Never Looking Back (Editing)

By MightyHuntress

156K 4.5K 201

Paige Summers has always been rejected since her father died. Now she has finally ran away from it all. Secre... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27 Part 1
Chapter 27 part 2
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37

Chapter 4

4.5K 138 3
By MightyHuntress

Paige's P.O.V

I was scared shitless was an understatement. I was trapped. No way out and guess what, I'm a rogue now and rogues were dangerous, we kill them to say the least and I didn't want to die. I was to young to die.

My wolf whimpered inside me. She was scared too even though she was trying not to show it.

I couldn't blame her. We were surrounded to say the least.

As I was deep in thought, I didn't know some of them changed and now had shorts on.

They were H-O-T. They looked like Greek gods to me. I kept thinking about how hot they were and didn't relise they were talking to me and they looked pissed!

I whimpered and lowered my head to show submission.

"Shift" says the guy in the front and by my guess was the alpha.

I shook my head because I didn't want them to see my girl parts. No way, I don't care who you are.

"I will say this again one last time. Shift!" he says again.

I whimper again and nod my head to a tree so I can put some clothes on.

He nods reluctantly.

I turn my back to my human form and put my clothes on and walk back in front so they can see me.

I bowed my head so they know I'm not a threat.

"What are you doing on my lands rogue?" his voice shivers down my back and not the good kind either.

His voice was really husky and sounded really good. If that makes any sence.

"I was just passing by. I didn't know I crossed onto someone elses land. I am really sorry." I say still looking down.

He didn't answer me for a few seconds and then he says "I will take you back to the pack house and I will figure out what to do with you, since you crossed my lands."

I nodded in understanding. Then I was taken by the arms and dragged to the pack house which wasn't far.

Their pack house was huge. It was bigger than ours and outs was pretty big. Why am I saying ours. I was never looking back and I was sticking to that no matter what.

They led me into the house and others were staring at me.

I was then shoved very harshly I might add, to a door that looked like it headed into a basement.

I then took the steps down, down, into the basement.

It smelled like dust and something else I couldn't place.

I was then shoved into a cage that I didn't even notice and was locked inside.

"I will have someone bring you something to eat in the mean time I will be deciding your fate for crossing my lands and also I would like to hear why a good looking girl like you are out and around crossing territories.

"Someone will be back later to come get you and bring you to my office to find out your fate" he says.

I nod my head still looking at the ground.

I hear footsteps fading and I break down into sobs.

How could I let this happen. I hope he hears me out and doesn't kill me.

I make myself into a ball in a corner and cried myself to sleep.






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