Home 2 (Sequel Of Home & Glee...

By ryderlynnfever

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"What about the kids? What about you? You can't raise the kids alone. They need a father figure in their live... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32

Chapter 26

89 3 0
By ryderlynnfever

I'm standing on my store and checking out some clothes make sure that none of my products is broken or anything.

"Hey, can I get a black suit with blue shirt and one of those blue tie?"

"Yeah sure..." I nod and turn my face then chuckle as I see who is it. "Do you actually need suit?"

"Well, I need to attend my friend's wedding so yeah." Dean chuckles.

"Well, right over here." I said to him and walk lead him to the men section. "What do you need again?"

"Shouldn't you be at home and take a rest since you can't still walk properly?" Dean raises his eyebrows at me.

"I can't stay at home. I have to work. I'm a single mother now. I have three kids to raise." I said to him and pick up some clothes.

"Shouldn't Hayes be helping you? Since they're his kids too." He frowns at me.

"He help me. But I just want to be independent." I giggle. "Here, try it. The fitting room is over there." I smile at him and give him the clothes.

"Thank you. I'm going to try this out." He smiles back at me and walks to the fitting room.

I'm standing in front of the rack and fix some clothes while waiting for Dean to try the suit I picked up for him.

"I think it's kinda big for me." Dean walks out from the fitting room.

"Yeah I thought you're in same size with Hayes." I said to him and take out another size. "This one is smaller."

"Hayes is so much bigger than me." He chuckles and then walks back to the fitting room.

I smile and taking some ties that can match with his suit. Dean walks out from the fitting room. I turn my face at him and walk slowly to him. "That's better." I smile at him. "Here, I already pick out some ties that probably can match."

"I can't return this once I bought it right?" Dean asks me.

"You can as long as you haven't take off the price tag." I said to him and match the ties. "This one looks nice." I smile at him and tie his tie then look at to the big mirror.

"This is also look nice." He smirks at me and put his arm around my waist as we stand next to each other in front of the mirror.

I laugh and shake my head. "Want to wear that right away or?" I raise my eyebrows at him.

"The wedding is tomorrow actually." He said to me and walks back to the fitting room.

I'm standing in front of the rack and put the clothes back into the rack. Dean walks out from the fitting room and look around.

"Where should I pay?" He asks me.

"Over there." I said to him and point to the check out table. "Here." I said to him and walk lead him.

"Take a rest, Paris. You still sick." Dean says to me.

"I'm fine." I smile at him. "Here my card if you need anything else you can look out to our website and have online shopping." I said to him and give him the card.

"I will look out for your phone number actually." He chuckles.

"Sly moves." I laugh and shake my head. "Here is your credit card and your clothes." I smile at him and give him the credit card and the shopping bag.

"Thank you. I probably will return this tomorrow so I can come here again." He smirks at me and walks away.

"See you, doctor!" I smile and wave him a good bye then walk to my office room.

I sit down on my seat and looking at my computer then looking at the script book on my desk. I'm exhausted but I really have to work.

Suddenly someone is knocking on the door. "Come in!" I shout and keep reading my script.

"Already have lunch?" Cooper asks me. "I brought Chinese with extra egg roll."

"How could you know I'm here?" I chuckle.

"Blaine told me that you went to work." Cooper smiles at me.

"Yes I am. I couldn't stay at home all day so I trust him with the kids." I giggle and get up slowly.

"Careful." Cooper takes my hand and holds my hand.

"Thank you." I smile at him and walk to the couch slowly and sit down there. "Yeah he drove me here this morning actually."

"I'm kinda jealous because he lives with you now." Cooper chuckles.

"He is gay. I used him as my new baby sitter now." I chuckle.

"Okay here eat the food." Cooper smiles at me and opens the food wrap.

"Thank you." I giggle and start eating the food. "Uh this is delicious." I smile at him. "Thank you for bringing me Chinese food."

"I remember when we were dating, you were craving for food in the midnight and I brought you Chinese food and you just loved it." Cooper chuckles.

"I love every kind of food but I'm not as extreme as Blaine who got fatter after two months lived in New York." I chuckle and eat my food.

