Lunar Crystals

By Expeon

8.5K 258 248

Lunar is an Umbreon, with quite a unnatural story to tell... Crystal, she's a Glaceon, with a natural backsto... More

All Grown Up
Wrong Place, Right Time.
Lunar's Story
The Battle
A Rough Trip
Private Healthcare
Healed Wounds
Curiosity Killed The Cat.
Search & Rescue
Another One..?
Coming Clean
Places to be
Dead Eeveelution Walking
Crude Thoughts
Getting Constructive
Under Attack

I'm Sorry...

335 11 17
By Expeon


Lunar awoke, his blue eyes scanned the surrounding trees, he blinked a few times and logged what happened yesterday, he looked down and saw his injuries. With a few attempts, Lunar got onto his paws, jumped swiftly off the roof and walked into the house, Ruby wasn't anywhere to be seen, Lunar thought for a moment, he decided to make breakfast for them both as a thank you. He walked to her cupboards and registered their contents, he looked around and found the ingredients he wanted. He took a bowl and spoon and got to work. He added some flour and salt into the bowl, then he added suet, currants, sugar, lemon and orange zest. Next he added around 150ml of milk, then he mixed it to a firm but moist dough. After he shaped it into a roll around 20cm long, then he placed it on a large rectangle of baking parchment, wrapping it loosely to allow the pudding to rise, then he tied the ends with string, similar to a Christmas cracker. Then he got a steamer and pan, he filled the relatively large pan with water and let it boil, once it was boiling he added the pudding to the steamer, then he covered it and let it steam. Adding water every now and then.

After an hour and a half, he checked on the pudding and, to his joy, was steamed nicely and ready to eat. But, before this, one thing must come first, the best thing in the world. He thought. He got a saucepan and placed it on the cooker, he then put cream and milk into the saucepan, bringing it to just below boiling point. Whilst that was going, he got a large bowl and whisked some egg yolks, cornflour, sugar and vanilla. Once they were both ready, he gradually poured the liquid into the bowl, stirring constantly. Then he cleaned out the saucepan and put the mixture back into the pan, and stirred until a, thick, smooth and heavenly sauce was formed.

During this time, Ruby began to stir, a familiar scent attacked her nose, she couldn't quite remember what it was, but it reminded her of her childhood, with Lunar, with Gem and Spark. She got confused and shook the thought out of her head, she got up and leaped off the bed, she walked down the stairs to see Lunar preparing something, she couldn't figure out what it was, but she figured out that was the source of the reminiscent smell. She walked over to him and spoke; "Good morning, Lunar, what are you doing?"
"Good morning, Ruby, I hope you don't mind, I used some of your ingredients to make us breakfast,"
"Not at all, what did you make, may I ask?"
"That's a surprise! Go to the table, I'll bring it to you in a second,"
"Okay..." Ruby walked over to the table and patiently waited for Lunar to finish. Several minutes later, he walked over with a bowl and spoon, he placed it in front of Ruby, "Enjoy!" He said with a smile, Ruby looked at the food, it was a pudding, about 5cm tall, surrounded by a moat of custard. Is this... what I think it is..?  Lunar came over with a bowl of the same food, and sat down in front of Ruby. Ruby got a faint idea of what it could be and eagerly put a spoonful of the pudding in her mouth. Instantly, memories of her childhood came flooding back to her, then she remembered what it was, Spotted Dick...

"Remember what it is?" Lunar asked
"Of course I do! It's even better than I remember it!" She exclaimed, Lunar laughed and replied;
"I knew you'd like it, I remembered it was our favourite thing Mum and Dad would make for us,"
Lunar began to eat too, Ruby was enjoying the pudding, the spongy texture and flavour of the currents, it brought back some good memories...

