Male Singers Pregnancy Series

By xmoonlight_dahyunx

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This is my fifth pregnancy series book. I have four previous ones. This one is for my favourite male singers... More

1. Talking About Having A Baby
2. Making A Baby (Smut)
3. Finding Out You're Pregnant
4. Telling Him
5. Celebrating The News
6. Becoming A Father (His POV)
7. Telling His Family
8. Morning Sickness
9. First Scan
10. Starting To Show
11. Telling The Fans (Insta Post)
12. Babysitting For A Friend/ Relative
13. Finding Out The Gender
14. First Kick
15. Gender Reveal Party
16. Baby Shopping
17. He Sings To Your Bump
18. Pregnancy Photoshoot
19. Prenatal Class
20. He Buys Something For The Baby
21. Decorating The Nursery
22. Picking A Name
23. You're Uncomfortable And He Comforts You
24. Getting Ready For Baby
25. Anticipating The Birth
26. Labor/ Delivery- Shawn 💖
27. Labor/ Delivery- Harvey 💙
28. Labor/ Delivery- Niall 💚
29. Labor/ Delivery- Ruel 💜
30. Labor/ Delivery- Khalid ❤️
31. Labor/ Delivery- Eric 🧡
32. Labor/ Delivery- Hunter 💛
33. Labor/ Delivery- Charlie 🤎
35. First Night
36. He Changes A Diaper/ Nappy
37. First Bath
38. Birth Announcement (Insta Post)
39. Family Photoshoot
40. Family Meeting The Baby
41. Date Night
42. Cute Family Time
43. He Babysits While You're Out
44. Family Day Out
45. Baby's First Smile
46. Baby Crawls
47. Baby's First Word
48. Baby's First Steps
49. Baby's First Birthday

34. Baby Comes Home

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By xmoonlight_dahyunx

Shawn 💖

Me and Shawn and bringing our gorgeous baby girl Sophie home. She was born the night before last and is doing great. She is so sweet and beautiful and Shawn and I are so in love with her. We are loving being parents and we are only two days into it. We are getting Sophie ready to go home. I have just fed and changed her before we start the journey home. Shawn has brought the car closer so we don't have to walk far. I put her a cute but warm outfit on for going home. "Awe. She looks adorable for going home, Y/ N" Shawn said. "She does. Our baby girl is so adorable" I reply. "You're going home, Soph with mommy and daddy" he said. Shawn lifts Sophie into her car seat and I wrap her in a blanket to make sure she's all snug for the journey home. We grab all our things and say goodbye to the staff before we leave. We get the elevator to the ground floor of the hospital where the parking lot is. We get to the car and Shawn lifts Sophie in her car seat. She was starting to fall asleep. He puts out stuff in the trunk. We haven't revealed anything about where our baby was born as we don't want anyone to show up when we are bringing our daughter home. We are not announcing Sophie's birth for a few more weeks yet. I sit in the back with Sophie to make sure she's okay. Shawn drives us home and we get home in half an hour. Our little princess is home now

Harvey 💙

Baby Aiden was born yesterday and is doing great. He was more than a week overdue but he's amazing and Harvey and I can take him home today. Yay! Can't wait to get our gorgeous little man home. We have been told by the hospital that we can go home today which is great. We are leaving soon. Harvey's parents are coming to pick us up today and help us bring Aiden home and get him settled in. I have just fed and changed him so he should be all good for going home. "Can I dress him?" Harvey asks. "Yes of course you can. He's your son, Harv" I reply. "He is indeed" he replies. Harvey puts Aiden in his going home outfit and he was really gentle. It's his first time dressing him and he as asking if he was doing it right so he didn't hurt him. Awe I love how cautious he was. He's already a great father. When Aiden was dressed, Harvey puts him in his car seat. We check around the room to make sure we haven't left anything. We got everything and we left the hospital. Harvey's parents Nicky and Leigh were waiting in the entrance of the hospital for us. "Here they are. The perfect little family" Nicky said. "Hey, mum. Hey, dad" Harvey said. Leigh takes the bags and leads us to the car. Harvey and I sit in the back with Aiden. I don't think he liked the idea of being in the car at first but he was fine when we got him home

Niall 💚

It's been a few weeks since the triplets have been born and they've been in hospital since they were born. They are coming home today and me and Niall are delighted to be bringing them home. Niall's mum Maura has come from Ireland to help us with the babies for the next few weeks. It's great to have another set of hands to help us. Maura is lovely. All the babies are stronger now and we good to go home. We are getting them ready to go home now. We are making sure they are all fed and changed before we start the journey home. I fed Cian, Niall fed Cora and Maura fed Cillian. The babies are dressing in matching and coordinated. Awww they look adorable. "I think we are all good to go" Niall said. "Yep we are" I reply. Niall takes the two boys and Maura takes Cora. I had a c section so I have to be careful with lifting things. I just take a light bag. We get out to the car and get the babies in. Maura sits in the middle of Cian and Cillian and I sit at the back of the car with little Cora. Niall drives us home and we arrive home soon. We had to stop on the way as one of the babies was crying so we had to stop but we got home in the end. It was amazing to have our little leprechauns home

