| ๐™ฒ๐™ป๐š„๐™ผ๐š‚๐šˆ & ๐™ธ |

By insane_coco

348K 11.7K 1.7K

NATALYA STEPANOV - A new girl with sweet and funny personality. She's very cheerful. Clumsy as hell. She's be... More



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By insane_coco

"Das not good"


I watched her in trance as she danced along with our friends. She was smiling. She was carefree. Happy. I could see she was enjoying her time right now.

I saw as she and Logan sang through the lyrics of the song. She pulled her golden gown, which I must say looked incredible on her, and began to jump and twirl.

Charli bend down to her knees, laughing while Ace joined Natalya with Elo and Joseph.

Gulping down my drink, I stood up and began to walk im her direction, ignoring Isaac's stare on me.

Natalya stopped as she saw me approaching her. She gulped as she stared at me with those electric blue orbs of hers.

"I'm mad." I whispered near her ear which earned me a giggle from her.

"No. You're Craze." She giggled again and I looked at her, amused.

I raised a brow. "Ms. Stepanov, are you drunk?"

She giggled again.

Yup fuCking drunk. The Natalya I know never giggles this much.

"No. I'm Natalya." I rolled my eyes. I looked among our friends to only noticed Ace drunk but the rest were fine.

I furrowed my brows before looking back at the giggling Natalya. "What did you drink, Natalya?"

"I drink....nothannnggggg!" This gained the attention of the rest of our friends.

"FuCk! Is she drunk?!" Elo asked looking at Natalya who was busy dancing. But she stopped and stomped her way to Elo with an angry pout. I rolled my eyes, knowing what was coming.

"I'm not drunk! I am Natalya!" Our friends looked at her in amusement.

"Definitely drunk." Joseph muttered from beside me and I nodded my head.

"Let me get her some water." I rolled my eyes as Logan ran to get water.

"Ace is drunk too. But they didn't even touch the drinks. I wanted him to remember our crowning as homecoming king and queen." Charli looked confused and worried at the same time.

I furrowed my brows, looking between Ace and Natalya.

"I drink the fuCking fruit punch but even I'm not drunk." Elo flicked Natalya's head who stomped her feet with a pout and muttered something incoherent.

"Darius, let's get out of here now." Elo said.

"But what about the homecomin-"

"Nobody fuCking cares about the plastic crown. And what will they say once they see how trash he is." She cut Charli's whining, pointing at Ace.

I looked at him and Natalya dancing or more like jumping around Joseph, hand in hand like kids while Joseph was rolling his eyes.

"ShIt! What happened to these two?" Isaac asked, chuckling.

"They're drunk." Joseph and Elo said simultaneously. I rolled my eyes and wait for what's coming fuCking again.

"I'm not drunk! I am Natalya! How times many I tell you bloody?!" And the whole group burst into laughter as she fumbled with her words.

"Don't worry, baby cakes. I know you. You're Natalya the British baby cakes!" Ace said hugging the life out of Natalya.

I chuckled, shaking my head at my silly girlfriend.

"Here. Drink this, Natalya." Logan said giving her the glass of water. He handed one to Joseph to help Ace in drinking it.

"But I want brownies." She whined and realization hit me.

"ShIt! Brownies! I think those were pot brownies. Only Natalya and Ace ate those." I looked at the table to see all the brownies gone.

Yup! Now the whole school is probably fuCking high.

"I think its better if we just get out from here." Isaac suggested.

"But we can't take her back to her home. Adrian would fuCking flip out." I voiced out.

"I'll take her home with me." Elo said as she tried to get away from Ace and Natalya who were messing with her hair.

"Isn't Cole home?" Charli narrowed her eyes at Elo who glared at her in return.

"She's not sleeping at yours." I growled.

"I would've taken her with me but as you can see I have to take care of Ace whose equally trash." Charli said looking at us with apologetic look.

"I'm taking her with me." I said, moving closer to Natalya.

"Why the fuCk would she stay with you?!" Logan growled, stepping closer to me.

"What the fuCk are you gonna do about it?" I challenged him.

He came forward but Joseph stopped him and Isaac stepped in front of me.

