Azur Lane: Visitors from the...

By Latingunner

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It's been ten years since the war ended, the sirens have seemed to have gone into a stalemate with a unified... More

the truth
The summon
Second chances
A pair of fools
Pretty little liars
Glass hearts
The plan
Symbols of the past
Old Hound dogs and the pup
My little missfits
Deja vu
The uninvited
No small mistake
The lost pup
Old flagship
The kiwi and the eagle
A return of the past
Courage of the weary
The Vixen and the cubs
Lucky E
Secrets of an old foxhound
Little Alfie and the rookie
My promise to you
Warm welcome
Silent's gamble
A fool's confession
Vixens and the lady of iron
Destroyer Squadron 15
Change of plans
Turning tides
A third option
Mysteries of the great harmony

First day in hell

924 17 17
By Latingunner

Truk lagoon Naval base

Vice Admiral Mathew D. Watson

It's been two weeks since Scarlet had her test, the fact that she was no longer being built made me realize how dull it can be if you have nothing to do in these remote islands. Since then, Enterprise and a few others were added as well to our roster, they kept me company from time to time with the occasional visit from Friedrich showing me a new composition she created. But unfortunately not everyday was as eventful, they had a job to do and there would be times where I would be idling in my cottage. Because of this I managed to clean the house to the point that it looked brand new and yet it still wasn't enough to kill all the time I had during the day. I needed to wait until I was given the orders to finally be able to walk into the command room once more.

Those two weeks were hell for me, like I have said before I was isolated and even though I enjoyed it, I slowly came to realize that now I was the one seeking attention of others, everyone I knew was busy and I was short on cash so heading to the town or to the other islands wasn't an option. Some say I could just waltz into the base due to my renown, but things aren't as simple. There were rules that needed to be followed, otherwise I would end up in trouble. On the bright side I was able to add a considerable amount of flight hours with Houshou's zeros along with some training. Granted I am no Erich Hartmann nor I think i will ever be, but at least I could hold my own against her fighters in mock combat.

I had mixed feelings as I got off the jeep, I felt like a kid on Christmas, yet at the same time I felt like I was going to hurl from the anxiety. The letter of reassignment arrived around noon, by that hour I was able to get my morning workout as well as help Pepper get the radar working once again thanks to Sandy's antics.

The port as well as the lagoon itself seemed much more lively now that the fleet has increased in numbers, it almost felt as if I was in Weno Island rather than at the naval base. The manjuus were hard at work, the girls were having lunch, some were having a well earned R&R at the beach or taking their time studying. It all seemed too peaceful, I knew that things were never going to stay like this. My only wish was that this moment lasted longer so I could enjoy it, too bad that life has a twisted sense of humor.

"You're late..." the familiar voice of Enterprise said as I walked into the HQ building.

 "Had to wait until I had that letter, otherwise you would have kicked me out if I tried to walk in." I said before I hugged Enterprise, I could feel as her heart began to race as she returned the embrace.

"You aren't wrong, although I could have made an exception for you..." Enterprise said as we parted ways as a cute smile crept on her face.

 "We have rules in place for a reason don't we?" I said before she looked down embarrassed as she tipped her captains cap.

"I'm just glad that you are back Mat..." she said in a soft tone before I patted her on the head.

 "Likewise, I hate to say it but I really missed you girls..." I said as she slowly flustered.

"Are you trying to make me blush...?" she asked embarrassed..

 "You know i always do when an opportunity comes up."

"Careful now, we don't want your wife to be jealous."

 "But... that's the point, it's a perfect way to get her to smother me with her main guns." I said causing her to scoff.

"Pervert..." Enterprise said as she rolled her eyes.

 "No I'm just cultured Enterprise, after all you forget that I'm the rowdy one out of the two." I said as she leaned against a wall.

"So what you are saying that you would do that to anyone just so you could cop a feel from Yamato? You haven't changed have you?" Enterprise asked sounding exasperated.

 "Not at all, Although the same can't be said about you. Just by observing you, you seem more lively and different. You even look cuter..." I said before I received a light punch in the chest.

"N-now you're just doing it on purpose! But... T-thank you..." she said trying not to look at me in the eyes causing me to let out a chuckle.

 "Alright all joking aside, what's the situation? Why are you all here once again?" I asked as I began to make my way towards my office.

"Well the Lieutenant Commander Phoenix can brief you better than I could, but long story short it's because the Sirens increased their activity in this sector."

