E G R E S S (Yandere! Adrien...

Oleh SilentIncognito

50.4K 1K 239

Everything was doing well for the young lady, had she not crashed into one of Paris' most famous superheroes... Lebih Banyak

Chapter 01 | Normal Is My Middle Name |
Chapter 02 | Nice To Meet You |
Chapter 03 | Interesting |
Chapter 04 | Perfect Two |
Chapter 05 | Nothing Special |
Chapter 06 | Talk |
Chapter 08 | Work |
Chapter 09 | Escort Home |
Chapter 10 | Get To Know You |
Chapter 11 | Displeased |
Chapter 12 | PERMISSION |

Chapter 07 | Close |

2.5K 59 11
Oleh SilentIncognito



Y/n woke with a start, she was energetic today. Having to be happy with the news she has received just the day before. It truly was ecstatic! She quickly got into her clothes, packing her lunch and set off to school.


The h/c girl walked up the steps of her school, rather swiftly, unaware her surroundings— she accidentally bumped into a bluenette who was busy yawning. Marinette jolted, fully awake now due to the surprise. Eyes wide she turned her head to the source who was busy clutching her forehead— which was the first to impact onto the bluenette's somewhat hard shoulder, Marinette placed a hand onto her aching shoulder and nearly bit her tongue in irritation, early in the day she encounters the only person she wishes to avoid. The bluebell squinted her eyes at the girl, about to say something before Y/n cut her of, holding onto Marinette's hands, surprising the latter. She was confused, why did...

"Oh, my, goodness! I am Soooooo sorry! Please forgive me. I didn't mean to bump into you!" Y/n apologizes, still holding onto Marinette's hand, the bluenette didn't know what to do, though she didn't expect this. She made sure in her mind that y/n was quite a bitch, snobbing chloe off here and there... Stealing Adrien and Luka's attention... Anyway, naturally she would've gotten up herself and ignored her, but her instincts told her to accept it already. Marinette inwardly sigh, Y/n was frantic and wanted to help marinette up, feeling so stupid for being way too clumsy. Oh god did she feel like wanting to shrink into a hole, especially since it was Marinette— the person she feels who has an aura of a person who doesn't like her not one bit, she bumped into. It didn't help that the said girl didn't reply and her eyes held the look of distaste to them.

Y/n's cheeks flustered, not knowing what else to do, but before she could stand up, a pain washed through her head and arm. I mean, it wasn't like it fully healed, but she didn't put any mind to it. Instead she was busy wincing at the migraine that began to form, possibly due to the doctor saying not to get any impacts for a while since I haven't at all gotten the important parts of my memories back. Well, that's what the doctor did say when she went for a check up the week before. Y/n felt even more embarrassed when she saw countless of other students walk by them, others stopping to see what was happening. "I truly, truly am sorry, here, let me help you–" She offered, but a hand was placed before her before she could even stand.

"No please, don't apologize. It's fine, don't put too much thought into it, I'm sure I would have been just as Careless." Unexpectedly, Marinette spoke up. Her voice gave y/n a relief, It sounded like it held no disdain towards her. The girl looked up at the bluenette biting her lips, marinette stood up and dusted herself off from the impact earlier— getting dirt and dust onto her clothing, she too was about to get up when she felt a hand on her other arm—which was the better one, help her up. "here you go, up and on your feet." she heard Marinette mutter, though Y/n still felt guilty from bringing marinette into her clumsiness. Y/n's eyes looked down, standing in an awkward stance. Marinette had her eyes on her, before sighing in defeat. She couldn't get angry at her forever, seeing as how y/n didn't mean it. "just please watch where you're going next time... Ok?" Marinette softly said, before the bluenette turned around, catching up to Alya who was up a few steps ahead. Being an awesome friend who did nothing to help her. "jeez Alya, that was one hectic way to start the day." Marinette said once she reached her bestfriend, though quietly since she didn't want Y/n to wallow in guilt for the rest of the day seeing as how the h/c girl was jolly right until that small incident. Alya chuckled, "and here I thought you were about to throw a tantrum, Mari. That was rather nice of you." she told her, since Alya was watching the whole thing. Marinette groaned, "I couldn't help it. She looked very sincere when she apologized so... I.. Just.." the girl sighed, Alya shaking her head at her friend's response. Noticing in her peripheral vision a certain blonde behind y/n.

