Forever and Always (Will Turn...

By bella_parrilla

75.7K 2.4K 831

THE FOURTH AND FINAL BOOK IN THE YOUNG LOVE SERIES Nine years have passed since Bootstrap Bill Turner had com... More

Note/New Book


3.2K 81 11
By bella_parrilla

The bottoms of their boots crunched against the tan dirt road. Hand in hand, Evelyn and Will began their journey by first traveling to the docks. Neither one of them spoke but rather enjoyed the soothing sound of the wind rustling through the palm trees. The gentle breeze added a subtle cool kiss against their body. It helped with the bright mid-morning sun beams, a perfect combination of warm and cold. The whole surrounding that hugged the two would have caused anyone within it to be at ease with everything.

Anyone except for Evelyn.

Evelyn couldn't help but glance over her shoulder every few minutes, a sense of guilt forming in her gut. She hated the idea of leaving her children behind, even leaving Leo behind. Evelyn and her two boys had always been a team. It didn't feel right to leave behind Leo to her. But part of her knew leaving behind Leo, so he could take care of her children, would have been best.

The idea of leaving behind her kids with her parents had first crossed her mind back when she had first spoke to Henry about his findings. Her once servant, now mother, Amelia, had offered to have Charlie and little Amelia stay her with and Evelyn's father, Charles. That was until her father had surprised her mother with a trip to Paris. They would have stayed if it wasn't for Evelyn to encourage her parents to leave, enjoying their first trip together.

After talking with her parents, Leo had popped into her mind. If he hadn't wrote to her when he would be coming home, Evelyn would just have to let Will venture off on his own.

As if she would ever let him.

"Evelyn." Will's voice pulled her out of her thoughts. His voice near her ear caused her to blink around until she settled her eyes on him. She waited for him to speak as he studied her face, his face softening. "Don't worry about leaving behind the children. They know how to take care of themselves and we trust Leo with them. Most importantly, Amelia will be able to take care of her uncle and brother if we are that concerned." A gentle smile grew on his face; an effort to comfort her.

Evelyn normally would have smiled back but the stress was starting to get to her. A sigh passed through her lips as she blinked down on the dusty, dirt road. "It's not just that." She looked back up at him, throwing her arms up partially up in the air. "How do we even know if Jack is alive or not? Maybe Leo is right, we might need more help than we thought we did." Evelyn shook her head, brows furrowing at the slight panic beginning to consume her. She turned to face Will, walking sideways. "Where do we even begin looking?" Evelyn nearly cried out, turning back forward and dropping her gaze to the ground once more.

"Alright." Will let go of Evelyn's hand, halting in his tracks. He turned to face Evelyn, reaching his arm out around her waist to stop her from walking. She halted, giving a small sigh and turned to face him.

Will removed his arm, waiting for Evelyn's eyes to meet his. "We are going to be alright. Just breath. We are going to do this together. I have a plan and everything will turn out fine." He placed his hands on her shoulders, giving them a soothing rub.

Evelyn looked at him seriously. "You have a plan?" She raised a brow.

"Yes, I do. We leave here and we start with Tortuga. From there we follow the trail of the places where Jack had last been seen." Will moved a hand up to cup her cheek, brown eyes peering down into emerald eyes. "I promise, everything will be alright. The children will be safe at home, Leo will be there for them, and we can do this."

Evelyn let out a deep sigh, reaching up to hold on to his wrist. She fluttered her eyes closed, nodding. Opening her eyelids, she peered back into his eyes. "You're right, Will. I'm sorry. I'm just stressing even more than usual. I just hate the idea of leaving the children behind; we've never done that. And having to find Jack in order to break you father's curse. It's all too much." She slipped from his hold, moving her hand to slip back into his. "But I don't want you to take it on alone." She pointed out, pulling him back into a walk.

"It is all too much." He agreed, nodding, turning his head to look at her. "But it isn't anything we can't handle." Evelyn snapped her head to look at him, both giving each other a small grin. Will continued to speak. "Besides, the children are safe and sound with someone who we trust our lives with. One less thing to worry about, right?" He pointed out.

He was right and she knew that. But it didn't mean she felt any better. "I know, you're right but I'm a mother and I just can't help it." She wiggled her chin teasingly. A grin grew on her face as she glanced down at boots before looking straight ahead at the town they were now walking into. "Ever since Henry was born, all I've been doing is stressing and worrying. Then Charlie and Amelia came along and it only grew."