"So are you ready to move on?" Cooper asks me.

"I don't know. It's just too soon." I shrugs.

"Don't worry, I'm willing to wait for you as long as you want." Cooper smirks at me.

"But aren't you date Aubrey Peters?" I frown at him.

"Aubrey and I broke up months ago. Now she is dating a movie director but we are still good friends and deciding to raise Landon together. I thought I already told you that."

"I kinda forgot. A lot of things running in my mind." I sigh.

"It's okay to be not okay but somehow you gotta get up." Cooper smiles at me.

"I'm scared if I can't get up again." I said to him.

"Oh please you still go to work which means you can get up." Cooper chuckles.

"Not that." I laugh and shake my head.

"I know. I know. But you are the strongest woman I've ever met in real life. You can do this." Cooper smiles at me.

"Thank you." I smile back at him.

"Sometimes when I look at you, I just want to keep you in my arms and protect you all costs. You don't deserve all of these. For once just think about yourself please before you put the others." Cooper says to me.

"Pathetic right?" I ask him.

"Not at all. Just you've had enough and it's enough. Literally." Cooper half smiled at me.

"I'm fine. I will be fine." I smile at him.

"I know you are." Cooper smiles back at me.

I smile and turn my face to my food. My chest hurts sometimes but I know I will be okay. I have to be strong for my kids. They're the one thing that I have now.


I'm sitting down on the ground in my bedroom with some of unopened boxes laying down around me.

We already moved to the penthouse in Santa Monica. Just a 6 bedrooms penthouse with 6.5 bathrooms. A room for Lily, Luke, Lou, myself and a guest room. Not as big as our former house but as big as our penthouse in New York. And it's two floors. I got the beach and city as my view. And the best thing is we have our private swimming pool.

I open the box that wrote personal stuff. I look at it and there are a lot of my personal stuff especially some stuff that Jason ever got me as little gifts.

I keep looking at it until I found a CD. A CD full of songs that I wrote and some are cover. This is should be my Valentine's Day present for Hayes. But now it's just a memory. Maybe I can sell some of the original songs.

"There is mommy." Hayes walks in while holding Luke in his arms.

"What's wrong?" I frown at them.

"Big guy looking for mommy." Hayes says to me and hands Luke to me.

"Uh it's getting heavier now." I chuckle and take Luke. "Here." I smile at him and lay him down as he leans his head on my lap. "Anyway this is for you." I said to Hayes and gives him the CD.

"What's this?" Hayes raises his eyebrows at me.

"A CD with love songs in it. Some are originals that I wrote for you and some are covers like my favorite song when I was thinking about you. It supposed to be Valentine's Day present and since that day is next week so I give you now." I said to him.

"You're All I Need To Get By by Marvin Gaye? How could you know I love this song?" He chuckles.

"Oh you played that on repeat every time you had work to do." I giggle.

"As Long As You're There?" Hayes frowns.

"You ever asked me if I have any original song that I wrote for you, that is one of those." I said to him.

"You literally deserve one of my Grammy trophies." Hayes grins at me.

"You only have two." I chuckle and shake my head.

"Feel free to take one since it's one of you dream." Hayes chuckles.

"That's my favorite song in that CD actually." I giggle.

"These are beautiful songs not cheesy but beautiful and romantic." Hayes smiles at me.

"You like romance but you don't like cheesiness." I smile back at him.

"Thank you." Hayes kisses my cheek and gets up.

"Daddy, don't go." Luke shakes his head.

"Okay, daddy's here." Hayes smiles at him and kisses his face. "Now, what do you want to do?"

"Guys, my leg is still hurt anyway." I said to them.

"Okay come here." Hayes says and sits Luke down on his lap as Hayes sits down next to me.

"There is a bucket of ice cream in the fridge if you want. If Blaine hasn't eat it." I chuckle.

"Daddy, I have a boyfriend." Lily walks in and grins at Hayes.

"Well, this boyfriend must have a talk with daddy first." Hayes says to her.

"Who is your boyfriend?" I frown at her.

"Uncle Blaine." Lily grins at us and walks away.

"Uncle Blaine!" Luke shouts and walks out from my bedroom.

