn't matter, I've had more experience since then!"

Namjoon chuckled and backed off with his hands held up in mock surrender. "Okay, okay. I just didn't wanna leave you hanging on your first day."

"I'll be alright, I've been doing this since I was fifteen. I gots this." Jin reassured with a wink. He barely missed the dark hue that covered Namjoon's tanned cheeks as he walked away stealing a cookie on the way to a table in the back corner of the café.

"Hey! Those are for the customers!" Jin whined.

Namjoon shrugged and continued munching on his stolen cookie.

"Hey, do you have any other workers here or is it just us?" Jin asked as he realized he hasn't seen another employee working—at all. The thought of it just being the two of them was scary as fuck. What if a huge as a group of college girls come in with ridiculous orders? Jin was still training! He wasn't ready for basic bitches yet!

"Oh, yeah. He comes in the afternoon though so you'll get to meet each other and he'll show you more stuff than I could."

Jin released a breath and relaxed, he felt better knowing it wasn't just him and Namjoon because they haven't talked about schedules yet but Jin wasn't about to work every day. He still had his job at Buckie's.

Windchimes sounded as a customer came through the door. This was Jin's first customer and he would be lying if he didn't say he was a little nervous. Sure, he's worked at fast-food restaurants most of his working career but that didn't stop his stomach from knotting itself with anxiety, this was a new job after all.  Plus, Namjoon would be watching. Not Namjoon the friend but Namjoon the boss. It was a little scary but nothing Jin couldn't handle.

With a bright smile that would freeze the average person, Jin greeted: "Good morning! Welcome to the Blue Desert, what can I get for you today?" The woman before him looked down shyly, very aware of Jin's attractiveness.

"Good morning," She replied softly and Jin wanted to coo at her, she reminded him of his mom. "I'll take a small caramel latte with almond milk and-" she paused as she went to the glass counter that held all the cookies Jin made and slightly burnt pies that Namjoon tried to make. "Oh, wow, this must be new. I didn't think you guys did cookies here."

"Oh, yes! They are new! I made them myself! Would you like a sample?" Jin asked politely already getting the sampling tray from the counter behind him.

"Oh, thank you, dear!" The woman smiled kindly as she picked up a toothpick with a chunk of sugar cookie attached to the end of it.  She popped it into her mouth with her eyes closed as she chewed. Jin jumped when she squealed and popped her eyes back open excitedly. "This is delicious! I'll take two of these ones!" Jin beamed as he picked up two cookies with a prong and put them in a brown paper bag, handing it to her.

Jin rang her up as Namjoon came behind the counter to help him with her latte. Jin pursed his lips as Namjoon started pressing buttons on the coffee machine and it started screeching, steam coming out of a tube as an expresso shot filled a glass coffee mug. Namjoon paused his swirling of the dark liquid, "She's for here, right?"

Jin's eyes widened and snapped his head towards the lady petting the leaves of a plant on a table. He forgot to ask. "Ah, ma'am! Was this for here or to-go?" He called to her.

"Oh, to-go, dear," She replied with a smile.

Namjoon simply poured the espresso mix out before getting a paper to-go cup and repeating the process. Jin almost blanched at the waste because he might be new to cafés but he knew that was an expense shot of bitter liquid Joon just threw away. Namjoon paused again and asked, "Was it iced or hot?"

Oh, God, he forgot to ask that, too! He turned back to the lady once more. "And did you want hot or iced, ma'am?"

"Oh, I wanted iced," Her smile faltered a little but was still bright.

Namjoon let out a barely suppressed sigh as he grabbed a plastic to-go cup and poured the espresso inside. "Did she want whip cream and drizzle?" Namjoon asked, he might have sounded normal to anyone else but to Jin's ears he sounded annoyed as fuck.

God, why was this happening to him? "An-and did you want whip-whip-whip cream and drizzle, ma'am?" His voice becoming weaker and weaker.

"Just whip cream," Her smile was gone and she was back at the counter her brows creased in slight confusion.

Namjoon finished making the latte, not really going over how to make it with Jin because they already wasted too much time asking the woman about her order. He plunked a straw from the counter behind him and handed her the drink. "Enjoy your latte, ma'am," He said politely.

The woman smiled and took the drink. She walked to a table and sat to eat her cookies. Jin kind of wanted her to leave since she wanted to-go shit anyway. He was close to a breakdown. He kept trying to give himself a mental pep talk but he screwed up and his perfectionist ass hated him for it.

"You did alright," Namjoon said gently. Jin looked over at him as if he just sprouted feathers and began to peck at the ground.

"Really? 'Cause I call that a fail. I couldn't get her order correctly and I've worked in fast-food restaurants since I was fifteen! It was terrible! I—"

"Jin, you did fine. Hey, you said you worked in fast-food restaurants, right? Jin, this is a cafe. Completely different things, completely different menus."

"Same fucking concept." Jin sighed.

Namjoon nodded in thought. "Perhaps but you never had to ask these questions to customers so it's not in your habit yet. Look, you told me you're a quick learner and I believe that. Don't be so hard on yourself, because she was your first customer, not your 50th."

Jin nodded silently, not taking in a word Namjoon said. He fucked up and that was that. He had to do better next time. Namjoon took the glass cup to the back to be wash while Jin took out his phone to text Jimin.

JellyRoll: omf jimin hes gunna fire my ass and its my first day 😩

JellyRoll: im so fucked imma have to text Buckie about increasing my hrs till i get another job

Jizzney: wait whhhhaa--

Jizzney: what happened?!


JellyRoll: this sucks cuz i really liked it here 😔 I thot this was gunna be my dream job u kno? Like I could see myself dying here Chim 😖

Jizzney: wait-did he say he was gunna fire fire u???? Or just fire but maybe not 'if I get a handy'???what happened? want me to call u with an emergency??