The town was buzzing with people. Street venders and townspeople were stuffed along each side of the road. Of course, of all days, it was market day.

A chuckle came from her husband as the snaked their way through the packed crowd. "I know just as much as you do. I'm a father and stressed maybe not as much as you are but I know the children and Leo will be fine." He squeezed her hand reassuringly. "Trust me, our kids our going to handle a few weeks without us just fine." He added.

Evelyn chuckles. "You're right." They shared a look, still smiling.

"Think of it this way, we're finally going to get some alone time." Will wiggled an eyebrow. It had been quite some time since they had any alone time together. With the children around, planning the trip, Evelyn's parents being gone, they had been so busy.

"This is not a vacation, Will Turner." Evelyn giggled sheepishly, playfully shoving Will's shoulder.

"I know but we could at least enjoy some bit of each other's company." He wiggled an eyebrow. "You know like the nights we have to find somewhere to rest for the night. Find a nice Inn and you are so done with the filth that you just need a hot bath..."

"Will!" Evelyn squeaked, covering her burning face with a free hand.

Her husbands laughter echoed in her ear as she shook her head.

They continued to snake their way through the crowd, keeping their heads down from wandering eyes. To their luck, people ignored them. The citizens of Port Royal were more focused on obtaining their goods than the two pirates slipping past them.

Evelyn had happened to glance up for a mere second, eyes locking with the sign that use to be Mr. Brown's smithy where Will use to work. It had been abandoned after Mr. Brown had passed years ago. Memories flooded her mind of the first time she ever met Jack in that shop. Other memories of her spending countless hours with Will in there began filling her mind as well.

"Do you ever miss it?" Evelyn spoke to Will, shifting her face down at the ground.

"Do I ever miss what?" Will questioned, glancing sideways at her.

"Working at Mr. Brown's? Do you miss those days?" She questioned, moving her head to look up at him.

Will's head snapped in the direction of the abandoned shop. His eyes lit up and he grabbed Evelyn's wrist. "Evelyn, you're brilliant." Turning his body, he pulled Evelyn with him and snaked through the crowd.

"Yes, this is true but what am I brilliant about now?" She questioned as they broke free from the wave of people. Her eyes darted up at the old, grey stone, farmhouse building. Looking up at Will, she watched him quickly observe the crowd to see if anyone was watching. His body slowly turned around, letting go of her wrist to open up the barn-like doors a crack. He motioned her to walk through before slipping inside after her.

"What are we doing in here?" Her voice came out light as her eyes observed the large space. It was covered in dust and hay. For the most part, the smithy was just as it was back when they had last been in there, years and years ago. Only thing that was missing was the donkey.

"You, my brilliant love, gave me an idea." Will moved away from the door after securing the it shut. Coming up to her side, he observed the room too, taking it all in. His eyes locked on the back of the barn before he pointed straight ahead of them. "We can go through the back and make our way down to the docks faster than if we tried to go through the crowd." He looked down at her, proud of his idea.

"Clever." She grinned, looking up at her husband impressed. They climbed down the large, grey steps and moved into the heart of the barn. "You still haven't answered my question." She glanced up at him as they casually walked towards the center before stopping.

Will glanced around the room, taking it all back in. A sentimental sigh released from his chest and out from his nose. "Sometimes. I loved to be able to just hide myself from the world and indulged myself in my craft. I enjoyed it a lot when you would come down here and sit with me." He gave her a look and a little smirk that made her want to curl up.

Blushing, she replied. "You did?"

"Of course I did. I would sit and be working on orders and you would be here. You'd talk with me, sit and watched me work, and come tell me stories. I liked listening to your stories. It took away that silent void I just hated being in. I was never really alone when I was with you." His eyes surveyed the ceiling. "This was my safe space and I just loved it when you were in here with me."

Evelyn felt her cheeks burning. She bumped her elbow against him sheepishly. "Even after twenty years of marriage, you still know how to make me all blushy." This brought sweet chuckles from him. Grinning, she pointed at him. "I told you, I told you years ago that you would still have this affect on me. I told you, so." She couldn't help but join in with a few giggles.

"I know and you did." Will grinned, slipping his hand into her's once more.

They began to walk towards the back of the smithy barn.

"Did you really enjoy my company that much?" She questioned, looking up at him.