2 hours later, Lunar and Ruby were walking outside, they were headed back to Lunar's home, the two eons walked side by side until they reached Lunar's den. "Are you sure you don't want to stay for a while?" The Espeon shook her head,
"No, thanks. I'll come by and visit some time though, don't worry." She replied softly,
"Okay! Have a safe trip home then!" Lunar said, brightly, the Espeon smiled and nodded goodbye, "Oh and, good luck with Crystal!" She said before turning around and trotting off.

Crystal... I must go talk to her, I don't want to lose her... Lunar stood there, contemplating his decisions. He thought for a few seconds and decided he would shower then go and try to resolve terms with the Ice-Type.

30 minutes later...
Lunar began the trip to the Northern side, he was thinking of how to apologise to Crystal, he saw her den approaching and felt a rush of adrenaline, he began to have second thoughts. No, I need to fix this. He thought, he went up to the door and was about to knock it, but he got hit in the side with a moonblast. He turned around to see who attacked him, Jinx stood there, her eyes littered with hate, she slowly walked over to the disabled Umbreon. His breathing began to increase as his vision began to get hazy, he looked down and saw the damage she inflicted, blood began to ooze out of the wound. He looked back up to Jinx as she began charging up another attack. "STOP!" A familiar feminine voice ordered, Crystal? Lunar swiveled his head to see the Glaceon charge an Ice Beam, his eyes widened as her attack hit him, he screamed in agony, then he blacked out. "Insensitive bitch." Jinx said behind him. Why...

He woke a few hours earlier, he was in a den, he looked around and saw Crystal... He began to feel nervous, she turned to him and looked straight into his eyes, he stared into her purple ones. Only... this one was different, he didn't feel a warmth within him, instead, he felt fear and betrayal. "Why?" He asked, "What did I do to you?" He questioned the Ice-Type,
"Why? Why. Why do you think? You insensitive fuck. You hurt Jinx and showed no sympathy. You just stood there like a tree." Crystal spat, she sat down and glared at Lunar, awaiting a response.
"So, you assumed I didn't care? You assumed I was a heartless being with no emotion or care for others around me?" Lunar replied, he began to feel pain inside, Crystal said nothing. "You think that because I did nothing, I deserve to be attacked brutally, on my way to apologise for my actions? Do YOU not think that's insensitive? You fucking hypocrite. Look at you. You ganged on me then brought me here. I don't see a drop of care in your eyes. Just hate. Pure. Hate." Lunar said. Crystal stared, her face exhibited no expression.

Ruby sat in a tree, patiently waiting, she scouted the building, to her knowledge, Lunar had not come out yet.

"I thought you were kind, I thought you were a friendly, what's gotten you so hostile?" Lunar asked, Crystal scoffed,
"Me? Hostile? We should talk about your hostility, Lunar. You threatened Jinx and didn't give a shit about her during the battle, just head down. You were doing it all morning too, you didn't acknowledge us." Crystal said, he voice not giving away emotion.
"You don't even know why!" Lunar shouted
"Why then, why did you not care?" Crystal asked
"You don't give a shit but, I was reflecting my past, I thought about my sister, I was thinking about the future that dawned on me, I... thought about you." Lunar said
"...Me?" Crystal asked
"Yes, and I was tired, I pushed myself during the battle, I was trying not to black out after Jinx had fainted, I tried to stay awake, but then I saw... you... your eyes... your hate... It broke me, my initial instinct was to leave, I thought... if I could disappear it would help... clearly not."
"So... you did care this whole time?" Crystal asked, her voice showed a sign of regret,
"Yes. You didn't care to ask." Lunar said firmly
"I... I'm sorry Lunar..." Crystal said, her face broke, she looked regretful and sorry toward the Moonlight Pokemon, she went to hug the Umbreon, but the door opened before she could. Jinx stepped in, and looked straight at Lunar, "Ah, I see you're awake, you prick. What's your problem? Are you too superior to care for us?" Jinx quizzed Lunar, Crystal stayed quiet
"Jinx I-"
"Shut up and go back to sleep." Jinx began charging a moonblast, Lunar assembled all the remaining power he had in his bones, he dodged the attack and thought against fighting back, instead he ran. He burst through the door and ran towards the centre.