 "Hmm... that does sound concerning. Where exactly is the Lieutenant Commander?"

"He is with Z twenty three upstairs arguing about something, I walked out and waited for you." she said before I looked back at her as she followed me closely up the stairs.

 "Well let's hope that they aren't throwing furniture at each other." I said before I heard the muffled yelling of Nimi with her heavily accented English. I followed the source of her voice as it grew louder and louder with each step I took before I opened the door only to be greeted by an unusual scene.

Nimi held a magazine away from the lieutenant commander as it revealed the contents to me. It was a rather... interesting manga, it had herself doing some... things to say the least with a man. The room fell dead silent as the Lieutenant Commander turned pale as well as Z twenty three, she slowly turned around only to be met with our judgmental glares.

  "I-it is not what you think!!" Nimi screeched out of sheer panic

 "Nimi... you have a minute to explain yourself..." I said almost grumbling before Enterprise snatched it away from her hands.

  "I-i was trying to keep him away from such lechery and explain to him why he shouldn't indulge in such desires! That is when you walked in!" Nimi yapped like an angry chihuahua.

 "... Okay now translate that from gibberish to English..." I said as she choked up from the sudden panic before I let out an annoyed sigh.

 "Look, I could care less what you two do in your spare time. But don't bring this up during work hours..." I said as I walked in.

   "I-I am sorry sir! It will not happen again!" she said before Enterprise grabbed Z twenty three's shoulder.

"Z twenty three... come with me..." Enterprise said with an ominous glare before Z twenty three walked out like a puppy with its tail between its legs.

The room once again went silent as the girl could be heard walking towards another room. We remained silent once more as I sternly looked at my pupil like a disappointed father, he only stood at attention before he saluted me.

   "W-w-welcome back sir!" The lieutenant Commander said anxiously as I saluted back.

 "James... explain to me why the hell was there a doujinshi of your wife? Is it yours?" I asked after a few seconds of silence as I took a seat on my chair.

   "W-w-well, I uh... well..." I said as he began to sweat bullets, he very rarely broke down like this. After all he was part of the famous top hatters's dive bomber squadron, if you wanted someone with nerves of steel along with a high chance of testicular cancer, they were your boys. Because of this i found all to amusing the fact that something so simple as a magazine caused him to break so easily.

 "I'll let this one slide James... just do that in your house please. I don't want to know how your wife looks like while doing that..." I said only for him to relax ever so slightly.

   "Y-yes sir... I promise that it won't happen again!"

 "We will see about that... Anyways let's just cut bury this hatchet, let's get down to business shall we" I asked rhetorically before I grabbed a file that laid on my desk.

   "Yes sir, what do you need to know?"

 "What's our status? How many ships do we have?"

   "Well sir we have currently in the lagoon numerous ships since the last two weeks. Intelligence reports that siren scouts have appeared more frequently and our forward base at Puluwat Atoll has come under attack more often than usual and we are the only ones in range provide support."

 "Hmm... That does seem to be a valid concern. What is the composition that we currently have?"

   "Fifteen destroyers, eight cruisers, two carriers, eight battleships, two battlecruisers and five submarines." he said as I looked at him before i almost fell backwards.

 "This isn't Pearl Harbor or Tokyo harbor James, how the hell are we able to supply so many ships?! Who requested so many?!" I asked slightly agitated.

   "... You're definitely not going to like this if this is the case..." he said embarrassed.

 "... There are more coming aren't there...?" I asked before he nodded timidly as I slumped backwards on my chair letting out a sigh of frustration.

 "Good grief... Well at least we have enough space to accommodate the ones we have currently. What about supplies? Do we have enough to support a battle group of this size?"

   "Yes sir, we already requested additional supplies as well, the good news is that we were able to expand our dockyards to occupy most of the ships we have rather than having them moored in the lagoon together as if they were mothballed. We even were able to build two dry docks since you left so we could give the girls maintenance here, although only one of them can fit Yamato." James explained as I read the report. I noticed that we had Helena on port, I was ecstatic if only for a moment just at the thought of meeting her once more before the gravity of our situation once again befell on my mind.

 "I will ask again, who ordered this?" I asked as James fidgeted in place like a nervous child.

   "W-well... it was Commander Stevens... He had the report sent to the factions and well, they took it a little too serious." James said before I place my hands on my face.

 "Okay... okay... where is he right now?" i said after taking a deep breath.

   "... He's in town sir, I think he was picking up food for us since San Diego ruined our lunch."

