The Bastards of Winterfell (A...

By piewoman101500

85.2K 1.6K 185

Note: The first three-four chapters are very rough, but it does get better as it goes on. Ned Stark rode ho... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine

Chapter Nineteen

1.7K 48 18
By piewoman101500


I know, I know. It's been forever since I updated. Big thanks to everyone who has read, voted, etc on each chapter. I deeply apologize to everyone who went through and read all eighteen, I'm the first to admit the beginning was pretty damn rough.

If you like this story and also enjoy Young Justice, The Flash, or even the short-lived Under the Dome, go read my other stories. I have a lot of fun writing those and really wished more people enjoyed them as much as I do. If you're interested, please head over to my account to check them out.

Finally, there will be another time skip here just to get us closer to the main storyline.


Twins/Robb- 18

Sansa- 13

Arya- 11

Bran- 10

Rickon- 6

Theon- 19


No One's POV

The pitter-patter of small feet filled the silence of the hallowed halls of Winterfell. Mischief was afoot as the three youngest Stark children crept down to the room of their eldest sister. Arya, the ringleader of the group, slowly pushed the large wooden door open.

Once in the room, a problem was realized. The bed, while not the tallest, would be difficult to scale while having a toddler with them and without assistance. Ever the problem solver, Arya pushed Raven's desk chair next to the bed and help Bran and Rickon onto it. On her signal, the three jumped onto the sleeping form, startling her awake.

"Happy name-day!!" They yelled

"My word, thank you, you sneaky little pups." Raven pulled the three into a tight embrace, kissing them each on the tops of their heads. "Now, who's idea might this have been?"

"Mine!" Arya said happily, "Were you surprised?"

"Of course I was, and the chair was a nice touch. Very smart." A grin spread across her face, "Have you woken Jon yet?" They shook their heads, "How about another adventure?"

Raven swept Rickon into her arms and led the group out of her room and across the hall to Jon's. Quietly she pushed open the door, and just as Arya had before, slides a chair next to the bed for Arya and Bran to stand on. "Alright, pups," she whispered, "On my count. One. Two. Three!" At once, the four of them jumped onto their unsuspecting brother.

"Bloody hell!" He yelled

"Not in front of the little ones, brother." Raven admonished with a laugh. The children continued to jump around on the bed. "Alright pups, I believe he's had enough." They settled down, "Why don't you all head back to your rooms before your handmaids cause a fuss searching."

"But Rave-" Arya began

"No buts. It won't be long until we see you again." The children trudged out of the room without any further protest.

"What do you want Rave?" Jon grumbled, still visibly tired

"Don't tell me you've forgotten our name-day, Jon." she feigned hurt

"Of course not. I just hadn't expected to be awoken at dawn."

"You cannot fault our siblings for being excited."

"That I cannot." he smiled, "Happy name-day, sister."

She pulled him into a hug, "Happy name-day, brother." They released and she slid off the bed, "Now, I am going to go back to bed and leave you to do the same."

"Wait," he got up to retrieve something from his desk, "I might as well give you this now." he handed the simply wrapped item over. She hesitated to pull on the string, "Well, what are you waiting for? Open it." Excitement shown in his dark eyes. She pulled the string and tugged the parchment off the package to reveal a light blue book with a lightning bolt on the cover, "Do you have any idea how hard it was to find something you hadn't already read?" He jested

"Thank you, Jon." She pulled him close once again. "What is it about?" She skimmed through the pages

"Some boy wizard, and a school of sorcery."

"That ought to be a good read. I'll give you your present later, I still have a few touches that need finishing." She walked out of the room and back to her own only to find Arya sat in her bed, "I thought I told you to go back to your room."

"When have I been known to listen?" She smirked, "I left a note, so Beth won't be worrying about me."

"Smart thinking."

"You're not going to send me away?"

Raven shook her head, "You're here now, how about a story?" She waved her new book in the air. The younger girl nods her head eagerly.

The two settled under the furs. Raven opened to the first page, "Lord and Lady Dursley of Privet Castle were proud to say that they were perfectly normal, thank you very much."


Raven's POV

"Mornin' Raven!" Jacline's thick accent filled the room. "I see we've got a visitor today. Does Beth know she's 'ere?" Sunlight assaulted my eyes as she yanked open the curtains.

I ran my hand over my eyes trying to rub the remnants of sleep out, "Aye, Jack, Arya left her a note."

"Well, now it's time to rouse the little one and send 'er off." I complied, waking Arya and sending her back to her own room, before getting ready for the day. "By the way, happy name-day, my friend," Jacline told me, after I had gotten dressed

"Thank you, Jackie," I pulled her close, "It's already been an eventful one, I can tell you that."

"And you can tell me all about it," She hooked her arm through mine, "on the way to break our fast."


Winterfell's Great Hall

"Name-days are strange," I noted upon sitting with my siblings (and Theon), well most of them. Robb still had yet to arrive

"How so?" Theon inquired

"For one day a year, everyone is nice. Then the next day they go right back to either hating you or pretending you don't exist."

"Speaking of which," He dug around in the pocket of his tunic, retrieving and small wooden object, "happy name-day, Snow." he handed it over

Upon further inspection, I noted it was carved in the shape of a kraken. I laughed lightly. "Of course. Still so full of that Iron Born pride." I poked fun, "It's lovely Theon. Thank you."

"Don't go thinking too far into this. It's just some scrap wood I found when I had nothing better to do." (2)

"Sure, Greyjoy." 

