larry fluff and oneshots

By sleepylittlejupiter

462K 7.7K 4.9K

curly is protective. possessive. easily jealous. blue-eyes is sweet. adorable. innocent. and they love each... More

bedtime pt. 1
bedtime pt. 2
cuddles and kisses
hanging out pt. 1
hanging out pt. 2
it's cold tonight
seven days of larry
seven days of larry - day 1
seven days of larry - day 2
seven days of larry - day 3
seven days of larry - day 4
seven days of larry - day 5
seven days of larry - day 6
seven days of larry - day 7
cuddle bug
they smell like you
sing me to sleep
do i know you? pt. 1
i'll protect you for all my life and more
do i know you? pt. 2
you bring me home
you in the moonlight/with your sleepy eyes
smol bean
let me take care of you pt. 1 // sick harry
let me take care of you pt. 2 // sick louis
smitten kitten // valentine's special
smitten kitten pt. 2
smitten kitten pt. 3
i'm sorry that i hurt you pt. 1
smitten kitten // shy kitty
i'm sorry that i hurt you pt. 2
i'm sorry that i hurt you pt. 3
i'm sorry that i hurt you pt. 4
puppy pt. 1
smitten kitten // where our story begins
smitten kitten // when harry met louis
puppy pt. 2
smitten kitten // it'll only hurt a bit
under your bed in new york.
whipped cream and wine

smitten kitten pt. 1

6.3K 155 61
By sleepylittlejupiter

prompt: louis is a little kitten hybrid who is totally smitten with harry

i know several people have requested a fic where louis gets a lot of panic attacks and harry helps him through them but i'm not sure how to write it? i'm not really sure how panic attacks work and i don't want to have an inaccurate portrayal so i'll have to take a rain check on that one.

ages ago, when i first started reading fanfics, i thought hybrid fics were SO WEIRD and i refused to write or read them. one day i actually read one and it was so cute!!! now i love kitten louis, it's like the cutest thing ever and here i am trying to write one, which is inspired by several other fics i've read. hope you guys enjoy it!

(i think i could turn this into a series because it'd be mostly fluff tidbits with the CUTEST KITTEN EVER - what do y'all think?)

  "so, niall fell asleep in class, and the entire class was taking turns balancing things on his head. it was hilarious - even mr. andrews joined in," liam told harry as they entered liam's house.

  "aw, damn it, i wish i was in your history class! mr. andrews is a much cooler teacher than mr. jenkins." harry took off his shoes at the door and his eyes swiveled around until he spotted a tiny kitten curled up on the couch, fast asleep. "awww, lou's asleep."

  "i'll go wake him up," liam said, shrugging off his jacket.

  "don't do that - he looks so calm and peaceful. besides, won't he be upset if you wake him? you know how much lou loves his naps."

  liam laughed, walking towards louis.  "are you kidding? he'll be so upset when he realizes you were here and he didn't get to say hello. he's obsessed with you."

  "i have an irresistible charm," harry joked, taking off his jacket too.

  liam rolled his eyes. "shut up. just because you've corrupted one innocent kitten doesn't mean all the ladies love you."

  "good thing i don't swing that way." harry winked at liam, who rolled his eyes again and shook louis' shoulder gently.

  "lou? lou, babe, wake up." 

  the kitten hybrid made a cute tired noise and tried to push liam's hand away.

  "c'mon, lou, harry's here. don't you want to say hello to harry?"

  " 'arry?" louis' eyes opened and he sat up. his eyes landed on harry, and he squealed, " 'arry!"

  the kitten immediately jumped off the couch and ran towards harry, jumping into his arms.

  harry caught him just in time, and secured his arms around the smaller boy as louis purred happily and snuggled into harry's neck.

  "hey, kitten," harry said, smiling fondly when louis peered up at him with those big blue eyes.

  "i've never seen him that excited to see me," liam huffed.

  louis turned his head to look at liam and stuck his tongue out at him, earning an offended gasp from liam and a loud chuckle from harry.

  "you've officially corrupted him, harry," liam said, shaking his head. "now come on, we can hang out in my room."

  "how about lou?" harry asked, looking at the hybrid who was currently playing with harry's necklace, fluffy brown ears tickling harry's chin.

  liam sighed. "he can come with us, i guess. he'll probably throw a fit if you leave him."

  harry smirked and carried the kitten with him to liam's bedroom, where he plopped louis on liam's bed and seated himself on one of liam's beanbags. 

  louis whined and quickly jumped off the bed, sitting down next to harry's beanbag so that his leg was touching harry's. he sat there for the several hours harry spent at the payne's house, reading a few kiddie books and not disturbing harry and liam.

  when it was time for harry to leave, as soon as harry had stood up, he had one kitten hybrid wrapped around one leg and a tail wrapped around the other.