"Your friend came to the store today." I said to him.

"My friend?" Hayes raise his eyebrows at me.

"Yes the doctor." I said to him.

"What was he doing there?" Hayes frowns at me.

"Buy a pair of suit and tie for his friend's wedding he said. I just don't understand how come he found me in that store." I frown.

"Where were you this noon?" Hayes asks me.

"The store in West Hollywood." I said to him.

"Oh.. he probably just happened to bump into you." Hayes shrugs.

"Are you okay?" I chuckle.

"Just jealous but I have to be ready if you move on." Hayes says to me.

"You know what I pray for you? I hope Sofia can give you kids that related by your blood." I smile at him.

"I already have three and that's enough. They might be not related by blood but they're my children. I will protect them with everything I have." Hayes smiles back at me.

"I want one more. A boy. So I will have two of each but not now. Soon when Lou start getting bigger. I want to see fertility doctor to see if I can have surrogate." I giggle.

"We can go there together." Hayes smiles at me.

"Why? You have normal hormones." I frown at him. "You can just bang Sofia." I laugh.

"But I only want to have kids with you. I don't want to be a jerk who has kids from two different women. I want one woman to be a mother of my children." Hayes says to me.

"But we aren't together." I frown at him.

"But we can be parents together." Hayes says and flip my hair behind my earlobe.

I nod and continue looking at my boxes. I don't know. Yeah I want to be parents with him but it's hurt when we can be parents together but we can't be together as couple and I'm sure it won't only hurt me but also will hurt Sofia.


"Hayes?" I walk into Hayes' apartment and look around looking for the kids.

I raise my eyebrows as my song is playing on the speaker in this apartment. I keep look around and turn my way to the kitchen slowly.

Hayes smiles at me and holding two glasses of wine. I chuckle and look at to the dining table shaking my head.

"Candle light dinner?" I raise my eyebrows at him. "Am I coming for the wrong time?"

"No. I fish you to come here using the kids. I really love this song and I couldn't stop play this song." Hayes smiles at me.

"But the kids?" I chuckle.

"They're already sleeping. In their bedroom." Hayes grins at me. "Do you want to dance?"

"I can't even walk." I chuckle.

"Come on, I will hold you." Hayes shows me his hand.

I take his hand and smile at him as he put his other arm around my waist. We start moving slowly as the music is still playing around.

"You never been this romantic when we were together." I chuckle.

"Well, I did." Hayes grins at me. "I just want to spend time with you before our divorce finalized."

"This is really sweet." I giggle and smile at him.

Hayes pulls his face closer to mine and make our forehead touching. I smile at him and look into his eyes. I don't want this to be over soon.

"I don't want this to be over." Hayes shakes his head.

"Me too." I smile at him. "Okay my leg start to hurt." I giggle.

"Come here." Hayes holds my hand and pull a chair for me.

"Thank you." I smile at him and sit down on my chair.

"I cooked our favorite food and your signature Chicken Casserole. I called your dad and asked for the recipes." Hayes chuckles.

"These smells delicious." I smile at him as he put the food on my plate. "Thank you." I giggle.

"So have you went to the fertility doctor?" Hayes asks me.

"Not yet. I told you not now. Lou is still a baby. Maybe when she is one year or older." I said to him while eating my food. "Ugh this is really delicious." I giggle.

"Thank you." Hayes smiles at me.

"I thought you were having a date with Sofia." I giggle.

"Nope. I was waiting for you." Hayes says to me.

I smile at him and eating my food. Hayes reaches out his hand and holds my hand. I turn my face to our hands and smile.

Hayes is such a romantic guy. He is the most romantic guy I've ever met in my life and whoever be with him soon is a lucky woman.


"Blaine, can you get the door please?" I shout.

"Nope, I'm busy!" Blaine shouts back.

I sigh and walk away from the kitchen and turn my way to the door and open the door.

"Hi.." I smile at Dean. "How could you know I live here?"

"Well, you gave me your address." He chuckles and raises his eyebrows.

"Come on in." I smile at him.

"Seems so empty." He said and looks around.

"Yeah the twins went to Lakers game with their dad. The baby is napping and my roommate is in his room." I said to him and walk lead him to the living room.