JellyRoll: Jimin can you stawp u straight up whoreo and no he hasn't fired me yet


JellyRoll: ill work till he kicks me out—i need as much money as i can get rn

Jizzney: want me to send lucas? he can play u up 😉

Jizzney: okay already texted, hes on da waaaayy 🤪

JellyRoll: wait—NO JIMIN

JellyRoll: joon came back for a sec--why tf would u send that overgrown baboon?! god im definitely getting fired now

Jizzney: u r welsome (;

Jizzney: omg look at what Tae sent me

Jizzney: 𓂸

Jizzney: issa dick

Jizzney: DoNT it look like tae's?! I can finally stop using that eggplant emoji 💁🏼 guess I had his dick on layaway for three months 🥴

Jin mentally screeched, why would Jimin send the loudest of all their friends to his job? Does he want to get him fired! Jin stuffed his phone in his apron as soon as Namjoon came back, putting the freshly washed mug away.

"Joon, I am so sorry—" He started.

"Jin, I told you it's not a big deal. All training takes time—that's why it's called training. Hell, if no one needed training...the world would work a lot faster." Namjoon pursed his lips. "That kinda had the opposite effect but, trust me, you'll do fine. Stop freaking out. You're reminding me of Jungkook," He chuckled.

The rest of the day went more smoothly after Jin wrote down what he was going to ask customers, rehearsing them in his head before the next one would show. He picked up rather quickly and started becoming more comfortable as he got more customers. Namjoon only supervised when he was making drinks now. It was great.

Right up until a group of six loud and rowdy guys pushed into the café with a laughing Lucas leading the pack.

"Oh, you gotta be fucking kidding me," Jin hissed under his breath. He was hoping the jolly green giant had forgotten to come. And he brought his whole posse.

Namjoon looked over at him, "It'll be alright. I'll help, I've had larger groups," He whispered reassuringly.

"That's not what I'm worried about," But before Namjoon could question him the group had already made it to the counter. Plastering a strained yet cheerful smile Jin asked, "Good afternoon! What can I get for you?" Hopefully Lucas got the hint.

The group was loud but Lucas hushed them and they quieted down in an instant, except for one in the back who snickered. He was too short for Jin to see behind Lucas' shoulder.

Lucas cleared his throat drawing Jin's attention to him once more. He flashed a dazzling smile that lit his exotic features all the more. Jin had to admit that Lucas was hot as hell but he ranked up there further than Jimin on a scale of doing dumb shit. Jin wanted none of that so they just stayed acquaintances. Lucas made a show of looking around the cafe with an impressed look, nodding in appreciation.

"Nice joint you got here," He commented.

"Thank you," Namjoon said with a smile. "Was there anything specific you wanted?"

"Oh, yeah," Lucas said and leaned forward to rest his forearms on the counter. "Me and my boys wanted some coffee from this beautiful barista," He said with a wink. Jin inwardly gagged.

One of the boys, Jin believed he went by Winwin, nudged Lucas' side. "I want a cookie, too, Xuxi," The other boys piped in and went to look at the cookie and pie display.

"Alrighty, what can I get you, sir," Jin asked politely.

"Uh," Lucas looked panicked for a second but quickly masked it and Jin knew he didn't know shit about coffee. Not that Jin knew much about coffee either considering he drinks instant coffee but still. "Yeah, uh, I want a, uh," He looked at the menu which was written on a blackboard above Jin's head.

"Ugh, I'll go," One of the boys says shoving Lucas aside. "Yeah, I want a venti—"

"We don't do ventis here—"

"—half-whole milk, one quarter 1%, one-quarter non-fat, extra hot, split quad shots, no foam latte, with whip, 2 packets of Splenda, 1 sugar in the raw, a touch of vanilla syrup and 3 short sprinkles of cinnamon. Got that?"

I'm sorry but what the fuck? Jin wanted to say. He didn't even know how to ring that up, he looked to Joon in panic. Namjoon gentle pushed Jin to the side and said, "I got this, just follow what's written on the cups, okay?" Jin could only nod and he started pressing buttons on the register at lightning speed.

"And the name, sir?"


Namjoon nodded and repeated the order out loud not missing a beat before he wrote on a to-go cup and handed it off to Jin who tried to figure out the shit he just wrote. Fuck, he hasn't taken math in years but this looked like a goddamn equation. Jin seriously hoped Joon would've added a T to the end of his name. "Will that be all, sir?" Kun nodded, clearly impressed. And honestly, so was Jin.

After ringing him up, Namjoon was on the next order causing Jin to panic even more because he didn't know how to make this blasted drink. Another boy stepped up in Kun's place.

"Hi, I want a tall, half-caff, soy latte at 120 degrees,"

Everyone stared at the boy, who upon noticing, flushed brightly. Does this child even know what 120 degrees feels like?! What kinda bullshit ordering is this?! Jin thought, grinding his teeth. Was this Lucas' way of "helping" Jin out?

"Will that be all?" Joon said after a slight sigh. "Name?"

"Hendery," You don't even look like a Hendery, Jin thought bitterly as he tried to gather all the ingredients to make it easier for Namjoon.

"Alright, I know what I want now," Lucas said smugly, shoving his phone into his pocket. "Can I get a venti iced skinny hazelnut macchiato with sugar-free syrup, an extra shot, light ice, and no whip."

"And a dozen assorted cookies," Winwin said, smiling happily next to the taller boy.

Cookies! Jin can do cookies. Jin grabbed a small box and began to shovel different cookies into it. Just then the back door of the small cafe burst open. Since the door was hidden in the kitchen, no one could see who entered but heard:

"Namjoon, someone parked their fugly purple car in my spot!"

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