  "lou, babe, harry's gotta leave," liam coaxed his adopted brother, trying to slowly remove louis from harry's legs.

  louis whimpered and clung tighter to the green-eyed boy. " 'arry stay?"

  "awww, i wish i could, honey, but i gotta go home now," harry said gently, stroking louis' soft, fluffy hair in an attempt to calm the kitten down. "i'll come tomorrow and i'll read you some stories, okay?"

  louis sniffled sadly. "pwomise?"

  "pinky promise." harry held out his pinkie and louis linked them together, slowly unwrapping his tail from harry's leg and letting harry move away. 

  he followed harry downstairs and sat down on the floor while harry put on his shoes and jacket. when harry was done, he squatted down and kissed louis' forehead. "bye, kitten. see you tomorrow!"

  "bye bye." louis pouted as he watched harry exit the house, and ran to the window so he could watch harry until he disappeared from view.

  "lou, come on, it's dinner time!" liam said, picking louis up and carrying him to the dining table. "you can see harry tomorrow, okay?"

  louis shuffled into his chair, which was higher than the others, since louis was so much smaller. the rest of the payne family sat down in their seats as well - liam, karen, geoff, nicole and ruth. 

  louis looked upon them as family, ever since the day when geoff had found louis in a cardboard box in the street and brought him home, where the paynes had immediately agreed to take him in and treat him like on of their own. louis loved all of them, but harry was... special.

  soon after geoff had brought louis home, liam had brought his best friend, harry, to come and meet his new adopted brother.

  louis had taken one look at harry's soft curls and green eyes and had immediately ran to give harry a big hug and refused to leave harry's side for the day. he couldn't explain why - he just felt an instant connection to harry.

  "is lou missing harry?" karen asked when she noticed louis' pouty expression.

  "uh huh," liam replied through a mouthful of food. "tried to stop him leaving, too."

  karen cooed internally. she thought louis' behavior was absolutely adorable, but as a mother figure she had to reprimand it. "now, louis, dear, i know you love harry but that doesn't mean you can do that, alright?"

  "yes, mama," louis mumbled, cheeks turning pink and ears flattening into his hair. karen's heart melted at being called "mama" - louis got attached to people easily so it wasn't a big surprise, but karen still absolutely loved it.

  after dinner, louis slunk into his and liam's shared room and sat on his bed, completing a jigsaw puzzle nicole had bought him as a present for getting a good grade on his test - there were no schools for hybrids so the paynes home schooled louis, and he was a very bright student.

  when it was nearly his bedtime - although he didn't really need one because he got sleepy really quickly - he tapped liam on the shoulder and waited patiently while liam unplugged his phone from the charger and handed it to louis. 

  "now, don't talk too long, alright? i need my phone for some other things too," liam reminded him, before turning back to his homework.

  louis bounded back to his bed and dialed harry's number for their daily bedtime calls. 

  "hello?" harry answered, a smile appearing on his face once he heard the cute little " 'ello 'azzie!"

  "how are you doing, kitten?" 

  "sleepy, 'azzie."

  "is that right? where are you right now?"

  "room! with lili."

  "what's he doing right now?"

  "erm, h-humwork?"

  "you almost got it, babe - it's homework. but good job! what a smart kitten you are, huh?" 

  "smart kitten," louis agreed happily. "i almost finish nicky's p-puzzle!"

  "really? that's so awesome, lou," harry said, fonding at the pride in louis' voice. "listen, honey, i gotta go now, i have some homework of my own to do."

  " 'arry - 'arry will come tomorrow for reading time?" louis asked anxiously, nibbling on his thumb.

  "of course! i'll even bring some carrots for you," harry said, laughing when louis squealed at the mention of his favorite food.

  "nighty night, 'azzie. lou is sleepy now," louis said, yawning.

  "goodnight, kitten."

  harry hung up and louis handed the phone back to liam.

  "you gonna sleep now?" liam took his phone and placed it on his desk.

  "mhmm." louis rubbed his eyes and padded back to his bed. liam followed him, and helped to tuck louis in. "goodnight, lou."

  "nighty night, lili," louis mumbled back, snuggling into his comfy blankets and drifting off into dreams about cuddling with a certain green-eyed boy.

i hope that was kinda cute? idk i tried. tell me if you liked it or if you didn't, vote, comment and request!

all the love,

the author .x

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