"What the fuCk is wrong with you two?!" Elo asked as she looked between me and Logan. We were glaring at each other. "Logan, Natalya's been to his house a few times. And Margot and Ethan knows her well. I think it will be better if she stays the night at his place."

Logan looked between me and her before storming away from here.

Joseph sighed before looking at us. "I'd like to stay more but he's my ride home. I guess I'll see you on Monday." And he went after his shitTy brother.

I looked at my friends. "I'm taking her with me. Isaac you know what to do." He nodded his head.

I took Natalya's hand in mine. She gasped before looking at our friends. "What are you doing? They're gonna know about us." My eyes widened at what she thought was a whisper but in reality she almost fuCking yelled.

"Wait wait wait. What's she talking about?" Charli asked looking between me and Natalya.

"We're hidi-" Before she could do something she would definitely regret tomorrow, I bend down and threw her over my shoulder.

"I'll see you guys later." I managed to say and almost ran out of the school with her on my shoulder.

"Wow. Craze, I'm seeing things in different way." She said. "Hey, I see someone's butt really close to me!"

"That's mine." I chuckled.

"Can I touch it? Is it like bubble? Will it pop?" I laughed at her. Drunken Natalya, is definitely a Natalya I wouldn't see everyday.

"No you fuCking can't right now. But you can touch it at home." I smirked, hearing her giggle.

I quickly settled her down on the passenger seat. I round up the car and got inside. I cranked up the engine and began driving to my house.

"Do you know that I love my brother?" She asked with her eyes slightly close.

"I know." I smile.

"My dad?"

"I know."


"Rome?" I asked.

She nodded her head.

She loves Rome? Didn't tell me before. I'm definitely taking her there in the future.

"He's like my best best best friend. And I love him very much."

Wait back the fuCk up!

"Who's Rome?" I tightened my grip on the steering.

She sat up and turned to look at me.

"Rome is actually Romeo. The one that called when Logan was being mean and broke my phone."

"Yeah he's an aSshole." I muttered, before plastering a fake smile. "Tell me more about this Rome."

I knew that I was basically taking the advantage of her being fuCking trash. But my jealousy won over my rational side.

"He taught me photography. And he is like really really nice. I miss him so much. I haven't seen him for like a year." She pouted as I gripped the steering wheel, harder. My knuckles turning white.

"And I was super mad at Logan when he broke my phone. Because I couldn't talk to him. But he called Addy and we talked on his phone. He also loves chocolate. Just like me."

We reached my home and I killed the engine before turning to her. She thankfully has stopped babbling about Rome.

"What about me?" I asked her.

She looked at me with an adorable confused face. "What about you?"

I nodded my head. "What am I to you?"

I looked at her as she began to giggle shyly. A smile formed on my face. "You're my boyfriend. And someone I like in a romantic way." A chuckle left my mouth. "And you're also the first guy I like. You're just a little bit," she showed me her thumb and index finger with very little space between them. "away from reaching the level of my chocolates." Something tugged at my heart as I realized she fuCking loves chocolate and I'm just a little bit away from it. A goofy smile taking over my face.

"Let's go in." I said and she nodded her head vigorously, before I could warn her.

I chuckle as she groaned. Closing and opening her eyes. "Woah! I see the whole world upside down for a second."


"If you're ever sad....don't be because sad backward spelled is das and das not good."

"Oh god!" I tried to control my laugh as I took Natalya to my room over my shoulders because she cannot walk.

At least that's what she said.

"Why did the banana go to the doctor?" She asked as I opened the door and gently placed her on my bed.

I bend down to her height and asked 'why' just to humour her.

"Because he was not peeling well." I closed my eyes as I felt my lips twitched upwards while she was full on laughing.

I removed her shoes or whatever the fuCk she was wearing before going in my closet to bring some clothes for her.

"What do you do to the death chemist?!" I heard her from outside while I looked for something for her to wear.

"What?!" I shook my head, grinning.

"You barium!" And then I heard her laughing again. I chuckled at her behaviour.

I grabbed my hoddie for her then changed into my sleepwear which consisted of only a sweatpants but due to Natalya, I put on a t-shirt as well.

