chilling adventures of sabrin...

By burntwildflowerz

264K 5K 1.4K

imagines based off the characters of CAOS !! requests are closed :/ More

|greek god • nick scratch|
|terrible thing • ambrose spellman|
|i become a shade • ambrose spellman|
|lovers rock • harvey kinkle|
|soft stud • nick scratch|
|velvet light • ambrose spellman|
|new flesh • nick scratch|
|i become a shade pt.2 • ambrose spellman|
|we fell in love in october • susie putnam|
|monopoly • prudence blackwood|
|easy • nick scratch|
|void • nick scratch|
|yours • lucifer morningstar|
|fubu • ambrose spellman|
|american boyfriend • harvey kinkle|
|new book|
|lust for life • nick scratch|
|yours pt.2 • lucifer mornigstar|
|obvious secret • lucifer mornigstar|
|saw you in a dream • caliban|
|sunlight • nick scratch|
|are you bored yet? • ambrose spellman|
|yours pt.3 • lucifer morningstar|
|thunderbird • caliban|
|new book|
|beach walk • caliban|
new book!

|love my way • harvey kinkle|

4.5K 77 21
By burntwildflowerz

hi :) who misses our adorable harvey kinkle? well i did, so here's an imagine!


"Hey, (Y/n)!" A voice called out.

I was in the library, at Baxter High of course. I was studying for the end of the year assessments.

And as of right now, my grades are not the best. I genuinely was trying my hardest to bring them up, but it seems as if all the gravity on Earth kept dropping them.

"Hi Harvey." I smiled up at the boy who seemed to be hopelessly in love with me.

I was flattered, of course. But I felt terrible because I don't feel the same way back. At least I don't think I do.

Do you ever just feel a specific way for someone, and no matter the circumstance, your viewpoint on them won't change? It's the same with Harvey. He's my friend, and I'm not attracted to him in that way.

"Do you mind if I sit?" He asked. I nodded my head, giving him another smile before returning to my notes.

Out of the corner of my eye I could see him pulling out his books from his bag. I noticed his eyes drift towards me every moment or so, but I continued with my studying.

"So, how was your day?"

"It was fine." I replied.

I didn't mean to be rude or dismiss him, I just really need to not fail high school. This was extremely important to me, even though I despise it with every ounce of my being.

"Good." Harvey grinned, his hands running through his wavy hair. "I have a question to -uh- ask you."

I looked up at him. There was a rosy tint on his cheeks, his eyes not meeting mine in embarrassment. I couldn't help but give him a reassuring smile, he was still my friend and I deeply cared for him.

"Ask." I replied with a hint of question in my tone.

Harvey nodded his head slowly as if he were lost in thought. He sighed to himself a few times, obviously not sure what to say.

I couldn't blame him. Sometimes I had trouble asking people simple questions, or even starting a conversation.

"You know the Spring Gala is coming up, and I wanted to..." He bit his lip, his eyes gazing softly at me. "To ask if you would want to go with me? As a date?"

My breath hitched in my throat. An odd feeling erupted inside me, butterflies swarming around in my stomach. What was I doing? I don't feel this way about him. I shouldn't feel this way about him.

Harvey is Sabrina's ex-boyfriend! I don't want to be sloppy seconds, no offense to her, but I'm worth much more than that. I might not have the best self confidence in myself, but I have always believed that I am better than that. That I deserve what only happens in fairy tales.


"Or with the rest of the group!" He cut in. "Sorry. I meant to say a 'date' between all us friends."

I stared at him with a raised eyebrow. A date between friends? What is he even thinking?

"Okay." I laughed. "I would love to go with you to the... 'friend date group'. To the Spring Gala, of course."

Harvey grinned at me widely, his cheeks a deeper rose color. I couldn't help the skip in my heartbeat when I saw his expression. His face held so much joy. How could I make someone so happy by saying yes to a high school dance? Did he really care about me that much?

"It's tomorrow, so I guess I should get my nails done." I spoke awkwardly, the foreign feeling of butterflies still in my stomach. I just really needed to leave and get my emotions back to normal. "What color should I do? Because I would like to match with you."

This time, I felt the heat rise up in my cheeks. I had never come off this way to Harvey. He definitely noticed my blush and gave me a knowing smirk as he helped me put my notebooks away.

"(F/c). It will look beautiful on you. Well, everything does... but that's the best color on you." He said bashfully.

"Great." I whispered. I was in a daze from Harvey's closeness. "I'll go do that now."


