Touch Starved Boys || My Hero...

By chibirach99

650K 14K 7K

My Hero Academia short imagines/headcanons Mains will be Todoroki, Bakugou, and Shinsou with some other chara... More

Note from the Author
~Red~ Bakugou X Reader
~Tea~ Todoroki X Fem!Reader
~Teddy~ Shinsou X Reader
~Sick~ Todoroki X Reader Birthday Special
~Chains~ (Shinsou X Reader)
~Ice Cream~ Bakugou X Reader
~Rose~ Bakugou X fem!Reader
~Name~ Todoroki X fem!Reader
~Name pt 2.~ Todoroki X Fem!Reader
~Burden~ Todoroki X Reader
~Special~ Todoroki X Reader
~Chocolate~ Bakugou X Reader
~Murphy's Law~ Bakugou X Reader
~Eyes~ Shinsou X Fem!Reader
~Creep~ Bakugou X Fem!Reader
~Creep pt 2~ Bakugou X Fem!Reader
~Truth~ Todoroki x Reader
~Opposites Attract~ Shinsou x fem!Reader
~Tiny~ Todoroki X Fem!Reader
~Fool~ Kirishima X Reader
~Skater Boy~ Kirishima X Reader
~Bully pt 2~ Bakugou X Reader
~Soup~ Todoroki X Reader
~Boy in Luv~ Midoriya X fem!Reader
~Just One Day~ Midoriya X Reader
~Just One Day~ Todoroki X Reader
~Just One Day~ (Bakugou X Reader)
~Stranger~ Todoroki X Reader
~Cuddles~ Bakugou X Reader
~Late~ Todoroki X Reader
~Night Drives~ Shinsou X Reader
~Study Date~ Todoroki x Fem!Reader
~Bad Boy~ Todoroki X Reader
~Greedy~ Shinsou x Reader
~Day After~ Todoroki x Reader
~Jerk~ Todoroki x Fem!Reader
Midoriya Angst Drabble
~Long Distance~ Midoriya X Reader
~Mama's Boy/Lover's Boy ~ Bakugou x Fem!Reader
~Quarrels~ Todoroki x Reader x Bakugou
~Daisies~ Todoroki x Reader
~Worth~ Todoroki x Reader
~Sketch~ Bakugou x Reader
Shinsou Angst to Fluff Drabble
~No Idea~ Bakugou X Reader
~Small Things~ Bakugou X Fem!Reader
~Culture Clash~ Bakugou x Fem!Reader
~Smile~ Shinsou x Reader
~Advice~ Todoroki x Reader
~Polar~ Bakugou x Reader
~Fake~ Tamaki x fem!Reader
~Baby~ Bakugou x Reader
~Sly Fox~ Midoriya x FemKitsune!Reader
~Clueless~ Bakugou x fem!Reader
~Home~ Dabi x Reader
~Clingy~ Todoroki x Reader
~Testing~ Todoroki x Reader
~Don't Ignore Me!~ Bakugou x Reader
~Gamer's Boy~ Bakugou x Reader
~Light Hero~ Kiri x Blind fem!reader
No Idea (A Week Later)
~Not For Me~ Shinsou x Reader
~Dork~ Kaminari x Reader
~Balance~ BakuDekuTodo x Reader
~Don't Ignore Me! Alt. ver~ Bakugou x Reader
~Nostalgia~ Todoroki X Reader
Update: July 14
~Self-Care~ Todoroki x Reader x Bakugou
~Ears~ Todoroki x Reader
~Little Fluffball~ Todoroki x Bakugou
~Blush~ Todoroki x Reader Drabble
~Clingy (Alt Version)~ Todoroki x Reader
~Kiss of Death~ Todoroki x Reader
~Cabin Fever~ Dabi x Reader
~Pumpkin Kiss~ Monoma x Reader
~Kiss of Death pt 2~ Todoroki x Reader
~Out To Sea~ BakuSquad
~When They Call My Name~ Todoroki x GN!Reader
~Burn~ Bakugou x Reader
~Dark Night~ Kirishima x Reader

~Bully~ Bakugou X Reader

8.9K 199 47
By chibirach99

Short little Baku drabble! Not really fluff, slightly angsty and doesn't really have a point to it, but I was texting my precious cousin and I wrote this out casually as a hypothetical situation (bc she was saying if baku told her to jump out a window she would) and here we are sooooo yeah.  Enjoy some sassiness!  (Kind of involves some platonic relationships that could bloom into something more depending on the feedback I get, we'll see!)

"Bakugou, you ass!" I stood in front of Midoriya's crouched body, hands on my hips.

The ash blond scowled at me.  "Move outta the way and mind your own business, Extra!  Stop sticking your nose where it doesn't belong!"

"How about you pull the stick out of your ass and be nice for a change?" I retorted, admittedly enjoying how I manage to raise his blood pressure.

Before the situation could escalate any further, the teacher came over.  "Alright you two, break it up!  Or I'm giving you both detention!"