"I'll wear your hoddie?!" I nearly jumped as she squealed seeing my hoddie. She made grabby hands and I shook my head before giving her.

I watched in amusement as she closed her eyes and sniffed my hoddie. "This smells delicious." She was so gonna fuCking regret this tomorrow. "It smells like chocolate. You smell like chocolate!"

I shook my head before settling down beside her. "Really?"

She nodded her hand. "Don't tell anyone but I still had your hoddie from the first time I came here. And for your information I'm not giving it back because it still smells like you."

I kissed the side of her head. "I'm gonna get something for you while you change your clothes. Okay?"

"Don't go." She pouted.

"Fine. I was gonna bring chocolate by the way." Instantly she pushed me off the bed making me chuckle.

"Go. And get me like.....four." She showed me her five fingers.

"They're five."

She looked confused before counting her fingers. "Okay.....then bring me five!" I gave her a salute before stepping outside and closing the door.

"You better change out of your clothes or I'm eating your chocolate right in front of you!" I said through the door, chuckling as I heard her whining.

Entering the kitchen, I saw Margot drinking water. "Hey."

"Hi." She replied before continuing drinking.

I search the cabinets for any kind of chocolate.

"Here." I turned around to see chocolates on the kitchen island. I grinned looking at her.


"No problem. Is she really drunk?"

I sighed. "She ate pot brownies. Ace ate those too."

"Owww. Poor girl. She'll have massive hangover." I nodded my head.

I scratched my head before asking her. "Is there something to remove those.....uhhh....make-up?"

She chuckled before nodding her head. "You go ahead and I'll bring it to your room."

"Thank you." I smiled before running back to my room.

I knocked on my door. Waiting for the reply. But after few seconds when I didn't heard anything, I went inside, worrying of anything happened to her. Clumsy and drunk Natalya are something I didn't ever want to even think about.

I walked inside but paused when I saw her. A laugh erupted out of me which startled my poor girl.

She stood there wearing my leather jacket over my hoddie. She has covered her eyes with my shades and her blond hair were somehow inside one of my beanie. My eyes widened for a few seconds as I look at her bare legs.

FuCk me!

She was currently in the middle of spraying my perfume.

I looked in amusement as she placed the perfume back and ran up to me. But like the clumsy little thing she was, tripped on my floor.

"Aye you stupid floor! Always killing me!" I shook my head before reaching down, placing my one hand under her knees and the other behind her back, picking her up and carrying her to my bed.

"What are you doing, baby?" I asked as I removed the shades and beanie. "Why are you wearing leather over a hoddie?"

I narrowed my eyes playfully as she giggled. "I want to be bad boy. Just like you."

"I'm a bad boy?" She nodded her head with a giggle.

I playfully glared at her before reaching my hands on her waist and started tickling her. I smiled, hearing her squeal. "Stop!"

"Take it back!"


I laughed with her as she laid down on the bed and I placed my knees on either side of her continuing my tickle torture on her.

"Okay! Okay! Stop! You're not a bad boy!" I stopped as she began to pant.

I nodded my head and removed myself from above her, lying beside her.

"Now be a good girl and take off the leather jacket."

"But I likeyyyy." She gave me puppy eyes and her adorable pout.

I groaned as I close my eyes. "Don't you want chocolate?" And a second later the leather jacket was dropped on my face and may I say not so fuCking gently.

I removed it before glaring at her but my glare instantly turned into an amused look as I saw her grinning like a kid, sitting crossed legs.

My eyes may or may not have lingered on her bare legs so I instantly covered them with my jacket.

I shook my head before giving her m&m's. That's what Margot gave me.

She placed a kiss on my cheeks. "Thank you!"

I kissed her cheek. "No problem."

"You know....I've been eating peanut butter m&m's in hope that if a cannibal eats me and is allergic to peanuts, I get my revenge."

I cocked my brows. "That started out so fuCking normal."

She giggled before nodding her head. I jerked my face to the door after Margot knocked on it. "Hey, sweety!"

I winced as I heard Natalya squeal. "Margot!"

Margot let out a short laugh before looking at me. "Yeah. Definitely high."

I sat up and leaned against the headboard as she walked in the room. "Natalya, do you need help in removing the make-up?"