 "... Why am I not surprised... that girl causes more problems than what it's worth."

   "Hey look on the bright side, she is a good bait for the sharks." James said causing me to chuckle.

 "Is she still? I wouldn't be surprised..."

 "Well, I suppose not everything seems to be bad, we are probably going to have to tighten our belts slightly if we don't want to run into any shortages."

   "Right, we ca-" James said as he got caught off as Nimi and Enterprise rushed into the room.

"Mathew! You have to see this!" Enterprise said alarmed.

 "What is it? Sirens?" I asked standing up.

"Maybe, I don't know..." she said before we all rushed outside as we were met by a crimson and blue beam of light on the horizon as it stretched to the sky like a beacon. It is only then when as I scanned the beam with my binoculars that I saw Scarlet sailing towards it along with Yamato and U five five six.

 "Is she insane? Without escorts?!"

"Who are they?" Enterprise asked before she realized who the two were.

"Your orders?" Enterprise asked sternly.

 "Go to general quarters! Enterprise go and assist them! Launch your Hellcats and fly with them if you have to! Phoenix sound the alarm and you Nimi get all the ships that you can to screen them! I want every gun ready in this base now!"

"Yes sir!" all three said in unison before they all darted to their positions.

I rushed back into the headquarters before darting into the radio room where several Manjuu were already attempting to contact the trio.

 "Any luck?" I asked before the Manjuu shook their heads only for it to be followed by the radio operator throwing the headset away as ear piercing shriek emanated from it. It felt like minutes before the sirens began screaming its distressing alarm, but by that time it was too obvious for everyone that something wasn't right. I could see Bismarck and her sister already making their way towards the western pass of the lagoon at full speed with their rigging as well as Enterprise flying away on one of her hellcats.

As soon as I walked out again, it felt as I turned pale and my stomach tightened. Hundreds of planes dotted the sky appearing out of portals that began to form, I was in a trance as I looked on the horde of aircraft. It wasn't long after the sounds of anti aircraft fire sprung out from the two behemoths. From where I stood, I could distinguish Yamato's flashes. She almost looked as if she was on fire as she blasted away the swarms of aircraft and even firing her main battery wiping out entire squadrons with one salvo of her anti air ammunition. It felt like I was staring at Operation Ten go in the face, all I could do was watch as the sirens attempted to bomb the two battleships who were almost at each others backs. They were slowly but surely getting overwhelmed by them, I was afraid that I would not only lose the pride of Azur Lane in its first 'battle' but as well as lose the Queen of the Battleships herself. But fortunately for me, Enterprise was their guardian angel.

Her fighters dived like eagles, ripping the enemy aircraft with their six fifty caliber machine guns. One by one the enemy aircraft plunged out of the sky leaving a dark trail of smoke while Houshou's fighter group as well joined the melee. By this time several manjuu as well gathered along side me to watch the spectacle, some celebrated while others simply just sat down and ate something as if it was a movie. Needless to say that I felt relieved watching the enemy's sudden ambush turned into a Marianas turkey shoot, that was until I felt someone pull my shoulder

 "What is it?" I asked, it was Rear Admiral Stevens. We we've been close friends ever since he was a lieutenant. He was now the commander of the girls while I was 'high command' although it was more of a formality.

He did not respond to my question, he was too out of breath to explain so I simply followed him back inside before I heard the thunderous distant blast of Bismarck's lethal salvo towards an unseen enemy.

As soon as I walked into the room, a manjuu handed me over an image showing me a rather unorthodox design of some sort of ship girl. Its was blurry and distorted, but the image I was presented with resembled some sort of aviation battleship, yet at the same time it felt as if I was looking at two riggings that were completely different from one another. No matter how hard they tried, the static became worse. That is if you could consider the banshee like screech of a possessed woman as static.

   "... Oh no... it can't be..." Stevens said as he read the written morse code message from Yamato's scout planes

 "... What is it?"

   "Arbiter Empress the Third sighted. Possible new siren ship has appeared." Stevens said as a single drop of sweat rolled down the side of his head.

 "What?!" I asked as I snatched the paper only to read the same message.

 "Is this correct?" I asked the Manjuu who was operating the morse code machine, it only nervously nodded in response before more blasts were heard from the battle.

They were engaging them head on with almost no support and while Nimi hurriedly lead a squadron of destroyers as reinforcements, it was clear that they were not going to arrive on time to be effective. The siren seemed to have intensified their air attacks and while Enterprise's Hellcats were able to hold, it was clear that our galloping ghost was not enough to stop the endless horde. That is until we received another message followed by the battle turning into our favor once more.