As I walked through the halls of Baxter High, I immediately heard the laughter and music coming from the gym. I smiled to myself. I was excited to see Harvey's reaction once he saw me.

After I left the library, I could not get him off of my mind. Screw graduating high school, I should just focus on his handsome face. I had chosen an outfit that I knew would make me feel more confident that usual.

I didn't want to feel uncomfortable in my own body. For once, I wanted to feel satisfied with myself. I wanted to feel the way Harvey saw me. How his face would light up whenever he laid eyes on me, even if I looked like a hot-mess.

My heels clicked against the tile. The sound echoing throughout the empty hallway. As I neared closer to the gym doors, I could feel the sensation of butterflies in my stomach again.

Ugh, why must the Kinkle boy have such an affect on me?

I opened the gym doors, the loud music and bustle of students hitting me like a huge wave of anxiety. It was much more crowded than usual. Did people come over from Riverdale? They must have.

I made my way through the crowd, tripping over people a few times. They were literally on the ground, doing God knows what. Since when did Greendale know how to party?


Turning my body, I came face to face with Harvey. His eyes widened once he saw me. I couldn't help the bright blush I knew I had on my cheeks, but luckily, the room was dark enough to mask it.

We stayed silent for a while. His eyes soaking in my awkward presence. I could see him studying my face, down to the tips of my heels. Hopefully liking what he saw.

"You are absolutely stunning." He muttered.

"Thank you. You look very handsome."

The music in the back round suddenly changed to a familiar beat. A smile graced my face, Harvey knowingly grinned as well. It was our favorite song. We used to listen to it all the time when we were younger.

"Wanna dance?" He asked, a childish gleam in his brown eyes.

"Of course Kinkle."

A nostalgic feeling washed over me as I swayed and jumped along with the music. I moved my hips side to side, my arms moving gracefully, but fast enough to match the tempo. I couldn't help the giggles that were coming out of my mouth.

It all felt so surreal. I felt like a kid again. That's what Harvey made me feel like. He made me feel whole again, a feeling I hadn't felt since I was much younger.

Harvey was still dancing, a large grin on his adorable face. I kept eye contact with him as we both danced together. There was something so alluring about this moment. I was extremely drawn to him, and it wasn't anything sexual.

It was just pure bliss.

Before I knew it, Harvey wrapped both arms around my waist. He pulled me close to him, our bodies still moving to the sentimental song. I frowned in confusion. What was he doing?

"I need to tell you something." He spoke over the loud music.

I nodded to him, wondering where this might lead to. After all, we were surrounded by a bunch of teenagers. Nothing much could happen, right?

"I'm sure you already know this, but I like you. A lot. Way more than I should."

I stared up at him with wide eyes. A nervous expression on my face.

"I have felt this way about you since we were kids. And it hasn't stopped. If anything, these feelings have only grown more with every passing day."

I had no idea what to do or say. There was something inside me that told me to gently let him down, but I knew that wasn't what I wanted. In fact, I wanted much more. More of Harvey.

"(Y/n). There isn't anyway else to put this..." His voice faltered for a moment, his eyes leaving my eyes to look at my lips. "I love you. I am... in love with you."

I stayed quiet. He stared at me, a look of hurt and regret flashing in his kind eyes. I was frozen in my spot, unsure of what to do next.

All I could feel was Harvey's gentle grasp around my waist. The music and voices going through one ear and out the other. The only thing I truly felt, were my feelings for Harvey. I knew the answer as to what I would say to him.

We have always been friends, and I have always been so afraid to become anything else. I had grown so used to the familiarity of Harvey being close to me, but far enough to where he couldn't hurt me.

But those were all lies I fed myself to deny my true feelings for him. What I felt was much stronger than friendship.

"Harvey." I began, my voice stuck in my throat.

I moved myself closer to his lean body, wanting him as close as possible. Despite all the loud bustle around us, I continued.

"I love you too. And I am so sorry I always brushed you off as if you meant nothing. But I care so much for you. I was just being selfish and only thinking for myself, but that doesn't matter now. What I feel for you is so real. I can't deny it anymore."

Harvey smiled at me, adoration shown on his face. He inched his face closer to mine, before finally closing the gap between us.

His lips were amazingly soft. His touch lingered on my waist as he moved his hands on to my hips. I started to become embarrassed as I realized we were kissing in a huge crowd of teens, but that all faded as I remembered that they meant nothing to me.

The only thing that mattered was Harvey.

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