
By Emo_daw_ako

253K 10.7K 18.7K

Geno is sick and Death comes and takes care of him. Cover picture belongs to me. Geno belongs to loverofpiggi... More

Chapter 1: Geno is Sick
Chapter 2: Stay awake
Chapter 3: Live or Die
Chapter 4: Last Moments?
Chapter 5: Storm
Chapter 6: War
Chapter 7: After Death
Chapter 8: Fixing a Broken Mind
Chapter 9: Another Broken Mind?
Chapter 10: Truths and Mysteries
Chapter 11: Revenge
Chapter 12: Worried Friends
Chapter 13: Nightmare and Lies
Chapter 14: Problem?
Chapter 15: Here Comes Trouble
Chapter 16: Conflict
Chapter 17: Love Can Make You Do Stupid Things
Chapter 18: Fluffy Breakfast
Chapter 19: Talks
Chapter 20: Opportunity
Chapter 21: Sans' Confession
Chapter 22: Choices?
Chapter 23: Final Decision
Chapter 24: Unexpected Disaster
Chapter 25: Temptation
Chapter 26: Unwanted Apology
Chapter 27: The Traitor
Chapter 28: Test of Trust
Chapter 29: Over Thinking and Outburst
Chapter 30: Missions in Motions
Chapter 31: Revelations
Chapter 32: Madman Released and Blood Is Spilled
Chapter 33: Trauma
Chapter 34: "You're Not a Mortal"
Chapter 35: Forgiven Or Not?
Chapter 36: New Home
Chapter 37: ...Or a New Prison
Chapter 38: Cornered
Chapter 39: Hide
Chapter 40: Messages
Chapter 42: Taken
Chapter 43: Captive and Beaten
Chapter 44: Descend to Madness
Chapter 45: Possessed or Claimed by Darkness
Chapter 46: Everything is Red
Chapter 47: The Battle of the Gods
Chapter 48: A Giant Mess of a Puzzle

Chapter 41: Downhill

1.5K 104 130
By Emo_daw_ako



AN: One, last week had been hectic, preparing for my brother's wedding and all. Sorry for the lack of activity.

Two, why is everyone so anxious about my fluffy writing?



Chapter 41: Downhill

Third POV


It was already morning when Geno nodded off, finally succumbing to sleep which he had been feigning for hours in favor of watching that same video. The nearly dead phone, which was still halfway into the video, slipped from his limp fingers and fell onto the soft blanket facing down.

Reaper was with him the entire time. Watching that video too. Although he was more indulged with watching Geno's expressions; his smile, his tears, and the gentle humming once in a while as he sipped the cold beer.

It was definitely the happiest he had seen Geno and it only took a short, less than a minute recording of the other gods and goddesses goofing around. Reaper took a mental note to ask Paps to record more.

One short video was worth hours of distraction for Geno. It should help the smaller keep his mind off of other things.

When Reaper deemed that the smaller was already deep into slumber, he carefully untangled himself and with great care, maneuvered the smaller to be properly lying in bed rather than sitting up and leaning against the headboard.

After tucking the unconscious Geno in bed, the grim reaper collected his phone and cloak before shuffling out the room.

He made his way downstairs to be greeted by a blindingly bright living room, reminding him to put up some curtains on the bare windows.

He'd have to remind Ink but not right now. Not while his phone was one tap away from shutting down and not while he's inside the barrier.

He left the phone to charge and slipped on his weathered cloak. Asgore has officially ended his vacation after being informed of their situation. Geno has been brought back from the mortal world, safe and secured, and Reaper will have to go back to doing his original work.

The good thing was there's a lot less dying souls to reap. According to the king, the sudden dramatic decrease started ever since the defeat of Chara, the corrupted soul.

A proud smile crept its way to Reaper's lips. One of their long-time running problems was solved and ended by none other than the newly born god, Geno.

'Defeat' was an understatement. He demolished her.

Something the other gods and goddesses wasn't able to do for hundreds and thousands of years yet Geno did it in a single one-on-one battle and Chara didn't even stand a chance.

Undyne, the goddess of war, was admittedly impressed. She even went on her way to train, volunteering to take an additional job (Reaper's) on top of her own to push herself to her limit. She wanted- no, determined to be as strong as Geno, too.

Asgore had informed him that the genocides throughout the multiverse have significantly dropped as well, not to mention the wars and everyday crimes, resulting in far less deaths.

Papyrus had also reported that the souls of dead Charas all over had willingly come with him, seeking peace after being under the influence of an ancient demonic being bearing the same name as theirs.

So that what it was, Reaper mused to himself.

Chara, the corrupted soul, had been pulling the strings all along. She'd been spreading chaos right under their noses. The reason was still unknown nor how did she, a mere human before, have acquired such corrupted powers in the first place.

Gaster, the god of magic was still under suspicion. The only suspect they have. The case was further strengthened when he was found in the dungeon where Chara was being held at that time. Although battered and unconscious, the fact that he was found there was a big question mark. Not to mention the absence of the barrier that imprisoned Chara.