"This place is so... Breathtaking like the owner." He smiles at me.

"Aren't you supposed to be in the hospital right now?" I ask him.

"Well, I'm off duty. I'm in charge on the evening." He said to me.

"There mommy." Blaine hands Lou to me. "I have to go to New York. You alright to be alone right?"

"Yeah I will be fine." I nod and smile at him.

"See you. But I will be back in few days." Blaine says to me and walks away from my apartment bring his suitcase.

I sit Lou down on my lap and give her her toys. "He is a guy yet gay." Dean chuckles.

"Yeah he is. He is my best friend. He is married and have kids so you need to back off." I chuckle.

"Hey there." Dean smiles at Lou. "What's her name?"

"Louella but we like to call her Lou." I smile at him and look at Lou. "Don't be fooled by her anyway. She is almost five months old but already this big." I giggle.

"She is really beautiful anyway." Dean smiles at me.

"Yeah Hayes and I already love her since the first time we met her so we just took her home." I giggle.

"She is adorable." Dean smiles looking at Lou.

"So what's up?" I turn my face at him.

"Nothing, just want to hangout with you." He smiles at me.

"No friends?" I ask him.

"Well, my friends already have other priorities like kids and family." He chuckles.

"And you?" I chuckle.

"All I have is meatball sandwich and cokes." He chuckles.

"You're just going to be thirty. Your life is still long." I said to him.

"Who knows? One of my patients died yesterday. He was only 20." Dean shrugs.

"I shouldn't have said that to a doctor, should I?" I giggle.

"It's okay. But that happened." He chuckles.

"So are you graduate from UCLA too?" I ask him.

"No. I graduated from John Hopkins. Then I moved back to Los Angeles and live with my mom here. Not in the same house but in the same city. My dad is living in Long Island." He said to me.

"Oh my dad is living in Lima, Ohio with his new wife who is my friend's mother. He is a high school principal now. And my mom lives in heaven." I said to him.

"I'm so sorry for that." He half smiled at me.

"It was hard at first but now I'm managing to be independent beside dad can change into The Flash when he knows I have problem." I giggle.

"He is a superhero?" He frowns at me then laughs. "I'm suck." He laughs.

"I'm weirder than you." I laugh.

"I know." He smiles at me. "When I introduced my name and you suddenly talked about movie trivia." He chuckles.

"Well, that's me. I'm weirdo." I giggle.

"I uh I was wondering if you want to grab some dinner with me sometimes?" He smiles at me.

"Yes, I'd love to." I nod and smile back at him.

"That's great." He smiles.

"Mommy..." Lily shouts.

"Yes?" I turn my face and see Luke and Lily walk in with Hayes. "Hi.." I smile at them.

"Hi.." Lily hugs me and pecks on my lips.

"Oh you have a company..." Hayes simply said.

"I was about to leave actually. I was in the neighborhood and thought I could come by." Dean says to Hayes. "See you. Thank you for having me." Dean smiles at me.

"You're welcome. Sorry I can't walk you to the door though." I giggle and point at my legs.

"It's okay. I'll make my own way." He smiles at me and pat on Hayes' shoulder then walks away.

"I will walk him to the door." Hayes says to me and walks away.

I sit Lou down on the couch next to me and spreading my legs on the couch. The twins are sitting down on the other couch and busy with their finger foam.

"Hey, there baby girl." Hayes walks to us and grins at Lou about to pick her up.

"Wash your hands first." I frown at him and slaps his hand.

"My hands are literally clean. See?" Hayes shows me his hands.

"I don't care. Viruses are everywhere. Wash your hands if you want to touch her." I said to him.


"No, but. Just do it, Hayes... Or..."

Hayes suddenly cuts me off by cupping my cheeks and pecks on my lips. "You talk too much." Hayes grins at me.

"No, I'm not." I shake my head.

"Yes, you are." Hayes chuckles and pecks on my lips again. "That's a way to shut mommy up, guys." Hayes says to the kids and walks away.

I chuckle and shake my head. I know why Hayes did that. He did that when he is jealous. And of course he was, he saw Dean came over.


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