Lunar Crystals

By Expeon

8.5K 239 229

Lunar is an Umbreon, with quite a unnatural story to tell... Crystal, she's a Glaceon, with a natural backsto... More

All Grown Up
Wrong Place, Right Time.
Lunar's Story
The Battle
Private Healthcare
I'm Sorry...
Healed Wounds
Curiosity Killed The Cat.
Search & Rescue
Another One..?
Coming Clean
Places to be
Dead Eeveelution Walking
Crude Thoughts
Getting Constructive
Under Attack

A Rough Trip

274 13 8
By Expeon

What have I done? I embarrassed myself with Crystal and now I've hurt Jinx, Crystal got mad at me and everything... I can't do this... I need to leave, that way I'm not in the way... I'll just be a shadow... 

A black blur sped through the forest, oblivious to what was ahead, it kept running.

The blur sped up and looked back, once it looked forward again it noticed the cliff in front of them, they screamed and hit the wall, with a soft thud they stopped dead in their tracks, with another thud they fell to the floor, they lay there, still as can be, their chest weakly rising and falling.

The Vaporeon looked at the Glaceon, "What happened?" the Glaceon simply shrugged and headed towards the building, Jinx and Hypro shared a look and followed...
"Crystal. Where did Lunar go." Jinx asked, sounding serious. Crystal turned around and spoke "Lunar, ran off" When she said his name she spat it out as if she were disgusted. She turned around again and walked away. "Crystal, what's gotten into you?" Hypro asked, Crystal didn't reply she just kept walking away. Once they'd reached the house, Crystal answered their questions; "He doesn't care about you." She spat, "When Lunar fainted you, he did nothing, not even the faintest glimmer of pity, he didn't care." Crystal said with evident hate in her voice, she looked at Hypro and Jinx who looked hurt, "He doesn't care?" Jinx asked, "Is that why he attacked me so powerfully?" Jinx asked herself, Hypro stayed silent. Crystal spoke;
"Probably, I wouldn't be surprised, especially with the way he threatened you at the start," 
Jinx just look hurt at this point, she began to cry as Hypro tried to comfort her, Crystal looked out of the window and noticed it was beginning to get dark, she looked at the moon like she did the night before, it reminded her of Lunar, so she turned away, she wanted nothing to do with the dark type, so she turned away and tried to sleep on the couch.

A pink quadruped walked through the forest, they were heading north, they stuck close to the cliff as a navigation point, they walked further on. They walked over some bushes that lay on the floor, she looked up at the stars, they decorated the black canvas of the night, the moon was easily visible, the moon always reminded her of someone she'd wish she could forget, not out of hate, but out of love. She wanted to let him go and start a new life, he always wanted to be a moonlight pokemon, he became one of the most powerful ones in our forest.

As the quadruped walked along, gazing at the stars, she tripped on something, she jumped and turned around, to see what had obstructed her path, she looked down to see a black fox, an Umbreon, their chest had bumps sticking out of the skin, and their left foreleg was broken, the pink quadruped hoisted the Umbreon onto her back and started running back to her den. Once she reached her den, she opened the door and set the dark type on her sofa. She ran to her storage cupboard and took out a medical kit, she took out some bandages and unsheathed a syringe. Without hesitation she unsheathed the needle and dug it into his right pectoral. Once she'd administered the liquid she tended to his arm, she shifted the bone into place and set some ice on it, she secured the ice with a bandage. Next, she took out another syringe with a purple liquid in it, she armed the needle and jabbed it into his left leg, once she had given him a dosage of the liquid, she set his arm down. Then she moved onto his chest, she turned him onto his back and stood over him, she pawed at the bumps gently until they fell into place, then she took out another syringe with the same purple liquid in it and primed it, she stuck the needle into the centre of his chest, she wrapped it with a bandage twice and got off him. She admired her handiwork, then went to pick up her medical kit, but before she picked it up, she noticed her hind thighs were red. She looked confused and then looked at the moonlight pokemon again, this time she noticed the gash on his thigh, she prepared a gauze and sterilized her paws. She took out a cloth and a bottle, she put the cloth over the bottle and swiftly turned the bottle upside down, then back upright. Once she was satisfied with the amount of liquid that was on the cloth she gently patted his cut, she saw him wince and felt sorry. Next she applied some cream over the cut, this was to both, neutrialise the pain and act as adhesive for the gauze. Next she planted the gauze over the gash and pressed firmly, she then wrapped a bandage over the gauze to hold it in place. She checked the Umbreon one last time for any hidden wounds and, thankfully, she found none. She shook his leg to check if the gauze was secure. Once she was satisfied with it she got off him and went to put away her supplies. She threw away the empty syringes in separate bins, each marked with a symbol, she threw one into the bin marked 'Adrenaline' and the last two into 'Healing'. She put her equipment away and sat down opposite the Umbreon. She looked at him, something felt... familiar about him. No way  she thought, it can't be him... she studied his face, her forked tail swayed elegantly in the air, her lavender fur looked as soft as a bed of flowers, her forehead had a beautiful crimson gem embedded in it, she had two large, sensitive ears perched atop her head with small tufts of fur under them. The Espeon studied her counterpart opposite her with curiosity, the Umbreon began to stir and eventually woke up, he grimaced and inspected his wounds, he noticed the Espeon sat opposite staring with curiosity. He looked at her with confusion, then looked around his foreign surroundings, he studied the room, there was a desk with drawings on it, above the desk was an anatomy layout of several pokemon, including an Umbreon, he turned back to the Espeon in front. "Did you help me?" he asked, his voice hoarse, the Espeon nodded. "Thank you." Lunar replied with gratitude. "Don't mention it," The Espeon spoke softly, her voice was comforting. That voice, no way... Lunar thought. 

"This might come across weird and I apologise if it does, but I have to know..." The Espeon began, "Go on..." Lunar encouraged, his ears rose to signal he was paying attention,
"Do I... know you?" She asked, Lunar looked at her, curiously, "Were you born in Forest Pine?" She finished. 


I hope you enjoyed this chapter I enjoyed writing it. It also showed some of my medical knowledge UwU. Anyways, who do you think the Espeon is? Do you think Crystal and Lunar will see each other again? Who knows... I DO! hahahahaaaaaaah! ÒwÓ

Welp, I'll see you tomorrow when I WILL Update!

Date Published: 02/02/2020
Word Count: 1227
Time Taken to write: 2-3 hours

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