No matter how they look at the case, it was obvious treason, but the King and Queen shall only pass judgment after the trial, which might take a while since Toriel, the goddess of life, refused to assist in healing him. Not after she learned of the accusation placed upon the ancient god.


Geno stirred awake and once again found himself alone. Although he wasn't too worried about it like the last time.

Instead, he reminisced the feelings of the joyful explosion in his soul once he received the others' message. It was a wonderful feeling.

He caught sight of the two empty beer cans on the beside wardrobe and broke out into a stupidly wide grin.

Stretching out his limbs, he rolled off the bed and after checking for his scarf, he hurried downstairs. He felt great and refreshed without a hint of a hangover. That's the first.

He saw the fiery sunlight pouring in from the bare windows at a low angle. Sunset, huh? He had slept the entire day away.

Brushing off the irrelevant thought, he scanned the room for Reaper. He proceeded to the kitchen when he didn't spot him.

The next area was empty as well but Geno caught sight of the familiar sleek black rectangular device lying harmlessly on the counter.

He practically ran over to it like a giddy child eager for a present. He checked Reaper's phone and found it fully charged.

Unplugging the small device, he noticed the lack of security and easily unlocked the screen. He fiddled with it as he went back to the living room, seeking the comfort that the couch could definitely provide.

He reached the couch in no time and played that video again while he was waiting for Reaper's return.

At one point, he tried to call Mettaton, as per her own request, but the call wasn't able to get through. He tried just a few more times but he really can't get through.

Confused, Geno tried calling another number. He found his under the name 'My Sweet Geno'. Geno wasn't sure if he should be annoyed or what. Tapping on it, he waited.

It didn't even ring.

"Who are you calling?"

Geno jumped at the unexpectedly loud, deep voice coming from his right. He looked up to find Reaper standing a little off to the side of the couch. A grim adorning his 'lips' and a disapproving look in his eyes.

"Um," Geno began. By the mere look on Reaper's face, Geno knew he was in trouble. "My number..."

Reaper knew very well that Geno's phone was left in Sans' house, specifically in Frisk's hands. But that didn't make it any less of a risk for Geno to talk to Sans. His frown deepened.

As much as possible, Reaper wouldn't want Geno to talk to, or meet, that wretched bastard again. Leaving Geno's phone back there was not a mistake. It's the only thing that served as Sans' connection to Geno; the little thing that allows them to communicate despite the distance. Reaper didn't want that.

Dispelling the thought, Reaper went over and sit next to Geno. Pulling the smaller close with both of his arms and enveloping the latter in a loose hug. "You can't call anyone from inside the barrier," Reaper informed.

"Oh," was the only word that Geno can say as he stared at Reaper's phone in his hand.

Sensing the sudden drop in the mood, Reaper immediately pulls away, pluck the phone from the smaller's hand and jammed in a small memory card. He browsed through the content before handing it to Geno, showing the latter more short videos similar to the one he had watched for hours.

Geno's eye dilated in joy and immediately started on the first one. Completely immersed in watching his new family's random shenanigans.

And Reaper watched him. Content by the fact that he had put that smile on Geno's face.

As much as Reaper could, he'd never let Geno's smile fall. He'd kept it going. He'll distract him from every awful thing that comes in their way.


Days passed by and Geno spends it watching the ever-growing count of videos Reaper have brought home every day. Reaper also brought home a brand new phone so he can have his back. It was a gift from Alphys, Reaper said.

That one device was enough to entertain Geno for hours and hours.

Ink, as promised, have come and visited him a few times to check up on him. The curtains have been put up but Geno prefers to have them wide open during the day.

The sun was doing miracles on his mood and he spent the days sitting on the floor just a few feet from the window. Not enough to be seen outside but enough to be directly under the warm sun while watching the said recordings.

He'd never grown bored of it even a tad bit.

When night falls, he'd drawn it close. Geno didn't like seeing empty darkness for obvious reasons.

As time went on, Geno noticed a few changes in him. Other than being light and happy all the time, that alone was unusual enough for him. In a good way, that is.

The less unusual thing was the lack of appetite, more so than usual. Geno thinks he's getting worse.

He knows he hasn't been eating a lot before but these past few days were even worse. There wasn't any hunger pain involved but Geno was worried for himself. Another unusual thing for him. No, it stems more on Reaper.

He didn't want Reaper to worry that's why he'd never told the god of death that he hadn't been eating well. There seem to be no physical side effects, thank the stars. Worried Reaper is really hard to handle.

Geno could only conclude that the fully charged environment also charged his soul of energy. That was most likely the case. He was aching to confirm.

Reaper doesn't suspect a thing. At least that's what Geno thought.

There are foods in the pantry, filled to the brim, that Geno could only assume were for him since Reaper, as the god of death, doesn't necessarily need to eat.

If Reaper takes a look at it, he'll definitely notice the lack of changes in the stock, which will point to Geno's eating habits. Reaper would definitely not like it.

Good thing Reaper never asks him if he had already eaten.