Natalya thought for a while, still munching on her m&m's. "No. I'm perfectly fine." I rolled my eyes.

"Natalya, sweety, its gonna harm your skin." Margot tried to make her understand.

"But then I'll be ugly." She mumbled. I furrowed my brows at her so does Margot.

I dragged myself near, Natalya, grasping her hand in mine. "I'm pregnant."

Margot almost cursed while Natalya let out a giggle. "You can't be pregnant, silly."

"I thought we were saying impossible thing."

I watched as Natalya bites her lips before hiding her face.

"Awwww." I scratched my head as I look at Margot. "My heart can't take this much sweetness. I'm gonna leave these here and Darius will help you. I know he will." She winked before going to the door. "Good night. And Darius, don't do anything." She warned before closing the door behind her.

I quickly got the wipes like thing and some sort of liquid before removing Natalya's makeup. It wasn't so much. Her lipstick was already removed and there was only eye makeup left.

I went to my bathroom to put the things there. When I came back, Natalya was already passed out on the bed. Her hands still holding the chocolate.

I chuckled, laying her properly. I placed a kiss on her forehead before jumping over her to my side.

I let out a yawn as I thought of the whole evening.

The only thing that I was mad about was how reckless she was tonight.

She didn't know Madison. And she wouldn't easily forget about the prank. Plus if the authorities would've gotten to know about it then she would've been suspended.

I was really afraid for her. I knew Elo can handle Madison and her side chicks. But as for Natalya, she was naive. Innocent. Even though everything she did today was anything but innocent.

I heard shuffling and when I looked down, a smile appear on my face.

Natalya was sprawled over me. Clinging onto me like a koala. I smiled, kissing her hair one more time after wrapping my arms around her.


Wiping the sweat out of my forehead, I ran passed Jules one more time.

Laughing at the pout she gave me. "That's not fair!" She looked at Dad, who was just a few steps away from passing Jules. "Daddy! Why don't I have long legs like him?!"

Dad passed her, ruffling her hair on the way. "You'll get them once you reach his age."

I stuck my tongue at her before looking head and continuing jogging.

Dad and I always ran every Saturday in our garden. This was our time, Margot knew that's why she didn't join us ever. I talked to dad about my problem and he would gave his advise or guide me through difficult times. If there was nothing to talk, we would just run in comfortable silence.

Today, Jules decided to join us as well. Margot told her this morning that Natalya is here and she thought that Natalya would join me and dad today.

Why? I don't fuCking know.

Seeing Natalya hated anything to do with running. And her being clumsy didn't help at all.

"She's still asleep?" Dad asked as he reached beside me. I nodded my head. It's almost ten in the morning but Natalya was still sound asleep in my room. And I guess she wouldn't get up for another hour or two considering how high she was last night. I chuckled remembering what she said in the car.

"What got you smiling?" I snapped my back to the present and glanced at Dad who was smirking at me.

Rolling my eyes, I replied. "Just thinking how to kill that fuCker who bought those daMn brownies." He nodded his head. Thankfully believing me.

Can't tell him about me being jealous of chocolate.

"I see you're quite....different after meeting her." I raised a brow. "Definitely not a bad thing. I'm happy for you, Darius." He patted my back.

I chuckled shaking my head. "Don't even think that I forgot about the trick you pulled on last Saturday. I'm waiting for the great chance to get back at you."

"But didn't you say that you wanted the whole house to yourself?"

"Not fuCking literally!"

"You got what you asked, son." I shook my head at him. "Hey, I know that you're a good guy but if you hurt Natalya, I'm disowning you." I began to laugh but my laugh died down once I realize that he was fuCking serious. A frown forming on my face as I nodded my head. "She's a good child. And she and Adrian went though a lot. And now with her mother drama....I know she's not gonna leave her that easily."

"I know. And I've warned Isabella about her. She plays dirty. But Dad, you really don't need to worry about her and me. I really care about her. She's just so fuCking different." I smiled as I recalled everything she did.

"That's good. Because if you hurt her....I'm not gonna stop Adrian from coming after you."

"Thanks, Dad." I replied sarcastically.

I smirked as I passed Jules again. "Hey slow poke, we're done for today."