Alya contemplated on whether or not to tell Mari about that, "hmm, I wouldn't look if I were you, but Adrien is looking rather happy today." she vaguely stated, Marinette instantly perking up at the sound of the model's name. She whipped her head back, looking around the place to find the male since they were by the stairs now, so they were a bit further from the door. But then the bluenette's brows furrowed, hands gripped onto the railing at the sight of y/n and Adrien talking. "you know what Alya, let's just go." Marinette said, pushing away the jealousy that bubbled into her, even she couldn't talk to Adrien like that. But then here comes a newbie who became friends with the boy of her dreams on her first day. Marinette let out streams of incoherent grumbles which caused Alya to shake her head at her bestfriend's frustration.


"yesterday was fun, thanks for that Adrien." Y/n told him, the two were walking up the school's steps and Adrien came just in time a minute after Marinette went with her friend, Alya. She still felt a bit guilty but she was glad that Marinette didn't seem to hate her more than the h/c girl can think. Y/n twiddled her fingers from remembering what had caused the small clumsy mess. A familiar feeling of excitement brewed up in her. "and I thank you, my lady for giving me the pleasure of taking your spare time to hang out." Adrien said placing a hand onto the still aching shoulder that she had happened to place too much force on from earlier, causing the girl to flinch. Adrien's eyes immediately took noticed to that and frowned a bit in concern, "a-are you ok y/n?" he asked, stopping a bit and placing his hand off her shoulder. Y/n shook her head, "please don't worry, I'm fine, just happened to cause a little accident a while ago and I accidentally placed too much pressure onto my healing arm." Y/n told the male beside her who seemed to have his eyes on her. Adrien was a bit concerned, what she mean a little accident? "what happened? Are you hurt anywhere?" he felt worried and he wouldn't want y/n to brush it off so he stood in front of her. Y/n was shocked, taking a step back from him. She looked into his eyes and they held the look of a worried boyfriend— which made her blush a bit at the thought, she made her mind look somewhere else, like his clothes and noticed how nice he can make clothes look. He was impressed, though she should expect from from the son of a designer.

Y/n smiled up at him since he was a head or so taller, "it's nothing to worry about, I was in my own little world and I happened to stumble into Marinette. Though it didn't really bothered her that much— although It was quite the impact... so I'm a bit concerned if she was a bit hurt." y/n told him, Adrien stood still. Was that so? Marinette? He wanted to check on her after his conversation with y/n since she too was a close friend of his and he hoped she didn't wasn't hurt. But his main priority as of the moment was the girl infront of him. So he pushed away the thought of the girl with the bluebell eyes and focused his attention on y/n.

"Marinette is a nice girl, I'm positive she isn't the type to hate someone entirely– though I can't say so a hundred percent" he chuckled mid way "and say that she really does dislike you, but we don't know her entirely but assuming she didn't do anything mean, I'm sure that she doesn't hate you for what had happened. Though I think she would rather you waltzing in your home than bumping into people. Right my lady? " he said flirtatiously which made y/n laugh, goodness, she hadn't really expected that he would be this flirty. But she knew that he wasn't doing it on purpose and trying to hit on her, given that they are only close friends and she knew that he doesn't really like like her. Adrien smiled at the laugh the girl infront of him made, happy that he can make her smile in ways that he can. It's like she's coming out of her timid shell, being more active and conversing with a bunch of other people made him feel glad for her. "Now, would my lady mind telling me what she had her mind on?" Adrien questioned, the two of them proceeding towards their respective classroom.

The light in her eyes seem to brighten more and he felt at awe. It was nice seeing this side of her and he wanted to see more. He licked his teeth and almost broke into a smile. "guess what Adrien!" she said, her hands clenching in excitement. Adrien lifted a brow, not knowing what she wanted to say. "uhmm... You got a new cat?" he guessed, causing y/n to giggle a little and smack him a bit, "no silly... It's just that, I got accepted into my long awaited dream!" she squealed, jumping up and down though not vigorously since they were in the hallway and she didn't want to attract too much attention towards them. Adrien opened his mouth in shock, he didn't know what to do seeing as how he didn't know anything of her applying into something.

