Forever and Always (Will Turn...

By bella_parrilla

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THE FOURTH AND FINAL BOOK IN THE YOUNG LOVE SERIES Nine years have passed since Bootstrap Bill Turner had com... More

Note/New Book


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By bella_parrilla

There they stood.

Rain poured down on Evelyn, Henry, and Will.

As if breaking his trance of shock, Henry blinked, eyes settling on Evelyn. "Mother." Henry breathed out once more, falling forward into a walk, his arms opening down towards Evelyn.

Words did not even begin to describe the way Evelyn was feeling. Tears burned in her eyes as her title slipped past his lips like a prayer. It had been weeks since she had heard from or even seen her eldest son. She couldn't believe he was standing there before her eyes. Without any hesitation, she rushed through the rain and collided into her son's arms, holding him as close as possible.

He was here.

He was alive.

He was safe.

"Henry." She laughed as she cried, cradling the back of his head. Turning her head, she pressed motherly kisses to his soaked cheek. "I'm so happy that you are alright. We were so worried about you." She stiffed, slowly pulling back, hands sliding down into his.

Henry gave a soft smile, squeezing her hands comfortingly. "It's alright, mother, I'm alright." He bent down and pressed a kiss to her forehead. As he pull away, his eyes traveled past her. His face dropped but his eyes glowed. Suddenly a smile replaced the frown. "Father." He breathed out, giving Evelyn one last glance before he pulled away, walking over to where Will silently stood.

Evelyn turned on her heels, covering her mouth and tears grew in her eyes. A wobbly smile worked it ways on to her face, taking into the sight before her. She watched as her son and her husband collide into a big hug. She could see the relief wash over Will had he held his son, knowing he was in his arms safe and sound.

They pulled away, turning to look at her, both have an arm around each other. Evelyn wiped her eyes from the tears, now mixed the with rain that still poured.

"Don't cry, mother. You'll make me cry." Henry gave a smile chuckle, sharing a grin with his father.

"I can't help it. I'm already an emotional person as it is but I'm just so happy to see you." She walked up to the two, seeing Will holding a hand out to her out of the corner of her eye. Taking his hand, they stood under the cover of the building beside them. All three of them were soaked to the bone. "I can't believe you're here. What happened? How did you get here?" She questioned.

"Well," Henry looked between his parents, hesitant with on what to say. "You know how I had found another position to continue sailing, searching the ocean?" Evelyn glanced at Will, both nodding. "We in danger. I tried to warn them. We were heading straight into the Devil's Triangle, a cursed area where no ship makes it out. I tried, I tried to fight them, save them. But the called me a coward and a traitor and threw me into the brig. We sailed in and we were attacked. But it wasn't by what you think we would be attacked by." Henry hesitated, his chocolate eyes flickered between the two.  "They were ghosts."

Evelyn felt her skin crawl with a chill. Ghosts? Out of all things, she didn't expect him to say that. Yet, she still wasn't surprised by it. Ghost were the least weird of supernatural she had ever encountered in her life.

"Then what happened?" Will slowly questioned, a hand slowly sliding up to rest on Evelyn's shoulder.

"They killed them all. Except for me. The captain was a man who knew Jack, years ago. After that, I woke up here. I was nearly arrested for treason but was able to escape." Henry started to answer. His words nearly knocked the wind out of her lungs, slamming into her gut. The idea that Henry could have been one of those men would have ended her.

"Were they pirates? The ghost?" Evelyn felt herself question. "And why let you live? I'm grateful beyond means but why did they only let you live?" Her brow rose. She could feel the fear and confusion coating her eyes.

"No, they were men trying to get rid of piracy years and years ago." He paused, letting out a breath, dropping his shoulders. "They let me go, so I could warn Jack about him. He intends on killing Jack once he finds a way out of the Devil's Triangle. They let me go to tell the tale because..." He swallowed, his throat bobbled.