   "Matthew! Another message!" Stevens said before he let out a gleeful smile.

   "It reads: 'The light shines upon our land of triumph.'" Stevens said with a smile, we knew who would say something like that.

 "Well I'll be damned, if it isn't Illustrious..." I said as I could see the small dots of her Seafangs let out a battle cry while they made easy work of whatever enemy approached the girls while Fairey Barracudas and TBF Avengers tried to torpedo the beasts that laid on the other side of the aerial melee. But this as well was clear to the sirens, it wasn't long before they retreated that a second battle began. The roar of Bismarck's guns fired towards Scarlet before an even more thunderous warcry was heard from Yamato's main armament. Have the girls turned on each other once more? Was I too late to prevent this?

 "Jack get me Helena in here now, take the jeep! You'll make it quicker that way!" I yelled as I handed him the keys.

   "Right!!" Stevens said hurriedly as he darted off once more carrying out my orders.

 "Bismarck the hell is wrong with you? Have you gone insane?" I asked myself.

The battle seemed to have died down once more, the only thing that was left being yet another air skirmish with several Sakuran fighters from a distance. Did Houshou turned on us as well? Or was she just confused in that giant melee? My doubts were soon erased as I realized that Houshous fighters were painted white while their attackers were green. Houshou's Zeros as well supported the Hellcats and the Seafangs in their fight making short work of the unknown enemies. Having regained air superiority, Enterprise's Hellcats as well as Illustrious's bombers circled Bismarck awaiting the order to attack like a pack of hungry wolves waiting to pounce on its prey. It was then that communications began to reestablish if barely, it was only able to pick up several pieces of information as someone was holding down an intercom.

 "I... sorr....know... die... five five... innocent and pu..." Tirpitz said as the realization kicked in.

 "Bismarck you idiot... don't do it..." I said as I looked at the two dots holding each other in some sort of fight. It was clear that Bismarck was at it again attempting to sow a division between both camps, after all if one were to consider that the crimson axis were indeed the ones on the losing of the previous conflict, one could understand as to why she would resent working with Azur Lane. 

It is at this point that one must as well consider that Bismarck was as well not mentally stable, either way this was the perfect excuse that Yamato was waiting for to strip her from her title. My wide may look like to me as an oversized cinnamon roll of a woman, but in reality she can be terrifying if you were to get on her bad side, she would be the kind of person that would kill you by poisoning your drink or be the culprit of you having an accident. I learned that the hard way when I was 'tricked' into marrying her, although up to this day that is the only successful plot i have done against her.

The manjuus worked hard on the radio, it seemed as if all hope was lost to establish communications. that was when Two more artillery rounds came from the tussle before everything once again fell silent before we heard the sobbing of Bismarck as the communications were finally established by another manjuu who finally had enough of the technician's antics.

     "-NY!! TIRPITZ!!! NOO!" Bismarck cried out, her terrified shrieks engulfed the room as all of us remained silent.

 "Shes... gone? Tirpitz is gone?" I asked only for a manjuu to read another report from the reconnaissance plane confirming that the Tirpitz has indeed 'sunk'. I could not contain my anger, I threw the binoculars as hard as I could against the wooden frame of the wall denting it.

 "GODDAMMIT BISMARCK!! WHY?!" I yelled before I placed my palms on my face.

Wrath, sadness, anxiety, fear, all of these emotions overwhelmed me in an instant. I did not know what to do or what to think. I would expect many things from Bismarck but fratricide was not something I would think she was capable of.

Whatever the case may be, this was not a simple coincidence. No one would believe such an alibi of this being sudden as all of this pointed towards Bismarck planning an assassination attempt of our flagship. The real question is, what will we do with her? Will the Ironblood fall in line with Scarlet? Or is our plan doomed to fail with this sudden change of events? Only time will tell, but one thing that is for certain is that my worst fear came to pass.

The woman that I once called my best friend, the one I relied upon so many times, the one that I even considered to spend the rest of my days with might actually be my worst enemy. All I could hope for right now is that by some miracle she did not ended being scrapped.

Little did I know was that this was only the beginning of what would become one of the longest naval battles in recent history. All I could do is pray that my girls survived the orders I gave them from here on out, otherwise we will have failed the ones we swore to protect, and that is something I will not allow.

I will not let it happen again... Even if it cost my own life, I will not let them down...

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