That's the way Bakugou and I interacted.  Being the crude, pompous jerk he is, I was always the only one would stood up for Midoriya in middle school, since everyone else in our class was always too scared to face the big bully.  I never thought it was fair that Bakugou treated him like the gum on the bottom of his shoe, especially since Midoriya tried so hard to keep a friendship with him.

"You don't have to stick up for me, (Y/n)."  Midoriya's green eyes stared at the ground while I tended to a cut on his face for what feels like the hundredth time.

I frowned as I rubbed some cream.  "I really don't understand why you insist on staying friends with him.  Look what he does to you."

The boy laughed nervously, "It's how he shows affection?"

I looked him straight in the eyes.  "Midoriya, this is a toxic friendship.  He doesn't deserve to beat you up just because you're quirkless."

His lip jutted out into a pout.  "You don't have to remind me."

"Sorry."  I peeled off the backing from a bandage and snorted, remembering the idiot's crazy proclamation from a few days ago.  "Hero my ass.  He's no hero, he's a bully.  He has no problem abusing someone who used to be his good friend, how can he be a hero?"

"He does have a pretty strong quirk."

"Yeah, that just means he could be a good villain too."  At the way the boy's eyes were still fixed on the ground, I leaned forward, garnering his attention.  "Midoriya, you can't see the bad in people, and I admire that about you.  But you have to learn that you can't just take this lying down."

The corners of his mouth quirked up into a sad smile.  "How do I fight him?  I don't have a quirk."

I sighed at that.  "All I'm saying is one day, he's going to say something really unforgivable to you.  And that will be the day I push him out the window."  It came out as casual and upbeat as if I were talking about the weather.

Midoriya flinched.  "Sometimes, you can be just as scary as Kacchan."

"Well I can't be nice to take his bullshit, look at where that's got you."

I didn't have to wait long until Bakugou said that unforgivable thing.

"Just pray that you'll be born with a quirk in your next life, and take a swan dive off the roof of the building."

I was just returning from the bathroom to walk Midoriya home as we always do, my hand circled around the door knob.  A wash of well-burried melancholy resurfaces from within me at the phrase.

I'm about to end this man's life.

I throw open the door, seeing red as I looked up at the boy's nonchalant, smirking face.  As soon as he saw me, his entire expression wiped clean as if he were shocked to see that I heard his oh-so-polite request.

I didn't tear my eyes away from his, exhaling shakily as I feel the blood about to pump out of my veins.  "Midoriya," I somehow managed to say evenly, despite it being an octave lower than my normal voice, "I want you to go downstairs and wait for me outside until I come get you."

Probably also frightened by my extreme change in demeanor, the green-haired boy scurried out of the room along with the rest of Bakugou's friends.  The door shut behind us, leaving just us and the ticking of the clock on the wall.

The sound of my heartbeat in my ears deafened me and my fists clench, brambles starting to grow off of my arms.  "Give me one reason, and it better be a damn good one, why I shouldn't hang you out of the window for the birds to peck your skin off."

"Cool it, tree-face, don't do anything stupid."  He tried to act casual, but his eyes darted towards my lengthening branches as they snaked towards him.

"I've been so patient with you for Midoriya's sake, Katsuki, but you've crossed a very dangerous line."  I stepped towards him, glare still nailed on him.

"You haven't been patient, you're always butting in when no one wants you, it's annoying!" He took a step back to avoid the slowly growing branches.  "Sometimes I want you to jump out the window or something already!"

The branches ceased moving, suddenly retracting back into my arms.  I crack my neck.  "Okay."  All the venom was gone from my voice.

He quirked an eyebrow, his stance relaxing seeing that he's not in danger.  "Heh?"

I strolled through the rows of desks.  I switched open the latch lock on the top of a window and pushed it up, the cool breeze hitting my face first.

Bakugou's entire body turned towards me, "Hold on a sec."

"If that's what you really want."  I lifted my leg up and over the wall, straddling the windowsill as the dusk air caressed half my body.

"Idiot!  Don't do it!"  He dropped his bag and ran towards me as I was about to shift my weight off my standing leg, yanking me back inside so both my feet were back on solid ground.  His scarlet eyes bored into mine, contorted into another smirk.  "Why would you do that just because I asked?  Do you have a death wish or something?!"

I glared back at him calmly.  "You needed to learn that your words have consequences, Katsuki.  Imagine if you had a quirk where everyone did as you said."  I leaned in closer to his face.  "Just a thought," I whispered before pulling away, grabbing my bag from off the ground, and leaving the classroom, slamming the door closed behind me.

In the moment between me hearing Bakugou say those words casually to Midoriya and me almost wringing him out the window, I realized something about that bully that made me stop and think.  That's all he knows how to say because it's what he learned, he probably didn't have the best upbringing to teach him any better.  In a way, he needed someone else to open his eyes so he can become aware of his wrongdoings.  Being violent wasn't going to solve anything since he's as stubborn as a mule.  The only way to save him is actions.  And that's exactly what I hope I did.  I didn't know what he would do now, but at least I've done my part.

When Midoriya asked what I happened, frantic that I did something heinous, I simply replied, "I was a hero."

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