"Dead men tell no tales." Evelyn felt herself say as if she was in a trance. She had no idea where those words had come from, where should could have possibly heard them. It was as if she had known those words her whole life.

"Who was the man?" Will questioned.

"His name is Captain Salazar, a Spanish sailor. Have you heard of him?" Henry questioned, looking between them.

Evelyn and Will shared a look, slowly shaking their heads.

"But if he intends on killing Jack, we have to find him and get him to help us find the Trident as fast as possible." Evelyn spoke, looking between her boys. "Get him and get the hell off this island." She nodded.

"One more thing: there is someone else we need to save. A girl." Henry spoke.

"A girl?" Evelyn perked up at her son.

Pink began to stain his cheeks. "No not like that, mother. This girl holds the map that will lead us to the Trident."

"Alright then it's settled: save Jack and save this girl." Will nodded.


Evelyn handled the three guards outside of the prison cell without even breaking a sweat. She waltz through the door after stowing their unconscious bodies out of sight. Years it had been since she had last seen or spoke to Jack. She wondered what he looked like now, if he still had the same handsome features as he did all those years ago, or even if his style had changed. All she knew was that she missed him beyond belief.

Down the poorly lit, narrow hallway, she turned around a corner and began walking down a hallway where an open path to the right led to a set of stairs. Part of her wondered if that's what would take her to the cells. She tried her hardest not to let her heels boots make much noise to capture the eyes of any redcoats. But to her luck, as she turned the corner, a redcoat halted halfway up the stairs. She froze at the top, their gaze meeting. To her best attempt, she offered a flirtatious smile. "Excuse me, sir, I'm a bit lost. Do you think you could help me?" Evelyn tried to make her voice as sweet as honey. The guard's light eyes moved from her face and down to the sword at her hip, his expression instantly darkening. "Take as a no then?" She questioned sarcastically.

Without any hesitation, she leap down over two steps. She jumped up, wrapping her hands on the metal candle rods attached to the wall. Before the guard could try to shoot her, she swung herself forward with so much force, kicking him straight in the face. The guard tumbled back down the stairs as she landed gracefully on her feet. Slowly, she stood tall, gazing down at him.

He appeared to be unconscious.

She walked down the steps, taking in he was out completely. As she reached the bottom of the stairs, she turned to walk out into the opening, stepping over him. Looking up, she met the wide eyes of her husband and son disguised as redcoats, frozen in front of a cell. "Hello." She smiled, speaking casually.

"That was bloody brilliant." Henry spoke, the excitement of a child dancing across his features.

"You think that is impressive, you should see her when she is in battle." Will grinned in her direction.

Evelyn smiled at her husband, noticing how he tied his hair back for his disguise. "Thank you." She looked to her son, walking over to where they stood. "Did you find Jack?" She asked eagerly, stopping right beside Henry, looking between him and his father.

"Evelyn?" A familiar voice spoke.

Turning her head, she saw him and smiled. "Jack."

It took everything inside of her to contain her excitement for the pirate standing before her. She drank in his whole appearance. He looked older. Scars kissed parts of his face, a small 'x' right beside his eye standing out the most. Some blonde was in his hair which was styled slightly different. She noticed the thick, black eyeliner that circled around his eyes. His clothes were the same except for the lack of pants he wasn't wearing.

"I can't believe it's really you." Jack took a step forward towards her, holding on to the cell bars. His features seem to have sadden as he looked over her. "You still look so beautiful." He added softly.

Evelyn's heart swelled at his words. "Thank you." She gave him a soft smile, reaching out to hold on to his hands around the bars. "And you..." Her eyes looked him over again. "...still look like a pirate always in a mess." A soft chuckle came from her.

Jack grinned, pulling his hands off the bar. "What are you doing here?" He asked, mostly to Evelyn.

"We need your help, Jack." Will spoke, capturing everyone's attention. "We've come to save my father, break him from his curse. We found a way and we need your help to find it. The Trident of Poseidon."

