Chapter 01 | Normal Is My Middle Name |

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   A week passed by without much of a hassle, though a lot of things went through your thoughts as you try to comprehend the idea of missing the first day of school. Well, it has started more than a month ago and you haven't been able to attend due to the process of transferring was delayed for a while.

    Your arm was wrapped in an elastic bandage to prevent you from using much force that could be the cause of the injury to worsen, trees bristle pass you as you walk yourself to school, looking at all the bills for the hospital you were staying at and frown at the sight. It wasn't at all a bad one but seriously? Who managed to pay for a week's stay in a hospital that is worth your month's allowance for one day? Your skirt flutters slowly with the wind, your hair and the paper flying as well making you close your eyes a bit to hold your hair back in place, but as you did so, you felt nothing in your hand as the paper unfortunately flew out of it. Flying away, "no, wait!" you exclaim as if it were alive.

   Your eyes trained on the paper as it lands a bit ways from you, rushing towards it you didn't realize a person was in front of you till you unintentionally bumped into him.


   Cringing from the impact you cursed inside your thoughts, "oh glob, I'm so sorry, I'm super, duper sorry." You apologize though it may have sounded rather quickly there was abit of sincerity in it. Wanting to chase after the paper—you didn't though since you didn't want to seem rude, you purse your lip while your eyes were onto the page which was flying farther and farther away, facepalming at what happener your attention soon went back to the person you bumped into and turned your body to face him.

    "I am really sorry sir." You bowed in an apologetic manner, "I was careless. Here let me help you up." you said, reaching out a hand to help, he let you do so and he brushed off the dust and dirt from his shorts. "It's ok young lady, I've had plenty of experiences like this, however, you are one of the people who even bothered to stop to help me up." He said, holding the cane he has in hand. your cheeks turn pink from embarrassment, you bowed again once more apologizing.

    "Are you going somewhere mister? I could take you there as an apology for bumping into you, that was a rough fall and I fear that your feet might be strained." You told the short old man, he chuckled and shook his head, "Thankfully I didn't hurt anything, but my dear you must be late. The bell will ring soon if you aren't there in 5 minutes." He says which causes you to freeze, oh my glob. Oh my glob. "R-right!! Thank you kind sir, I sincerely apologize and I hope we can see each other soon! See you sir!" You said, running off as quickly as you can. hoping you can make it on time.


   Out of breath and was sweating a bit, y/n manages to make it to the principal's office before the bell, Which was a miracle considering how far she had to run in order to make it. She wheezes, awkward as it sounds she hasn't been exercising lately so it affected her body in a slight degree. Her heart thumps in her chest almost ready to burst at the mock marathon. her hand on the doorknob she waits a couple of seconds to calm down, as she was doing so a voice called behind her.

    "Hey, are you ok there?"

    The h/c female jolts and stumbles back a bit, she whips her body towards the sound and placed a hand over her fast beating heart again, "o-oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." He said as he rubbed his nape, y/n looks up at him and meets with his aqua blue eyes, she gulps down the saliva that accumulated in her mouth before talking, "n-no worries.. It's not a big deal.." She said in a low voice, almost inaudible really, the male infront of her seems to scan her before he let out a soft smile. "Ah, I see... I can tell you're new, heading to meet Mr. Owl huh? He's still there, you can go inside. Sorry for delaying you." He said, placing his hands in his pockets, the girl hummed, doing what she was supposed to after knocking, "e-excuse me.. Sir Damocles..?" She says as she steps into the principal's office, seeing him on his chair, reading documents about matter for the school.

   He looks up, his bushy brows raising, "yes? —oh! Miss y/n, welcome, please come over here so I can give you your schedule for the semester." He said, pulling out a drawer to grab her schedule. The female walks over to the front of his desk and stood there in worry, anxiously as she puts it, she wasn't very social though she's the complete opposite on the Internet. She has countless of followers on her social media accounts though she's not the type to post who she is or what she looks like.

    "Here you go, I'll have someone to escort you through the entire school soon— oh wait, I didn't notice you there Luka, would you show this lovely young lady around the school during free periods?" Mr Damocles said as he motions for the male–who you met outside to come forward, y/n's eyes widen a bit and he sent a smile her way.

    "I forgot to introduce myself, I'm Luka Couffaine." He told you, deja vu suddenly overwhelms you as he introduced himself but it's not like you've met him before. "You two should go to class now, I trust you can escort her to class Luka?"  Mr damocles said as he piled the papers on his desk, Luka nodded and turned to walk away, "come y/n let's go, first period's starting, wouldn't want to make a bad first impression now do we?" He stated chuckling as the female stumbles to catch up with him.

    "Y-yeah! Coming!"

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