Wish You Were Real...

By xXpotatostoriesXx

594 79 10

Melissa is a highschool student in need of a friend. Because of having no friends she enjoys to draw and use... More

Chapter 1: First Day Of Disasters
Chapter 2: A Monster Covered In Glitters
Chapter 3: Finally Home
Chapter 4: Tomorrow's The Big Day
Chapter 5: Mom...
Chapter 6: A Pencil...?
Chapter 7: You're... Real?
Chapter 8: A Place To Stay
EXTRA PART: Character summary
Chapter 9: Your First Day
Chapter 10: I'll Protect You
Chapter 11: Finishing The Assignment
Chapter 12: A Friend Date
Chapter 13: Sunday Is Rest Day
AUTHOR'S NOTE: Name Pronunciation
Chapter 14: Lie...
Chapter 15: Ryu's Secret Place...
Chapter 17: It's Not Bad To Cry
Chapter 18: Are You Awake Now?

Chapter 16: You're Angry... At Me?!

16 3 1
By xXpotatostoriesXx

"Why weren't you at our first subject?!" Kyosuke asked worriedly.

"Oh heck, I need to come up with an excuse!"  I desperately looked around for something— anything. Then I saw one of my classmates from the corner of my eyes bragging about his new watch and I  immediately came up with something "Well I... Um-- I was... I just didn't notice the time" Was the excuse that came into my mind.

   Kyosuke grabbed both of my shoulders "You should be careful next time, I was so worried that something had happened to you" His worried tone only made me feel more guilty lying to him. "If you really cared for me, you wouldn't have left me all alone at the sidewalk" I whispered under my breath so he wouldn't hear.

   Kyosuke started to let go of my shoulders and leaned in closer for a hug "Hey, if something's wrong you could always tell me, I'm your friend after all..." He whispered to my ear so only I could hear, his hot breath tickling my neck causing my heart to skip a beat.

"Do you two need a room?" Ryu jokingly said. I immediately pulled away from Kyosuke's arms to face Ryu. I can clearly see the hurt in Kyosuke's eyes as I pulled away. 

   Ryu invited us to the movies to change the awkward topic "So... you two wanna go to the movies after school? Crystal said it's her treat" Ryu was looking at me the whole time and he suddenly winked which caught me off guard and made my face turn to a bright shade of red. 

   I turned to Kyosuke for his approval  and it took me by surprise that he was glaring — and I mean glaring at Ryu, it was my first time seeing him like this. Seeing him this angry... I had so many questions on why he was mad. Does he know Ryu was the reason why I didn't make it to first period? Was he angry because Ryu interrupted his hug? Was he angry because... Because he just felt like it? Or was he angry because he's jealous...?

"K-Kyosuke d-do you want to g--"


"B-but it'll be f-fu--"

"No, I have things to do"


"I SAID NO!" Kyosuke shouted making everyone even Crystal turn to look at us, everyone's stare was traumatic. They were all judging, they were all whispering bad things. I turned to look at Kyosuke and seeing how angry he looked made my heart crumble, I was scared... I never thought that he would be angry, more so at me. 

   My eyes started to well up, Ryu immediately wrapped his arms around me "Shhhh, it'll be fine, you'll be fine" He whispered attempting to comfort me. Kyosuke looked surprised at my reaction but instead of apologizing for yelling at me, he just walked out like nothing happened. I was quite angry at him for not apologizing but I was more angry at myself for being too pathetic to calm him down.

"I-I'll go check on him" Crystal said then followed Kyosuke out the door.

"Oh, boohoo. Is miss little crybaby done using Kyosuke for her assignment?" I turned around to see who was talking and it surprised me that it was Cecile. I was half expecting it to be Beatrix but no– it was Cecile, didn't she say she's my friend?

   She walked closer and she whispered something to Ryu but loud enough for me to hear her "Be careful of this one she might just use you like she did with me" I can see Ryu's eyes widen at her remark, my tears turned into a waterfall making it impossible for me to stop crying. I didn't know what to do. I pulled away from Ryu and ran to the door while bawling my eyes out.

   I ran, I ran as fast as I could and later on I found myself in the giant library the school was famous for. Not many people were in the library since not many people have interest in books nowadays and ironically enough, It was my first time going in the library.

   I walked around aimlessly to calm myself down, the smell of books had always been my favorite scent as memories of both me and my mom going ballistic whenever we see bookstores in a library style like this flash in my mind like I was in a memory lane. "If mom was here, she'll be ecstatic at the sight" I thought.

"What would mom do in this situation?"

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