"Ah." Jack nodded. "The treasure to be found with The Map That No Man Can Read." He nodded again, then looked at Will. "Never heard of it."

Evelyn let out a sigh, closing her eyes for a moment as Henry spoke up. "There is a girl inside this prison, Jack, who holds that map. The moon has turned to blood, the Trident will be found and you could be the one who holds the seas and with it become all that you once were. The great-" Henry's speech was cut short due to Jack's snoring.

"He's drunk." Evelyn looked at Jack who's head was flung forward.

"Of course he is." Will's words laced with irritation.

"Jack!" Henry shouted causing Jack to instantly wake up.

"I'm so sorry, were you still talking?" Jack asked wide eyed, sounding genuinely concerned. "I believe I nodded off a bit."

Henry looked in between his parents, then looked at Jack as if he remembered something. "One more thing. A message from someone you know, named Captain Salazar."

Jack's face twitched, looking like he was remembering the name. He began walking to the  back of his cell, beginning to talk. "I once knew a Spaniard named...something in Spanish."

"El Matador." Henry spoke, holding on to the bars of the cell. "The Butcher of the Sea."

"Him? No, no. Quite happily, he's dead. Very, very dead." Jack looked over his shoulder at him, nervously denying what Henry had said. "Ship went down—"

"Inside the Triangle." Henry cut him off.

Evelyn looked over to Will, a puzzled look on her face. His expression matched hers and she knew he was thinking the same thing. She couldn't help but wonder why this man had shaken Jack so much, and she knew, Will was thinking the same thing.

"He's coming for you, Jack, to seek revenge as the dead man's tale is told." Henry spoke quick, edging on Jack.

There were those words again.

"I don't believe you." Jack spoke, holding on to the dummy that held his coat and hat. Instantly, Jack turned around and rushed to the front of his cell. "What did he say?" He questioned.

"He said your compass was the key to his escape." Henry replied. "An army of dead are coming straight for you, Jack. The Trident of Poseidon is your only hope. Do we have an accord?" The seriousness in Henry's voice took Evelyn by such surprise. He sounded so much like Will it almost scared her.

Taking a step forward, Evelyn reached out to hold on to the bars once more. "Please Jack, we've come all this way." She plead. "We wouldn't be here if it wasn't important."

Jack studied Evelyn for a moment then shifted his gaze to Will. "And you?" He spoke.

Evelyn looked over her shoulder at Will. She always knew that he and Jack never saw eye to eye. As time had past, Will still never saw Jack as she did. But to get them to come to the same level, part of her wondered if that would take a miracle.

Will stared at Jack. His shoulder dropped and he let out a breath. "I need your help, Jack. You're the only one who can help us." His eyes shifted to Evelyn for a mere second as to say 'there I can be nice.'

She gave him a wink, a small smile forming on her face.

They turned their attention back to Jack. "Fine." He nearly spit out, almost forcing the word out of his mouth. "I will help since you lot are completely hopeless without me." He gave a faint smug look. "Mostly for you." Jack tossed his words to Evelyn.

Evelyn gave him a smirk, throwing a glance to Will. "Told you he would."

"Who are you again?" Jack questioned, staring right at Henry.

"Henry Turner." Henry said slowly, confusion laced in his voice.

"Jack, this is my son. You've met my children before, years ago when they were little." Evelyn found herself chuckling.

"Oh my god, there are others?" Jack questioned, completely astonished by the news.

Will and Evelyn shared a look with their son. "We will find a way to recuse you." Will spoke, changing the subject, giving Jack a nod. "We just need a plan." He said more towards his family.

"I have a plan." Henry said, looking between his parents.

Evelyn couldn't help but smile admiringly at her son. "Just like your father, always with a plan."

Hi all! Hope you all are enjoying this story so far. Thank you so much for continuing to show me love and support constantly. It means the world to me!

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