Ruby observed silently, her brother burst through the door, a Sylveon was about to give chase but a Glaceon stopped her, the Glaceon began to call after Lunar and begged him to come back. Ruby slipped away and vaulted over branches into neighbouring trees. Keeping the Umbreon in her sight. She didn't want to intervene unless absolutely necessary.

Lunar kept running, forever slowing down as his energy was expelled. He made it to the centre,
"Hey! It's that Umbreon! The one that attacked Jinx!" A Lucario shouted, soon he was crowded, hundreds of Pokemon lining to get their attack on the poor Moonlight Pokemon, Lunar was slowly dying, he had cuts and bruises all over, he was losing blood rapidly. He resorted to attacking, he looked down and shot a dark pulse and the ground, propelling him up. He began to ran the second he hit the ground. I'm hated, no one likes me... I'm ruined, why am I still alive? Why do I have to suffer this? I don't want to be here... It's clear to me I'm a waste of space... This is the end of the line for me...

Lunar burst through the door to his den and entered the kitchen.

Ruby had caught up to the Dark-Type and saw him enter his house, she noticed the surroundings were illuminated only by the light of the moon. She saw the Umbreon reappear with something in his hand. Is that..? Her eyes widened as she saw the glint of a blade in his hands.

Lunar ran to a clearing... I'm sorry Crystal, I'm sorry Ruby, Gem & Spark... I'm sorry Jinx, Hypro...
This is it for me.
He raised his right hand, and aimed the blade at his chest, he began to have second thoughts... No. It's quick relief or a slow death. He closed his eyes and plunged the knife into his chest, just above his naval. He screamed with pain before slowly falling to the ground.

In the trees, Ruby heard a scream. No... Please no... She sped up and jumped from branch to branch, she reached a clearing and saw the Dark-Type laying on the floor, his last remains of blood leaked from the wound. At the same time, a Glaceon burst through the trees, it walked over to the Umbreon and began to cry, she kissed the Umbreon passionately before leaving, she took one last look at his body before running back the way she came. This gave Ruby a window of opportunity, she gracefully leaped from the branches and landed in a roll and stood up on her paws. She ran over to the Umbreon and picked him up, she began to run towards her house, going as fast as her lavender legs could carry her.

She reached her house and burst through the door, sterilised her body and slipped on a face mask, she quickly pierced his arm and slipped in a cannula into his vein, she prepared a direct transfusion and pierced her arm too. She revoked the knife and stitched up the wound, she moved swiftly and efficiently, she knew what she was doing, she began to dress his other wounds and sterilised them, then she began the direct transfusion, since she had no blood stored she couldn't give him a donor's blood, since she wasn't a hospital. Just a well trained doctor. She saw the clear tube turn red as her blood flowed into his veins, she knew his would be safe as she had no infections or STIs, and they were siblings, so they had the same blood type.

She checked Lunar was stable and connected a heartbeat sensor, she clipped the wires to his chest and the monitor flickered to life, it displayed 27bpm, his oxygen levels were low too, so she prepared an oxygen tank and mask, she slipped the mask onto his muzzle and began to give him oxygen. The oxygen levels rose steadily but she never revoked the gas, she checked one last time to see if everything was in order and Lunar was receiving blood, she glanced at the monitor and it read 32, still appalling but better than a flat... She checked one last time then closed her eyes. She had done everything in her power to sustain Lunar's life, even giving him some of her life...


Oh no! Lunar! Ruby is such a nice sibling, it would be very good to have an A Grade doctor as your sister! Tune in for the next chapter to see what happens next! Oh! And the 'Spotted Dick' recipe at the start actually works, along with the custard recipe! You should try it 🤤

Date Released: 07/02/2020

Final Word Count: 2309

Time Taken to Write: 4-5 hours

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