The Princess Wishes To Rest

By macirei

2.6K 96 11

Min Ji-Hyung, 18 year old college student. She committed suicide when her best friend spreaded false rumors o... More

chapter 2
chapter 3
Chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11

chapter 1

510 17 0
By macirei

Ji-Hyung's POV

I stood there speechless, as Amy explained the rumor about me. How could Kiara do this to me? My best friend spread false rumors just because her crush likes me?

"I-I don't have a relationship with Sir Micheal!" Tears welled in my eyes as I bit my lip almost bleeding. I ran towards Kiara and I slapped her across the face.

"Is this the reason your crush doesn't like you?" I gave her a psychotic smile as tears fell in my eyes. I could lose my credit because of this rumor, I can't go to Harvard then!

"You whore!" She yelled at me as Luke grabbed her hand. She stood there wide-eyed while trying to form an excuse. "L-luke.." She started to tremble

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" His voice deepened as everybody moved further away from them. "I-it's not what you think!" His grip on her hand tightened.

"Oh, so I'm blind?" His voice was laced with sarcasm. Luckily for her, the bell rang and he furiously let go of her hand. I stood there as my cheeks were imprinted by dried tears and my eyes were puffy.

He tried to grab me but I avoided it. I gave a glance to the furious Kiara, is she that shallow to betray me for a guy? Students rushed out of their classrooms and got home and so do I.

As soon as I got home, it was filled empty as always. I don't have anything to live for anymore. My father wouldn't care if I died or if I lived. My school life which was the only thing keeping me together is now destroyed by the person I loved the most.

I took out my antidepressants and whatever pills or antibiotics I could find. I locked my door so no maid can come in. I chugged them all down by putting their powder in water. I took about 20 different pills and chugged them down.

After a minute or so, my heart beats faster, I felt nauseated, and my head ached. I couldn't tell if time passed or how long I was like that.

I heard knocking and banging on the door.

I heard the door crash and saw my father with doctors and maids beside him. His hands were red or bleeding, I'm guessing from knocking the door out. He looked at me with the most expression in all of his years of being my father.

I struggled to sit down. My hands were quite cold. My heart ached, there I felt fear never before. I was afraid of dying. My heart ached faster as I coughed up blood. Doctors rushed to me and took my blood.

I tried to cry but my body was paralyzed. Everything was turning black and it got harder to breathe, oh please lord I DON'T WANT TO DIE



Amelia's POV

I woke up finding it hard to breathe, I kept coughing up blood, and my chest hurt so much.

Wait, why am I wearing a dress? I swore I was wearing my uniform when I got home, and my hair, why is it red? I swore my hair was black. I looked at a puddle near me and I screamed.

I-I THAT'S NOT ME. I woke up in the body of a child with red hair and green eyes. I stared at her in awe, her rosy cheeks, her pale skin. I looked around and noticed I was in a cave. I turned to my side and saw fairies.

I almost yelled again when a hand muffled my mouth. "You are...damn annoying." A deep voice whispered behind me. I saw a strand of his white hair flowing with the wind. I never dared to turn around as I felt the entity behind me leave.

When I ensured that thing wasn't behind me anymore, I turned around and my eyes glisten. I didn't know how hungry I was till I saw pastries in a basket, he must've left this.

Glowing lights appeared before me and talked to each other. I couldn't understand what they were saying because of their high-pitched voices. I took some bread and immediately gobbled it up. "Are you Amelia Valentina?" I heard a voice whisper in my ears. 

My body froze.

It was the same voice earlier, I felt my stomach dropped.

Wait, Amelia Valentina? She was the eldest daughter of the tyrant in charge of the Revanche Duchery. She almost died at age 10 when her stepmother kidnapped her and left her to die in a lonesome cave. Wasn't she the sibling of one of the male leads I read about?

"A-am I?" I looked at the puddle in front of me. My wavy red hair and green glistening eyes stared at me with awe. "You're Amelia Valentina Aloriya Revanche aren't you?" Mockery was in his voice.

"Who are you?" I turned around the entity seemingly became a ghost. No one was behind me as more fairies gathered together speaking with each other. Time passed and I became drowsy and went to sleep. Days felt like seconds, they passed by quickly and the entity never visited me again.

My rations quickly depleted and I had no choice but to go outside. The fairies led me to a hot spring and gave me my dress which looked like it was washed. They guided me to the city of...Akvita? Akvita was a city notorious for its luxurious hotels, and jewelry. This was also the place where the female lead, the princess met her second love interest.

I jumped down the trees and onto the road. I walked forward to see if I could understand how this world work much further. But then I bumped into someone, I heard someone gasp while a hand grabbed out of my arms. I flinched not knowing I had a wound there. My sleeve dropped down and a heart-shaped birthmark showed. I looked above the man and almost cussed.

His green eyes look at me with widened. "M-miss Amelia! You're alive!" Sir Elias looked at me with eyes widened. He's the devoted butler of Revanche Duchery and the reason why Anathalia didn't kill the female lead. He has a massive impact on the children in the ducal residency.

"Amelia." Chills ran down my spine as his voice called out my name. Relax, he isn't going to do anything to you with this many people around.

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