He wanted to reply but y/n wasted no time in explaining before being questioned about it, "you see, I wanted to be a model or a designer back when I was little. But then it seemed that I wasn't... Technically qualified for it, so I wanted to be a photographer instead! Oh I would be starting next month or so! That was what the email told me but they said that they would call me for more informationbutohmygod!! " she gasped out of breath from explaining without stopping, Adrien didn't know what to say and felt a bit awkward, perhaps, because he wasn't really informed of anything but was happy for her nonetheless. "okay... Haha, y/n that was rather... Something, but I'm glad that you got accepted! Good luck and I hope you'll be able to claim your dream as soon as possible!" he said, hands on y/n's head to ruffle her hair. She gasped, "no! Don't touch my haaaiirrr!" she playfully replied. "and thanks Adrien, I hope you'll be with me every step of the way ding dong!" Y/n told him.

Adrien smiled, wanting to be with his friend every step of the way too. Hoping that he could grow closer to her seeing as how he wanted another close friend. Even though he was awesome to have Nino, Who can rely on him like he does with Nino... He wanted y/n as another who he can be with throughout the good and the bad. He will make sure of it.

He laughed, "don't worry my lady, I'll be there to congratulate you when you do get to your dream."


Y/n later in the day was busy with her class, taking the leisure on sitting next to Luka. The both of them talked about everything they could think about, seeing as how it was self study period and both of them were done doing their school business. Y/n was having way too much fun laughing with Luka and he too with y/n, the girl told him about the email and he was ecstatic at the news. "That's awesome! I knew you'd be accepted! Your skills in photography are to die for so I was a 1000 percent sure you'd get in." The male told her a bit too loudly, she blushed at that. Half expecting his response, she giggled and waved it off, crossing her arms and triumphly stuck up her chin, imagining some bright light behind her while she was standing proud in the breeze. Luka laughed at her structure and was really enjoying his time with her.

Y/n glanced up at her friend and she felt a bit giddy with the way the laughter made her stomach all tingly. Goodness, she felt like she was in high school again with all the times they had together, even though they were college students. But being a teenager— only a legal adult, she was genuinely enjoying the time she spent together with him and she had the hunch that he felt the same. All of a sudden a thought struck her. "wait a minute." she paused, dread filling her to the brim.

Luka halted his laughing, "huh?"

"I just remembered something." Y/n smacked herself in the face, groaning in frustration. "how could I be so clueless?" she added. The girl entirely forgot! "what.. Do you mean?" Luka asked in confusion, taking her hand into his to prevent the female from hitting herself again. "and please don't hurt yourself."

The female's excitement from earlier all washed away when she remembered, "I forgot that I lost my camera." she prolonged a groan, frustration reached her eyes. And she leaned back on the bench they were sitting on. Both of them were bench buddies and they were seated at the farther back, y/n flailed her arms around after Luka retracted his hand from hers when she leaned back and he shifted a bit. "oh... I'm sorry to hear that... Can't you just buy another one?" he asked. Y/n sighed and stared at the ceiling, "I could if only I hadn't lost the one that my parents gave me a few days before losing it." she replied. Luka rubbed his chin, a bit confused. "and how did you loose it?" He questioned, and an irritated sigh left the girl's plump lips. "Because a certain superhero just happened to fall onto me and not only just cataclysm my camera, but he also gave a concussion and made me strain my arm– which by the way, is taking a while to heal. Though it's getting better and it should be fine in about a week." she explained, exasperated.

"Though the kitty paid for the hospital bills, he just didn't think to give me back my camera." she finished and Luka was silent throughout. He licked his lips and placed a hand over them, contemplating a bit. "so what you're trying to tell me is that– if they knew about it. They wont give you any money to buy another one?" Luka guessed and y/n nodded. "exactly. And I can't start without a ca-me-ra. " she stated, emphasizing her frustration onto the word camera. Luka contemplated a bit. "can't you get a job? Didn't you say that you won't start till a month or so?" he asked. Y/n placed a hand over her eyes and sighed, "and just where am I supposed to get one?"

Luka smirked, placing his hand over hers.

"I know just the place."

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