Geno tried, he really did, to eat something but could only manage to have a light snack. He always stopped after a few bites, feeling as if eating was... an unnecessary task.

That's absurd and Geno knows it.


"Geno?" Reaper sneaked into the dark bedroom, catching sight of a lump in the bed. "Have you been eating well?" came the dreaded question and Geno shrunk in on himself. Curling tight until his arms met his thighs.

Geno decided to go for the honest route and shook his head. Earning him a soft sigh and sensed the taller approaching him from behind. An arm snaking over the blanket, hooking around his curled form and pulling him against the body behind him.

"Is something wrong? Are you feeling okay?"

Geno can feel the taller nuzzling the back of his neck. If it wasn't for the scarf, he'd have shivers from the direct contact. "I just don't feel hungry," he croaked, refusing to look at the other.

"Is that so?"

Geno noted the lack of... worried tone. Reaper doesn't even sound bothered. It should be a relief to Geno yet it feels as if Reaper was merely waiting for more explanation. "I just don't understand why I'm not-"

"Shh, it's okay. I understand." Reaper's voice sounded so gentle and maybe even a little carefree and Geno would've thought that the god of death was drunk because he just told him that he hadn't been eating (which was crucial to keeping a mortal alive) and this was the response he got. Only the lack of alcohol scent in his breath and the clear way of speaking were holding Geno back from assuming so.

"Do you feel sick?" Reaper questioned and Geno finally feels the familiar loving care that he had been unknowingly searching for, albeit in small amount but it was there. Geno shook his head as a response.

"If you're not hungry, then don't eat. You shouldn't force yourself."

Geno took Reaper's advice and stopped eating altogether. He was both surprised and worried still to find no changes in his body. No fatigue, hunger pain, nausea or weakness in his limbs that should all be present after not eating anything for days. He felt the same with or without food.

He consulted Reaper, ask what was going on with his body and Reaper confirmed his initial theory. It did have something to do with the environment.


It's only been a couple of weeks and Geno was admittedly growing bored. Yes, the videos were still entertaining but he was aching to go out, meet them personally and talk to them. They were waiting for him and he was eager to see them.

The only thing stopping him from teleporting was the barrier. And the only thing keeping him in the barrier was the front door.

All he has to do was opened that door, walk out and he'll be free.

Geno immediately halted the thought. No, he shouldn't be thinking about that. The plan was that he to remain inside the barrier until Ink took care of Error.

Ink's taking care of Error, right? Does that mean it's alright for him to come out for just a little while, maybe just a few minutes, since Ink was taking care of Error.

Error would be too busy dealing with Ink to come after him, right? Is that right?

Geno hoped so as he was already standing in front of the said door, hand gripping the cold knob, ready to twist it open any time. Yet, he hesitated. Just for a short while, he assured himself. Outside.

The knob clicked and Geno was startled as he took a couple of steps back. The door opened by itself to reveal Reaper on the other side.

The grim reaper's hollow eyes grew wide in surprise, clearly not expecting Geno to be standing so close to the door, the only exit, before it morphed to worry, then alarmed when he pieced it all together.

Reaper hastily shut the door, making sure to lock it before ushering Geno away from it and back into the center of the house.

The next day, Reaper stayed with Geno. Making sure that he wouldn't go anywhere near the front door again. The videos aren't entertaining anymore. Instead, it makes Geno even more eager and impatient to go out.

Reaper was forced to confiscate them and give the memory cards back to Papyrus when he left for work the very next day.

Geno was left with nothing else to distract himself with. He ended up either staying in bed or looking out the window for hours. Thoughts, toxic and stress-inducing ones, swirling in his head like a tornado wrecking damages within his mind and soul.

Sometimes, he found himself crying, wishing for Reaper or Ink to be there to be his company but on the back of his head, a small guilty voice was telling him that they're busy with their jobs and that he shouldn't bother them.


It was one late afternoon, Geno was looking out the window, bathing in the sunlight while waiting for Reaper's arrival. The god of death usually comes home during or after the sun set so it shouldn't take long.

It was when a portal opened from a near distance made Geno wary. Not only that, the portal spawned several feet from the ground.

Ink or Reaper would never do that. They knew not to do that because Error will trace their presence back in the house's location.

Was it a new person? Can the other gods and goddesses open portals, too?

But then, Geno remembered. Aren't they warned not to go here?

It was when a battered Ink fell through the portal and dropped on the ground lying motionless made Geno's soul painfully lurched. His grip on the window sill tightening as he forced himself to stay put. As much as he wanted to go out, check on Ink, he couldn't.

Ink told him so. That no matter what happens, he mustn't leave the house.

But Geno started questioning the command when Error fell through after Ink. Terror gripped Geno's figurative heart and watches with a wide eye as Error's mouth opened and shout something at Ink, not a single word made it through the barrier.

It was when Error delivered a merciless kick right at Ink's vulnerable stomach that Geno erased all rational thoughts and bolted out the front door, unable to bear the sight of his friend being tortured right before him.




To be continued...




AN: I guess the story has come to a full circle, no? We're back with Chara.




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