"I did, still do." He chuckled, taking his bottom lip into his mouth before speaking again. "You were the only one who I really had. You were my only friend and only family. If I wasn't able to live with you then," he stopped to look down at her, "your constant visits here were the next best thing."

Tilting her head back, Evelyn hummed with a smile. She stood up on her toes and met Will's lips, both giving each other a sweet kiss. As they pulled back, Evelyn pulled Will back into a walk. "I didn't think my visits meant all that much to you. I thought I annoyed you because I visited so much." She chuckled, swinging her free hand. She instantly felt like she was a young girl falling in love again.

"Never." Will furrowed his eyebrows, shaking his head. "Actually, I missed the nights or afternoons when you would come down with your basket with dinner or lunch."

Evelyn laughed. "I always made them. The servants in the kitchen nearly had my neck because I would make a mess and take food."

They stopped all the way at the back of the back door. Will opened it, allowing Evelyn to walk out first. He glanced back inside one last time before he slipped out, closing the door behind him. As the door shut, they were standing on grassy hills with palm trees. Just below them was a pathway that lead just left of them to the docks. To their luck, many ships were resting on the water.

Thoughts swirled around Evelyn's head as they carefully walked down the hill. She couldn't help but noticed the look in Will's eyes as they were back in Mr. Brown's smithy. An idea struck her instantly. "Will?" She said eagerly, yet causally.

"Evelyn." He acknowledged playfully.

"What if we bought the place?" She suggested, watching him while glancing where she walked.

"Bought what?" Will questioned, holding her hand tightly as they stumbled on to the pathway. They began walking towards the docks.

"Mr. Brown's old shop!" Evelyn exclaimed, a little too excitedly. She continued before he could protest. "Think about it. We buy the place and you can open it back up. Make it a family business. When your father is free and back here with us, you can teach him how to craft whatever it is you craft. Maybe Charlie and Henry could help out in some way. What do you say?"

Will thought about it for a moment. "I don't know, Evelyn. I haven't done smith work in years."

"That's why you practice." She pointed out, giving a little knowing grin.

A scoff came from him at her comment. Glancing down at her, he gave a small smile. "I'll think about it. Once again, another brilliant idea. I'll think about it. But I appreciate the thought." He leaned downed to press a kiss on her head.

Shortly after they had stopped talking, they had reached the docks. Sailors and merchants flooded the busy docks, coming in and out of Port Royal. Many men and young boys carried cargo and goods from all over.

"Evelyn? Evelyn Adams?" A older male voice came hesitantly beside Evelyn.

Turning her head, she looked and saw an older man, dressed in fine clothes. "Yes?" She gave a kind smile, turning to face the man, Will turning as well.

"Forgive me, my name is James Finch. I've done work for your father for many, many years. You probably don't remember me." He gave a kind, wise smile, followed by a small chuckle. Then it instantly clicked. It had been years since Evelyn had last seen this man. He had come to her and Will's wedding. He'd aged quite a bit since then.

"Oh, no, of course I do." A nervous chuckle came from her as she removed her hand from Will. She clasped the man's hand, shaking it. "How are you doing, Mr. Finch?" She asked, watching Will reach out to shake the man's hand.

"I'm very well thank you. Actually, you were just the person I was looking for." Mr. Finch clasped his hands in front of him.

"I was?" She shared a look with Will.

"Yes, you see, your father had written to me that you are in need of a ship for travel. Lucky for you two, I have a long list of places I have to go to and have just enough room for two more. If you'd like, you are more than welcome to board my ship." He motioned to a beautiful ship just beside him, resting on top of the blue water.

Evelyn and Will shared a look of relief and surprise. Within their look, both of them gave a knowing expression. "Thank you, Charles Adams."

"That would be incredible. Thank you so much, Mr. Finch." Will wrapped an arm around Evelyn's shoulders.

"But of course." He lead them over to the boarding ramp. Extending a hand, he gestured for them to walk up. "Welcome aboard." He smiled.

Evelyn glanced at Will, feeling a sense of giddiness consume her. She had missed this. Missed traveling, exploring, and sailing. Nineteen years since she had left Port Royal. She felt as if it was like the first time she had left all those years ago. But this time, she had a mission, along with Will.

She turned and looked up, taking one step on to the ramp. Her feet carried her up the ramp, not once looking back. Yet thoughts swirled around in her head, causing a smile to grow on her face.

'And so, the adventure begins.'

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