Ruel 💜

Baby George is came home today and it's great to have him home. He's two days old now and he's so adorable. Kate and Ralph helped us bring him home this afternoon. It's amazing to have our little boy home. Ruel and I are enjoying being parents so far and it's only been a couple of days. We are at home with George now. "It's amazing to have our little man home. I can't describe how amazing it is" Ruel said. "It is, Ruely. It's so amazing to have Georgie home" I reply. "How's he doing? Is he settling in?" Kate said walking into the room. "He's doing good is our little boy" Ruel replies. "Great. My adorable little grandson. I'm so happy for the two of you" she smiles. "Thank you" I reply. Kate looks at George. "Can grandma have cuddles?" she said. "Of course you can, mum. Georgie would love cuddles from grandma" I reply. Kate sits next to us and picks up George and has cuddles with her. Awwww so cute. Kate loves being a grandma to little Georgie. We are so happy our boy is home now. Parenthood starts for real now

Khalid ❤️

Khalid and I are taking baby Serenity home this evening from the hospital. She was born a few days ago but we've been in the hospital since she was born as I had a traumatic birth and the doctors needed to keep their eye on me. Anyway things are good now and we are taking our little girl home and we can't wait to. So excited to bring little Serenity home. We are getting things ready for taking her home now. I fed her not so long ago and we are leaving very soon. "I'm just checking if we've got everything, babe" Khalid says. "Okay, babe" I reply. He checks round the room to make sure we've got everything. Khalid puts Serenity in her car seat. "You're going home, my sweet girl" he said. He carries her out as we leave and the bags to. We thank the staff at the hospital for everything they have done for us for the last few days and they were grateful for that. They are all so nice and took great care of me and Serenity. We get to the car and Khalid puts Serenity in the back of the car and I sit next to her. He puts everything in the trunk and then we leave and arrive home pretty soon after. It feels like ages since we were last home. It's great to be home now with our little girl

Eric 🧡

Eric and I are leaving the hospital with the twins now. Milo and Felix are just over a week old and they are doing great and we can't wait to get them home with us. We are in the car on our way home from the hospital. We are about halfway home and the boys are sleeping in the back being ever so good. We haven't had a peep out of them the whole way. "We'll be home soon" Eric said. "Yes we will. The boys are being so good" I say. "They are" he replies. When we arrive at home we get the boys out of the car and the stuff too. "You're home, boys. Welcome home" Eric said. "Home" I say. The boys needed feeding so I did that. I can feed them both at the same time which is good. We then take them upstairs to the nursery and they have another little nap while we get packed and settled in. "It's so good to have them home, Y/ N" Eric whispers. "Yes it is. It's great" I reply. He looks at me and smiles and kisses me. The boys sleep for a while then they wake up for another feed and change. It's great to have Milo and Felix home with us

Hunter 💛

Me and Hunter have brought our beautiful baby girl, Hailey home from the hospital today. She is going to meet her big brother Ezra for the first time. He's at home with Hunter's parents. We are nearly home. Ezra can't wait to meet his little sister for the first time. Hailey was born yesterday so she's a day old. We pull up the driveway. Hunter gets Hailey from the backseat and I grab one of the bags and we open the front door. "Hey. We're home" Hunter said. "Hey, the three of you. We've been waiting for you" Lynette said. "Hey" I say. "Ezra, who's this, buddy?" Hunter said. "It's your baby sister Hailey" I say. Hunter places Hailey's car seat on the couch and he looks at her. He's never seen a baby before so he was interested. "Baby" Ezra says. "She's your baby sister, buddy and I think you're gonna love her" Hunter said. We lift Hailey out of her carrier and Ezra has a little hold of her. We sat with him to make sure he was okay holding her. He was really good with her. He's already the best big brother. Leo and Lynette also had a hold of Hailey too. She's so beautiful and it's so amazing to have her home with us. Our life as a family of four begins now

Charlie 🤎

Baby Jacob is now a couple of days old so Charlie and I can take him home today for the first time. He was both on his daddy's birthday which was extra special for us. We can't wait to take our gorgeous little boy home with us. We are leaving soon as we were told we can go home this morning. Charlie gets Jacob's outfit out of the bag to dress him in for the journey home. "Is he ready to get dressed, babe?" he asks. "Yes he is. Just a moment" I reply. I hand Jacob to Charlie so he can dress him. He said he'd like to do it. He lays Jacob on the bed and starts getting him dressed. In a few minutes he was done. "There we go, my little man" he said when he had done. He puts Jacob in his carrier and we leave shortly after. We walk out to the car which was parked outside. We get Jacob in the back and I sit with him to make sure he was okay in the back. Jacob was a little restless in the car. Probably because it was his first time in the car and it was a bit bumpy but Charlie was driving as slow and careful as he could. We got home and it was great to have Jacob home with us

A/ N: babies are home. Yay! Next part is the first night which follows on from this

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