I heard her whining to Dad before going inside the house.


I dried my hair from the towel, stepping outside of the bathroom.

I smirked when I saw Natalya did a double take at me. I was in nothing but a towel wrapped around my waist. Water dripping from my hair down to my chest and going down further.

I winked at her which snapped her attention and her cheeks, neck and ears began to turn red as she looked anywhere but at me.

"Can you please change?" I heard her whisper. My smirk deepened as I went inside my closet and wore a pair of jeans with navy t-shirt.

I saw her running her hand through her blonde hair as I stepped outside.

She was mumbling something while massaging her head. I cleared my throat to gain her attention. She jumped before turning to me.

"What am I doing in your room?"

A plan formed in my head.

A frown appeared on my face as I sat in front of her on my bed.

"Natalya, baby, don't you remember anything from yesterday?" I asked feigning being hurt. She shook her head. "Natalya, yesterday....we.....I....us.....it was our first time together." A gasp left her naturally pink lips. "You were so amazing, baby. I didn't even had to do something. It was all you. And fuCk! You were so wild. I even have those fuCking nail marks on my back."

I watched as her eyes widened with every word I said. She began to shook her head. "No. No. No. I didn't remember anything after you being mad at me for talking to Logan!" She ran her hands through her hair. "And bloody hell! Why do my head feels like someone has hammered it?"

"Baby, you're hurting me. Please say you remember everything." I was trying so hard to not laugh at her. I knew that I was being a major asShOle right now. But I love messing with my girl.

"But I couldn't."

"Fine. You don't believe me. Look under the covers."

She did as I said and a gasp left her mouth. "Why am I wearing just your hoddie?!"

I took her hand in mine. "Baby, we did it yesterday. It was amazing. Actually the best day of my life. Of course after meeting you. But that's not the point."

She yanked her hands back. "Why didn't you stop?! I couldn't...I didn't....why can't I remember anything?!" She whispered as she rubbed her face.

I stood up and started to pace in front of the bed. "I tried to stop you! I truly fuCking tried! But Natalya, you forced yourself on me. And how longer did you expect that I could resist you? I tried! I really tried but you ended up crying and I didn't know wha-"

I stopped mid-way as I heard her sobbing. My heart sank as I realized that I took it way too fuCking far.

Before I could move near her, the door burst open and Jules stepped in but stopped as she saw a sobbing Natalya.

Oh shiT! That's not good!

"Natty, why are you crying?" She asked looking between her and me. Natalya didn't answer and soon Jules glared at me. "Daddy!"

"FuCk! Jules! No!" But did that stop her?

FuCk no!

"Daddy! Darius made Natalya cry!"

I rushed towards Natalya but stopped once I saw Dad and Margot rushing into my room.

"Oh my god! What happened, sweety?" Margot quickly sat beside Natalya with Jules.

Dad was glaring at me. He was giving me 'I warned you' face.

"Dad, its not what it looks like." I chuckled nervously. But instead of listening to me, he pulled my ear hard. "Owww! FuCk! Dad! Stop! Stop!"

"What did I said?! Huh?!"

"Dad! ShIt! Natalya! Baby! Listen to me please! Nothing fuCking happened! Nothing! I was just messing with you! Please stop crying, baby! I'm sor-Owww! Dad! You're fuCking hurting me!"

Natalya looked at me. I sighed in relief when I noticed she was not crying anymore.

"Dad, leave my fuCking ear!" He did before smacking my head.

"You're a bloody jerk, Darius!" Natalya cried before running outside with Jules on her tail.

"Nata-" I stopped as Margot shook her head in disappointment before walking outside.

I groaned before sitting on my bed. "FuCk!"

I felt the bed dipped beside me and turned to look at Dad. "What did you do now?"

"Nothing." I mumbled, placing my head in my hands.

"That clearly doesn't look like 'nothing'."

I groaned once more before lying on the bed. "She doesn't remember anything after eating that brownie and I told her that.....uhhh we.....slept together." I whispered the last part.

"That's it?" I shook my head. "What else?"

"I'd rather not tell you."

"You've fuCked up." He chuckled before walking out of my room.

"Do you think I don't fuCking know that!"


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