One by one we descended into pleasant conversations. Theon was surprisingly civil even without Robb to reel him in. I was listening as Arya retold the story I had read her this morning to Bran when a pair of strong arms wrapped around my middle. I was hoisted up off the bench and spun around.

"Happy Name-day!!!" Robb exclaimed

"For the love of the Gods, Stark! Put me down!" I laughed. He finally set me back down on the bench, "Where have you been? We've been sat here for ages."

"I had to pick something up from Mikken's forge." He moved to grab a cloth wrapped object on the table before placing it in my lap. He sat beside me, "Go on, open it"

Slowly I pulled the cloth to reveal a sheathed dagger. It was beautiful; freshly forged steel, vines twisting about the handle, and the best part, engraved on the bottom of the hilt was a large RS. (3) "Oh my.. Robb it's beautiful. Thank you!" I pulled him close.

"Oo, let me see." Arya ran around to our side to get a better look

Sansa scoffed, "Arya, a lady has no need for such boorish things."

The younger girl huffed and I could see the beginnings of yet another fight breaking out between the two. "Arya, come here." I coaxed. I place my hands on her shoulders, "Pay her no mind, pup. You are you, and she is she. There is no need for us all to be copies of one another." She nodded her head, "Now, do you want to see the dagger?" The smile that spread across her face could have been enough to light the room. Bran made his way over my shoulder as I showed off the craftsmanship of the blade.

"Excuse me. Your attention please." Father's voice rang through the hall. He's gained the room's attention. "As you all know, today is a day of celebration, and as such there will be a feast tonight." A few cheers echoed through the room, and Father continued, "The festivities shall begin at dusk. Be prepared for a true revelry."

"Jon, come to my room before the feast." He just nodded his response.


That Evening

I trudged down the hallway to my room. It had been a long day full of lessons, sword training, and attempting to wrangle my siblings. Upon returning to my chambers I see Jacline has readied a tub and put out a light blue tunic and black trousers for tonight.

After a pleasant soak, I was up and dressed, and tied my hair was up in a braided bun. I was ready to put to final touches on Jon's present. I took a plain tunic of his and embroidered snowflakes all down the back and sleeves to resemble a snowstorm. A knock at the door pulled me from the last stitch. I cut the string and hid the tunic behind my back before moving to answer.

"What did you need me for, sister?" Jon asked, also looking clean and proper for tonight

"To give you this." I handed him his gift

His eyes widened as he took the fabric in his hands, "Raven...How long did this take you?"

"Let's just say I could have ridden to King's Landing and back at least twice."

"Thank you. I shall wear it tonight."

"You better. Now, go change. The feast is starting soon."


The feast was a right Northern affair. While the rest of the seven kingdoms thought us solemn and sad, all of us in the North knew we throw one hell of a feast. Father had hired some musicians from the town just south of the castle and sent hunters out every day for a week leading up to today. There were people eating and dancing and overall having a great time.

A hand came into view as I was talking with Jacline, "A dance, Snow?" I looked up to find Theon standing in front of me. Surprised I accepted his hand and he guided me to the center floor. Theon was just full of surprises today. First the figurine, then the being kind, and now this? "You know. Greyjoy, if you were this pleasant all the time you'd almost be bearable." I joked

He smirked, "Laugh it up. All will be how it should come tomorrow, once your name-day passes." (4)

"Rave! Dance with me!" Bran ran up, not giving me any time to respond before pulling me away.

"Alright. Alright, but in the future, pup, wait for a response before pulling the girl away."

We danced and swayed for a few minutes all the while he talked my ear off. This went on for a few minutes before father approached us. "May I borrow her for a moment, Bran?"

"But, father, we're dancing." He pouted

"I will be right back, pup. How about you go mess with Jon for me until I get back?" His smile reappeared before he ran off. "What did you need, father?"

"Why don't we step outside where it's quiet?" I nodded and followed him out into the courtyard, "I've got a gift for you."

I was taken aback. Surely the feast was enough, "Oh father, you didn't have to."

He chuckled in response, "Jon said the very same thing when I gave him his gift."

The thought made me smile, "Of course he did. What did you tell him?"

"That you two will only turn eighteen once." Father held a small wooden box out to me, "I had this made specially just for you."

I took the box in my hand, carefully opening it to reveal a pendant. There was an image on either side. On one there was a snowflake and on the other the Stark family sigil. "Father, it's lovely,"

He took the necklace from my hands and helped me clasp it around my neck, "I knew you would love it." I turned back to face him, "A word of advice, be sure to wear that side," He gestured to the snowflake side, "when Catelyn is near."

I nodded, "Smart thinking. Thank you, father."

"Now, let us head back to the feast. I believe you owe Bran a full dance." He smiled down at me as he held out his arm

"That I do," I said taking his arm. The two of us walked in arm and arm. I could just about feel the glare Lady Stark is sending my way, but I couldn't care less. Today was the best name-day there ever was.



Fun fact! The last part between Ned and Raven has been living in my notebook since my sophomore year of high school (I'm a senior now).

(1) - If anyone didn't catch it, the book Jon gave her was Harry Potter

(2) - Yes, Theon cares, at least a little bit. While he's still an asshole at this point in the story, I feel like he would do something to show he cares. Something small of course, can't have them thinking he's gone soft.

(3) - Robb's a little extra while Jon is a much simpler human, hence the difference in the scale of gifts.

(4) - This can also stretch to the dancing. I know it's very out of character for him, but I'd like to think he isn't always an asshole. They've grown up together, and, though neither of them would admit it, they're friends and they care about one another.

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