Road To Redemptionā™„ (Avengers...

By OMGitsJustine

30K 912 296

S.H.I.E.L.D. has finally done what they never thought possible, what Fury never thought possible. Katherine... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15

Chapter 1

2.5K 67 33
By OMGitsJustine

"Please explain to me why I need to go to training again?" Katherine eyed Clint as they walked through the S.H.I.E.L.D. secret base. "Everyone who's anyone knows that I am not short of strengths." 

Clint just chuckled at Katherine lightly as he lead them through the base. "Of course but since your recruitment is a little...complicated..Being reevaluated every so often is reacquired since well..." Clint stopped as he was trying to find the right words. 

"I'm a killer and I've killed more S.H.I.E.L.D. agents than that we've passed?" Katherine raised an eyebrow at him. She sighed as Clint lead her through the S.H.I.E.L.D. base, leading her to the training room where she was waiting to be evaluated. Katherine looked at the scene around her as she noticed just how many dirty stares she was getting from fellow S.H.I.E.L.D. agents. 

Katherine kept quiet as she just shot glares right back at the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, feeling their fear rise up as she thought they might actually wet themselves. Katherine scoffed as she glanced at Clint. "Still think this is a good idea?" Katherine asked Clint. 

He laughed slightly before slinging an arm around her shoulders as they continued to walk through the halls of the base. "Of course. This brings back old memories." He smiled at her as they continued walking. 

Katherine couldn't help but get this angry feeling inside. She knew that he was not talking about her but in fact the infamous Black Widow or Natasha Romanoff. Katherine felt the anger inside of her building as she thought of Natasha being close to Clint while she was away. But she took a deep breath and remained calm. Guess Bruce's lessons were actually working since normally she would have went on a rampage. 

She didn't know what it was about the Black Widow that made her want to rip her apart, but then again maybe she did. Katherine saw Natasha as a threat. Natasha was close to Clint and she didn't like the thought of someone taking Clint away from her. After all, he means the world to Katherine and if she ever lost him... 

Well, she didnt like to think about it too much. 

"I kind of think I shouldn't be here.." Katherine whispered to Clint quietly. She was doubting herself, questioning if these past couple of months were nothing but a complete and utter waste of time. She was never going to be good? She was the definition of damaged goods. She was not a hero, she was a villain and villains don't get happy endings. After every bad thing Katherine has ever done, there was no way that she expected to ever be forgiven. "It doesn't matter how much good i do, it doesn't matter how many people I save...I'm always going to be the bad guy. I wish doing good things could make me a good person, but they won't...I'm bad and I'm always going to be bad..."

"You'll be fine." Clint smirked at her, completely ignoring her concerns about her being bad. He knew she was a good person, he was just waiting for the moment he would finally see it herself. He believed in her, he'll always believe in her. "Trust me." He told her as he nudged her lightly.

"Always." She said that pretty quickly, without a second thought. Katherine trusted Clint with her life, she is in love with him and there was nothing no one could ever do to change that.

After a bit more walking, they finally arrived at the training room where she stopped dead in her tracks upon seeing who was in the middle of the room. "Romanoff." Katherine said with a rather obvious amount of hatred in her voice.

Natasha wasted no time in returning the gesture. "Thorne." She smirked. "Ready for your first training exercise?"

Katherine just glared at her as Clint went to watch from above with the rest of the team. 

This was going to be an interesting fight.

Katherine just smirked to herself as she took off her jacket, and cracked her neck. "I've been wondering when I'd get a rematch." Katherine smirked. "Clint's not going to be able to bail you out this time."

"Just show us what you got." Natasha said as suddenly she felt herself being thrown against the wall. She groaned as she looked up and saw the red light being illuminated from Katherine's hands. Natasha shook her head, almost forgetting that Katherine had extra abilities. "See you're using your abilities to win the fight." Natasha said.

"I can do all sorts of things." Katherine smirked. "I'm not afraid of anything anymore..." Katherine continued to smirk at Natasha. "But I think you are.."

"You're really crazy." Natasha laughed as she tried to move to throw a punch at Katherine but Katherine just put her hand up, the red energy from her hands stopping Natasha from moving a step. "I can't move.." Natasha looked at Katherine confused.

"Like I said...I can do all sorts of things...Now, would you like me to show you what you really fear...?" Katherine smirked as she stepped towards Natasha, getting ready to use her mind manipulation on her. 

Natasha was beginning to panic a little, remembering the files he read on how the victims of Katherine's effects left them completely and mentally unstable. She was breathing hard, trying to figure a way out of this and that's when something caught her eye. "Nice necklace. Barton give it to you?" Natasha noticed the silver arrow necklace hanging from Katherine's neck. She saw an opportunity to get to Katherine and she was going to take it.

"It's none of your business." Katherine answered simply as she still had her hand up, keeping Natasha from moving.


By now, the male Avengers were beginning to get a bit worried about Katherine and Natasha's training exercise.

"Shouldn't we stop her before she hurts Romanoff.?" Steve asked them while Tony just chuckled.

"Come on, an old fashion girl fight Cap'. I wanna see who wins." Tony crossed his arms in front of his chest while the rest of them just stayed quiet.

Clint leaned against the controls in the room, just thinking to himself. 'Come on Kat, come on. I know you can do it'Control,..' He thought to himself as he witnessed his best friend and love of his life go head to head.


"You think just because you have these powers, that makes you strong. You don't know the meaning of the word.." Natasha said to Katherine and this seemed to catch her attention. "Why don't you try fighting without your little bag of tricks." Natasha challenged her as Katherine stepped closer to her and flicked her wrist, sending Natasha flying back towards the wall. Natasha quickly got up before Katherine went over and punched her in the face, getting her in a headlock.

"I don't need to use my powers to kill or hurt you.." Katherine grinded her teeth. "I can hurt you all on my own with my bare hands." Katherine started saying before Natasha grabbed Katherine's hands around her neck and backed up against the wall, causing Katherine to let go.

Natasha turned around, grabbing Katherine's arm and slamming her against the wall. "That anger your feeling? That's what is going to get you killed. You lack control and you need to control your emotions." Natasha told Katherine as she felt herself getting more and more angry.

"If I wanted to hear a pep talk on emotions, I'd talk to Banner." Katherine said while her and Natasha started throwing punches at each other. Natasha dodged a couple of Katherine's hits before Katherine finally punched her straight in the face, sending her back. Natasha touched her lip and noticed it was bleeding. She spit out the blood forming in her mouth before getting back up.

"You think you're better than me? And why? Cause you've been a part of this cape crusade longer than me?" Katherine glared down at Natasha as she kicked her in the stomach and used her powers to pick Natasha up. Natasha struggled as her feet were lifted off the ground. "I know what I you?" Katherine asked her as her eyes were going completely red before she was being consumed by her emotions again.....

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