27. Labor/ Delivery- Harvey 💙

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I am more than a week over my due date. It's really annoying and frustrating when you're overdue and don't know when you're baby is coming. I've been going to the doctors to get checked every other day since I passed my due date so they can check. It's important they check as things can changed rapidly. They say that baby Aiden is ready to come out yet which is a pain as me and Harvey just want to meet our son. I'm also fed up of being pregnant too. Anyway we are just being patient and waiting for me to go into labor. They might give me a c section if I haven't given birth in a week. Hopefully it won't be that long. Harvey is staying with me all the time just in case I go into labor while he's out. Harvey and I are sat on the couch having our evening cuddle, when the doorbell goes. "I'll get it" he said. He opens the door and it was Kathy, my midwife. "Hello, Y/ N" she said as she walked into the lounge. "Hi, Kathy" I said. "Sorry to come by but there's something important you need to know" Kathy said. "Oh okay" I reply. "Dr Mackenzie was looking at your scans from yesterday and he thinks we should induce you today. He doesn't want the baby to get too big. We don't want you or him to be out a risk so we are going to induce labor to make him come quicker" Kathy said. "Okay would that be done here or at the hospital?" I reply. "I can do it here. It's quick" she said. I get into position and Kathy induces me by performing a membrane sweep on me where she inserts her finger up by vagina go get to the cervix. It was pretty painless tbh. "That should get labor started but don't think it will be quick. Could be a while. Come in when you're contractions are frequent" Kathy said. "I will. Hopefully it will work" I reply. Kathy goes leaving me and Harvey alone. "Hopefully that'll do the trick and our boy will be here soon" he said. "Yeah hopefully" I reply

It's 24 hours later and I still haven't gone into labor yet. The membrane sweep hadn't worked yet but hopefully it should work soon and I should go into labor soon. It's really annoying and tedious playing the waiting game waiting for baby Aiden to come. We just want him to come now. "Babe, you look exhausted" Harvey said walking into our bedroom. "That's because I am, Harv. I don't know when I'm going into labor" I say. "It's okay, honey. I'm here. Just relax" he said kissing my forehead. I sit back and relax on the bed and try and get comfortable. Sometime has passed later and I feel a sharp pain in my stomach. Harvey and I fell asleep together on our bed as we were up most of the night. "Are you okay, babe?" he asks. "It hurts, Harv. I think I'm having contractions" I say. "Okay, baby. Stay calm. Kathy said I've got to monitor your contractions before I take you to the hospital" Harvey said. "Okay" I say. He times and monitors my contractions before taking me up to the hospital. They check me and yes I am in labor. Finally after all this time. "It's finally worked, babe. Our boy will be here soon" Harvey said. "He will soon. Hopefully not too much longer" I reply. He sits next to me and grips onto my hand. It's been a few hours now and still no sign of baby Aiden or giving birth yet. Hopefully it won't be long now. We just want to see our boy. The midwives kept on examining me and monitoring Aiden too. I'm telling you this is the longest day ever but it was worth it in the end when our son was born. It as a pretty long and intense labor but at least our son is here now. It's seemed like a lifetime since I had that membrane sweep

When Aiden was born, the midwives cleaned him off and wrapped him in a towel and handed him to us. He was born in the early hours of the morning. I was exhausted from just given birth and the long labor too but I really wanted to hold my newborn baby for the first time. "Hey, my boy" Harvey said. "Hey, beautiful boy" I say. "He's so cute and handsome" he said. "He looks just like you, Harvey" I say. "He does actually" Harvey laughs. "He's finally here. I thought you were never gonna make an appearance, Mr Aiden" I say. "Yep he finally decided to show up" he said. I hold Aiden for a while and try breastfeeding him for the first time too. It wasn't easy at first it took some doing but Kathy guided me through it and I fed Aiden for the first time. I think I'll get used to breastfeeding him but we might bottle feed him sometimes too so Harvey can do it. Harvey held him too. "Hey, son. I'm your dad and you're handsome just like me" he said with a smile on his face. "Haha i love the way you big yourself up" I laugh. "Yeah I know. Y/ N, we are parents now. What a great feeling?" he says. "Yeah I know but you changed the subject pretty quick. It's so amazing though, Harvey" I reply. So after more than a week, our son Aiden finally made an appearance and he's here. I can't really complain about the labor as he's here now and me and Harvey couldn't be happier

 I can't really complain about the labor as he's here now and me and Harvey couldn't be happier

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Aiden James Cantwell 💙
Born April 7th @ 3:12am
Weight 8lbs 6oz

A/ N: Harvey is a dad (well not really) but in this he is. So cute. I thought this little baby kinda looks like Harvey a bit. Best part tomorrow of course

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